On the Wonder Woman body tip, haven't really got upset by it. Her strength doesn't come from her body, after all, but the gods, and I generally think of William Moulton Marston and H.G. Peter's Wonder Woman as the "real" Wonder Woman. Peter's Wonder Woman was fit, but she was 1940s fit; she wasn't musclebound or even particularly imposing. Kinda girly, which was part of her charm, surprising her male opponents when she break her bonds or do some crazy feat of strength or speed.
miss me with all the super thickness stuff
I'm more bugged every time I see her using a sword and shield and shit. Like, she's fuckin' Wonder Woman, damn near Superman strength level, what is doing with that? I know, something something Amazon, but its like if Superman walked around with a giant pitchfork cuz he's from a farm.