The I don't have time for comics because of Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity, Bayonetta 1 + 2, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart DLC, and Hyrule Warriors list.
Aquaman #36
Arkham Manor #2
Batman Eternal #34
Catwoman #36
Deathstroke #2
Earth 2 World's End #8
Flash #36
Gotham By Midnight #1
Infinity Man And The Forever People #5
Justice League Dark #36
New 52 Futures End #30
Red Lanterns #36
Secret Origins #7
Superman #36
I know I haven't posted much this month, as it's been a crazy month and I haven't had a lot of free time. I still have like 2 or 3 issues to read of this weeks comics, but damn. Everything I've read so far has been really good.
I know I've said it before but what DC is doing with Earth 2 is really rocking. I'm surprised at how many books are dealing with it right now. You've got early days stuff in World's Finest, the main story happening in Earth 2's monthly and weekly comics. Then you even have Constantine over on Earth 2 right now.
Batman and Robin was fantastic as usual too, Tomasi, seems to just really get what being a father means to someone as dedicated and focused as Bruce. With the visuals totally backing that up.
While it didn't make it onto my list last month, this month's Harley Quinn is definitely making my top books of November list.
*side note* Shadow of Mordor is sooo fucking good.