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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Man I caught so much shade for explaining why I thought Saga was garbage, and now people are like "yeah it's a pretty crappy BKV book" and they just nod in agreement. I'm glad to see I'm not exactly in the minority anymore.
I remember when it was the best book on ComicsGAF (and everywhere else) along with Fraction's Hawkguy. I thought Saga wasn't terrible but it also wasn't anything special. I dropped it a while ago.


Man I caught so much shade for explaining why I thought Saga was garbage, and now people are like "yeah it's a pretty crappy BKV book" and they just nod in agreement. I'm glad to see I'm not exactly in the minority anymore.

All those people buying the trades must be wrong
Man I caught so much shade for explaining why I thought Saga was garbage, and now people are like "yeah it's a pretty crappy BKV book" and they just nod in agreement. I'm glad to see I'm not exactly in the minority anymore.

I remember when it was the best book on ComicsGAF (and everywhere else) along with Fraction's Hawkguy. I thought Saga wasn't terrible but it also wasn't anything special. I dropped it a while ago.

It has the Image problem. It's great for the first trade or two and then they phone it in. Well, the writers, anyways. The art is consistently good.
I remember when it was the best book on ComicsGAF (and everywhere else) along with Fraction's Hawkguy. I thought Saga wasn't terrible but it also wasn't anything special. I dropped it a while ago.

yea i feel the same, BKV seems more concred about robot dongs than putting a good story together
I take it Fractions Hawkeye goes down in quality? I'm still waiting for the second OHC to be released :(

Nah, it's still good. I know a lot of people weren't into the Kate issues but I really enjoyed them.

The only major problem is that the series suffered through numerous delays which made certain parts kind of drag. It should read very well once it's all collected.
No, it doesn't.

I still love Hawkguy, delays and all. One of my favorite Marvel books and I'm gonna be real sad when it ends.

Nah, it's still good. I know a lot of people weren't into the Kate issues but I really enjoyed them.

The only major problem is that the series suffered through numerous delays which made certain parts kind of drag. It should read very well once it's all collected.

I was probably one of its biggest detractors around here (never hated it but was starting to get bored) but I just this past hour caught up with 18, 19, and 20 and it's pretty damn good.

Good! This just makes the wait even harder, haha.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It has the Image problem. It's great for the first trade or two and then they phone it in. Well, the writers, anyways. The art is consistently good.

What other Image series (besides maybe the Kirkman books) suffers from this problem?
Man I caught so much shade for explaining why I thought Saga was garbage, and now people are like "yeah it's a pretty crappy BKV book" and they just nod in agreement. I'm glad to see I'm not exactly in the minority anymore.
Nah, I've been there since the beginning. I gave it my comic superstar trial of 16 issues than gave up. This is coming from someone that drops a car payment on floppies.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Regarding Hawkeye, would someone mind tweeting Matt Fraction and asking if there's going to be a second OHC to finish off the series (as opposed to Marvel deciding just the omnibus is fine)? I just remembered that he's pretty active on Twitter and that might be a good way to assuage my fears of not getting a second OHC.


Has anyone else read these Fire and Stone comics? Prometheus, AvP, Aliens and Predator? It would be much better if Dark Horse would release these in chronological order. Because I feel that I should get these books after every Fire and Stone book is released.

The story isn't bad or garbage (so far) but come on, what's with the release dates?
GAF hype cycle has come full circle, I suppose. Build something up to unbelievable levels, then slowly the contrarian opinion comes to dominate. Now both Saga and Hawkguy suck apparently.

If you look at some of the straight garbage that people in this thread read, I find it especially funny that we're picking two amazing titles to trash. How many issues until we all turn on Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers, or one of the multitude of quality Remender books on Image?


Regarding Destiny: is it any good? As in, would you pick up a PS4 exclusively for the game? I love that style of game, but don't specifically know much about it. I'm a Steam guy and don't own any of the new consoles, but that one looks interesting.
Regarding Hawkeye, would someone mind tweeting Matt Fraction and asking if there's going to be a second OHC to finish off the series (as opposed to Marvel deciding just the omnibus is fine)? I just remembered that he's pretty active on Twitter and that might be a good way to assuage my fears of not getting a second OHC.

Honestly? He may not even know. Someone asked Steve Lieber if Superior Foes was going to get an omnibus and he said he had no idea and that the decision was made by someone else at Marvel.


GAF hype cycle has come full circle, I suppose. Build something up to unbelievable levels, then slowly the contrarian opinion comes to dominate. Now both Saga and Hawkguy suck apparently.
Nah, GAF still loves Hawkguy. And there are some people here who are not fans of Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers.


GAF hype cycle has come full circle, I suppose. Build something up to unbelievable levels, then slowly the contrarian opinion comes to dominate. Now both Saga and Hawkguy suck apparently.

If you look at some of the straight garbage that people in this thread read, I find it especially funny that we're picking two amazing titles to trash. How many issues until we all turn on Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers, or one of the multitude of quality Remender books on Image?


Regarding Destiny: is it any good? As in, would you pick up a PS4 exclusively for the game? I love that style of game, but don't specifically know much about it. I'm a Steam guy and don't own any of the new consoles, but that one looks interesting.

Destiny is as good as Saga. Some love it, the main problems seem to be a lack of good loot drops ( which Bungie are trying to fix), no matchmaking, and terrible, repetitive, "story" missions. The combat is good though.
Has Saga dropped off badly? I wanted to catch up, but if it's no bueno I don't see the point.

I don't think Image books get phoned in after a trade or two either, I enjoyed Fatale for 24 issues and Revival is my favorite book going.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Honestly? He may not even know. Someone asked Steve Lieber if Superior Foes was going to get an omnibus and he said he had no idea and that the decision was made by someone else at Marvel.

Yeah, he may not. It couldn't hurt to ask though on the off-chance that he was informed about that stuff and can talk about it.
I'd ask myself, but I don't have a Twitter account and can't be bothered to make one. Haha

And Superior Foes had better get an omnibus. The only reason I haven't bought the TPBs is because I've been planning to get the hypothetical OHC.
Zombine trying his best Kipp impression, all these lines in the sand posts and "I was the first to deride popular comic"

can't compete with the master man
What other Image series (besides maybe the Kirkman books) suffers from this problem?

I don't even think this is fair to say about Kirkman, to be honest. TWD has its detractors but it became insanely popular for a reason. There is a lot of classic stuff in its first half, and that's a lot of comic.

I haven't read Invincible but I hear nothing but good things about it, even today.

Kind of a weird, broad statement to throw at Image comics when they generally get some of the best reviews around here. It's fair to say that the hype for books people are really excited about dies down, but I don't think that means anything. The book just isn't shiny and new anymore.
What other Image series (besides maybe the Kirkman books) suffers from this problem?

I don't even think this is fair to say about Kirkman, to be honest. TWD has its detractors but it became insanely popular for a reason. There is a lot of classic stuff in its first half, and that's a lot of comic.

I haven't read Invincible but I hear nothing but good things about it, even today.

Kind of a weird, broad statement to throw at Image comics when they generally get some of the best reviews around here. I mean, it's fair to say that the hype for books people are really excited about dies down, but I don't think that means anything. The book just isn't shiny and new anymore.

I said what I said because increasingly you're seeing Image comics being used more as rough drafts for movie / TV show / animation scripts, with deals (that take time on the back end to work out) being announced within the first one to twelve issues in some cases; ex: Rat Queens before the first arc even finished, Wytches before issue one was even out?

It really feels like many creators realize the money is in getting your idea sold, so they write that "good" first trade or two, devoting their focus to it, then letting it taper off if it doesn't get picked up. This isn't universal, but it's a problem I've personally seen and had with Image as a brand. And in a way it is understandable. If it doesn't get picked up, begin focusing your attention on something else that might. But it's made my personal Image reading experience very rocky.
Yeah. In an ideal world I would have liked Kate to have had more adventures but ;_;

This run was like lightning in a bottle. Pretty difficult for another team to top it in terms of how much ground it covered and broke at the same time.

I'd love it if they had two concurrent Hawkeye titles, Detective Katie-Kate and Hawkwreck.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Zombine trying his best Kipp impression, all these lines in the sand posts and "I was the first to deride popular comic"

can't compete with the master man

Wait, am I really the "line in the sand" guy? I hate starting arguments, so I always try my hardest to not draw lines in the sand. Haha

I don't even think this is fair to say about Kirkman, to be honest. TWD has its detractors but it became insanely popular for a reason. There is a lot of classic stuff in its first half, and that's a lot of comic.

I haven't read Invincible but I hear nothing but good things about it, even today.

Kind of a weird, broad statement to throw at Image comics when they generally get some of the best reviews around here. It's fair to say that the hype for books people are really excited about dies down, but I don't think that means anything. The book just isn't shiny and new anymore.

Yeah, I didn't even mean to imply that that was my opinion of Kirkman's books, but his comics were the only Image books I could think of that a person could potentially think of as "Image writers phoning it in." I actually haven't even read any of Kirkman's books, but I do feel like I've read on here from some people that even though the first 50 or however many issues were great, TWD was kind of dragging on for the sake of keeping the comic going in the more recent issues. But like I said, that's all just vague memories of secondhand information, so I could be wrong. Haha.

But yeah, I agree with you on all points there.
I'm up to the twelfth issue of TMNT and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's a lot more fun now...because Shredder, obviously. They held that card for way too long.

The dialogue is still a little off-putting, especially the turtle bros. I think there are more bros dropped per issue in TMNT than Hawkeye, and not in a funny way. The constant droppin' of th' ends of very simple words feels a bit archaic, too. Even Rogue manages most of her consonants.

But! That one complaint aside, it's great. I love the twist on the origin, I love the changes to the villains and their power structures, I love that April is still drivin' that shitty yellow van around. Recommended.
Best monthly comic(sorry Copra and Miracleman) Stray Bullets comes out next week...this is the part where I tell you its everything you claim to want in comics but don't buy for some reason. Long-form story told in done-in-one issues, bang for your buck. Fantastic dialog that never degenerates into tics seriously bro bro seriously. Wonderful pacing thanks to the 8-panel grid, does everything from sex, violence, profanity, perversion, but never skimps on characters, intelligence, humor, and a lot of heart.
I said what I said because increasingly you're seeing Image comics being used more as rough drafts for movie / TV show / animation scripts, with deals (that take time on the back end to work out) being announced within the first one to twelve issues in some cases; ex: Rat Queens before the first arc even finished, Wytches before issue one was even out?

It really feels like many creators realize the money is in getting your idea sold, so they write that "good" first trade or two, devoting their focus to it, then letting it taper off if it doesn't get picked up. This isn't universal, but it's a problem I've personally seen and had with Image as a brand. And in a way it is understandable. If it doesn't get picked up, begin focusing your attention on something else that might. But it's made my personal Image reading experience very rocky.

You still haven't really provided any concrete examples of your problem, though, and that's my issue. What does Image Comics having a lot of success in going to other mediums have to do with their quality?

What you're saying about the "Image brand" as a whole does not seem to line up in the context of these threads at all. The one I can think of that a lot of people seemed to feel dropped off quickly was Fatale, and there is someone right on this page who loved the whole thing. Most books seem to attract a couple of detractors - TWD is its own beast - but certainly not enough to qualify the statement you're making here.

really? i feel chew is a strong as ever

Yeah, Chew isn't a series I could get into, but most people who still read it seem to really like it. Not every book is for everyone. There's a lot of variety at Image.


The problem with Image is that their premises are interesting, and since I read DC comics primarily, i'm not used to that.
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