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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.


Ventriloquist is going to be on the new Secret Six team? God, this is going to be awful.

But N52 Ventriloquist is awesome! Y'all are never happy with Gail, anymore. :p

I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.

Jesus. o.o I'm used to avoiding crowds of unwashed masses, but I'm nervous about tackling one of the bigger cons in that regard.


I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.

Bro that place smelled like nerd stank by like 5pm on Thursday. People were already spreading the virus then as well. Some fucker was open mouth coughing behind me at one booth.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Bro that place smelled like nerd stank by like 5pm on Thursday. People were already spreading the virus then as well. Some fucker was open mouth coughing behind me at one booth.

I'd grab the nearest omnibus, ask him to hold it in front of his face, and then dropkick it into his dumb plague-spreading ass. That's awful, man.

But seriously, the air tastes like recycled farts in there.


I'd grab the nearest omnibus, ask him to hold it next to his face, and then dropkick it into his dumb plague-spreading ass. That's awful, man.

And seriously, the air tastes like recycled farts in there.

My septum is all fucked up. I can't really smell very well at all. With that said, I could still smell whatever the hell that was on the main floor.
So, that's three of us in FL?

Four. But it's just us two in SoFla so far.

Seriously though, we gotta do a meetup sometime. Especially since we live basically right around the corner from each other. I would say Tate's next weekend since they're doing their Halloween sale but I don't know if I'm ready to spend money.
aw, yeah!



Omggggg your son is so damn adorable!!!

Edit: seeing pictures like that make me yearn for children of my own. I would love to have a son or daughter to dress up as their favorite characters. Has anyone seeing that incredibly cute little girl dressed up as Ms. Marvel?


Still haven't actually been on the floor!

Made it into the Daredevil panel. Luckily I'm not interested in Walking Dead since it was already sold out when I got into the building at 9:20

Daredevil looks fantastic, they showed an extended fight scene where he's wearing the Romita Man Without Fear costume, Rosario Dawson as Night Nurse treating Matt after the fight, one of Kingpin/Vanessa Fisk meeting for the first time, and Foggy/Matt hiring Karen Page.

Also went to the Cup O' Joe, Death of Wolverine and Batman 75th Anniversary panels.

The St. Jude's auction went incredibly well. I got gunshy on the Pichelli Harley which sold for 190..should've gone to 200.

Ended up with an amazing 12x18 Ant Lucia Baroness sketch and a Ms. Marvel pinup from Daniel HDR.

Things were going for crazy low prices - a lot of 6 Bob Layton Captain America pages went for 140 dollars. A Tony Daniel Zod/Faora page didn't get a bid at 50 dollars.

The big winners were an Adi Granov Wolverine that went for 950/1000 iirc, a Walt Simonson Beta Ray Bill sketch for 2400, and Adam Hughes' Spider-Man that he's been drawing the whole show went for 9500. They ended up raising 39,000 dollars with 150 items.

I'll take better pics when I get home


You guys are gonna make me wear a hazmat suit to NY. :c

I won't try to dissuade you. You have no idea where some of those people have been.

Nah it's no big deal. Just hit up White Castle in the city to build up your tolerance first.

That would make you more vulnerable to ebola. Your resistance will be weakened after shitting out all your bodily fluids (and possibly a kidney).

Edit: seeing pictures like that make me yearn for children of my own. I would love to have a son or daughter to dress up as their favorite characters. Has anyone seeing that incredibly cute little girl dressed up as Ms. Marvel?

Because children are really just cosplay dolls for their parents. XD


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I'm on ebola watch at NYCC. Motherfuckers sneezing everywhere and I'm pretty sure I saw blood in one of the bathrooms.

Goodness. I don't think I could ever handle NYCC or SDCC.
Long Beach Comic Con was perfect for me. Big enough to be an event and have good guests, but small enough to not have lines or stinky/ebola-carrying crowds.

I'm undecided still. It's like $30, and I need to peruse the guest list again. Meeting JRJR could be cool, but i could also place an IST order instead...

That's a very solid argument not to go. Haha. I'd probably go with the IST order too.

Finally sat down to read some X-Statix. Just read the first five issues so far. (I think I changed my reading position 3 or 4 times.) I think my copy has a printing error, a few of the pages are really blurry looking (including the first one which I thought was intentional since it's a flashback/dream sequence...but then it kept happening seems like once an issue.) It's grabbed me right away! Very interesting characters, though wow do they die off fast. Kinda dissapointed I read the foreword that spoiled me on U-Go girl. I also love the art! Taking a lil break but I can already tell I'm gonna be going back to keep reading more soon.

Glad you're liking it! It definitely settles down a bit in terms of characters getting killed off all the time, which is nice because you finally get a chance to get to know the characters and their relationships with the other characters. In fact, I didn't really care for the first few issues because of the fact that so many people were getting killed off and it didn't give you a chance to get to know the characters.
And regarding the foreword... That frustrated me so much. What a horrible decision to put that at the beginning of the omnibus. It's like they just assumed that everyone had read the series before. I'm really sensitive about spoilers and so it kinda messed up my reading of the comic since that was always in the back of my mind as something that was going to happen.
Yeah, just finished up the X-Force part of X-Statix. Uhhh spoilers ahead for the rest of this post. SPOILERS THAT ARE SPOILED BY THE FOREWORD! Definitely wish I hadn't read that foreword. Still sucked. I knew it was gonna happen and in the back of my head I found myself thinking "maybe that foreword was a psyche out! Maybe this isn't gonna happen!". I've found myself thinking the same things watching Game of Thrones, haha. "MAYBE THEY WON'T KILL HIM IN THE SHOW!". I really didn't like U-Go girl for like the first three or so issues either, and then bam they go and make you like her. But yeah wow, I can't stop reading this book. It's really good. There's still so much more to go too, I'm like maybe a third through it? I'm excited.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yeah, just finished up the X-Force part of X-Statix. Uhhh spoilers ahead for the rest of this post. SPOILERS THAT ARE SPOILED BY THE FOREWORD! Definitely wish I hadn't read that foreword. Still sucked. I knew it was gonna happen and in the back of my head I found myself thinking "maybe that foreword was a psyche out! Maybe this isn't gonna happen!". I've found myself thinking the same things watching Game of Thrones, haha. "MAYBE THEY WON'T KILL HIM IN THE SHOW!". I really didn't like U-Go girl for like the first three or so issues either, and then bam they go and make you like her. But yeah wow, I can't stop reading this book. It's really good. There's still so much more to go too, I'm like maybe a third through it? I'm excited.

Haha yeah. I think I was doing the same thing when I was reading it.

I still haven't read my copy of X-Statix :( may have to remedy that tonight.

Do it.
Yay, small list this week.

TEEN TITANS #3 $2.99
DEADLY CLASS #8 (MR) $3.50
MS MARVEL #9 $2.99

Batman Eternal #28
Batwoman #35
Teen Titans #3
Deadly Class #8
Supreme Blue Rose #4
Trees #6
Ms. Marvel #9
New Avengers #25
Uncanny X-Men #27
Wow, crazy small list this week. Feels like publishers aren't putting out as much stuff as normal. It is a 5 Wednesday month though, and i've still only read like one comic from last week. Maybe i'll pick up Death of Wolverine issues. Dem holo foil covers

Deadpool: Art of War #1
Lumberjanes #7

I also picked up Deadly Class Vol 1 from Barnes and Noble today, can't wait to burn through it.

That's a very solid argument not to go. Haha. I'd probably go with the IST order too.
Yeah i looked at the guest list, and JRJR is the only big standout on the comics front. Probably only gonna go if some friends go.


This week is really packing on the Marvel. o.0

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1
Edge of Spider-Verse #5
Fantastic Four #11
Loki: Agent of Asgard #7
Lumberjanes #7
Magneto #11
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Ms. Marvel #9
Spider-Man 2099 #5
Storm #4
Ms. Marvel Vol. 1
Just read Batman Gothic by Grant Morrison. I was going to say I liked it other than a few out of character moments. For example, the "oh my gods," "oh god," or the pure frighten faces Batman has in the book. I've never seen him look so much like a wuss. Anyways, I think those were intentional considering the subject matter of the story. So overall I liked it, cool little detective story with a creepy villain.
Light week this week.

Batman Eternal #28 - Last week was kinda meh. Hoping they finally pick up the Spectre thread again after like 2 months. The time lapse here is getting comical.

Justice League #35 - Lex Luthor is a dick. But so is The Chief. Gimme more Doom Patrol!

Futures End #24 - Now they have to follow up on
two-headed Bat-Joker
from the last issue. Yuck.

Green Lantern New Guardians #35 - BADASS NEW GODS FUCK YES

The first issue of Earth 2 Worlds End was kinda just okay. I might check out #2, I might not. It probably depends how much Dr. Fate it involves.
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