Ventriloquist is going to be on the new Secret Six team? God, this is going to be awful.
Plantation, you?
Ventriloquist is going to be on the new Secret Six team? God, this is going to be awful.
Ventriloquist is going to be on the new Secret Six team? God, this is going to be awful.
I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.
I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.
Is everyone in ComicsGAF other than Messi either in NY or CA?
Bro that place smelled like nerd stank by like 5pm on Thursday. People were already spreading the virus then as well. Some fucker was open mouth coughing behind me at one booth.
I'd grab the nearest omnibus, ask him to hold it next to his face, and then dropkick it into his dumb plague-spreading ass. That's awful, man.
And seriously, the air tastes like recycled farts in there.
You guys are gonna make me wear a hazmat suit to NY. :c
Is everyone in ComicsGAF other than Messi either in NY or CA?
It would be Breaking Bad cosplay.You guys are gonna make me wear a hazmat suit to NY. :c
So, that's three of us in FL?
Where in texas?TX. central Time zone is best time zone
Don't they have some pretty big cons in Florida too?
Where in texas?TX. central Time zone is best time zone
You guys are gonna make me wear a hazmat suit to NY. :c
Nah it's no big deal. Just hit up White Castle in the city to build up your tolerance first.
Edit: seeing pictures like that make me yearn for children of my own. I would love to have a son or daughter to dress up as their favorite characters. Has anyone seeing that incredibly cute little girl dressed up as Ms. Marvel?
I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.
I'm undecided still. It's like $30, and I need to peruse the guest list again. Meeting JRJR could be cool, but i could also place an IST order instead...
Finally sat down to read some X-Statix. Just read the first five issues so far. (I think I changed my reading position 3 or 4 times.) I think my copy has a printing error, a few of the pages are really blurry looking (including the first one which I thought was intentional since it's a flashback/dream sequence...but then it kept happening seems like once an issue.) It's grabbed me right away! Very interesting characters, though wow do they die off fast. Kinda dissapointed I read the foreword that spoiled me on U-Go girl. I also love the art! Taking a lil break but I can already tell I'm gonna be going back to keep reading more soon.
I still haven't read my copy of X-Statix may have to remedy that tonight.
I still haven't read my copy of X-Statix may have to remedy that tonight.
Yeah, just finished up the X-Force part of X-Statix. Uhhh spoilers ahead for the rest of this post. SPOILERS THAT ARE SPOILED BY THE FOREWORD! Definitely wish I hadn't read that foreword. Still sucked. I knew it was gonna happen and in the back of my head I found myself thinking "maybe that foreword was a psyche out! Maybe this isn't gonna happen!". I've found myself thinking the same things watching Game of Thrones, haha. "MAYBE THEY WON'T KILL HIM IN THE SHOW!". I really didn't like U-Go girl for like the first three or so issues either, and then bam they go and make you like her. But yeah wow, I can't stop reading this book. It's really good. There's still so much more to go too, I'm like maybe a third through it? I'm excited.
I still haven't read my copy of X-Statix may have to remedy that tonight.
Who said I was human? It would explain my horrible spending habits.No human can get through that beast in a single night.
It's actually been incredibly reasonably priced in the past. Got mine for around $30 shipped if I remember correctly.I still need to buy X-Statix.
Only for you Kipp <3Do it.
Dallas areaWhere in texas?
Guys, which issue started waids run on Daredevil?
No human can get through that beast in a single night.
I read Morrison's Doom Patrol in a single night. My crowning comics speed-reading achievement.
Holy shit, the entire series!?
Who said I was human? It would explain my horrible spending habits.
I read Morrison's Doom Patrol in a single night. My crowning comics speed-reading achievement.
HOWI read Morrison's Doom Patrol in a single night. My crowning comics speed-reading achievement.
Yeah i looked at the guest list, and JRJR is the only big standout on the comics front. Probably only gonna go if some friends go.That's a very solid argument not to go. Haha. I'd probably go with the IST order too.
Love that Evangelion inspired design.Oh yeah, Edge of Spider-Verse #5 is the Gerard Way issue. I'll get that too. Only read the first 2 issues. I like the art in this preview a lot, too