Good stuff.Grand final (NIP vs Verygames) starting in ~15 mins: Notes for 12/3/2012
[ MISC ]
- In addition to TKing, you can now be kicked/banned in two different ways for team hurting:
- For doing an unusual amount of damage in a short amount of time.
- For doing an excessive amount of team damage over the course of the match.
- Partial inferno extinguishing now properly puts out flamelets.
- Molly/Inc Grenade fire now goes out slightly faster when extinguished and updated the overall effects a bit.
- Fixed an edge case where the alerts panel would show on round start for a frame.
- Changed default tv_delay to 10s.
- Changed default tv_delaymapchange to 1. This postpones the post-match level change by the tv_delay amount to ensure that the broadcast to GOTV clients is complete. NOTE: Manually quitting the server or changing the level while the broadcast is still ongoing will kill the feed to all GOTV relays and GOTV clients and your spectators will miss the end of the match. It's best to let the system's timer run out on its own or wait for as many seconds as you have tv_delay set for.
- Replaced hard-coded 'E' observer use command with '+use'
- Tweaked autodirector based on feedback.
- Added item purchases to server log.
- Decoy grenade changes
- Reduced price to $50.
- Reduced fire rate and extended life span to make it less identifiable as a decoy.
- Physically looks more like a flashbang to allow fakes.
- Fixed assists displaying the assister's name twice in the server log.
- Reduced default value of sv_clockcorrection_msecs to 30 and whitelisted the convar (thanks J3di)
- Reorganized net_graph options:
- 0: off
- 1: Competitively allowable data.
- 2: Additional In/Out data.
- 3: Additional real-time graphing.
- Added net_graph to convars restricted by sv_competitive_minspec ( allowable values are 0 and 1 )
- Valve can now assign official violations cooldown to accounts
- Added a game server convar sv_kick_players_with_cooldown (default=1)
- 0: allow all players to play on game server
- 1: kick players with official assigned violation
- 2: kick players with any competitive cooldown
You show up on every enemy's radar as a red dot when one of them is looking at you. The red question mark appears on your last known location when you break line of sight. Firing your gun doesn't put you on the enemy radar (this can be confusing for people coming from cod).Can someone please explain to me how the radar works? When do I show up to the enemy and when do I not? What are those red question marks that appear occasionally?
Also, can a nearby enemy hear the sound I make when reloading a gun?
Release Notes for 12/6/2012
[ MISC ]
* Added support for using '?' instead of ':' in the 'connect' concommand so we can create URL links that connect to GOTV.
* Fixed case where walking on stairs generated footsteps on the client but not on the server.
* Fixed damage taken console report not reporting damage taken.
* The spectator UI player bars and the ammo panel will now show individual player kills for the round.
* In the buy menu, FIREPOWER now reflects raw weapon DAMAGE.
* The value for the 'rate' convar is no longer read from Steam registry settings.
* Fixed buy menu showing the wrong values for weapon armor penetration.
* Kick/bans for tk'ing and team damaging are now controlled by mp_autokick.
* Fixed part of the headshot particle effect drawing through walls.
* Fixed radar and overview showing enemy icons for decoys indefinitely.
* Number of GOTV viewers is now correctly calculated and networked through the chain of GOTV relays.
* Fixed hearing a headshot sound when an enemy is burning from your molly/incgren fire.
Getting crashes after the update. Never happened before![]()
Fixed damage taken console report not reporting damage taken.
Getting crashes after the update. Never happened before![]()
Was really hoping to like this more. Given it about 8 hours so far. Just not clicking like Source did. Just doesn't feel right.
Oh well. I'll give another 3 or 4 hours before I uninstall it. Maybe I'll change my mind. Had a good day playing, so it's not like I'm not doing decent. Just no urge to continue to play like "one more round" type thing.
How do pros who use really low sensitivity turn around so quick? Do they just use huge ass mouse pads or do they bind scripts to their mice buttons to move for them?
I get close-ish games most of the time actually, which I find surprising.Anyone else think the matchmaking sucks? It seems like it is always a stomp.
Does anyone actually play Demolition mode? I never really gave it a chance until now and it seems pretty fun.
I give up.