Well, reviews are a tool to be used in helping make a decision, right?Why would anyone do that? Fuck the reviews. If you're interested in a game GO FOR IT
A review shouldn't change how you feel about the game..
Well, reviews are a tool to be used in helping make a decision, right?
They aren’t for me. I went to a lot of restaurants where my friends told me they were not special but ended up being a great experience. It has nothing to do with ANYTHING. Why should I care right? You do youWell, reviews are a tool to be used in helping make a decision, right?
If you and your wife are going to go out to eat, but 20 people told you not to go to a restaurant you would listen right? So why shouldn’t we listen to users telling us not to buy this ?
I mean, usually what I hear is, “Don’t go by professional critic reviews! They’re paid to give certain reviews to have their name quoted on the ads” or “Those professional critics don’t know the specific genre of this game” .... etc They usually tell me to put more faith in reviews from common folk like us. And I did, and it’s getting a 4.4.
I wouldn’t exactly trust user reviews in MC. A game can get real low score in user reviews just because some people pissed the game is exclusive. This currently what’s happening with Astral Chain’s user reviews.Well, reviews are a tool to be used in helping make a decision, right?
If you and your wife are going to go out to eat, but 20 people told you not to go to a restaurant you would listen right? So why shouldn’t we listen to users telling us not to buy this ?
I mean, usually what I hear is, “Don’t go by professional critic reviews! They’re paid to give certain reviews to have their name quoted on the ads” or “Those professional critics don’t know the specific genre of this game” .... etc They usually tell me to put more faith in reviews from common folk like us. And I did, and it’s getting a 4.4.
I'd say its fairly obvious something is up though with such a huge difference between the "professional" and user reviews. I personally find MC to be a bit faulty and Opencritic a bit better. But honestly I'm the type of guy to not listen to most people and their opinions. There are so many great games I would've missed had I listened to both sides, games with like an average of 3.0. Gotta learn what things interest you and what to expect quality and content wise. Its one reason why I think ACG's style of review score is better than merely slapping a number on something so arbitrary. Buy, Wait for Sale, Avoid and in what state the product is in at launch is a fine indicator imho. Arguing over numbers is just semantics in my opinion.Well, reviews are a tool to be used in helping make a decision, right?
If you and your wife are going to go out to eat, but 20 people told you not to go to a restaurant you would listen right? So why shouldn’t we listen to users telling us not to buy this ?
I mean, usually what I hear is, “Don’t go by professional critic reviews! They’re paid to give certain reviews to have their name quoted on the ads” or “Those professional critics don’t know the specific genre of this game” .... etc They usually tell me to put more faith in reviews from common folk like us. And I did, and it’s getting a 4.4.
Just buy it if you think you like Remedy games, you won't be disappointed. I really don't care about reviews, specially in these times where any idiot can express his debatable opinion.Man I’m nervous
This would literally be the first time in my life since the birth of the Internet that I’ve ever bought a game that had a 4.4 user average
So I first watched a cutscene where the guy I was talking to was completely invisible. Needless to say, the cutscenes are awkward enough as they are, that made it even more lunatic.
After the cutscene ended, this happened:
...but honestly, with this game, I can't tell if that was a bug/glitch or not.
Edit: OK, now I'm looking at a bunch of static NPCs in T-pose. My game is seriously gitching out. This should be fun.
A checkpoint when fighting bosses would've been great. I keep dying because i keep falling down due to the floor being destructible. Then i'm back to control point and need to make my way to the altered object again, exorcise it again...
A checkpoint when fighting bosses would've been great. I keep dying because i keep falling down due to the floor being destructible. Then i'm back to control point and need to make my way to the altered object again, exorcise it again...
Game can get hard when it comes to the side mission bosses. Any tips?
Depends on the boss my dude
I think it's this way because DLSS perfectly integrates in the way the NL Engine renders the final image. Basically it replaces (or maybe it improves) the temporal reconstruction normally used in the game.This game has the best implementation of DLSS I’ve seen yet. I’m gaming at 3440x1440 on an RTX 2080 TI, and DLSS takes me from the mid the 30’s up to around 60 FPS. Visually I can see the usual DLSS blur if I look for it, but it’s much less pronounced than it is in other games (Metro Exodus, for example).
Here (+ end game spoilers)
esseJ - she really hits hard
"Boss" of Mission 9, where you have to cleanse 6 radars. I died on the 6th radar and struggled with 4th and 5th.
I have never taken MC user reviews seriouslyI think the negative user reviews are a combination of EGS exclusives and anti SJW review bombing. Pay it no mind.
Game is great.
Essej can be easily beaten if you just hide from her down the stairs that lead to the main hall. Fight her first form normally, evade rockets, and then run down, she will not go there. Then it's easy to just peak out, shoot at her or throw something with launch. Fighting her in the open is suicide.
i defeated her fair and square no exploiting
control is such a better game in any aspect.I'm enjoying Control so much i decided to give Quantum Break another chance. Loaded my last save. It's an unskippable cutscene with zavala and little finger walking down a hallway. Alt+F4...
Could all the issues you mentioned be fixed in the future? With updates and what not?Ok so I beat the game last night and it actually surprised me that it was the end. Maybe that was partly my fault. Before that final mission, which I didn’t know was the final mission, I was trying to upgrade some more weapons and I googled how to find more untapped potential materials and it said “Alpha” and I’m like oh I have a whole other area I need to explore yet called Alpha, and I don’t know wtf that even ended up meaning, but the ending shocked me.either, which was disappointing.No final boss
As for the hardest boss, it’s interesting everyone seems to have a tougher time with different bosses. For me it was easily
Anchor or Former. Anchor was just overwhelming when it starts going really fast, but it was really the enemies hounding you all the damn time which kept killing me more than anything. And Former itself wasn’t hard but I fell through the ground and died a few times. The rest I had no issues with at all.
It was a good game, but there are things that held it back from being better. Tons of bugs, and issues and I’m not usually one to complain about bugs or frame rate, I only do when it’s significant, usually I don’t even notice. Frame rate was horrendous here. On my Pro, it would lag every time I paused and unpaused the game for several seconds. After every mission you complete, the game would freeze for several seconds. Intense action parts would cause the game to stutter incredibly. I even had the game freeze for about 20 seconds before it unfroze once. I had several bugs. One time I was stuck and I didn’t know where to go. So I YouTubed where to go and it turns out I was in the right place but for whatever reason I was unable to interact with the control point. So I had to exit the game and reload my save. The map at random doesn’t load correctly, several times I couldn’t interact with mods on the ground. Just really lacks polish. Also micromanaging inventory became tedious. There was no reason to have a limit on your mods, and frankly with limited high end materials it made crafting level 5 mods almost impossible, which also begs the question, why do it that way in the first place?
It’s a shame, because it’s a really cool game that is fun and visually awesome and some areas are super cool like the foundation area. If it had more polish it would have went from good to great IMO.
Edit: oh, one more bug other users are also reporting. At random you’re unable to upgrade certain weapons. I have all the materials, yet I was never given the chance to upgrade the sniper gun(forget the name).
They already promised players optimisations, quality of life improvements and more in upcoming patches. So yes, it will definitely be better.Could all the issues you mentioned be fixed in the future? With updates and what not?
In other words, if I buy this two months from now, could there be fixes that are already in place by time I install it and download any updates ?
Can you free roam after completion?
Also I've unlocked launch, when do you get to synergise attacks? I'm only missing one....the last one.
Yes, you can freeroam. There are even some new missions and bosses. Plus a very badass suit for Jesse
Which new missions unlock after you finish?
I was able to beat every optional boss including Tomassi by Chapter 8
Yes and more stuff waiting for youCan you free roam after completion?
Also I've unlocked launch, when do you get to synergise attacks? I'm only missing one....the last one.
Yes it was Tomassi and the plant down in the mold area. After the plant boss, the lady scientist sent me to kill mold people in other areas of the Oldest House. Are they available before the ending?
Yeah they’re ridiculous. Got the shield ability yet?Those hitbox scanning enemies in the pit can collectively suck a fucking fat one. I can't even fucking see them until after they've launched 5 rapid fire mold cumshots at me and I'm fucking dead.
Yeah they’re ridiculous. Got the shield ability yet?
Beautiful GIFs. How do you make them?Loving the pacing of this game
played it for about 1 hour,
game is boring as fuck
environment destruction is great.
texture are ok.
surroundings are so bland man dear god.
tripple A gaming eh?
all i see is copy pasta rooms
look at max payne 2 THAT was great or alan wake.
heck even quantum break was better
Third gif have weird animations.Loving the pacing of this game