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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Someone else asked this last night. I said that I can vouch for Severed, and while I haven't read Choker, I'm a huge fan of Templesmith's artwork.

Yeah Severed seems to be comicgaf's book of choice in this sale

I bet I dabble with this even if I start with VC and DS. I have it on iPad so it has that portable advantage...

And now it seems to me like naming my soldiers after friends and loved ones is pretty much the only way to play

Thanks, been a bit behind in the thread for a week or so so I missed that back-and-forth. I've read Choker and Fell (loved them).

Any opinions on the others? I think I'll check out Severed.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Enemy Unknown

Halp halp

Sorry dude but you really need to play ALL of those games. If you want strategy pick from XCOM or VC. You want a Zelda game, play Darksiders. You want a sci fi rpg pick Deus Ex. You want to die, press Demon's Soul to continue.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
X-Men comics died after the Aaron run of Wolverine and the X-Men, and Remender's Uncanny X-Force.

Amazing X-Men was good at first, but the current Wendigo arc has dragged on far too long and flubbed the promise of fuzzy feeling Claremont era goings on a bit too much. Maybe the upcoming Juggernaut stuff will be good. Wasn't a fan of Latours WatXM arc too much either. The current X-Force had a good pay off in its first arc, but sometimes its too high concept for its own good, and the writing has that weird "Is this English or an amateur scanlation?" feel.

I can only assume people that like Bendis-Men are pod people. UXM is a 5 year long masturbation of Full Condom Cyclops "BEING RIGHT" in escalatingly convoluted and terribly written ways, and ANXM is the same trite endless teenage dialogue Bendis has run into the ground being used to make the original X-Men something they're not because why actually try moving new characters and a new generation forward -- the complete opposite of what Aaron was trying to set up on his side.

Marvel could "No More Mutants" for good next year and I'm not sure I'd care all that much. Hell, Wolverine being "dead" honestly didn't phase me. Better that than the shitastic arc he had before that and more like it. If Inhumans hadn't Joe Mad'd/flubbed, I'd welcome it even more with an obvious replacement.
X-Men comics died after the Aaron run of Wolverine and the X-Men, and Remender's Uncanny X-Force.

Amazing X-Men was good at first, but the current Wendigo arc has dragged on far too long and flubbed the promise of fuzzy feeling Claremont era goings on a bit too much. Maybe the upcoming Juggernaut stuff will be good. Wasn't a fan of Latours WatXM arc too much either. The current X-Force had a good pay off in its first arc, but sometimes its too high concept for its own good, and the writing has that weird "Is this English or an amateur scanlation?" feel.

I can only assume people that like Bendis-Men are pod people. UXM is a 5 year long masturbation of Full Condom Cyclops "BEING RIGHT" in escalatingly convoluted and terribly written ways, and ANXM is the same trite endless teenage dialogue Bendis has run into the ground being used to make the original X-Men something they're not because why actually try moving new characters and a new generation forward -- the complete opposite of what Aaron was trying to set up on his side.

Marvel could "No More Mutants" for good next year and I'm not sure I'd care all that much. Hell, Wolverine being "dead" honestly didn't phase me. Better that than the shitastic arc he had before that and more like it. If Inhumans hadn't Joe Mad'd/flubbed, I'd welcome it even more with an obvious replacement.

I think you'd like the Watxm death of wolverine issue.


Can someone give me an example of a time when a collection featuring re colored/touched up art was a step in the right direction? With the exception of Sandman, most I've seen look much worse.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
OKAY GUYS. I just read the first issue of The Auteur and I'm properly blown away. How are more people not talking about this book.
The writing is pretty off-the-wall in kind of a Hunter S. Thompson craziness sort of way, which could be a turn off for some, but I find it fully entertaining and very well done.
But for me, the most incredible thing about this book is James Callahan's art. Every single panel is full of energy and incredibly expressive and he is just an unbelievably good cartoonist. It's simply incredible to see. This guy needs to get as much work thrown at him as he can possibly handle because he deserves to be hugely popular.
Pretty much every single panel causes me to chuckle, mostly due to the huge amounts of energy and expressiveness in the art (although the writing definitely helps as well).

Everyone needs to check out The Auteur. It's just bursting at the seams with energy and it is a fantastic comic.

I can't remember, are you a big Morrison fan? If so NXM should be high on your reading list, even if it drops off quite a bit towards the end. You have to read it as its own self-contained thing, like All-Star Superman. Morrison pretty much built his own thing and then Marvel burned practically all of it down.

Astonishing is a lot of fun too, and a great way to meet the X-Men in their natural environment. It's a great follow-up to NXM, too.

Finally, have I mentioned ANXM yet? Maybe once or twice? I swear you don't need to know anything about the X-Men to enjoy it.

Have you managed to avoid UXF and UA, too? We might need to stock you up Kipp

I'm a massive Morrison fan, so I really have no excuse for letting New X-Men sit on my shelf for so long. Haha. Glad to know it's worth looking forward to!

I'll definitely keep ANXM in mind after I get around to reading the X-Men stuff I already have!
And yeah, I haven't even read UXF or UA, though I definitely plan to eventually.

Finally paid off my credit card after my craziness...wife passed her Licensed Master Social Worker credential exam, today is a great day. Going to purchase The Incal and possibly 7 Against Chaos on IST (got the go ahead).

Congratulations to your wife! And congratulations to you for paying off your credit card and being able to buy more comics! :p
The current X-Force had a good pay off in its first arc, but sometimes its too high concept for its own good, and the writing has that weird "Is this English or an amateur scanlation?" feel.
This is where I have to disagree. I think the greatest strength of the book is that each and every character has their own unique "voice" so to speak and is a much more cerebral comic in comparison to the Remender and Hopeless runs. I can see why it would put off some people who liked the Remender run though.

Real talk, I think I like the Deus Ex games most to least in the order they were released. They were all great, but the first was easily the best.
No doubt. You'll still discover new things in each and every playthrough. It's just phenomenal on another level.
Best monthly comic(sorry Copra and Miracleman) Stray Bullets comes out next week...this is the part where I tell you its everything you claim to want in comics but don't buy for some reason. Long-form story told in done-in-one issues, bang for your buck. Fantastic dialog that never degenerates into tics seriously bro bro seriously. Wonderful pacing thanks to the 8-panel grid, does everything from sex, violence, profanity, perversion, but never skimps on characters, intelligence, humor, and a lot of heart.
alright fine, I might add the Uber Alles collection to my next IST order.
I'd have to replace Preacher and Morrison JLA with this
OKAY GUYS. I just read the first issue of The Auteur and I'm properly blown away. How are more people not talking about this book.
The writing is pretty off-the-wall in kind of a Hunter S. Thompson craziness sort of way, which could be a turn off for some, but I find it fully entertaining and very well done.
But for me, the most incredible thing about this book is James Callahan's art. Every single panel is full of energy and incredibly expressive and he is just an unbelievably good cartoonist. It's simply incredible to see. This guy needs to get as much work thrown at him as he can possibly handle because he deserves to be hugely popular.
Pretty much every single panel causes me to chuckle, mostly due to the huge amounts of energy and expressiveness in the art (although the writing definitely helps as well).

Everyone needs to check out The Auteur. It's just bursting at the seams with energy and it is a fantastic comic.


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I think you'd like the Watxm death of wolverine issue.

Yeah I got that recommended to me so I picked it up. Some nice bits in there, but once again its not Logan I'm mourning in those pages, its the Aaron run. Whats left is a shambling zombie playing on past affections, and the Spider-Man direction is just... I dunno. At least it won't be Slotter-Man.

My problem with Marvel can best be summed up with the flash-forward issue of Aaron's WatXM where we see the new X-Men, Quire, Idie, Eye-Man, Broo, and so on, and an old yet contented Logan. The perfect run at a new X-Men school, still some great room to explore with the passing of the torch, interesting stuff awaits. But we're not interested in genuinely building to new things here. No, kill the clawed cunt in some boring derivative mini-event series, bring him back, cycle it all over again.

I can see it happening again with his Thor run. I'm sure Aaron will swear down female Thor was something he'd been building to all along, but I call bullshit. Its some total left-field shit, and the first issue didn't convince me otherwise. Has the conversation gone in here about who the female Thor must be?
It has to be his mum right?
That has to be what the entire issue was leading to, or its gonna be a lame case of red herring throwing, and you get a year, maybe two of "playing along" while ultimately being kinda already bored of it.

The need to constantly shock, to have those "_______ DIES/BRAIN SWAPS/IS A DIFFERENT ETHNICITY/GENDER" headlines gets in the way of actually fucking good longform stories, and the cycle is becoming shorter and shorter every year. I was bored of it a decade ago with shit like OMD actually forcing me cold turkey, but fun interesting stuff in cape comic land brought me back. Now I'm not finding as much interesting stuff any more or its getting cancelled next month.



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Real talk, I think I like the Deus Ex games most to least in the order they were released. They were all great, but the first was easily the best.

If you like Invisible War more then Human Revolution there is something seriously wrong. One of the worse seuqel ever and one of the worst examples of consolization having a hugely negative effect on game design.


While we're on the subject, can you guys help me decide what I should play next >.>

Demon's Souls
Deus Ex HR
Valkyria Chronicles
XCOM Enemy Unknown

None of them. Play Alien: Isolation. Best fucking Horrorgame since ages and for an Alienfan an incredible masturbation tool (regarding how perfect it emulates the first movie).

If you dont like Alien or Horrorgames, play it AnywAY :D


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
None of them. Play Alien: Isolation. Best fucking Horrorgame since ages and for an Alienfan an incredible masturbation tool (regarding how perfect it emulates the first movie).

If you dont like Alien or Horrorgames, play it AnywAY :D

Any good XCOM game is a scarier Alien game than any Alien game could possibly be. UFO Defense chryssalids scarier than any xenomorph.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
"Oh well, I carried that team-up anyway."

At times I find myself liking Kamala Khan, but then they go and try-hard this shit up to eleven and I start wretching at the forced nature of "KAMALA RESCUES WOLVERINE AND SPIDER-MAN AND THE INHUMAN QUEEN LOVES HER: YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT SHE DOES NEXT IN THIS BUZZ-FEED REFERENCE".


PSHAW. More like Kamala Khant do organic growth zero-to-hero storytelling!


Real talk, I think I like the Deus Ex games most to least in the order they were released. They were all great, but the first was easily the best.

I wouldn't know since I only got an hour into Invisible War, but I definitely prefer 1 to HR. 1 is one of my all time favorites, HR is barely a blip.

I have always wanted to play it, but the graphics put me off slightly. I know it's old and all, but I can't help it. It needs some sort of Halo CE Anniversary makeover.

The graphics are... okay. The washed out gamma is the worst part, and a remake would be great, but it's worth playing regardless, maaaan.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
At times I find myself liking Kamala Khan, but then they go and try-hard this shit up to eleven and I start wretching at the forced nature of "KAMALA RESCUES WOLVERINE AND SPIDER-MAN AND THE INHUMAN QUEEN LOVES HER: YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT SHE DOES NEXT IN THE THIS BUZZ-FEED REFERENCE".


PSHAW. More like Kamala Khant do organic growth zero-to-hero storytelling!

This is sort of true.


The current X-Force had a good pay off in its first arc, but sometimes its too high concept for its own good, and the writing has that weird "Is this English or an amateur scanlation?" feel.

I just finished reading X-Force #10. IMO this is what an X-Men book is supposed to be. Really complicated sci-fi scenarios, weird super powers, etc. Spurrier brings to light the fact that all of the mutants have really fucked up mental issues. The NSA surveillance theme is great. Ten issues in and we're not even really done with the first main arc. I think this book is going to become a classic that people recommend in the future. Spurrier doesn't get the credit he should.


Any good XCOM game is a scarier Alien game than any Alien game could possibly be. UFO Defense chryssalids scarier than any xenomorph.

Bu-bu-but there are no Xenomorphs!

Did someone here read any Alien comics in the past? Curious of there are some good one, I am completly into the Franchise again since the game is so much fun.


alright fine, I might add the Uber Alles collection to my next IST order.
I'd have to replace Preacher and Morrison JLA with this

It looks like non-doorstop trades are being rereleased soon.

I have always wanted to play it, but the graphics put me off slightly. I know it's old and all, but I can't help it. It needs some sort of Halo CE Anniversary makeover.

DX looks a bit shit compared to games of that era anyways, but there is The Nameless Mod (note: I have never tried this)
If you like Invisible War more then Human Revolution there is something seriously wrong. One of the worse seuqel ever and one of the worst examples of consolization having a hugely negative effect on game design.

Stop taking it so seriously. I liked a game better than you did. The world isn't going to implode.

Let me tell you a story.... I was playing Invisible War one day, and I was in the Cairo airport level. I had the Hellfire bowcaster equipped and I was aiming at this random woman. I pull the trigger a fraction of a second before she starts walking.... Right out of the way. And behind her was a little girl.....Who seconds later burst into flame and started running around on fire. I felt so bad, but it was a hilarious random occurance in a game that could never exist in today's world where people are so uptight about things you can or can't potentially do in fictional media.

I enjoyed it. I'm not sure if 24 issues was the plan, but I felt it could've gone another arc or two and felt better. On the whole Id say it's worth a read.

Fatale was an interesting experiment, combining the regular crime fiction Brubaker is known for with a paranormal twist. It started out really well, but I felt that it floundered around the third arc. Good series that went on just a bit too long.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I just finished reading X-Force #10. IMO this is what an X-Men book is supposed to be. Really complicated sci-fi scenarios, weird super powers, etc. Spurrier brings to light the fact that all of the mutants have really fucked up mental issues. The NSA surveillance theme is great. Ten issues in and we're not even really done with the first main arc. I think this book is going to become a classic that people recommend in the future. Spurrier doesn't get the credit he should.

Don't get me wrong, I really liked the back half of the first arc when stuff started tying together. I jumped off in the terrible issue where it was following some SAS group or whatever and they were all mutants in secret or some shit and it just... nope. Didn't work for me. I couldnt even begin to follow the dialogue at times. Maybe I needed to have done a fucking tour or something and, wowee, bingo, I can read a comic book.

Maybe that was a mistake and its been executing far better recently after that storyline, but thats trade-bait then and not weekly goods.


At times I find myself liking Kamala Khan, but then they go and try-hard this shit up to eleven and I start wretching at the forced nature of "KAMALA RESCUES WOLVERINE AND SPIDER-MAN AND THE INHUMAN QUEEN LOVES HER: YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT SHE DOES NEXT IN THIS BUZZ-FEED REFERENCE".


PSHAW. More like Kamala Khant do organic growth zero-to-hero storytelling!

Nail meet head


I really hope they HD-Reduxing Human Revolution on some point. Seems like an amazing game, but theres no way that I will going back to PS360.


I hope they stop making HD ports of the same old games and start making new stuff again.

they can stop after i get 60 fps uncharteds 1-3

maybe golden abyss too

and no, messi. dragon age 1 was so boring i got an hour in and quit.

combat from mid 90s crpgs can leave


but I am taking tiny steps forward
alright fine, I might add the Uber Alles collection to my next IST order.
I'd have to replace Preacher and Morrison JLA with this


Oh my goodness. Just finished issue #2. This is definitely already in my top 5 books of all time. This is the greatest. Just pure crazy, fun energy from both the writer and artist. And the story is brilliant.
I really, really hope more people read this.

Also, don't replace Preacher in your IST order! Preacher is one of my all-time favorites and you'll love it. I'm re-reading it in a week or two, so we could totally do a mini book club if you get it, too.

I enjoyed it. I'm not sure if 24 issues was the plan, but I felt it could've gone another arc or two and felt better. On the whole Id say it's worth a read.

Good to know. Thanks!


I know a bunch of us are buying Bayonetta 2, so that can't be true

I would like to play that game but I won't buy a wii u. I understand why it can only be on wii u but that doesn't make it suck any less for me. Seems like it's really good though.

As someone with no interest in Mario and his shitty friends the console would be wasted on me.
I've been on a huge GL run after someone rec'd Geoff John's stuff earlier this week. I've also enjoyed GL Corp pre new 52. How is the new 52 version of the series?
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