Neo Member
The only way this stuff will stop, is if there is a concentrated effort to oppose it. Stop buying shit from EA.
muh "both sides"
One side is advocating for trying to force certain ideologies out of certain hobbies because the enthusiasts of those hobbies aren't 100% on board with progressive agendas. They are claiming that white supermacists and nazis are all over gaming, without any evidence to back that up other than pointing to some groyper profile pics, and they are demanding all gamers and content creators abide by their standards or else they are considered implicit vectors for nazi ideology.
The 'other side' is saying "That's stupid, and you're stupid for thinking that."
If you truly believe these are one in the same, then you are not mentally capable of grasping this topic and should spare yourself from further embarrassment.
The issue is not even the website itself, its the fact that the website is being supported by EA, the ADL, and many gaming sites. They are all openly telling you that they are 100% onboard with this website's dogma. This is yet another case of progressives both inside and outside the gaming industry proclaiming that gamers are dead, and instead of standing against this gross misrepresentation you wish to bitch and moan about the people who do stand against it.
Just because you hate one side it doesn't mean you should back their opposition even as a convenience. As a matter of historical fact that line of thinking is what allowed the Nazi's to come to power in 1933.
When you trot out glib comebacks like "both sides" you just show me you that you haven't thought this through, its just reactionary idiocy.
It doesn't matter what high-falutin values "your side" stands for if they are acting in a socially damaging way.
That's the whole point of opposing the SJW's isn't it? I don't see too many people actively calling for gays, blacks, etc. to be removed from gaming because it'd be overtly bigoted.
However many of us have a problem with the oppressive tactics the SJW-types use in service of their agenda.
In simple terms its their method, not their morality that is the real issue.
In this case. fearmongering using some fringe German group as a bogeyman in order to bolster the "free the internet" is not an approach I'm willimng to support or sanction, even if I do think pushback against the woke brigade is warranted.
Just because you hate one side it doesn't mean you should back their opposition even as a convenience. As a matter of historical fact that line of thinking is what allowed the Nazi's to come to power in 1933.
In some fights there is no "right side", and even choosing "the lesser of two evils" can be a catastrophic mistake.
When you trot out glib comebacks like "both sides" you just show me you that you haven't thought this through, its just reactionary idiocy.
It doesn't matter what high-falutin values "your side" stands for if they are acting in a socially damaging way. That's the whole point of opposing the SJW's isn't it? I don't see too many people actively calling for gays, blacks, etc. to be removed from gaming because it'd be overtly bigoted.
However many of us have a problem with the oppressive tactics the SJW-types use in service of their agenda.
In simple terms its their method, not their morality that is the real issue.
In this case. fearmongering using some fringe German group as a bogeyman in order to bolster the "free the internet" is not an approach I'm willimng to support or sanction, even if I do think pushback against the woke brigade is warranted.
And in essence what you are saying is "if you aren't with us, you are against us".
Which is stupid, and I'm happy to oppose stupid any day of the week and twice on Sundays,
Yes, and I'm proud to do it for the reason's I've just outlined.
Meanwhile you are just another reactionary running his mouth apparently oblivious to the fact that he's endorsing strategies he supposedly opposes. Good job sport.
Setting aside Goodwin's law and historical matters, that's true. It would be more helpful if you could provide examples of someone blindly backing the opposition to Wokism in this thread.
There is a logical fallacy called Argument to moderation, or Argumentum ad temperantiam. It exists. It's not an ad hoc invention of anyone around here.
You want precedent: Consider the numerous historical instances of bloody revolution and counter-revolution. In such instances its the common people who suffer the most and for the longest.
"Revolutions against Tyranny is bad" is one hell of a take.
First of all its Godwin's Law, and my usage of how Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933 isn't a Godwinism because I'm not saying "x thing is as bad as Hitler".
Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1
My point was the danger of supporting political causes out of convenience or fear of the alternative. It opens the door for political manipulation tactics, like false flagging.
As to the example you want: this debate is happening because I dared question the existential threat posed by "no pixels for fascists" or whatever. and instead it was being trumped up as a tool for anti-wokism.
Again, not what I'm arguing. argumentum ad temperantiam would be me arguing that combining the traits of both extreme leftism and right-wimgism would result in a utopia, whereas I'm pointing out that two wrongs don't make a right, especially when the wrong here is in method and process of their political ambitions.
To do that these people have to be continually driven back. Movies and TV are already mostly neutered.i just wanna play video games
where is the list of forbidden right wing words?
You're too dim to bother arguing with. Work on your reading comprehension and maybe try again.
You were saying "two wrongs don't make a right" and then used revolutions and counterrevolutions as examples.
Yes because most people aren't involved in revolutionary struggle, its activist led.
Which is why they must be scrutinized closely because if given sufficient power and influence they can drag everyone down into hell.
So what makes a revolution a "wrong", in your eyes? Is it the number of casualties?
So what makes a revolution a "wrong", in your eyes? Is it the number of casualties?
Yes, and also my cringe list#Trump2020
Am I on a watchlist for fascists now?
Revolutions generally have huge bodycounts, so if all that is achieved is to exchange one tyrant with another, I'd say its a wrong.
Bottom line is that in most cases the utopias promised by revolutionaries and activists fail to materialize, at best you (the people) end up with is a flawed, imperfect version of what was promised.
There is no such thing as a utopia. The purpose of revolution isn‘t to create a perfect government, just one that’s better than the previous government.
By that metric I would consider most European and American revolutions to be good. Yes, there were many lives lost, and yes, the new governments (and the people who installed them) often still had many of the flaws of the old government, but if prospects for common man became even slightly better, or the new governement was even slightly less corrupt, than I would count that revolution a good thing.
How many deaths are worth a 'good' revolution?
The current gen is such fucking trash and it's not even just because of SJW bs. Next gen is going to be so much worse.Next thing you know they'll be ramming gay porn down your throat in Assassin's Cre... No... Wait...
How many people live under the government that the revolution is fighting against? How bad is the current government? Obviously there‘s no litmus test that decides whether or a war is good or bad, but I don’t think it’s too taboo to say that there’s quite a few cases, especially with revolution, where one side’s motive is more understandable than the other.
And most revolutions that have so many people die that it’s “not worth it” are bound to fail regardless; I can’t think of a revolution that undergoes a large enough loss of life to the point of defeating the purpose and still end up victorious in the end anyway.
Don’t forget this just happened.
George Soros invests $45 million in Activision Blizzard
While gamers have soured on the company in recent months, Soros thinks it has
Things like this is what makes you people look like loons. You keep track of what that one billionaire does because "he might be influencing things". Meanwhile tons of other billionaires are doing the same but because they're republican donors and using their money to push the republican agenda none of you bat an eye. The reason you keep losing this fight is because to the outside people looking in you appear to be a bunch of unhinged republicans. And at that point you've lost because a lot of big corporations are not going to publically proclaim support for republicans or for democrats.
Drop all the breitbart talking points and perhaps you have a chance to gain momentum outside your bubble.
Things like this is what makes you people look like loons. You keep track of what that one billionaire does because "he might be influencing things". Meanwhile tons of other billionaires are doing the same but because they're republican donors and using their money to push the republican agenda none of you bat an eye. The reason you keep losing this fight is because to the outside people looking in you appear to be a bunch of unhinged republicans. And at that point you've lost because a lot of big corporations are not going to publically proclaim support for republicans or for democrats.
Drop all the breitbart talking points and perhaps you have a chance to gain momentum outside your bubble.
Things like this is what makes you people look like loons. You keep track of what that one billionaire does because "he might be influencing things". Meanwhile tons of other billionaires are doing the same but because they're republican donors and using their money to push the republican agenda none of you bat an eye.
The reason you keep losing this fight is because to the outside people looking in you appear to be a bunch of unhinged republicans. And at that point you've lost because a lot of big corporations are not going to publically proclaim support for republicans or for democrats.
Gatekeeping might help.To do that these people have to be continually driven back. Movies and TV are already mostly neutered.
tried sleeping it off, soul still hurts
can you list some successful violent revolutions that produced quality governmental structures in the last 200 years? Not trying to start an argument, just curious.
Don’t forget this just happened.
George Soros invests $45 million in Activision Blizzard
While gamers have soured on the company in recent months, Soros thinks it has
You should try reading what you link to. They don`t say the triforce is a KKK. They say the following.Reminder that the ADL believes the Triforce is a KKK symbol.
You like Legend of Zelda? Sorry kid, but you’re a KKK member now. You may pick up your complementary hood, tunic, and torch in the dining hall.
You should try reading what you link to. They don`t say the triforce is a KKK. They say the following.
The triangular Klan symbol bears a certain resemblance to the "Triforce" symbol that appears in the popular Legend of Zeldavideo games, with which it should not be confused.
Why even lump the two together on the same sentence in the first place? these sjw types are ridiculous and are ruining all types of media .
As to why. Just like an encyclopedia has a detailed explanation of a giving thing and compares it to another similar thing to show contrast/context and to answer any possible question. In short they do look very similar and adressing that and saying that people should not mistake one for the other is just informative. There is nothing wrong wrong with giving people more info/knowledge. And to the last part I would say that is not an objective fact. I would think what you really mean is that it is being ruiner for you.
You should try reading what you link to. They don`t say the triforce is a KKK. They say the following.
The triangular Klan symbol bears a certain resemblance to the "Triforce" symbol that appears in the popular Legend of Zeldavideo games, with which it should not be confused.
You should try reading what you link to. They don`t say the triforce is a KKK. They say the following.
The triangular Klan symbol bears a certain resemblance to the "Triforce" symbol that appears in the popular Legend of Zeldavideo games, with which it should not be confused.
I was just on Twitter and saw how many people liked that tweet by China saying the US was responsible. And all the replies by Chinese apologists many of them not Chinese.So fucking Stasi agent is going to dictate something in gaming industry? ARE YOU FUCKING REAL??
She is in there for revenge, not to protect anyone. But fuck sake, this bullshit that looser were bad guys and winners were good ( in WW2 no less ), is fucking PROBLEMATIC (in real sense of word), it makes my head hurt.
I hope someone destroy this bullshit, soon. And I mean soon, not soon™
They do, but it seems like they cannot stop winning. Everyone's being China's bitch is one example, but even in the west, being commie, is appearantly good thing. FUCK makes my blood boil.
I have some story of "inclusivity", when my family had a big house and they have to "include" other member of working class there and live in the cellar, because it was "left thing to do". This was for 23 years, by the way, that long they were AirBNB, since they weren't in commie party. So fuck that. FUCK EVERYTHING. A fuck those fucking fucker inside my country, which still allows KSCM (Commie party of Czech and Moravia) to be still allowed.
Quoting just because of how powerful that sentence you typed was!i just wanna play video games
I'm surprised they didn't mention the manji shaped dungeon in the original Zelda which is an "upright swastika".Why would they make that connection? Do you think of the KKK when you see the triforce