And yet even Gamecube games like Metroid Prime look good to this day. Art style is crucial.
which is why there is no such thing as "aging" in video games.
either the developers did a good job to use the hardware appropriately, or they made something bad from the get-go.
these here are unmodified screenshots of Mirror's Edge that someone posted on twitter a while ago:
if you look at these you can see that the original console versions actually held back the beauty of the artstyle and the detail of the prebaked raytraced lighting.
if you crank up the resolution of this game it just gets better looking, when often the opposite is the case, where low resolutions hide imperfections.
the lighting here, being baked, is of course more static than in modern games. but at the same time it looks more temporally stable and less artifac ridden than even most current gen titles.
great ambient occlusion, amazing looking light bounces and GI, diffused soft shadows. it got it all. and because there is no need for dynamic lighting in the game, it works absolutely perfectly, and was well suited for the Xbox 360.