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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Best monthly comic(sorry Copra and Miracleman) Stray Bullets comes out next week...this is the part where I tell you its everything you claim to want in comics but don't buy for some reason. Long-form story told in done-in-one issues, bang for your buck. Fantastic dialog that never degenerates into tics seriously bro bro seriously. Wonderful pacing thanks to the 8-panel grid, does everything from sex, violence, profanity, perversion, but never skimps on characters, intelligence, humor, and a lot of heart.
The only thing holding me back from Stray Bullets is a Hardcover release. I might bite the bullet and get that uber alles release if it isn't announced soon.
The problem with Image is that their premises are interesting, and since I read DC comics primarily, i'm not used to that.

Reminder that this is Grand "I pull thirty DC titles that I think are good to great" Harrier here.

damn tho

The only thing holding me back from Stray Bullets is a Hardcover release. I might bite the bullet and get that uber alles release if it isn't announced soon.

Get the Uber Alles edition, and you will thank me later buddy.

When we get more Pretty Deadly?

Right after the comic of the year, Bitch Planet
It got way too wacky. The first few trades were mundane with a supernatural twist, and now there's burger men and chocolate weapon forging.

I think that was always where Chew was headed. But there are what? 15 or so issues left in the series? I guess I'm in until the end regardless.


That's because he's a right wing nutjob who thinks calling women "whores" is edgy. He was a talent in the 80s-90s, but at this point his schtick is tiring. I read his work as great period pieces and that's about it.

Miller's relationship with women is much more complicated than "calling women 'whores'" -- stop getting your opinion on comics from Shortpacked bro.

Even the main thing that boring meme comes from -- Sin City -- is more (and weirder) than that, let alone if you get into Ronin, Martha Washington, or hell, even both Dark Knights.


I never spoke up about how mediocre I think Saga is as a BKV book before because I was worried I'd be shunned and blacklisted

the comicsgaf illuminati is real

Seriously though I think Saga is too concerned with being 2hip and LOOK IT'S GENITALS than making an interesting overall plot, which is a bummer. Y is one of my all-time favorites and Runaways is pretty great too. Even Ex Machina has an overall arching interesting plot, not just hey-let's-look-at-dongs-and-aliens-on-planets. I only read the first couple Saga trades but mehhhh.

Hey, does Sasha Bordeaux exist in the New 52? I liked her.


Batgirl #35: pretty sure Babs, Frankie, and Troy had a drunk threeway.

That's all i took away from the book. I did pre-order #36 to give it a second shot no matter what, but that's it for now.


I've blown five hours today playing Hyrule Warriors, I can't believe it took this long to make an action oriented Zelda game.

Now onto a reread of Infinity!
I've blown five hours today playing Hyrule Warriors, I can't believe it took this long to make an action oriented Zelda game.

Now onto a reread of Infinity!

How much of it are you gonna read? I think my next read through I want to see how it goes with just the miniseries. I've read it twice with all the Avengers stuff.
I've blown five hours today playing Hyrule Warriors, I can't believe it took this long to make an action oriented Zelda game.

It's pretty interesting that they finally managed to make a Dynasty Warriors game that scored so well with reviewers. It's always been a pretty niche franchise.
You still haven't really provided any concrete examples of your problem, though, and that's my issue. What does Image Comics having a lot of success in going to other mediums have to do with their quality?

What you're saying about the "Image brand" as a whole does not seem to line up in the context of these threads at all. The one I can think of that a lot of people seemed to feel dropped off quickly was Fatale, and there is someone right on this page who loved the whole thing. Most books seem to attract a couple of detractors - TWD is its own beast - but certainly not enough to qualify the statement you're making here.

My personal experience:

Saga: First two trades are excellent. Proceeds to spend the next forever stuck in a basement doing nothing with talking heads talking.

Rat Queens: Elevator pitch opening trade with tumblr bait characters that forgets to let you in on the in jokes and then goes into release hell after it gets picked up for an animated series.

Deadly Class: Amazing opening issue. Solicits the series as one thing then decides to swerve second issue and say fuck that, let's go on a road trip and do blow and entirely forgets what it promised in the first place.

Black Science: Amazing opening trade that has since gone into "I have no idea what the fuck is even happening mode". Last issue or two felt like they were written by someone having a stroke.

Amongst others. My own personal experience has consistently been great opening issue / trade that becomes lackluster.

While it's not really possible to tar the whole line with this sort of thing, stuff like Ghosted and Thief of Thieves are straight up this phenomenon.

So maybe I engaged in some hyperbole.
I said what I said because increasingly you're seeing Image comics being used more as rough drafts for movie / TV show / animation scripts, with deals (that take time on the back end to work out) being announced within the first one to twelve issues in some cases; ex: Rat Queens before the first arc even finished, Wytches before issue one was even out?

It really feels like many creators realize the money is in getting your idea sold, so they write that "good" first trade or two, devoting their focus to it, then letting it taper off if it doesn't get picked up. This isn't universal, but it's a problem I've personally seen and had with Image as a brand. And in a way it is understandable. If it doesn't get picked up, begin focusing your attention on something else that might. But it's made my personal Image reading experience very rocky.

While it's not really possible to tar the whole line with this sort of thing, stuff like Ghosted and Thief of Thieves are straight up this phenomenon.
While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Enemy Unknown

Halp halp

While it's not really possible to tar the whole line with this sort of thing, stuff like Ghosted and Thief of Thieves are straight up this phenomenon.

Yeah, I was looking through the catalog, I had to concede Ghosted.


While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Endmy Unknown

Halp halp

Yeah, I was looking through the catalog, I had to concede Ghosted.

Demon's Souls. It's almost Halloween and it's spookyscaryskeletons.
While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Endmy Unknown

Halp halp

Yeah, I was looking through the catalog, I had to concede Ghosted.

If you haven't played Demon's Souls, you should play that next


How much of it are you gonna read? I think my next read through I want to see how it goes with just the miniseries. I've read it twice with all the Avengers stuff.

All of it with the Avengers stuff, I'm reading the hardcover. I wonder how it holds up just reading the miniseries.

Freezasaurus said:
It's pretty interesting that they finally managed to make a Dynasty Warriors game that scored so well with reviewers. It's always been a pretty niche franchise.

I've never even played a Dynasty Warriors game until this either. And to be honest I dunno how much I'd like it without the Zelda theme.
I've now started to try to predict what DCs next 7 day upcoming sale will be. My guess for next Tuesday is a big catwoman sale. Hopefully including the Brubaker and the pretty under rated Pfeifer issues


You can't go wrong with most of those. I didn't really like Darksiders (too long) despite loving the art/themes/plot, and I thought DXHR was just.. okay. (I am a huge Deus Ex fan, but HR just felt like there was one correct way to play)

I still need to finish Valkyria Chronicles, actually..
Thanks guys! I think I'll spend about an hour with both DS and VC and see how it goes. Long is good.

I just finished Manhattan Projects #5. This book is fucked in the best way
I was looking through my old images on my phone and found this:


Still makes me laugh.

I can pretty much hold in my laughter until "Erik you useless piece of shit" and then JEEEEEAAANNNNNNN causes me to loose it, and get weird looks from my GF accompanied with "I don't get it, how is that funny?"


It has the Image problem. It's great for the first trade or two and then they phone it in. Well, the writers, anyways. The art is consistently good.

The "Image" problem for you is just that it isn't a DC book.

Edit: I'm still buying Saga too. The last issue was really good, the first couple of the arc were kind of slow. I think this arc is just
for setting up their divorce
. The next six issues should be set up for greatness.

Uncanny X-Men #27 was great. I've mentioned it before, but I have still yet to read a single issue of All-New X-Men. The trades are only in hardcovers, can't be spending that kind of money on Bendis.


I'm still reading it, but it's definitely not as strong now as say the first like 12 - 18 ish issues were.

See, I would say that where we are right now is way more entertaining than the 4 issues or so that happened before the Janitor. God those were just fucking awful.

Also, I'll say it: Alana is a piece of shit. She deserves any horrible fate that comes her way. Marko needs to be with Blue Bat Lady.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
This X-Men talk reminds me that I've still never read any X-Men comics despite the fact that I own all the ultimate collections for New X-Men and Astonishing X-Men.

Line in the sand. Kipp or Cheska.

Hmm... Cheska.
Uncanny X-Men #27 was great. I've mentioned it before, but I have still yet to read a single issue of All-New X-Men. The trades are only in hardcovers, can't be spending that kind of money on Bendis.

I read both of those books and enjpy them both but if I had to drop one it would be UXM no question. Did you skip the crossover? At the very least, I highly recommend the Trial of Jean Grey, it's surprisingly easy to jump into for a book involving two teams, and it's one of the best crossovers in recent memory.

To each his or her own of course, but ANXM is consistently one of my favorite books.


See, I would say that where we are right now is way more entertaining than the 4 issues or so that happened before the Janitor. God those were just fucking awful.

Also, I'll say it: Alana is a piece of shit. She deserves any horrible fate that comes her way. Marko needs to be with Blue Bat Lady.

Let's hope for another time skip after #24. Hazel as a middle aged woman with both parents dead. She prowls Wreath looking for crime, avenging her parents death.


I read both of those books and enjpy them both but if I had to drop one it would be UXM no question. Did you skip the crossover? At the very least, I highly recommend the Trial of Jean Grey, it's surprisingly easy to jump into for a book involving two teams, and it's one of the best crossovers in recent memory.

To each his or her own of course, but ANXM is consistently one of my favorite books.

I read the UXM issues and the Brian Wood X-Men issues of Battle of the Atom (as well as the two BOTA issues). Trial of Jean Grey I just read the UXM issues. I've since dropped Brian Wood X-Men.

I will try and read some ANXM, but I want to say that Simon Spurrier's X-Force is probably the best X-Men book being put out right now.
This X-Men talk reminds me that I've still never read any X-Men comics despite the fact that I own all the ultimate collections for New X-Men and Astonishing X-Men.

I can't remember, are you a big Morrison fan? If so NXM should be high on your reading list, even if it drops off quite a bit towards the end. You have to read it as its own self-contained thing, like All-Star Superman. Morrison pretty much built his own thing and then Marvel burned practically all of it down.

Astonishing is a lot of fun too, and a great way to meet the X-Men in their natural environment. It's a great follow-up to NXM, too.

Finally, have I mentioned ANXM yet? Maybe once or twice? I swear you don't need to know anything about the X-Men to enjoy it.

Have you managed to avoid UXF and UA, too? We might need to stock you up Kipp

I will try and read some ANXM, but I want to say that Simon Spurrier's X-Force is probably the best X-Men book being put out right now.

Betwen you and ElNavarez, I've been persuaded to stick this on my list. :) I just have a little Batbook/Image catchup to do first.
See, I would say that where we are right now is way more entertaining than the 4 issues or so that happened before the Janitor. God those were just fucking awful.

Also, I'll say it: Alana is a piece of shit. She deserves any horrible fate that comes her way. Marko needs to be with Blue Bat Lady.

See I liked when they were with the writer. I liked the connected it gave us, and showing to us how these two people from opposing forces came together, and what kept them together besides the kid, and fucking. I will give you Alana has become a bit of a piece of shit, but I dislike the Blue Bat Lady. She's a manipulative little bitch, trying to ruin a marriage, and using the kid just to try and get some Marko cock.
The "Image" problem for you is just that it isn't a DC book.

If that was the case I wouldn't be pulling the current non-DC titles that I do. I tend to check out most of the hotly anticipated Image titles that discuss here for the first issue at the very least. Around 5-ish at any time make it to the pull list with another 2-3 for stuff like Red Sonja, etc. I have a preference for DC cape books, not an exclusive contract.
Finally paid off my credit card after my craziness...wife passed her Licensed Master Social Worker credential exam, today is a great day. Going to purchase The Incal and possibly 7 Against Chaos on IST (got the go ahead).

This fucking CMX Horror sale is beckoning me to partake. Bedlam, Green Wake, '68, Dia De Los Muertos, Sea of Red, Severed...

Anyone feel like giving me some guidance on any of these. I'm just going by the preview images and synopsis on most of them. They all look pretty cool. Oh, and also the Afterlife with Archie series.
While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Enemy Unknown

Halp halp.

XCOM, one of the best games of the last five years. Don't name your soldiers after friends or loved ones though. Not that I did that or anything....
Yeah Severed seems to be comicgaf's book of choice in this sale

XCOM, one of the best games of the last five years. Don't name your soldiers after friends or loved ones though. Not that I did that or anything....

I bet I dabble with this even if I start with VC and DS. I have it on iPad so it has that portable advantage...

And now it seems to me like naming my soldiers after friends and loved ones is pretty much the only way to play


finished the 4 issue Night of the Living Deadpool mini on Marvel Unlimited, surprisingly fun, but the ending was too weird.
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