So I've been reading Nu52 Batman and Robin all day today and holy shit...Crazy...Harvey Dent kills himself?
Finished reading Batman and Robin #34, so far the story arc has a faster pace than the Ra's Al Ghul arc did.Speaking of, how is Robin Rises shaping up, so far? (For those following it)
A local theatre is running a Ghibli fest right now. Got to watch a midnight showing of Howl's Moving Castle. Such a beautiful movie.
Nausicaa this Wednesday.
Howls Moving Castle and Spirited Away are my two favorite Ghibli films. Actually, I'm incredibly happy I was able to score the Olly Moss screen prints for those respective movies earlier this year.
God damnit, now I want to watch HMC, but it's already 11:30
(I can't watch Grave of the Fireflies again, though.)
A local theatre is running a Ghibli fest right now. Got to watch a midnight showing of Howl's Moving Castle. Such a beautiful movie.
Nausicaa this Wednesday.
First time I will be watching these on the big screen.
Picked this up last week.
I was planning on reading one book every few weeks until book 5 released but ended up reading them all within a single week. So good. I love how he leads people to their own demise on their own free will.
Beautiful beautiful series. And I still can't believe that out of all networks it's Fox that will translate it to TV.
they did that, Michael Allred draw it and everything
What series is that from?
Cuz whatever I want a whole series about such a thing.
Speaking of, how is Robin Rises shaping up, so far? (For those following it)
Batman and Robin #35
Batwoman #35
Teen Titans #3
Deadly Class #8
Deadpool Art of War #1
Edge of Spider-Verse #4
Loki #7
Magneto #11
Ms Marvel #9
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Decent week
I was planning on reading one book every few weeks until book 5 released but ended up reading them all within a single week. So good. I love how he leads people to their own demise on their own free will.
Whatever happened to the comic book club we used to have? Lack of interest?
Oh yeah, Edge of Spider-Verse #5 is the Gerard Way issue. I'll get that too. Only read the first 2 issues. I like the art in this preview a lot, too
Whatever happened to the comic book club we used to have? Lack of interest?
Why do you hate Batman Eternal? Why do you hate Spoiler and Catwoman?
Totally missed it on the list but am totally still getting it.
Oh and meh on Spoiler. Not a fan.
Comic tastes are so varied you're going to have a problem finding a large enough number of people for any one particular title to have any real lengthy discussion.
I feel like there are enough titles that have widespread enough appeal that we could get a solid group to read it.
Also, you're in the same time zone as me and I always see you posting at 4-5am. Do you wake up super early like me? Or do you just go to bed super late?
I saw that Selina Hot Toy the other day and man oh man was I tempted to pick it up.
Maybe. But I feel more like most people have pretty firm grasps on their tastes and interests and it's harder to encourage them to explore outside their wheelhouse.
As to timezones; I'm a night shift worker so I'm often posting from work between 12-8 am PST and then from home until 4 PM PST.
Didn't Korupts break after he took it out of the box?
Possibly. I know that I personally would be up for reading almost anything if we all decided to read it. I'd even read manga if that's what was decided upon (I've got nothing against it, I just have no desire to read it). I mean, it'd probably have to be $10 or less for me to buy something that I don't think I'd like though, so that's a factor in it too. And I also have faith that people would choose a good book to read for the book club, so I'm sure whatever it is, even if it isn't in my wheelhouse, I'd still enjoy it.
He left out the part where he tried to force her into a lude pose.
Truth is she was standing there with her arms down straight and her hands up like she had stage fright. I'm sure her arms would have popped off.
The Selina from Gotham mildly weirds me out. Her eyes are spaced really widely apart. She is like a real life anime girl.
That's the part that gets you? Not that she's like 18 and bruce is clearly like 4. What weirds me out the most about that show is the dialogue.
Flash is so good in the worst way possible.
It's so corny and the villain in the first episode was basically a model who is also a tornado. It was CW x 1000
Read Wicked and Divine #3 and 4 this weekend, issue 3 made me think about dropping it, issue 4 changed my mind a little. After issue #1, all the urgency and intrigue dissipated. The teaming up of Laura and the reporter is the least interesting thing about the story so far and it was a decent chunk of issue #3.
Yea I picked up all waid, johns, and millar/Morison issues. Can't wait to reread johns run. His is my favorite.Anyone partake in Comixology's Flash sale?
Rereading the pre New-52 Geoff Johns run. So good. It's a shame that there wasn't much Wally or Jay, because Rebirth to Flashpoint was a pretty cool story. And the concept of The Renegades was really, really awesome.
It's so corny and the villain in the first episode was basically a model who is also a tornado. It was CW x 1000
Rein it in Axel.