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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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If the guy was just being (overly) friendly as a co-worker and interested in my meal, then i'd consider it a bit strange if he'd actually go and smell my food. I'd probably comment on it with a joke like that he shouldn't put his entire nose into it or something and leave it at that.

Coworker laughs, you laugh, you eat your fucking lunch and you actually don't antagonise half your coworkers by making a big scene about it. Interacting with other people must be like pulling teeth for germaphobes.
Where did OP antagonize though? From what I read all he did was give him the lunch back and bought another. You guys act like he tried to fight him or something. If You invade someone's personal space, especially food that isn't yours you shouldn't be surprised when someone doesn't appreciate that. Like I said maybe he should've addressed it after work or something idk but if it was me it would have also been addressed right then and there.

Mr. Robot

Pretty extreme reaction considering that someone else made your food... with their hands, their filthy hands.

And for some reason this thread reminds me of the movie Along came Polly



I'm sometimes aghast at the questions people ask on here. Surely deep down you know the answer? Of course you overreacted and were insanely rude to what sounds like a mega nice guy. You probably hurt his feelings.


Where did OP antagonize though? From what I read all he did was give him the lunch back and bought another. You guys act like he tried to fight him or something. If You invade someone's personal space, especially food that isn't yours you shouldn't be surprised when someone doesn't appreciate that. Like I said maybe he should've addressed it after work or something idk but if it was me it would have also been addressed right then and there.

OP straight up said in the OP:
I immediately go "Well you can have that one and get me another one. I don't want your nose hair and breath and boogers in my food."

If that's not antagonizing, then I don't know what is.


We do a little back and forth about how he already ate and I wasn't going to eat that so he can just have it and he leaves my cube. I wait for a minute and put the container of food on his desk and go back to buy another container for myself.

what the fuck is this passive aggressive shit for? just throw it out. leaving it on his desk after he said no is unnecessary.


Your co-worker needs to respect personal space.

You need to learn to chill with the bacteria 'n stuff. We too clean in the Western world, mate. Need to do some more mud wrasslin to build up our immune systems, yea.
Gee OP. You chucked a hissy fit about someone smelling your food.
Welcome to your new job where all your co-workers talk about you like your some sort of weirdo behind your back. Where no-one will want anything to do with you. Where even your chances of promotion will be hindered because you 'don't get along' or aren't a 'team player'.
No-one wants to work with people like this and you did it to yourself.
Is this another GAF thread where OP asks for advise whether he's in the wrong and proceeded to ignore 90% of GAFs advice and picks out one post to agree with whilst being obtuse about the situation?

Yes, yes it is.
Guys, Arnold picked his food up. You don't handle someone else's food. Super weird.

True, but you don't act like a maniac in the workplace either.
If I was him I would have been like "oh you want some new chicken?" And then proceeded to punch you twice with that 1-2 and been like "there's a two piece, here come the biscuit" then give you that swift left hook to the temple.

Haha, I'm done.
I thought about this and have concluded that the only reason OP acted so aggressively is because he already doesn't like the guy. Sniffing the food must've been his "third strike" so OP let him have it.

If it were an attractive person, I bet OP wouldn't have done a thing.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Honestly, my first thought was that I agree that someone you barely know going up and picking up your lunch to smell it close-up is pretty weird.

However, you going to his desk and putting your food there, and the insistence that he buy you a new lunch is not going to do you any favors in your workplace.


This sounds like episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm half expecting a continuation of this story where you see him at an upscale restuaraunt and take some shrimp off his meal three weeks later.


It would never, ever occur to me to even care that someone sniffed my food. Everything we touch is covered in a fine patina of feces. You breathe your co-workers' dead skin cells in for hours every day. Get a grip, OP. I mean yeah, it's weird that he opened the lid to sniff it, but to not eat it afterward, let alone cause a scene like that? In the words of Charlie Sheen, "Your problem is you."


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
You overreacted and should have apologized.

Man some peeps have no social skills


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
The guy opened the lid, that's fucked up. I don't mess with people's food and I don't expect anyone to mess with mine, I despise it when they do.
i definitely don't want someone i barely know to just grab my food, open it and start taking a whiff of it. but yeah, the whole putting it on his desk and talking about his boogers being on it.. I dunno man. Just a good "hey man, don't touch my food" in a joking way could've saved you from this dumb shit.

You overreacted and should have apologized.

Man some peeps have no social skills

and touching someone else's food, opening it and taking a whiff doesn't scream "skilled socially" either


You weren't wrong to be upset OP. Boundaries were clearly crossed. I would have been upset as well. I may not have eaten it.

However, there are certainly better ways to handle this than essentially freaking out and making demands, it's just some food. You could have just said calmly," Hey I really don't like people touching my food. Sorry". I think I would have let it go personally, and made an effort to keep my food away from him in the future and not have said anything unless he did it once again.

All you really did was get a reputation of kind of being a dick here, and word tends to spread in the professional world because people love talking and gossiping about coworkers especially those they don't like. This seems like a guy that is easy to get along with so that's even worse if most others like him. All because somebody sniffed your food.
An overreaction OP. It's ok to tell him you don't want him sniffing your food but demanding he pay for a new meal is over the top silly.

I wouldn't have used those words specifically, but if someone went to my desk, picked up my food, and proceeded to put it that close to their face, there would be problems and buying me new food would be the least of that person's concerns..

Lol you wouldn't have done anything.


I'm gonna guess that you have some kind of undiagnosed mental tick and got set off. It happens. I've seen folks react to stuff like that before. It's not normal though. You should definitely apologize to the guy. Say something like 'My bad, man. When it comes to stuff like that I'm more neurotic than a Woody Allen marathon,' and laugh it off. Offer to buy him lunch. That way he feels better and you feel better.
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