and just like that I no longer care for my Dark Water. sigh...
and just like that I no longer care for my Dark Water. sigh...
Best thing about this damm update besides de_season being added.[MISC]
Halloween has come to a grisly end. (sv_holiday_mode set back to 0)
The campaign stuff is weird - buying access the Maghreb and Eurasia gives you an additional mission a week, allowing you to focus on one campaign and get those 3 stars quickly, already hit my cap of 2 missions and now I'm stuck waiting 4 days for my next fix. This is diabolical.
I had steam wallet money so I bought the extra two....then the new case hype made me buy a key....I got a 50 cent skin....
I got the sawed-off shotgun one. Eh.
I dont like that we only get two missions per day and have to wait four more days to do the next one.
I think it's bugged. Because it did say 4 days for me but now it says one day. Maybe because I bought the extra campaigns?
The get 10 mag 7 kills on overpass is bugged, did it twice, did not get the crate. Either way, made money back and bought the campaigns, looks like these crates should be dropping in price a ton.
Bu bu but Valve only adds shitty, non-competetive maps in operations. And then Bam we get season AND facade. Today is a good day.
I reinstalled Windows yesterday and now I can't use the market for 7 days. What the fuck is this shit man. I realise it's to protect people's inventories from hackers etc. but there must be some way to bypass this right?
The timing couldn't be any worse.
haven't played any map besides workout and season. if anything is even half as bad as workout they might as well rename this operation season
Feels a bit like they're making us pay three times for one operation.
And workout... ugh
I don't know anything about any of these old favorites since i've only gotten into CS for a little over a year. i just want good maps. bonus points if they're visually appealing.facade won that CEVO maping contest and is still being played from time to time in CEVO pugs. It should be better then most maps on the workshop. But of course the CS community would rather want to have tuscan..
isn't this the cheapest a pack has initially launched at though? i thought most ops started at $10 or something. i usually wait for a sale the month or two before it ends where it's 80% off
wow. this new op just fucked the value on my water elemental...
if youre in the market for one, buy now.
Also played 5v5 on season, facade and KIDS ZONE GYMBOREE
and if anyone gets a fire elemental i'll give you a blowjob every day for the remainder of the year