Heh, moving the mouse over the price sticker changes the date from June 4th to May 31st
How come I couldn't play it through demolition?
Aw, it's not avaliable there? Lame.
How many wins do you need again? The Phoenix Medal looks great so I might actually try for it this time.Played my first comp match back in a few days as a Phoenix member, got Cache. First win for gold down![]()
How many wins do you need again? The Phoenix Medal looks great so I might actually try for it this time.
Any point of buying the pass if I only play casual?
Maybe it's time to try competitive play for the first time.
Any point of buying the pass if I only play casual?
Maybe it's time to try competitive play for the first time.
You'll basically pay for the price of the pass with one or two crate drops so there's no reason not to
Also fnatic destroyed dignitas, they're legit and hitting some awesome shots
Any point of buying the pass if I only play casual?
Maybe it's time to try competitive play for the first time.
Okay, I have had enough of this. Name and shaming time: i have been kicked from my first competitive Phoenix match, 5 rounds before the end. Why? Because I got killed by the remaining 4 enemies (all my teammates were dead), and we have lost the round. I was the second on the ladder with 30+ points. Nearly all players Russians - which is an other great thing, Valve decided that my country is part of Russia, so for the past 7 days I was only paired with Russian players, who only speak Russian, who never use the teamchat, and who are always trying to kick everybody for fun. Russia is around 5000km from me.
Player name: Rej J Philips
Abuse: Votekicker
Url: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031853434
Sorry to hear
If you can, always, ALWAYS cue with at least 1 friend to prevent votekick abuse.
Okay, I have had enough of this. Name and shaming time: i have been kicked from my first competitive Phoenix match, 5 rounds before the end. Why? Because I got killed by the remaining 4 enemies (all my teammates were dead), and we have lost the round. I was the second on the ladder with 30+ points. Nearly all players Russians - which is an other great thing, Valve decided that my country is part of Russia, so for the past 7 days I was only paired with Russian players, who only speak Russian, who never use the teamchat, and who are always trying to kick everybody for fun. Russia is around 5000km from me.
That was the norm but the 2 guys I have been playing with every day got fed up with this and quit the game. Now i have to play alone![]()
Got a case, sold it for $7. Haha.
People are crazy.
Thunder is stupid
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Couldn't resist opening my first Phoenix crate. Got the Mac-10 Heat. Damn it's beautiful. If it had been a stattrak it would have been my go to gun for anti-ecos as t. I still don't like how stattrak is just something that comes with the guns instead of something separate you can add to the weapons of your choice. Even more pissed off at the fact that you can't get stattrak on weapons by trading up.
They fixed it today. There was some doible scoping thing that made the game crash.Thunder must be a really bad map since my game kept crashing every time I tried to join the server and got a 7 days cooldown, which is weird since my last cooldown was only 24hrs. and I should have gotten a 5 days.
They fixed it today. There was some doible scoping thing that made the game crash.
lol, good catch.
Demolition mode is only available for demolition maps. That's always been the case.
I'd love it if they'd add a few more demolition maps to the game.
Yeah I know, I just took a quick glance at the maps and figured they would throw at least one in the pack. I was mistaken.
I like the de_ maps and agency. But Cache is by far the best map. None of the others come close. I expect Cache and Agency will be made official maps after Phoenix ends. Ali, Favela, and Seaside all have potential, but need more work. Agency, is a beautiful and fun map. It's eligibility as a competitive map is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned, I would never play a hostage map in competitive anyway, except for maybe in the future if I'll go for the map achievements. Thunder has a certain charm, but it's a bad map. Downtown and Motel have no redeeming qualities. Valve should have given us more defuse maps instead.Am I alone in liking only Cache from Op. Phoenix? All the other maps are either horrible or hostage maps, which is a mode I dislike.
Motel and Thunder are awful. Good for anything except competitive.
I like hostage maps
Motel is really frustrating though, but I don't think it being a defuse map would make it any better.