only real beef with Kindle fire hdx is that the 16GB model only has 8.something of useable space and i like my ios games Xp
My original Fire only has like 5GB total, I think it has like 4GB usable.
only real beef with Kindle fire hdx is that the 16GB model only has 8.something of useable space and i like my ios games Xp
My original Fire only has like 5GB total, I think it has like 4GB usable.
HD comics are 40-60MB per issue will get filled so fast with 8GB total :O
HD comics are 40-60MB per issue will get filled so fast with 8GB total :O
I kind of look like an asshole now but HD Android launched today -D.
I've been using it for weeks and it's pretty amazing.
Collen Coover in batman 66 this week
Book keeps getting better!
Eldren, you seem really nice and all, but I don't feel bad for trade waiters (and I trade wait one or two titles myself). Like, I'm happy that they exist and enjoy the stories and support the industry and everything. And I certainly understand why reading comics that way would be one's preferred method. But like.. Single issues are votes, right? They are what keep books going. They are what keep creators employed. If you want to read a collection in your own time then I guess publishers will release them in their own time. Doesn't mean you don't have a gripe. But people who do plunk down monthly, well, one of the great things about that is being current. Knowing what is happening right this second and getting to talk to others about it. But single issue buyers pay more for the stories generally and are left holding a fragile magazine in the end instead of a sexy shelf filler. We all make our choices. I guess my point is that I don't think it's unfair. You could argue that DC has a stupid, self-defeating release schedule. Stupid maybe, but not unfair.
I just defended DC, guys. Did you see that?
Anyway, to echo others, that's part of what makes Image's system cool. They release volumes in such a way that encourages readers to jump on monthly.
Pretty obvious that Rucka wouldn't go back to DC, especially with how its being run right now. The guy is in love with creator owned books.
You're right on all your points and more imeportantly single issues help retailers a lot and give them a better idea on what they should order. Way to many good books have died because of people waiting for trades. Its kind of nice that certain books like fatale and saga give people an incentive to buy individual issues.
Image is the only company that is doing trades right at this point. II have caught up with Saga and now buy the monthly issues since the start of the 3rd arc. The only reason I caught up was due to Images timely release of the second volumes paperback.
So they scout you but not me? Assholes.
Image is the only company that is doing trades right at this point. I
Image is the only company that is doing trades right at this point. I
Yeah, pretty much. Though they do kind of double-dip with those deluxe hardcovers, but I can't fault them for that, because those hardcovers are nice books.
They arent double dipping the creators have the option of releasing the hardcovers and pay for it out of pocket.
Oh wow, I did not know that.
I read about this earlier and it sounds like a really bad idea. Especially because once the gimmick is over DC will go in completely different directions and the real DC comics line in 5 years will not reflect what was going on in the event at all.
I notice that I do not read many of the current Marvel titles. I basically read Ultimate Comics Spider-man and Hawkguy. So in your opinion what should I be reading.
I think I will buy Deadpool Vol 1 and Thor Vol 1 tomorrow but i'd love some more suggestions.
"When people need killing, they come to me. It's what i'm known for, especially these days when decisions need to be made. I don't mind, I'm good at it, but give me some peace and ARGH!"
Feels like every book i read with Wolverine in it lately.
Rucka is really pissed at the big two at the moment and dont see him working for them anytime soon.
They killed his punisher book just when just was getting started so marvel could launch thunderbolts with punisher.
It's a five-year time skip in story time, not Actual Time, otherwise you'd have to assume that DC Comics hasn't been destroyed by hordes of angry Stephanie Brown fans during the Great Nerd Wars of 2018.
Yes I know but I'm saying the whole story arc will be pointless unless DC commits to taking their characters and books into the direction of that story arc overt he next few years which I know they won't do. So this story will end up not being canon and a huge waste of time.
No the point is the event is not "stories that will happen five years from September 2014" it is "stories that happen five years after the stories from presumably August 2014", with the gap inbetween being filled by the hypothetical weekly series. Committing to five years of stories would be terribly stupid for any big maker of Corporate Cape Comics. Even DC aren't stupid enough to bring you the comics of 2019 today, because who knows what happens in 2019 (no one does, and no one will, because The Event will come and everyone will tremble in its wake)
Pretty excited for APE this year. Colleen Coover & Paul Tobin will be there, though I'm not sure if I'll be there on the same day as them. I'd like to at least pick up the program book.
Wolverine & The X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Ultimate X-Men
All New X-Men
Amazing X-Men
Seems like Avatar Press has joined comixology as well!
dropped yesterday, posted about it, no one caredMartin and BKVs Private Eye #4 dropped today