Uh Did you guys see Dan Didio had a special tribute to himself at NYCC today and he talked about his "bold vision" that "saved DC"?
Here is a choice quote:
"The conversation then moved to Grant Morrison's successes, particularly Seven Soldiers and All-Star Superman. The challenge for All-Star Superman in particular was to come up with a Superman story that was actually relevant.
"I wasn't a huge fan of Grant's work, believe it or not," DiDio said, saying he did not buy Morrison's landmark run on JLA because he didn't like the electric blue version of Superman. "
"The conversation then went to the New 52. "It constantly had to reboot for one reason - Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman really can't change.
We built a generational universe in DC - Green Lantern, the Flash, we built this generational universe, but we're not going to make Nightwing Batman forever. So they got older and older with all these characters around them... it felt like a missed opportunity," DiDio said. "75 years of storytelling? It can't be told together. So we have to restart a little bit."
Fuck this guy