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(Commentary) It's far from game over for Xbox; Microsoft likely to top Sony in game w


And even i am moderately surprised
"Amazing that some people think MS are on par with Sony."

it depends what people mean by that statement.

As a company?
as a software developer?
as a hardware provider?
as a hw rnd plant?
as a profit making firm?
etc etc...

each answer to the above question is different.
What I've always wondered about Open Source Software. There seems to be a real rally behind it of people who actually do the programming. That's all well and good. What I fail to understand though is how they think having open source "free software" essentially to run an OS is such a wonderful thing. Why not just have open source for the programs they write and the software they develop. Where would it end? Should I never have to buy any software again? Seems to me a slippery slope. Someone has to be making money in the industry for it to survive.


I guess some of you spend too much time on forums to realize how many people own PS2's or GameBoy's.


Gold Member
CrimsonSkies said:
What I've always wondered about Open Source Software. There seems to be a real rally behind it of people who actually do the programming. That's all well and good. What I fail to understand though is how they think having open source "free software" essentially to run an OS is such a wonderful thing. Why not just have open source for the programs they write and the software they develop. Where would it end? Should I never have to buy any software again? Seems to me a slippery slope. Someone has to be making money in the industry for it to survive.

There is free as in beer and Free as in speech. You can sell Free software, you know. Companies like Red Hat and IBM are making money from Linux. Just because you can download something for free does not mean that it cannot be sold at a reasonable price. People pay for packaged software for the convenience, the support, printed manuals etc.

Most programmer are paid to produce software used for internal use, very few get royalties from the sale of their software. Even in the gaming industry people get paid on an hourly basis for their work. If their company's business model includes giving software away, that does not affect their salary. Microsoft gives away software (IE, WMP etc.) and so do Apple, Real, AOL etc. Free software will certainly change the balance of power, but I see only one company being hurt by the switch to Open Source. Guess which one?


And even i am moderately surprised
The main problem for big companies with open source software is attributing blame or finding people to solve obscure problems when everything goes tits up.

Kon Tiki

Deg said:
I guess some of you spend too much time on forums to realize how many people own PS2's or GameBoy's.
I guess you spend too much time on forums to realize it is the games that matter not the userbase.


open_mouth_ said:
Possible Next-gen market share distribution:

PS3: 53%
Xenon: 45%
Revolution: 2%*

*with a 2% standard deviation
Worldwide? Giving Xenon the benefit of the doubt in launching early and having a Genesis style early push (rather than DC style, both of which are entirely possible) I think Microsoft would be elated to grab 25-30% (which would still be doubling their marketshare), much less twice that... they'll do much better in the US I'd imagine but won't make a dent in Japan or Europe.

Kon Tiki

open_mouth_ said:
Possible Next-gen market share distribution:

PS3: 53%
Xenon: 45%
Revolution: 2%*

*with a 2% standard deviation

Well if it is truly revolutionary.

Traditional Consoles
PS3: 53%
Xenon: 47%

Unorthodox Consoles
Revolution 100%



Breaking down marketshare this generation...

Sony: 60%
Microsoft: 21%
Nintendo: 19%

Sony: 83%
Microsoft: 9%
Nintendo: 8%

Sony: 80%
Nintendo: 18%
Microsoft: 2%

Sony: 70%
Microsoft: 15%
Nintendo: 15%


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Flatbread said:
I think your minimizing what MS has acheived this generation.
No. I am not trying to minimize MS's achievement this gen, I am simply saying it's measure isn't based significantly off beating Nintendo's console marketshare since they're not making as significant inroads against that marketshare as two previous competitors did. And the generation isn't over yet - if the rumors are true, MS is bowing the Xbox early next year to bring forth its successor. Edging out Nintendo in marketshare early means even less if both the GC and PS2 go on to be supported and continue to bring in robust sales for many more more years while the Xbox is pushed aside in favor of the Xbox 2.

The achievement for MS this gen is primarily this: they made better inroads into the "living room" than any of their other previous efforts did, such as WebTV or UltimateTV. Along the way they've managed to generate/acquire some sought after game IP which will serve them well into the next gen of hardware. But all of this has been bought at very high cost thus far and the venture really needs to start showing it can pay its own way next gen, which is a problem neither Sony's PS2 or Nintendo's GC have currently, I believe.

First thing to note is that the video game industry is still very young, and each generation of consoles has its own characteristics that makes comparisons not applicable in many respects.
That's the nature of technology, not the youth of the marketplace. Double the age of this market and you'll still be encountering differing characteristics from generation to generation. Competitors are always going to have to be flexible and agile enough to deal with such adversity, assuming of course they care to pursue a position of dominance.

In your analysis you would be more impressed with MS if they acheived marketshare from the handheld market from nintendo, which I think would have been easier for them to do since they would only have 1 entreanched competitor, as opposed to the 2 they had to deal with this generation.
Tell that to Atari, or Sega.

They have smartened up and realized what sony did a long time ago, and what nintendo has failed at, its 3rd party support, getting as many games as you can on your system, the cream of the crop will rise and you will have huge hits on your machine.
They've been doing that from the start.

If things continue the way they are, the video game industry will have 2 major players next generation, like previous ones and MS marketshare will rise accordingly.
Wait, what happened to the youth of the marketplace and "each generation of consoles has its own characteristics that makes comparisons not applicable in many respects."? Did the console market suddenly grow up in one generation?

Your comments about MS have no pedigree are correct, but they were pretty minimal compared to what there competitors had.
MS was able to leverage something that Sony and Nintendo didn't go after as aggressively: Western PC development teams. MS held significant cachet in this arena and it has been a significant part of their strategy to secure third party support, which has worked.
jarrod said:
Breaking down marketshare this generation...

Sony: 60%
Microsoft: 21%
Nintendo: 19%

Sony: 83%
Microsoft: 9%
Nintendo: 8%

Sony: 80%
Nintendo: 18%
Microsoft: 2%

Sony: 70%
Microsoft: 15%
Nintendo: 15%

Society said:
I agree. They are above par now. ;)

Hmmm... I can't seem to reconcile these two statements. Thanks for the sanity check Jarrod.

This is not a dis on Microsoft. I think they've surpassed all but the most optimistic of projections, but to try and claim that they have, in any way, surpassed Sony is pure fantasy.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Worldwide? Giving Xenon the benefit of the doubt in launching early and having a Genesis style early push (rather than DC style, both of which are entirely possible) I think Microsoft would be elated to grab 25-30% (which would still be doubling their marketshare), much less twice that... they'll do much better in the US I'd imagine but won't make a dent in Japan or Europe."

Out of curiousity, if this happens (MS grows to a 25%-30% cut) how bad do you think this would affect Sony ?


Xbox beating PS next generation? For some reason, the possibilities are higher now than they were one year ago.

One year ago, if anyone would've dared to speak such things, their ass would've been banned.


Xbox beating PS next generation? For some reason, the possibilities are higher now than they were one year ago.

Not without STRONG Japanese dev support, it won't. A Nintendo/MS team up would make it pretty much a certainty. To do this, MS would need to let Nintendo have similar profit margins that they have now, plus other concessions as well. If MS could get SquareEnix to have FF and/or DQ on Xenon, then the strong possibilty for Xenon>PS3 is there. Otherwise, I HIGHLY doubt its gonna happen.


Don't confuse month-on-month sales with overall sales. I'm willing to be people still recognize the PS2 and it's become blase when mentioning it. PS3 will outsell the Xenon, it's just that no one will discuss it since a majority of the PS2 owners are the common folk who use Bonzi Buddy and Gator and play GTA to beat up people while drinking beer and planning their next deer hunt.


DCharlie said:
Out of curiousity, if this happens (MS grows to a 25%-30% cut) how bad do you think this would affect Sony ?
It'd be like Nintendo going from total NES domination to almost splitting the market in some regions with Sega a few years later... I think Sony's already on the offensive though. It's easy to like a cool underdog and I think they're also worried Xenon might have a Genesis style impact on the market...
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