not exactly the top of tunnels but close. Why would you ever be aiming there?
Well, I think he wasn't aiming there.
He pointed his camera in the general direction, but he didn't try to aim at the tunnels or Atsou behind the doors. He was just looking at the general direction of the area while he was on the fast move and then corrected his aim once he arrived.
At least that would be one way to explain it.
If you look at his aim while he is on his way back he isn't even aiming at Atsou most of the time, but he is aiming in front of him.
dat 64 tickrate is the cause of that shot. There are many times back in 1.6 in which this would occur as well. People make videos of it, and it was pretty funny.
How would the tickrate explain it?
At a tickrate of 64 the servers is making decisions at around every 15ms. But it apppears the Mayhem's first target has been standing still for more than that, and is even standing still after his shot.
@Mayhem, was that a live stream from, a recorded replay, or a replay from the server?