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COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Digital is the future of the medium, there is no doubt about it.

And still, the print sales rised in 2013 unexpected high.

Edit: In the end, its maybe just the digital comics master race posts which annoy me a little bit, but then again its Benjamin and he always is a little bit exaggering (nothing wrong with this, I like your posts ;)) but collected books are for me not as bad as here always described. The advantages of a physical medium are for me still miles ahead of a download.
And still, the print sales rised in 2013 unexpected high.

A rising tide lifts all boats. The younger audience is reading digital, most of the guys who are buying large amounts of floppies are older fans. It's impossible to tell, because like Steam, we have no numbers for digital. All we've been told is that Ms. Marvel sells more digital copies than print, and I have to imagine we will see that in titles that appeal to a broader base.

Also, that figure's calculated on dollars, and a lot of books went to $3.99 over that time period. You'll see a similar uptick this year I think, but most of that increase would be accounted for by Loot Crate, Nerd Block and similar companies selling tie-ins.


Soon as the iPad screen gets a bit bigger and no joke, when Scott Snyders run on Batman is over, I'll make the switch probably.

have you checked out a galaxy tab s 10.5? It's 16:10 and fits comics better than ipad's 4:3, plus it's also bigger.

But it's all plastic and i can't get one that isn't defective in some way because tech hates me.
have you checked out a galaxy tab s 10.5? It's 16:10 and fits comics better than ipad's 4:3, plus it's also bigger.

But it's all plastic and i can't get one that isn't defective in some way because tech hates me.

Yeah, I see one right now. Optical dept at Sams is right next to electronics. They are nice but like my whole app purchases and stuff are on iTunes from my iPhone. My life is more integrated into that to do a switch.

Edit - actually it's 12.2 and that's the size I would want to make the switch.


I started reading Harley vol 1 HC: What have i gotten myself into? random score withheld until i'm further in than 8 pages.

Catwoman #35: I asked previously if this were more like Grayson or girly hjinx Batgirl/Gotham Academy and it's definitely the former. "All business" comes to mind as an apt description for this issue, maybe too much so that i don't get a good grasp of the characters. Since I haven't read Batman Eternal, that weekly being the context behind Catwoman's relaunch left me feeling a little out of it as to who Ward is. Not really sold on it yet. Random 6/10.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I hadn't read the Jody and TC Preacher special before. That one definitely joins the Cassidy special as the only Preacher specials that were as good as the main Preacher issues. The writing was hilarious and pretty badass too
Jody grinding people to bits using a boat's outboard motor as a chainsaw-ish weapon
and the non-Dillon art was pretty solid too.


Sooo, I finished Original Sin... It was one of the better Marvel Events of the last years but the last three Issues didnt hold with the strong beginning...

The problem is, what is the Original Sin now?
Furys Space Missions?
It can be that I missed it in the mess of the final battle, but I didnt really get it....


Sooo, I finished Original Sin... It was one of the better Marvel Events of the last years but the last three Issues didnt hold with the strong beginning...

The problem is, what is the Original Sin now?
Furys Space Missions?
It can be that I missed it in the mess of the final battle, but I didnt really get it....

Siege is to the Sentry as Original Sin is to
Fury. Probably not a spoiler i think people know it's about Fury. Fury's space missions saving Earth again and again is evil because...because.
. Original Sin had a lot of potential about all the secrets being exposed but that wasn't actually what Original Sin was about and as an event i thought it was a complete failure. Sometimes people actually have to have their events be the main story, and a good story, and it can't just be hyped up bullshit.

Okay, it can and is hyped up bullshit, but with the quality of writers attached it SHOULDN'T be, and it doesn't have to be. Infinity was competent, i expect Secret Wars to be readable.
Sooo, I finished Original Sin... It was one of the better Marvel Events of the last years but the last three Issues didnt hold with the strong beginning...

It seems to me that the vast majority of Marvel events turn out this way. They start strong and then get pretty mediocre by the middle / end.

The problem is, what is the Original Sin now?
Furys Space Missions?
It can be that I missed it in the mess of the final battle, but I didnt really get it....

The original sin is that Marvel thought this was a good idea for a story.


Now I finished the rest of the OHC...
Wow, they even made Dum Dum a robot and "killed" him.

Wow, they destroyed everything Nick Fury related, I assume, they needed the room for Fury Jr. and shitty Coulson.
Wow, just wow.
Now I finished the rest of the OHC...
Wow, they even made Dum Dum a robot and "killed" him.

Wow, they destroyed everything Nick Fury related, I assume, they needed the room for Fury Jr. and shitty Coulson.
Wow, just wow.

My take on the way everything turned out was that
Winter Soldier is now Nick Fury, Nick Fury is now the Watcher, and the Orb is hilarious.


My take on the way everything turned out was that
Winter Soldier is now Nick Fury, Nick Fury is now the Watcher, and the Orb is hilarious.

the Orb was awesome, I am really looking forward to see him return at some point.

The outfall of the Event is interesting, very curious what will happen in the future with all this stuff.
Been reading the Moon Knight epic collection, good fun.



And the horse with an I-have-seen-things expression...

No time for anything but Dragon Age list

Catwoman #36
G.I. Joe #3
Lazarus #13
ODY-C #1
Trees #7
Bee & Puppycat #6

Destiny, CoD, and GTA5 good lawd. I asked for Dragon Age for Xmas.

AQUAMAN #36 $2.99
CATWOMAN #36 $2.99
SUPERMAN #36 $3.99
SHELTERED #13 (MR) $2.99
MEMETIC #2 $4.99


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Quick little interview with Eric Stephenson about his upcoming new ongoing They're Not Like Us, which sounds cool.

Unfortunately, he also says there has been no progress on Nowhere Men. Apparently he even tried some other artists but that wasn't working. It's all up to Nate Bellegarde to get better and return to comics. :/



Arkham Manor #2
Batman Eternal #34
Gotham by Midnight #1
The Manhattan Projects #25
Secret Origins #7

Tradewait: The Unwritten: Apocalypse
I haven't finished reading last week's comics (Including Pax Americana), but since I have a list, I might as well post it.

Batman Eternal #34
Catwoman #36
Gotham By Midnight #1

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40
Transformers Drift Empire Of Stone #1
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye #35

Manhattan Projects #25

New Avengers #27

Letter 44 #12


After doing a little research, Cheska got me to add Lazarus to my IST shipment. That book looks brutally awesome.

Saw Interstellar last night as well; Kipp made a cameo and never told anyone.


Super Comic Pull-List Team Hyperforce Go!

Bee & Puppycat #6
Capture Creatures #1
Catwoman #36
Deathlok #2
Edward Scissorhands #2
Ody-C #1
Superman #36
TMNT/Ghostbusters #2

And the horse with an I-have-seen-things expression...

That poor horse, trying to make some front page drive-in news.
The I don't have time for comics because of Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity, Bayonetta 1 + 2, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart DLC, and Hyrule Warriors list.

Aquaman #36
Arkham Manor #2
Batman Eternal #34
Catwoman #36
Deathstroke #2
Earth 2 World's End #8
Flash #36
Gotham By Midnight #1
Infinity Man And The Forever People #5
Justice League Dark #36
New 52 Futures End #30
Red Lanterns #36
Secret Origins #7
Superman #36

I know I haven't posted much this month, as it's been a crazy month and I haven't had a lot of free time. I still have like 2 or 3 issues to read of this weeks comics, but damn. Everything I've read so far has been really good.

I know I've said it before but what DC is doing with Earth 2 is really rocking. I'm surprised at how many books are dealing with it right now. You've got early days stuff in World's Finest, the main story happening in Earth 2's monthly and weekly comics. Then you even have Constantine over on Earth 2 right now.

Batman and Robin was fantastic as usual too, Tomasi, seems to just really get what being a father means to someone as dedicated and focused as Bruce. With the visuals totally backing that up.

While it didn't make it onto my list last month, this month's Harley Quinn is definitely making my top books of November list.

*side note* Shadow of Mordor is sooo fucking good.
I read the Earth One Teen Titans book last night and thought it was some of the best representation of the characters that I have ever read. Love the origin that Lemire has come up with. He also crafted actual teenagers with teenage problems without being cliche. The only downfall is it ended way to quickly, can't wait til vol 2. The Dodsen art is visually pleasing.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Saw Interstellar last night as well; Kipp made a cameo and never told anyone.

What's this about? Someone else told me they thought of me at a certain part in Interstellar but wouldn't spoil it for me what it was. I need to know! Was there a character named Kipp?
What's this about? Someone else told me they thought of me at a certain part in Interstellar but wouldn't spoil it for me what it was. I need to know! Was there a character named Kipp?

There was a character who killed the comic book industry. I think so, anyway, it was kinda hard to hear with that sound mix.


The Original Sin Hulk Vs. Iron Man Tie-In was very good and kinda sold me on booth series... Planed to pick up the upcoming Trades from booth new Hulks Series anyway and Superior Iron Man is my currently most expected book at the moment, but it looks like I need to pick up the rest of Indestructable Hulk and Kieron Gillens Iron Man...


What's this about? Someone else told me they thought of me at a certain part in Interstellar but wouldn't spoil it for me what it was. I need to know! Was there a character named Kipp?

On one planet there is a decommissioned robot named Kipp


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I finally opened back up Big Damn Sin City after letting it sit on my shelf only partially read for a while since I wasn't totally feeling it.
Anyways, I'm halfway through The Big Fat Kill and this is just awesome. Just pure entertainment. It's an action movie in comic form and it's amazing.
Also, it contains the most Frank Miller page I've seen yet. A full-page drawing of a prostitute who's dressed up like a ninja, throwing a throwing star that's shaped like a swastika. I honestly can't think of one common Frank Miller theme that's missing from that drawing.

Anyways, all that to say, I'm very glad I decided to pick Sin City back up on this Miller Sunday.

There was a character who killed the comic book industry. I think so, anyway, it was kinda hard to hear with that sound mix.

Now that's a main antagonist if I've ever heard of one.

On one planet there is a decommissioned robot named Kipp

Haha. Amazing.
I guess that means there are as many Kip(p)s in movies as I've met in real life. Well, I can't actually remember if I've met one or two Kip(p)s before...
But at least this Kipp wasn't a main character, so I won't have to deal with the same thing I did for the few years after Napoleon Dynamite came out: "Hi, I'm Kipp" "Oh! Like the guy in Napoleon Dynamite!" "Yeeep."
Reading Pax Americana made The Just look like garbage both in terms of writing and art. Just can't get over how PA gets better with each subsequent read.
Hm, that's odd. What kind of selection do they have?

Only four that I've seen so far are:

  • The Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis
  • Spider-Man: Big Time
  • Captain America: Winter Solider
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Avengers

They all have have free digital codes, and are only priced at $5 (though the cashier rung up my copy of Winter Solider at $3.50). If you want them, you're gonna have to look, since my Wal-Mart had them burried in the little kids picture book section despite being rated TEEN+.


After doing a little research, Cheska got me to add Lazarus to my IST shipment. That book looks brutally awesome.

Saw Interstellar last night as well; Kipp made a cameo and never told anyone.

I noticed too

What's this about? Someone else told me they thought of me at a certain part in Interstellar but wouldn't spoil it for me what it was. I need to know! Was there a character named Kipp?

"someone else"

Yes I already told you there was a character named Kipp

Line in the sand: Kipp or reading
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