I think I want to start reading comics, more specifically spider man comics, but I haven't read a comic since Star Wars in the 80s and I have no idea where to start. All these 'could X beat X' threads are just too entertaining and I love reading the odd panels that get posted then disappearing down wiki rabbit holes, the Spidey ones grab my attention the most but I have questions! Is the marvel app any good? I've downloaded it, it seems like it would be convenient to be able to purchase them digitally as I don't really care about collecting, I just want to read them, but how limited is the content on there?
Taking the app out ofnthe equation are there specific arcs I should read? a couple stood out as sounding interesting (him tearring someone's face off with his hand and another where he sent a message to the kingpin by smacking him about without his mask on) but what else? is this spiderverse stuff any good? All help greatly appreciated!
Sorry if this is all rubbish, there just seems to be an awful lot of content out there and I don't know where to begin!
Spiderman? I would say that issues 1-100 of Ultimate Spiderman by Brian Michael Bendis is the definitive take on the character. You can pick up the Omnibus of Ultimate for dirt cheap on Amazon.com.