Yeah the pricing is much more inline with Amazon and B&N now. Do you guys ever include trades in your sales?
yeah, Walking Dead trades are on sale right now -D.
Yeah the pricing is much more inline with Amazon and B&N now. Do you guys ever include trades in your sales?
yeah, Walking Dead trades are on sale right now -D.
if you don't like Kirkman's writing i'd be hesitant. Unlike Invincible, Walking Dead's plot really stutters after issue 50, up until then it's great, but afterwards you'd be stuck with Kirkman writing but no wild plot shenanigans for long time. I enjoy reading it monthly and the current plot is ramping up decently, but it's never been as good as it used to be. it.
if you don't like Kirkman's writing i'd be hesitant. Unlike Invincible, Walking Dead's plot really stutters after issue 50, up until then it's great, but afterwards you'd be stuck with Kirkman writing but no wild plot shenanigans for long time. I enjoy reading it monthly and the current plot is ramping up decently, but it's never been as good as it used to be. it.
o no
walking ded sale
What's confusing is that I thought Marvel typically did release the softcover about 4-6 months after the hardcover; DC is the crazy outlier with the softcover tpb often coming out like 1.5 years later (if at all). The pricing is still higher than competitors (particularly the fancy Dark Horse hardcovers like Hellboy and Fear Agent) but buying trades at MSRP is for suckers. Either work out a discount with your LCBS or use Amazon/IST.This [softcovers soon after hardcovers] makes far too much sense for either Marvel or DC to bother attempting it.
On the subject of comixology:
Is the cmx-hd format going to expand to other high resolution screen devices? Ipad mini 2 when it gets a retina display seems like the most obvious one, but what about the new kindle fire hdx 8.9 inch tablet with a 2560x1600 resolution screen.
Hey guys, I got a question:
I'm going to comic-con this Friday and I've decided I want to bring along a sketchpad and maybe get a commission or two. I've never done either before due to money constraints and Idon'tknowwhy but I wanted to know about sketch and commission etiquette.
For sketches, is it okay to just come up to the creator/artist, chat with them, and ask for a sketch in the book? Is that always free or what?
For commissions, would it be better to ask for something specific, a theme, or just say "do whatever the shit you want, you rule, brah!"? Also, do I need to bring anything like paper/pencils/sharpies, or do the artists generally have that on-hand?
Any tips/stories/quick-guidances you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Haha, I can indeed tell you're a fan. It's so annoying, it feels like we've been waiting bloody ages for this trade and they just pushed it back another month. As if those 8 months weren't already an incredibly long wait. Plus we've still no idea when issues 18-20 will be collected because they're not part of the Zero Year solicits. DC are a mess. I just want more Snyder/Capullo Batman
Has your copy of Talon arrived, by the way? I'm kind of curious about that one myself, seeing as I really enjoyed the Owls stuff.
On the subject of comixology:
Is the cmx-hd format going to expand to other high resolution screen devices? Ipad mini 2 when it gets a retina display seems like the most obvious one, but what about the new kindle fire hdx 8.9 inch tablet with a 2560x1600 resolution screen.
What is cmx-hd format?
I use Comixology on Android, but I don't think I've come across that term before.
Obviously I'm sure it varies depending on an artist's popularity but how much does a sketch or comissioned work typically cost?
I've always wanted a work done by one of my favorite comic book artists to hang in my home office or den but I've always been under the assumption that it would be cost prohibitive.
I've gotta massive headache so someone else read this and tell me if it's just Rich trolling. I mean it has to be right? Rucka back at DC? And what the hell does "Plans gang aft agley" mean?
What's confusing is that I thought Marvel typically did release the softcover about 4-6 months after the hardcover; DC is the crazy outlier with the softcover tpb often coming out like 1.5 years later (if at all). The pricing is still higher than competitors (particularly the fancy Dark Horse hardcovers like Hellboy and Fear Agent) but buying trades at MSRP is for suckers. Either work out a discount with your LCBS or use Amazon/IST.
So much yes, to your bold haha. It's really the two of them that enthuse me so much about the character, just a perfect team. I'll probably drop off after they leave, but I'll savour every moment til that day.
[Talon talk]
Decently enough too, it was £9, and 8 issues long, so it's a nice thick volume for the $$$
I've gotta massive headache so someone else read this and tell me if it's just Rich trolling. I mean it has to be right? Rucka back at DC? And what the hell does "Plans gang aft agley" mean?
So much yes, to your bold haha. It's really the two of them that enthuse me so much about the character, just a perfect team. I'll probably drop off after they leave, but I'll savour every moment til that day.
I got it! Yesterday, my prime sub actually managed to deliver on next day for once. I read the first chapter last night, from the #0 month. So far, I like it. While it looks like I just love Batman from the previous post, I'm the total opposite. I love creators, follow creators, and it just happens I think there are amazing creators throughout the various mediums of the franchise right now (hence why, while I read Batman & Batwoman, I actually only read Nightwing because the missus reads it, I don't like Higgins enough to buy purely for myself otherwise). So despite Snyder's thumbs up and much loving the court of owls too, I was still uber wary of Tynion as I've had no exposure to him before, and I'm still prepared to be disappointed to be honest. So far though, I did really enjoy the intro issue. He gets the inner monologue right which is good for a budding bat writer, and he fit in a few good quips. I could maybe see him write a good Nightwing actually. As I said though, just one ish. I don't normally like Guillem March's art as it just kind of strikes me as a modern version of the 90s, but it was pretty cool here. Fingers crossed on it.
Decently enough too, it was £9, and 8 issues long, so it's a nice thick volume for the $$$
It means Often go badly.
That's gotta be trolling. What would be the point in a?continuity wide time-skip
That's gotta be trolling. What would be the point in a?continuity wide time-skip
Maybe they think that feeling of learning about a familiar, but changed world is what made sales on the new 52 go up, and are trying to recapture it?
Then they really don't understand what makes books good.
Please don't mess with Batman too much DC, let them just do their own thing.
Fucking love new X-men books. At least post-Schism, what I've read so far. I know I've said similar the last few weeks but fuck me.
Bingo.Also, a "Five Years Later" event sounds like an awful idea. Either five years down the road, the landscape of the universe has changed so much after five years of continuing stories in multiple series, that you have to ignore the event in which case what's the point; or, you create an unshakeable series of events that must happen five years in the future, and lock your creative teams into building to an endgame they must not deviate from for fear of altering the path. One is meaningless, the other stifling.
I would imagine that is something someone somewhere is working on but I personally know nothing.
Then they really don't understand what makes books good.
Please don't mess with Batman too much DC, let them just do their own thing.
Rucka's already responded.
Also, a "Five Years Later" event sounds like an awful idea. Either five years down the road, the landscape of the universe has changed so much after five years of continuing stories in multiple series, that you have to ignore the event in which case what's the point; or, you create an unshakeable series of events that must happen five years in the future, and lock your creative teams into building to an endgame they must not deviate from for fear of altering the path. One is meaningless, the other stifling.
I'm happy to follow Snyder to most books
Tynion did the back ups in Snyder's Batman book after the Nu52 launched for the longest time, so if you liked those you'll like Talon fine.
Worth asking: Have you read Severed? I love that and the HC is so nice, right up there with the quality of the locke and key books. I'm really in the same boat, I'll probably follow him wherever he goes for the rest of his career. Only disappointment is by the time he's done with Bruce, it'll probably have been such a long epic run, he'll probably be done with Batman for a long time, and I'd loooove to have him write Dick again. Doesn't seem on the cards though.
Hmm, I'm trying to think, did any of those make it into the trades though? I think the only back-ups in the two hardcovers are the Raphael Albuquerque drawn things. Oh wait, did he write the Mr Freeze story?
Remember the back-ups from the Court of Owls, where Alfred's dad was writing him a letter? Also the back-ups during DotF. Tynion worked on both sets, Snyder gave him the plot and he wrote it out.
He's wondering if we're going to release an HD android app similar to the iTunes App.
Edit: As an Android user myself I'm looking forward to it myself if they ever do work on it.
Worth asking: Have you read Severed? I love that and the HC is so nice, right up there with the quality of the locke and key books. I'm really in the same boat, I'll probably follow him wherever he goes for the rest of his career. Only disappointment is by the time he's done with Bruce, it'll probably have been such a long epic run, he'll probably be done with Batman for a long time, and I'd loooove to have him write Dick again. Doesn't seem on the cards though.
Spell check, Kate. SPELL CHECK.
Newsarama talks with artist Annie Wu about joining Hawkeye and drawing Katie-Kate.
Spell check, Kate. SPELL CHECK.
Next week!Oooh, I like that art.
When is Hawkguy back?
Next week!
I kind of look like an asshole now but HD Android launched today -D.
I've been using it for weeks and it's pretty amazing.
I kind of look like an asshole now but HD Android launched today -D.
I've been using it for weeks and it's pretty amazing.
added fit to width too, nice. Now all you have to do is go into the future and make sure the ipad mini 2 has a retina screen and hd comics.
^ and kindle fire hdx too...
read the faq :O Kindle fire hdx is supported. Nook HD+ is not though.
Galaxy Note 2+
Samsung S3+
Nexus 10
Nexus 7 2013
Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (3rd Gen)
Kindle Fire HDX 7" (3rd Gen)
Kindle Fire HD 7" (3rd Gen)
Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (2nd Gen)
Nexus 4
though it says other hd devices might support them