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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I remember a handful of them that I had multiple epic fights with. I remember the ones that get one over on me.

Just finished reading Gotham Academy. My what a fantastic read that was. Just perfect for me. I love maps and olive. The art in my opinion is really beautiful and a unique style for Dc. I can't wait to read more of this going forward. The book really popped on my iPad. Great first issue.

read Teen Titans Year one!
I remember a handful of them that I had multiple epic fights with. I remember the ones that get one over on me.

Just finished reading Gotham Academy. My what a fantastic read that was. Just perfect for me. I love maps and olive. The art in my opinion is really beautiful and a unique style for Dc. I can't wait to read more of this going forward. The book really popped on my iPad. Great first issue.

The art is truly beautiful, the colour palette especially. I agree that it just pops on the iPad. I'm reading it digitally going forward for this reason. Absolutely standout issue. It's going to be a long wait for #2.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's hard to read comics when I'm in the middle of rewatching The Wire. The Wire versus comics, The Wire's gonna win. Sorry, comics. I'm looking forward to finishing the rewatch so that normal comics reading can resume.
Almost done with Season 2, so still a little ways to go though. I forgot how much Season 2 improved. It starts out sooo slooow but it's pretty great now. Oh, Ziggy.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Ales Kot and Marco Rudy dominating shit with Winter Soldier.
Buncha sales going on

Rick Remender sale, featuring
-Uncanny X-Force
-Uncanny Avengers

Image Recent Hits sale, which has a sampling of like everything from the past few months
Boooooo. JL3K trade got pushed to next week. Was looking forward to catching up. Now I don't know whether to put in an IST order this week or just wait.

Edit: Nevermind. Ravine Vol.2 is this week - IST order justified.


I really like Gotham Academy, but I felt like Spider Gwen is the most overhyped thing from Comic GAF.
Didn't really get much from it, but the art was nice.

Jedeye Sniv

If I were aged 14-18 and had two X chromosomes then I think Gotham Academy would be the shit. But alas I'm not, so I can only appreciate the art for an issue before moving on. Good on DC for trying to diversify though, I hope it sells well for them.

This desert island comics thing has me wracking my brain. Thousands of comics over 20 years... where to start... This is like making a mixtape - I have to consider, do I go for straight classics everyone knows, or do I hit up some of the murkier corners of my collection, or do I make it "top ten Grant Morrison comics"... hmmmm. Add to the fact that I honestly have no idea about issue numbers, this might take a while.

I really like Gotham Academy, but I felt like Spider Gwen is the most overhyped thing from Comic GAF.
Didn't really get much from it, but the art was nice.

I feel that ComicsGAF and popGAF have a lot of overlap, if not in actual posters then certainly in posting style. Put a girl in a book, get hype.
If I were aged 14-18 and had two X chromosomes then I think Gotham Academy would be the shit. But alas I'm not, so I can only appreciate the art for an issue before moving on. Good on DC for trying to diversify though, I hope it sells well for them.

This desert island comics thing has me wracking my brain. Thousands of comics over 20 years... where to start... This is like making a mixtape - I have to consider, do I go for straight classics everyone knows, or do I hit up some of the murkier corners of my collection, or do I make it "top ten Grant Morrison comics"... hmmmm. Add to the fact that I honestly have no idea about issue numbers, this might take a while.

I feel that ComicsGAF and popGAF have a lot of overlap, if not in actual posters then certainly in posting style. Put a girl in a book, get hype.

I don't know, I mean, it didn't help Birds of Prey, Catwoman or Worlds' Finest to name a few. A book still needs to be well-written and illustrated in order to maintain hype. Riding on the namesake of a character, or the appeal of a character's sex isn't enough. I can see why Gotham Academy won't appeal to everyone, namely in the teenage cast; once it rounds out and more characters are foregrounded, there'll be more broader appeal. However, surely the quality of Gotham Academy's writing can be appreciated, or at least acknowledged regardless of its current female teenage cast. I think there is so much hype for Gotham Academy because of the pedigree of its creative team, who were able to create something wholly authentic, as well as the freshness that sets it apart from everything else DC is doing.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't know, I mean, it didn't help Birds of Prey, Catwoman or Worlds' Finest to name a few. A book still needs to be well-written and illustrated in order to maintain hype. Riding on the namesake of a character, or the appeal of a character's sex isn't enough. I can see why Gotham Academy won't appeal to everyone, namely in the teenage cast; once it rounds out and more characters are foregrounded, there'll be more broader appeal. However, surely the quality of Gotham Academy's writing can be appreciated, or at least acknowledged regardless of its current female teenage cast. I think there is so much hype for Gotham Academy because of the pedigree of its creative team, who were able to create something wholly authentic, as well as the freshness that sets it apart from everything else DC is doing.

Oh yeah, for a teenaged girly hijinx book it's really well put together, I just personally don't vibe with that genre of books. But there's lots of people who want that tone so it's good that it exists. (edit: for context I felt like i had to stop reading Titans, Robin, Supergirl etc when I was about 25, it all just started feeling weird to me, I think it's growing up :( )

I don't think that ComicsGAF is entirely representative of the comics readership at large, our community in general is a lot more into the hijinx-style than most others I think. So when I talk about getting hype, I pretty much just mean this forum.


If I were aged 14-18 and had two X chromosomes then I think Gotham Academy would be the shit. But alas I'm not, so I can only appreciate the art for an issue before moving on.

I feel that ComicsGAF and popGAF have a lot of overlap, if not in actual posters then certainly in posting style. Put a girl in a book, get hype.

mhmm, only women and popgaf could possibly like a dirty girls book.
(edit: for context I felt like i had to stop reading Titans, Robin, Supergirl etc when I was about 25, it all just started feeling weird to me, I think it's growing up :( )

While I understand what you're saying and why you feel that way, you really don't need to actually be in a specific age group to read about characters that are as well. That seems a bit silly to me. While I like how Kirkman has taken Mark (Invincible) from being a teenager to a young man over the years he's been writing the book, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't read a book featuring characters that are a decade or two out of my age group. If the book is fun to read and well-written (but mostly just fun), then I'll read it.

Jedeye Sniv

I feel how I feel, I can't help it. I am too old to be reading books for and about children. I am quite happy to read books about women and women's issues (Fun Home is one of my favourite books ever for instance), but I'm not so interested in books about little girls. I'm not interested in teenaged angst written by old men any more either.

And if you think that ComicsGAF is without more than it's share of stanning then you are probably one of the folks doing it.
I feel how I feel, I can't help it. I am too old to be reading books for and about children. I am quite happy to read books about women and women's issues (Fun Home is one of my favourite books ever for instance), but I'm not so interested in books about little girls. I'm not interested in teenaged angst written by old men any more either.

And if you think that ComicsGAF is without more than it's share of stanning then you are probably one of the folks doing it.

That's a completely reasonable stance to take. Not everyone is going to be able to find teen characters engaging or relatable; enjoying comics means connecting with the characters and their greater world. You are still able to acknowledge and recognise that such books might be well-written and that's what's important.


On a completely unrelated note, I went to see a doctor today about what I thought was the flu, but in actual fact, I have a sinus infection. :( I was hoping he'd prescribe some antibiotics, but unfortunately, hydration and Panadol were his only recommendations. Has anyone dealt with one before?


Pizza Dog
List time, big week:

Most Anticipated:
Batgirl #35
Black Science #9
The Punisher #11

Also picking up:
Annihilator #2
Astro City #16
Batman #35
Captain Marvel #8
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1
Rocket Raccoon #4
Superman/Wonder Woman #12

Trying out:
Axis #1
Sabrina #1

New Batgirl starts this week, looking forward to that. Also intrigued on how the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina turns out (it's part of the Afterlife with Archie universe). No Francavilla art unfortunately, but it might be alright.
Hey there comics-gaf, aside from the new American Vampire and Sandman books, has Vertigo been putting out anything good lately? The Names? Bodies? Either of those worth looking at? Anything else?

Jedeye Sniv

Hey there comics-gaf, aside from the new American Vampire and Sandman books, has Vertigo been putting out anything good lately? The Names? Bodies? Either of those worth looking at? Anything else?

I heard that the Royals miniseries was good. Otherwise nope, Image is the new Vertigo.
Not a choice I would have made but if it makes you happy then great.

Rat Queens was the easy drop. That series ending up being a colossal waste of time that didn't go anywhere.

Deadly Class I waffled on. I sort of enjoyed it but I don't think it lived up to or honored its premise and that is what drew me in. What it became is simply not what was originally offered.

That puts me down to just Saga, Black Science, and Red Sonja. I'll need to keep an eye for a few new series to add.
Rat Queens was the easy drop. That series ending up being a colossal waste of time that didn't go anywhere.

Deadly Class I waffled on. I sort of enjoyed it but I don't think it lived up to or honored its premise and that is what drew me in. What it became is simply not what was originally offered.

That puts me down to just Saga, Black Science, and Red Sonja. I'll need to keep an eye for a few new series to add.

Are you giving Wytches a go this week?
Rat Queens was the easy drop. That series ending up being a colossal waste of time that didn't go anywhere.

Deadly Class I waffled on. I sort of enjoyed it but I don't think it lived up to or honored its premise and that is what drew me in. What it became is simply not what was originally offered.

That puts me down to just Saga, Black Science, and Red Sonja. I'll need to keep an eye for a few new series to add.
Agree with you on Deadly Class. It's not living up to its premise. Just a Remender sank fest to drugs, anarchy, 80s references and drugs. Where my assasin school?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ecoshifting! Nice to see you back around!

On a completely unrelated note, I went to see a doctor today about what I thought was the flu, but in actual fact, I have a sinus infection. :( I was hoping he'd prescribe some antibiotics, but unfortunately, hydration and Panadol were his only recommendations. Has anyone dealt with one before?

I've had at least a couple of sinus infections. They're no fun, but aside from antibiotics, you just gotta wait it out.
In fact, I'm sort of in the exact same situation as you right now (except I'm not going to go to the doctor because that'd be way too expensive). I've had what I assume is a flu but who knows for a little over a week now and now the sinus-related symptoms are lingering and it's looking like it could have turned into a sinus infection.
Anyways, hang in there!


Rat Queens was the easy drop. That series ending up being a colossal waste of time that didn't go anywhere.

Deadly Class I waffled on. I sort of enjoyed it but I don't think it lived up to or honored its premise and that is what drew me in. What it became is simply not what was originally offered.

That puts me down to just Saga, Black Science, and Red Sonja. I'll need to keep an eye for a few new series to add.

Agree with you on Deadly Class. It's not living up to its premise. Just a Remender sank fest to drugs, anarchy, 80s references and drugs. Where my assasin school?

That's funny. I wasn't really sold on the first issue premise of Deadly Class but it won me over shortly after that. I am perfectly fine enjoying the drug fueled character building and some light assassins action. I am starting to care about some of these characters. But fuck Marcus.
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