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Crysis |OT| Big Screens, Comfy Couches and 5.1 surround sound


Well, you seem to be the only one who has mentioned this problem. Try uninstalling the game, reinstalling it and then apply the patch yet again.
Doc Evils said:
Found some old pics to compare 1.0 vs 1.1 with HP's config.











subtle yet interesting.

The contrast is still way too fucked for me to prefer the tweaked files, shadows with completely crushed blacks are not my thing. There's gotta be a happy medium between the two.


butthole fishhooking yes
I don't really know what overclocking does. If it basically means "make your PC work harder", then yes. :lol

So, your main processor and the chip on your graphics card are set to run at a fixed rate of cycles per second (measure in Hertz). In some motherboard BIOS setting, or with software like Rivatuner, you can increase the frequency which these chips operate. In doing so, they will be able to perform operations at a faster rate. They will also operate at higher temperatures and it may be necessary to provide a more efficient cooling solution. You'll most likely void your warranty, unless you stick with software overclocking, and you increase the potential for hardware failure by stepping outside the manufacturer's default settings, so overclock at your own risk.

If you're looking for beginners guides or for specific instructions for your hardware, just do a quick google search and you'll turn up plenty of hits.


I dunno, sounds kind of risky. Is there a way I could maybe overclock it just a tad, at least within tolerable settings?


butthole fishhooking yes
I dunno, sounds kind of risky. Is there a way I could maybe overclock it just a tad, at least within tolerable settings?

Sure. Rivatuner for the GPU. You'll have to research for you motherboard/processor. You can also screw with the memory as well.

Good luck. I look forward to your thread detailing how you turned your system into a smoldering husk of melted plastic. ;)
I'd recomend RivaTuner to any PC gamer as it is just to keep an eye on your GPU temps. Even if just once a month to make sure it's still the norm, or after you've taken your PC in to make sure whoever works on it for you never fucked up the airflow.

One too many times I've had a friend wonder why is game was artifacting or whatever only to check his temps and find out he was running way too hot (almost always because of dust, another issue I find with PC gamers that don't build their own PCs).


Great thread. Thanks for all the info and pics.

I've beaten Crysis already but I'll like to play it again with some of the tweaks.


So that Ultra High config is pretty nifty - performs a lot better than Very High settings for me but looks about as good - but it does give me quite a performance hit.

Opteron 165 @ 2.4GHz
2GB PC3200 ram

The CPU and ram are definitely my bottlenecks, no doubt. At 1680x1050 on all High settings, I played through the entire game beginning to end. Benching my FPS at the beginning of the game, from the beginning of the parachute drop to killing the first 3 guys on the island, I get an average of about 25-30fps with High settings, but more like 15-20 FPS with the Ultra High custom config.

One other thing - those benches are in DX9 mode. In DX10 mode, my performance in High settings remains about the same as DX9, but with the custom config, my FPS absolutely plummets to about 5-10 FPS.


God I loved this game the first time I played through it. I need to try some of these configs and OC my CPU + GPU to try to push up my fps as soon as I get my motherboard back from RMA.


butthole fishhooking yes
I had some friends over last night and they wanted to see it. We sat on the couch and had a go of a few levels. Their jaws were open the entire time. Crysis really is unparalleled. It's just so pretty.
I'm loving the open sandbox gameplay but I wish the gun play was better. I really hate how unrealistic and unresponsive the bullets are when shooting enemies. I know they have armor but even with the armor on they shouldnt be able to take it so easily. The headshots don't seem to register as well either. I aim at a guys head and 80% of the time the guy dies or get hit from it. This feels as bad as half life 2.

Right now I'm trying to tweak some of the damage but the game should have a more realistic hardcore mode.

COD4's gunplay and ballistics is better.

WTF happened to the tag bullets that let you shoot a group of people without noticing then put them to sleep all at once?
I think there was also supposed to be a sound emitter gun as well.

Its also too bad Crytek is based in germany. The reason why you cant mess with the ragdolls after killing someone is because of some lame german law.


slept with Malkin
GeneralIroh said:
I'm loving the open sandbox gameplay but I wish the gun play was better. I really hate how unrealistic and unresponsive the bullets are when shooting enemies. I know they have armor but even with the armor on they shouldnt be able to take it so easily. The headshots don't seem to register as well either. I aim at a guys head and 80% of the time the guy dies or get hit from it. This feels as bad as half life 2.

That's why I like to cloak and then get in close with the shotty. But yeah, enemies just seem to absorb to many bullets before going down. Quick question though, is there a good way to steady your aim when using the rifle scope? Crouching or going prone doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I figured a super soldier in a nano suit could freaking hold a gun steady.
GeneralIroh said:
The headshots don't seem to register as well either. I aim at a guys head and 80% of the time the guy dies or get hit from it. This feels as bad as half life 2.

I thought I was the only one that felt this way to. Headshots do not seem to do the amount of damage they should when the enemy is on fully alerted status.


purg3 said:
That's why I like to cloak and then get in close with the shotty. But yeah, enemies just seem to absorb to many bullets before going down. Quick question though, is there a good way to steady your aim when using the rifle scope? Crouching or going prone doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I figured a super soldier in a nano suit could freaking hold a gun steady.

Max strength

SuperEnemyCrab said:
I thought I was the only one that felt this way to. Headshots do not seem to do the amount of damage they should when the enemy is on fully alerted status.

I don't feel that way at all. Sometimes it does seem that it takes a bit much to take down one guy but I've never had a problem with headshots. Whenever I'm up close and personal, a pistol or machine gun shot to the head pretty much means instant takedown.
Davidion said:
I don't feel that way at all. Sometimes it does seem that it takes a bit much to take down one guy but I've never had a problem with headshots. Whenever I'm up close and personal, a pistol or machine gun shot to the head pretty much means instant takedown.

up close (within 30 yards or so) it does seem fine, but farther back that that, and even though I am tagging the dude in the face, it takes 5-6 shots it seems. Using the SCAR.
Last night I decided to take the plunge and upgrade to Vista (32bit). I purchased Ultimate when it was released and immediately upgraded. A few months went by and after Crysis was released I downgraded citing the performance issues.

Well I've contemplated returning to vista and I've noticed many of you (especially where Crysis is concerned) making remarks of improvement in performance with vista.

This is a fresh install as of last night, I let vista get all the upgrades, made sure all the indexing was done, and defraged the HD. I also let vista sit there for a few hours so it can "do it's thing and organize itself". I also made sure to update Crysis to 1.1 .

While I do really like vista over XP (stability, UI, quick response time and memory usage) I have to say that over all I'm not thrilled (again) with the performance in Crysis. I know it's only one game, and let me say COD4's performance is great at full settings (1680x1050) with AAx4 in MP and SP. Using the very high details fix (shadows med) I'm sorry to report that overall I prefer XP. Not only is there an overall difference of about 5-10fps average, the game under vista (DX9) happens to dip into the teens quite often when there are a few enemies on screen shooting at me (see pics).

I'm not sure if Vista isn't setup properly (but I can't see how that could be) and I clearly seem to remember not at all dipping into the teens in XP with the very high spec files.

Sorry to say, I'm considering going back to XP. Vista, I'm going to miss you (again).

Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz
G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR2-6400
EVGA 8800 GT KO 512 (675MHz)




Not Wario
All these Vista reports have me worried. I wonder if I should install XP on my rig when it comes in. (Vista was the only option when I ordered it.) Granted, it is a tad bit better than Solid's, but I don't it's enough to make a difference. In any case, thanks for the report.

Well if you wouldn't mind give Vista a try and let us know what happens. If you aren't happy then by all means downgrade.

I mean vista is the future and so forth, I'd like for us all to have an open mind about it.

Does anyone have any idea what is it about Vista which causes this performance issue with Crysis?


Solideliquid said:

Well if you wouldn't mind give Vista a try and let us know what happens. If you aren't happy then by all means downgrade.

I mean vista is the future and so forth, I'd like for us all to have an open mind about it.

Does anyone have any idea what is it about Vista which causes this performance issue with Crysis?

Perhaps, you want to install VistaX64? Crysis has a 64bit mode. I don't know about 64 bit mode's framerates compared to 32 bit Vista, but I noticed that the load times are much faster in 64 bit mode. IMO, it makes more sense to run VistaX64 and XP together since 32 Vista doesn't offer anything over XP other than DX10.


Not Wario
I assume all copies of Vista allow for both 32/64 installation? Also, are there any specific hardware requirements needed to really take advantage of 64?

Solideliquid said:

Well if you wouldn't mind give Vista a try and let us know what happens. If you aren't happy then by all means downgrade.

I mean vista is the future and so forth, I'd like for us all to have an open mind about it.

Does anyone have any idea what is it about Vista which causes this performance issue with Crysis?

Will do.


traveler said:
I assume all copies of Vista allow for both 32/64 installation? Also, are there any specific hardware requirements needed to really take advantage of 64?

Will do.

Only Ultimate comes with both versions. If you own any other version, you have to pay a small fee for MS to ship X64 to you.
Z3F said:
Perhaps, you want to install VistaX64? Crysis has a 64bit mode. I don't know about 64 bit mode's framerates compared to 32 bit Vista, but I noticed that the load times are much faster in 64 bit mode. IMO, it makes more sense to run VistaX64 and XP together since 32 Vista doesn't offer anything over XP other than DX10.

Well, Vista 64 doesn't work with my wireless USB :(

Borys said:
Wait, do I see 1 600 000 polygons on that debug screen?

1.6M polygons in a scene or in a frame?

Why is that significant?


Solideliquid said:
Why is that significant?

Because I love numbers. I once played a UT2K4 map called Slaughterhouse with codes that showed polycount AND allowed for free camera movement. Once I went up to the sky, the WHOLE level was rendered on screen, framerate slowed down to crawl and then I saw the amount of polys on screen:

600 000

I don't really think there are 1.6M polys on that Crysis screen... hard to count them (lol).
So I tried the demo and found out that my computer can handle this at medium setting with a 1680 x 1050 resolution. Its unbelievably beautiful. My computer cant handle anything higher, but since I am using a laptop, I didnt have much hope that it would.

I decided to pick up the game yesterday and start through the single player. I'm playing on normal and the game is still very difficult. Granted I'm new to PC shooters (Bioshock was my first), but it feels as though I have to save after every group of kills... Is this the game is supposed to be played or do I just suck hardcore with a mouse and should bump it down to easy?

All in all I'm going to probably end up playing through this every time I upgrade my computer (a few years from now) just to see how well it visually stands up to time...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Granted I'm new to PC shooters (Bioshock was my first), but it feels as though I have to save after every group of kills... Is this the game is supposed to be played or do I just suck hardcore with a mouse and should bump it down to easy?
That is not how the game is played, but there IS a learning curve. At first it may seem too difficult, but it's actually tuned very well. Try using the cloak more often and taking it slow or, if you prefer action, try using maximum strength with punching to take out small groups a little bit at a time (while cloaking behind objects or within structures to hide). You really need to use the suit well in order to get through it smoothly.
dark10x said:
That is not how the game is played, but there IS a learning curve. At first it may seem too difficult, but it's actually tuned very well. Try using the cloak more often and taking it slow or, if you prefer action, try using maximum strength with punching to take out small groups a little bit at a time (while cloaking behind objects or within structures to hide). You really need to use the suit well in order to get through it smoothly.

Ok, I think I'm still early in the game as I only played a couple hours
just lost Prophet
. I like how the menus are integrated to change things fast. I am getting better at using the suit, so hopefully that will make it easier.


My new PC arrives tomorrow.

E6850 Core 2 Duo
8800 GT
Vista Home Premium

What are the realistic resolution/settings I should be shooting for if I want 60fps and 30 fps?

I'll be playing it on a 22" widescreen monitor.

I can re-install XP (or dual-boot) as well if that's an issue.

Doc Evils

InsertCredit said:
zomg o_O


This is running on 1.1 + hp's config, using dx10 vista I assume?

yes. like others have suggested though, hp's config is a bit strange in the dark sections of the game since it seems to be designed with outdoor lighting in mind to cast fancy shadows. When it is dark the whole HDR seems a bit weird, more noisey image quality wise for some reason.


LiveWire said:
My new PC arrives tomorrow.

E6850 Core 2 Duo
8800 GT
Vista Home Premium

What are the realistic resolution/settings I should be shooting for if I want 60fps and 30 fps?

I'll be playing it on a 22" widescreen monitor.

I can re-install XP (or dual-boot) as well if that's an issue.

You'll easily be able to handle something like 1680x1050, all details set to "High", getting around 30-40fps. Just for your information, my specs:

Opteron 165 @ 2.4GHz (much, MUCH sloer than your Core 2)
2GB PC3200 ram (less ram at a much slower speed than your ram)
Vista Home Premium

and even my PC ran the game with everything set to High at 1680x1050. About 20-25fps, dropping to 15fps at the lowest for short bursts, but even then it was playable.

Just one note - since you'll probably be playing on High, not Very High, there is no reason to use DX10. DX10 only allows Very High settings. High on DX9 is identical to High on DX10. So...

1) Download the 1.1 patch which improves performance
2) Run the game in DX9 mode using the games explorer, right-clicking on the game, and clicking "Play DX9" for an additional performance boost.

Hope that helps! :D


dLMN8R said:
You'll easily be able to handle something like 1680x1050, all details set to "High", getting around 30-40fps. Just for your information, my specs:

Opteron 165 @ 2.4GHz (much, MUCH sloer than your Core 2)
2GB PC3200 ram (less ram at a much slower speed than your ram)
Vista Home Premium

and even my PC ran the game with everything set to High at 1680x1050. About 20-25fps, dropping to 15fps at the lowest for short bursts, but even then it was playable.

Just one note - since you'll probably be playing on High, not Very High, there is no reason to use DX10. DX10 only allows Very High settings. High on DX9 is identical to High on DX10. So...

1) Download the 1.1 patch which improves performance
2) Run the game in DX9 mode using the games explorer, right-clicking on the game, and clicking "Play DX9" for an additional performance boost.

Hope that helps! :D

Excellent, thanks! :) So DX10 is standard with Vista then? If I were to run it at Very High settings, are we talking 1024x768 or is this SLI territory?


Your system will definitely be able to handle at least some of the detail options set to Very High (with the rest set to High), but you might have to bump it down to 1280x720 or so. 1024x768 should be no problem.
Hey DLMN8R besides what you mentioned, do you have any other advice to pump up performance? I'm new to PC gaming and dont know all the ins and outs
Weekly community updates coming.

Crysis Weekly Update!

Greetings everyone!

This announcement is dedicated to all the world-wide community members. Before Christmas last year we already sent out a huge note that updated the community to the latest status on the Crysis patches, the SDK and the Linux Dedicated Server.

Crysis Weekly Update - What It Is

Today we would like to let you know that we want to make a step further and get you more involved in our development process and what is coming next for you. This is going to happen in our official "Crysis Weekly Update" that is scheduled to happen on every Wednesday at around 6:00PM CET.

Be prepared to get an exclusive inside look into the exciting Crysis related projects we are currently preparing for you and get the latest information on the development status on them.

Crysis Weekly Update - Content

In this weekly status update we are going to inform you about new features and bug fixes for the upcoming patch #2 and also talk a bit about the progress on other projects like SDK, Linux Dedicated server and more.

Crysis Weekly Update - Where

The update will get posted on Crytek's official modding portal www.crymod.com and also will get forwarded to all the world-wide fan and community sites for Crysis. So get ready and be sure to check out your favourite Crysis related web site next week on Wednesday to not miss out the first Crysis Weekly Update for our community!

-Crysis Dev Team

Stay tuned as we will have more exciting news prepared for you! For more information, visit www.nanosuit.com.



urk said:
Are there any decent user created single player missions out there? I did a cursory sweep of crymod and incrysis and didn't see much except WIP stuff.

crashed is the only good one ive played surprisingly good infact for so early, tried a few others and there not the best, like desert furnace looks nowhere near to how crysis looks although it is kinda refreshing to get 75-100fps for a change on cryengine 2 :D

hopefully patch 2 and the sdk should release fairly soon as i plan on having a probably piss poor attempt at making something as the editor is stupidly easy to use compared with others ive used like hammer and of course those 3 or 4 select mod teams have had the pre-alpha sdk for over a year now so maybe we'll see full mods like obsidian edge 2 a lot sooner than most people realise



So i'm at my friends house, playing crysis.

Quad core and all that shit. So i installed the HP config, the most recent one, jesus christ, the bloom is making my eyes bleed.

But i overwrited the og folder. HELP

Anybody....can somebody give me a link to the 1st config, it seems it uses less bloom.


slept with Malkin
WrikaWrek said:

So i'm at my friends house, playing crysis.

Quad core and all that shit. So i installed the HP config, the most recent one, jesus christ, the bloom is making my eyes bleed.

But i overwrited the og folder. HELP

Anybody....can somebody give me a link to the 1st config, it seems it uses less bloom.

Try this, I did this and it helped tone down the bloomage.

[HP] said:
I'm glad you like my config guys! :)

For those who think the bloom/HDR is exagerated, simply edit this line:
and change it to Crysis default value:

Also, to decrease the bloom, you may want to try a slighly higher value for the r_EyeAdaptationBase, something like r_EyeAdaptationBase=0.4.

Cheers, any feedback send it to my e-mail: helderhp"@"gmail.com

Also, you might wanna check this discussion thread: http://crymod.com/thread.php?threadid=13790


personally i got sick of these very high configs, i just settled with an autoexec.cfg that goes in the base crysis dir, you can add whatever you want to it but all ive got is

r_sunshafts 1
r_usepom 1


purg3 said:
Try this, I did this and it helped tone down the bloomage.

Thanks, i've been playing since i posted that. Goddamn, this game can be intense. My head freaking hurts, and wtf is up with my friends pc goddamn, i thought "super" pcs were supposed to run hot, this shit runs cold as ice, the bones in my hands feel frozen, my legs feel like they were snowboarding in shorts, wtf


butthole fishhooking yes
So, I've been overclocking this morning.

HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK @ the CPU stress test. It's rendering over 3.4million polys and beating the shit out of my build. Yikes.

It's basically a play through of an iced over village with the rocket launcher firing off once every second with pieces of everything scattering with full object blur. Absolute FPS death.

Also, anyone using the latest beta drivers for Nvidia? I gave them a whirl and at 1280x720 custom DX9 Very High config under XP 32-bit, I can run 16q AA and average 29fps. Pretty spiffy stuff.
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