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Compulsion Games Community Manager Katie Robinson recently claimed, “I hate gamers.” , "White Male Gamers Were A Mistake"


I gotta say, I am getting really fucking tired of being vilified by these assholes. Again, a lot of us grew up in a time where our hobby was seen as "for losers" and made fun of cuz we weren't into other things that were more mainstream....now we got people like this telling me I don't belong in the hobby that was targeted to me for decades. Fuck off already.
Right? I got bullied as a kid and pre-teen mercilessly because I liked video games. I hate to break it to her, but “white male gamers” were playing before most girls even gave a shit about video games.

Shit, I don’t know how she is, but odds are me and many others were playing video games before she was an itch in her father’s tighty whiteys.
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man i dont understand how can you create a product for the masses and talk like that , does this bitch really expect someone to buy their game after this , are white male gamers really that dumb to buy it ?

Ignorance is bliss. The fact of the matter is that 95% of all white male gamers out there wouldn't even had known who this person is or what she said.

Kings Field

Im a proud white straight male and you can suck my fucking balls and eat my shit ridden asshole you fucking whore.

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I'll never understand why Microsoft bought this studio
Her political opinions of the game industry fit right in at Microsoft. There's nothing centrist or right leaning about Microsoft's politics in video game content, hell I don't think even someone who *leans* left would feel comfortable with the kinds stuff Microsoft and much of the industry pushes these days.

And btw there's nothing inherently bad about left wing politics it's just generally the only politics that get pushed down your throat in video games. This girl definitely fits right in.


How in any universe is this acceptable coming from a community manager from a studio owned by a trillion dollar Corp?

Like could you imagine the uproar if someone was the community manager for, I dunno, an American football team like the Dallas Cowboys, and said “I hate football and blacks people were a mistake”, do we really think they would be in a job, and there wouldn’t be budlight levels of boycotting going on. The team would never recover, and the person who said it most certainly would be out of job, and rightly so.

Yet it’s starting to feel like these sort of views are borderline an ideological requirement at some studios now, and given Microsoft’s policy positions they seem to have somehow ended up with a really self destructive internal culture.

It all seems like such a massive unforced error/own goal that sure as hell wont benefit the companies involved and given the inevitable backlash that seems to be gaining steam, definitely wont benefit the ideological goals of those involved either. I’m not even sure what those goals are anymore, like I used to “get it” but now it’s all just gone so far out the other side 🤷‍♂️


Again, im not a reactionary. like just cause someone says the n word out of anger. Doesn’t mean they are a terrible person.

But this person did make a stupid generalization out of anger. She probably does deserve to get fired, suspended, etc. Because youre not supposed to get so emotional on social media when you represent a company.

I agree with your second paragraph, but I also think her choice words say a lot about her character.

When I'm mad my first thought is not "black people were a mistake", because race has nothing to do with whatever issue you're facing.

She could've said:

"These rude assholes dont deserve to be in gaming"

"These people are stupid, idiots" or whatever

But her first thought it's that its somehow the fault of white people, people she doesnt even know if they are white or not, because they are just twitter profile pictures.

The dude that made the curator group isnt probably even white as he's from Brazil lol.

So I do think she's a hateful person regardless.
I guess something traumatic must have happened to her. Did an ex play too many games instead of spending time with her? We will probably never know, but saying something like this is normally caused by something that triggered this hate.
Again, im not a reactionary. like just cause someone says the n word out of anger. Doesn’t mean they are a terrible person.

But this person did make a stupid generalization out of anger. She probably does deserve to get fired, suspended, etc. Because youre not supposed to get so emotional on social media when you represent a company.

She has a consistent track record of similar posts. It's not a one-off angry reply in a heated argument. It shocks me that young people with dream jobs feel so miserable and bitter about life and the world. This is some kind of mental condition, and it connects to the current crisis of Western entertainment, because I can't think of someone with this noise in his mind being any good at work. I wouldn't be able to do anything with this shit interfering with my thoughts.


Gold Member
Just like fast-food chain employees hate their customers and spit in their hamburgers whenever possible. It's just that gamers somehow hate companies, hate games, hate other players but don't like when they are hated upon.


I know this probably have being said several times already but...
These guys needs help, psycological help asap. Theres no way people there can nod and agree to things like that and think its normal.

We're a bit busy killing dragons, robots, bugs, aliens, ninjas, and pirates together for fun.

Have you thought that those dragons, robots, bugs, aliens, ninjas and pirates have feelings, pronoums, genders and need to be represented? How can you be so selfish?
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Frankly... Who gives a shit about the opinion of a "community manager" of a small indie studio?

It's same kind of person that complains about the state of the industry and how bad the market is, being an asshole from inside the industry.

Some heavy #everyonebattlefield vibe.


Just like fast-food chain employees hate their customers and spit in their hamburgers whenever possible. It's just that gamers somehow hate companies, hate games, hate other players but don't like when they are hated upon.

The post.

Power Pro

You can't be racist against white people.

Said every racist.

Every time I see this bull shit comment, it just reminds me of this scene. It's not like some new concept to be racist against white people. John McClaine was not racist at all, but Zeus always just saw race issues everywhere, even when there was none between them. Maybe I'm wrong, but pointing it out to him seemed like they started to get along better after this scene too, cuz ultimately that shit didn't matter when you're in life and death situations.


Gold Member
Those people need therapy. I don't understand why someone that hate games want to make or work in gaming.

Is like when you fail in life the only option is to work at the game industry? Thats why they hate?


It's hard to take someone seriously when they look like they floss with a pool noodle. It's ironic her saying white male gamers were a mistake when if it wasn't for some white dude blowing a load into one of her relatives she wouldn't even exist as she is mixed race and not 100% black. Maybe she just hates herself?


Just like fast-food chain employees hate their customers and spit in their hamburgers whenever possible. It's just that gamers somehow hate companies, hate games, hate other players but don't like when they are hated upon.

Has nothing to do with gamers or gaming. This community manager is a blatant racist. How anyone can simply "hate", or not hire people or constantly judge others based on the color of their skin is racist and evil.. Let's stop pretending otherwise.


Apparently Asian men are allies to the tyrannical patriarchal WHITE MEN that oppresses her entire existence.

What is the context to the part where she says "Asian & white.. aka white adjacent"? What was she talking about there? Also, I'm curious to know when she got hired, the screenshot snips above a post date. Overall, still a bit sickening to have this sort of attitude in life, let alone as a Community Manager.

See, what happened was Asians, on average, became very successful in the US despite a rather rough time about 70 to 80 years ago. Which ruins the narrative that the US, and by extension the West in general, is designed to only allow White men to succeed. So in order to continue the narrative that the US inherently prevents non-Whites from achieving great success overall, you have to lump Whites and Asians together. Fortunately, a growing number of racial and ethnic minorities are taking notice that things aren't adding up anymore. That the narrative holds less and less water the more you look at it instead of just accepting it as truth. Honestly, Asian success was the worst thing that happened to these people. I've seen more and more Black and Latino people saying enough is enough and to knock off the constant race-baiting.


Biggest Trails Stan
See, what happened was Asians, on average, became very successful in the US despite a rather rough time about 70 to 80 years ago. Which ruins the narrative that the US, and by extension the West in general, is designed to only allow White men to succeed. So in order to continue the narrative that the US inherently prevents non-Whites from achieving great success overall, you have to lump Whites and Asians together. Fortunately, a growing number of racial and ethnic minorities are taking notice that things aren't adding up anymore. That the narrative holds less and less water the more you look at it instead of just accepting it as truth. Honestly, Asian success was the worst thing that happened to these people. I've seen more and more Black and Latino people saying enough is enough and to knock off the constant race-baiting.

Even Indian (From India) are sick of the constant race baiting
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As if launching a new IP isn't hard enough, I see Compulsion Games decided to take a Souls-like approach to making a new game and hire a Community Manager who hates gamers, just to up the difficulty and make it more challenging. 🤣

Hopefully this person gets fired.
Gentlemen, you're playing into her hand. She's nobody yet look how riled up she's made you.

She's wrong, of course, but she's winning because of the reaction she's provoked.

We prove to her what's what by showing her organization (and thereby the shareholders) they won't turn a profit from supporting gaslighting authors of false narratives or those who sow discord.


Gentlemen, you're playing into her hand. She's nobody yet look how riled up she's made you.

She's wrong, of course, but she's winning because of the reaction she's provoked.

We prove to her what's what by showing her organization (and thereby the shareholders) they won't turn a profit from supporting gaslighting authors of false narratives or those who sow discord.

What if I gave her no money AND told her to go fuck herself? Is she still winnin', son?


Snake Oil Salesman
Gentlemen, you're playing into her hand. She's nobody yet look how riled up she's made you.

She's wrong, of course, but she's winning because of the reaction she's provoked.
I'm not so sure. I tend to think this ideology doesn't do well in the sunlight. The more people are "riled up", the longer it's exposed to sane people. I say stay riled up.
We prove to her what's what by showing her organization (and thereby the shareholders) they won't turn a profit from supporting gaslighting authors of false narratives or those who sow discord.
Gaming needs its Bud Light moment. Emotions help us get there.
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