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Compulsion Games Community Manager Katie Robinson recently claimed, “I hate gamers.” , "White Male Gamers Were A Mistake"


Gold Member
In a since deleted Tweet, simply because he made a post about that Gamescent product, one of Compulsion's narrative leads on South of Midnight, Zaire "ZeesterMeester", filleted poor Geoff Keighly a few weeks ago for not sufficiently co-commiserating and prostrating himself before the alter of Anti-Capitalism amid Sony's recent layoff purge. The studio seems to have a big problem with far left activist employees.


That certainly is a bountiful harvest of bullshit you're farming over there girl.
When these turds that say this shit, they forget they grew up in a generation where Zelda, Mario, halo, final fantasy and so forth were the pinnacle of gaming. Why not make good games like that than worrying about who you want to fuck?


Reseterror Resettler
I was thinking the second pic

Alanah looks a bit derpy when she opens her mouth

Don't all women?


Honk if I'm doing well, fellow gamergators, fellow Quinn truthers, fellow fellows, my pallid patriots...!

Bigot sandwiches available on me during the monthly shindig we got going on.

Where we play poker.

And watch the races.


The white races.

......also I like boobs and eat meat.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Imagine saying this shit...
Growing up... I remember, specifically, girls thinking guys who played games were lame, nerdy... this was back when Nerd was used as a derogatory.
Also, most of the kids I saw that had video games were white. If they were a mistake, then maybe the entire industry was, too...

Fast forward to-today, we have girls straight up calling themselves Nerds in their bios. Nothing wrong with that, but don't come late and try to gate keep the entire industry.
I sunk plenty of money into this habit before politics started stinking up my fucking escape. :pie_bull:
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Lmao, yes we must honor the consumers of before for the tribute they have given us.

white males had a monopoly in disposable income. and it was socially unacceptable for females to participate in male actives. That’s all you’re saying. Whenever a game isn’t directly being marketed to fragile males they bitch and moan on forums. You would think now that there’s a more diverse gaming demographic, most games are not going to be aimed at a sexually frustrated keyboard warriors.

This lady was upset about the constant bitching by “white” males about a “woke” agenda nonsense and spoke incorrectly. Alot of males, and white males specifically don’t give shit about any of this stuff but she generalized because of a loud minority, that makes it seem all males give any fuck about race or gender or body shape. oh no the humanity.
As far as i know, the male who oppose woke things is not small, and they are not minority. They are everywhere, it might smaller in west. In herr in asia, we are tired with woke and i know by myself, i travel a lot, between cities, there a lot of us. Im also part of lot of hobbies community in europe and i know they are tired of wokes as well. They just can speak easily in someplace. But if they have opportunities, they will speak themselves. I even ever knew some people who escape from west because woke.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member

man i dont understand how can you create a product for the masses and talk like that , does this bitch really expect someone to buy their game after this , are white male gamers really that dumb to buy it ?

I wonder if some game director would say "black gamers were a mistake " what would happen to that company ?

"This post resurfaced after Kern shared information he allegedly received from a former Compulsion Games developer that the company had changed the race of its main character for their upcoming South of Midnight game after it hired Sweet Baby Inc as a consultant."

Kern noted on X, “After SBI was brought on board Compulsion Game’s South of Midnight the main character was race swapped from white to black.”

She forgets that while the men were at the Normandy landings... The women stayed as secretaries Or cleaning the house in fear...
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She has a consistent track record of similar posts. It's not a one-off angry reply in a heated argument. It shocks me that young people with dream jobs feel so miserable and bitter about life and the world. This is some kind of mental condition, and it connects to the current crisis of Western entertainment, because I can't think of someone with this noise in his mind being any good at work. I wouldn't be able to do anything with this shit interfering with my thoughts.
These people feel incredibly entitled and any real sense of work is immediately shrugged or overblown as not fitting in their "busy" work day (usually posting non work things during company time). They'll also take a huge amount of credit for crap they've never actually done, bordering on "I made this game happen".

Anyway, these people out themselves eventually and as per usual it's the same general type of person... generalisms exist for a reason, but don't tell em that.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Not one person here needs to worry about "proving the point" of someone who:

A. Has no functional command of the space bar.
B. Exhibits the grammatical mannerisms of a frequent concussion victim.
C. Possesses some innate knowledge of the entirely unspecified media that "queer children" are finding so enjoyable.

Men_In_Boxes is correct. Bacteria dies in sunlight. Highlight every ridiculous statement, don't buy their games, and adopt purchasing habits that make it clear to publishers that sane people are not putting up with this shit anymore.


Reseterror Resettler
Not one person here needs to worry about "proving the point" of someone who:

A. Has no functional command of the space bar.
B. Exhibits the grammatical mannerisms of a frequent concussion victim.
C. Possesses some innate knowledge of the entirely unspecified media that "queer children" are finding so enjoyable.

Men_In_Boxes is correct. Bacteria dies in sunlight. Highlight every ridiculous statement, don't buy their games, and adopt purchasing habits that make it clear to publishers that sane people are not putting up with this shit anymore.

I was told tonight about "sistemic racism," so that ignore list is gonna be long.


Men_In_Boxes is correct. Bacteria dies in sunlight. Highlight every ridiculous statement, don't buy their games, and adopt purchasing habits that make it clear to publishers that sane people are not putting up with this shit anymore.
Yeah but gaming media don’t dare to be critical of this, for some reason they don’t see it as racism to be hateful toward white people, they see it as being progressive and it’ll probably review well and will get bonus points for pushing the Sweet Baby Inc agenda so hard.
But it’s on Gamepass so it won’t sell either way.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Yeah but gaming media don’t dare to be critical of this, for some reason they don’t see it as racism to be hateful toward white people, they see it as being progressive and it’ll probably review well and will get bonus points for pushing the Sweet Baby Inc agenda so hard.
But it’s on Gamepass so it won’t sell either way.

I agree entirely, I just think we are hitting that point where legacy media matters less and less to people who actually keep the industry afloat with their purchases. They just turned Kotaku into a guide site. No more social commentary that nobody asked for. No more coverage for your friend of a friend's indie game. Guides. Pretty much every other "Kotaku adjacent" (lol) site has also been relying on content entirely unrelated to video games for years, meaning their screeds and proclamations weren't enough to keep the suits happy either. Maybe whatever shit heap Rob Zacny and Patrick "my wife gave me permission to stop watching Gotham" Klepek (hey eXxy!) are running can carry the torch, but torches dim behind $60 annual paywall. I guess advertisers weren't jumping at the opportunity to flush more money down the toilet.


Gold Member
I speak only for myself.

Let her talk. Let her and others like her express their woke racism against me as a white man so that I know who they are.

Then I will not buy or use their products or services. I give my money and time to those that supports me, not to those that hates me.

I almost find it funny how my very existence makes these people so angry.
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Some of the people In here are proving her point.
No one is proving her point. She's being openly racist and people are reacting with anger to that. How do you expect people to react?

No one here is saying that they don't want ethnic minority or female characters in video games. We're all happy to play such games, some of which have been among the most successful of all time.

This woman is the outlier, not us.


I'm just here to say that I am still looking forward to their game. Their first two games are actually pretty damn good, hurt only by the fact that the budget didn't meet their vision so I am guessing they won't have that problem with this one. And as weird as it may sound her comment didn't even offend me in any way and, yes, I am white male.

Boss Mog

There's only two types of people in the world: builders and destroyers. To create something good, such as a videogame, you need builders. All these activists posing as devs and consultants are destroyers and so they will never be able to create a good game, they will only see the game as a vessel to deliver destructive ideologies to the masses.
Get fucked. If a white person was to say this about black gamers, they'd be hung out to dry.

I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit and it's not like these oxygen thieves get any real backlash for being racist either, which is frustrating. It's almost like she thinks she gets a free pass to be racist for whatever reason, absolutely insane.

I had no intention of buying any of these games because they all look terrible, but I hope this company fails fucking miserably.



Every time I see this bull shit comment, it just reminds me of this scene. It's not like some new concept to be racist against white people. John McClaine was not racist at all, but Zeus always just saw race issues everywhere, even when there was none between them. Maybe I'm wrong, but pointing it out to him seemed like they started to get along better after this scene too, cuz ultimately that shit didn't matter when you're in life and death situations.

Completely off fucking topic, but I urge everyone to go back and watch this movie. It’s aged absolutely beautifully. Easily up there with the original.


Also notice how every race/sexual orientation/sex can have pride in themselves, except for straight, white and male?

If you attempt to show any self pride you get labelled a nazi.
That's the thing though,what the fuck kind of person needs to strut around 24/7 showing pride in themselves,lol.......the average white guy like me is very happy being who he is,I never chose my race I'm just living my life and minding my own business.....these people are fucking narcissists,the modern internet world has bred a generation of people like this....thank fuck I come from a time before the internet arrived!


her comment didn't even offend me in any way and, yes, I am white male.
You’re okay being hated and called a mistake just for being white and a gamer and a man?

I’m not. I think it’s absurd that this political movement of plain hatred toward regular people has been normalized and accepted to the point that someone can say like she says without consequences, often for political positive points.

If someone want to progress the industry toward better diversity then how about doing it without hate?
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