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Daily Show host Trevor Noah says people see Antifa as "Vegan Isis"



an interesting video on the accounts in Quebec City.

ANTIFA/ Black bloc attacking a Far-Right man holding a "Patriotes" flag.\

ANTIFA/ Black bloc attacking a Left-Wing Anti-Racist old man who stooled on them because of spray painting.

ANTIFA/ Black bloc attacking cops.

ANTIFA/ Black bloc attacking journos.

Thanks for the Canadian perspective. I've been away from home for 3 years now and I feel like I don't know what's going on.


If the american police would gun down hundreds of their own citizens, most of whom are unarmed, like the fucking SS, your country is 100% lost and cannot be saved.

american police are already gunning down unarmed citizens (including children!) and utterly getting away with it, don't know what to tell you
I think GAF is too on the fringes nowadays. Not only is damaging property unacceptable, Noah is right that it will not garner anyone to your cause. Yes fuck racists and Nazis but let's stand up to them. Not random shopowners and property owners.

What do you mean GAF?

At least half if not more of this thread are people saying what you are saying and few are actually saying what you think they're saying

Go read threads on BLM blocking traffic or asking cops not to wear uniforms in pride parades and then tell me that GAF is too on the fringes.


If the american police would gun down hundreds of their own citizens, most of whom are unarmed, like the fucking SS, your country is 100% lost and cannot be saved.
Yeah they kind of have, you might want to look at why black lives matters is a thing, maybe what the KKK is and lynching....

Here's the trick why are they not doing the same with white supremacists who want to cleanse society of poc and half castes like Trevor.
My stance is that the right actually needs to see a certain amount of violent pushback just to remind themselves that if they push too far, they will have more pushback than just intellectual handwringing. If they keep going down this path, they need to be prepared for all out war. Those who argue that violence is never the answer are handing authoritarians the ticket they need to roll right over their civil rights. They have a vested interest in shutting down these people because it's easier to embolden their side when there's no fear of reprisal. Trump already has them thinking the law is on their side, all they need now is for people to stay complacent.
I watched this on Youtube this morning, and knew it would get Gaf's knickers in a twist.

Regardless of your feelings on the subject, some of the comments in here are terrible.
  1. Conflating anyone who doesn't agree with Antifa's methods to a neo-nazi is intellectually dishonest and well, shitty. I expect better from GAF.
  2. To the much hated "moderate", Antifa is Vegan ISIS (i actually thought it was pretty funny). Sure, probably not as hated as neo-nazis, but if my shit is going to get burned down or I'm going to get hit in the head with a bat, do I really care who's doing the swinging? Most people just see a violent mob.
  3. The attitude that "well most of America thinks BLM is terrorists anyway so fuck em" is equally self-righteous and dangerous. This is a big problem around here in particular. "I'm so right in my belief that anyone that doesn't agree with my superior intellect 100% is less than human, and therefore doesn't matter".
  4. I'm not against punching nazis in particular, but not really sure you're helping anything. You have to ask yourself, "what is the logical conclusion?" Where does it stop? What is okay and what's crossing the line? How do you determine that? Who determines that?
  5. You do know they want these mobs to get violent right? Every time it happens it validates them, their cause, and their beliefs.
  6. Are we really incapable of having a sense of humor? Anytime conservatives, religious people, flat-earthers or [insert group you don't particularly like here] are made fun of, we have no problems joining in. As soon as it's making fun of something a little close to home though, everyone gets triggered. He is a comedian folks.
  7. Noah was literally born during the Apartheid but because he says something remotely anti-Antifa suddenly he "playing both sides" or okay with neo-nazis? Huh!?
I don't disagree with this, but the mental divide I'm having is that the alternative isn't working either?

There's half of me that says "yeah Antifa, you're really fucking up the message", but then the other half of me goes "it wouldn't matter what people did, the crowd that views Antifa as Vegan Isis also believes that BLM is a terrorist group".

Also true but we'll never escape the fact that vandalizing shit is pointless. I want people to be pissed off and certain elements of protests, like disrupting traffic, I'm totally for - protests should be disruptive in many ways - but breaking windows isn't helping anyone.


Thread title is misleading. He's saying that's what people think when they see a Fox News montage of Antifa doing violent shit with no context.


You guys should listen to right-wing radio sometime.

I had on Hannity yesterday (trying to understand how his listeners become so indoctrinated) and there was literally a guy on there saying that Antifa is secretly a communist organization trying to revive Stalinism. By the way, Pelosi is a separatist commie who is plotting to overthrow our pristine capitalist society, and Antifa is the boots on the ground.

It's fucking crazy, because you know that 30% of the country is eating this garbage up as gospel.



You guys should listen to right-wing radio sometime.

I had on Hannity yesterday (trying to understand how his listeners become so indoctrinated) and there was literally a guy on there saying that Antifa is secretly a communist organization trying to revive Stalinism. By the way, Pelosi is a separatist commie who is plotting to overthrow our pristine capitalist society, and Antifa is the boots on the ground.

It's fucking crazy, because you know that 30% of the country is eating this garbage up as gospel.

Ugh, they REALLY are though. During the Boston protests, I heard so much "communist vs Nazi" bullshit from white 20 somethings who had nothing better to do but attempt to poorly blog about it from behind their keyboards. Like shit, if you hate it, go do something else at least, stop being stupid.
As opposed to an absolute authority that not only has the backing of, but is largely comprised of, the officials who determine the laws, policies and business practices of our entire nation.
Many white supremacists are also government officials. In fact more of them are in government than Wall Street dudes.

But ok keep the white supremacists and get rid of Wall Street.



You guys should listen to right-wing radio sometime.

I had on Hannity yesterday (trying to understand how his listeners become so indoctrinated) and there was literally a guy on there saying that Antifa is secretly a communist organization trying to revive Stalinism. By the way, Pelosi is a separatist commie who is plotting to overthrow our pristine capitalist society, and Antifa is the boots on the ground.

It's fucking crazy, because you know that 30% of the country is eating this garbage up as gospel.
It sorta makes sense in a existenlist threat to white supremacists, as historically Stalinism played a large role in crushing NAZIs. Also communist Angola, Cuba and ANC vs South Africa.


I watched this on Youtube this morning, and knew it would get Gaf's knickers in a twist.

Regardless of your feelings on the subject, some of the comments in here are terrible.
  1. Conflating anyone who doesn't agree with Antifa's methods to a neo-nazi is intellectually dishonest and well, shitty. I expect better from GAF.
  2. To the much hated "moderate", Antifa is Vegan ISIS (i actually thought it was pretty funny). Sure, probably not as hated as neo-nazis, but if my shit is going to get burned down or I'm going to get hit in the head with a bat, do I really care who's doing the swinging? Most people just see a violent mob.
  3. The attitude that "well most of America thinks BLM is terrorists anyway so fuck em" is equally self-righteous and dangerous. This is a big problem around here in particular. "I'm so right in my belief that anyone that doesn't agree with my superior intellect 100% is less than human, and therefore doesn't matter".
  4. I'm not against punching nazis in particular, but not really sure you're helping anything. You have to ask yourself, "what is the logical conclusion?" Where does it stop? What is okay and what's crossing the line? How do you determine that? Who determines that?
  5. You do know they want these mobs to get violent right? Every time it happens it validates them, their cause, and their beliefs.
  6. Are we really incapable of having a sense of humor? Anytime conservatives, religious people, flat-earthers or [insert group you don't particularly like here] are made fun of, we have no problems joining in. As soon as it's making fun of something a little close to home though, everyone gets triggered. He is a comedian folks.
  7. Noah was literally born during the Apartheid but because he says something remotely anti-Antifa suddenly he "playing both sides" or okay with neo-nazis? Huh!?
Spot on, even though I'm thoroughly entertained watching Richard Spencer catch hands, you have great points. And yeah, this thread proves that some on the left are willing to demonize somebody else on the left if they dont fall lock-step with a narrative or view. I wouldn't be surprised if Trevor ends up in the "Milkshake Duck" thread with a post like "He used a both sides argument comparing Antifa to ISIS and the Nazis!" It's just sad, counter-productive, and does nothing meaningful. It just causes more needless in-fighting.

So much division in this country, and a lot of it is on the left.


It sorta makes sense in a existenlist threat to white supremacists, as historically Stalinism played a large role in crushing NAZIs. Also communist Angola, Cuba and ANC vs South Africa.

I mean, when you KNOW you're on the wrong side of history, you have to create fake enemies everywhere to stay internally validated.


Many white supremacists are also government officials. In fact more of them are in government than Wall Street dudes.

But ok keep the white supremacists and get rid of Wall Street.

"Keep the thing we know and get rid of the thing we literally don't understand" has been the white supremacist mantra for decades.

As if this is your line of attack.

With everything that is happening as if you pull this both sides are dividing the US nonsense

...did you read his post?
Spot on, even though I'm thoroughly entertained watching Richard Spencer catch hands, you have great points. And yeah, this thread proves that some on the left are willing to demonize somebody else on the left if they dont fall lock-step with a narrative or view. I wouldn't be surprised if Trevor ends up in the "Milkshake Duck" thread with a post like "He used a both sides argument comparing Antifa to ISIS and the Nazis!" It's just sad, counter-productive, and does nothing meaningful. It just causes more needless in-fighting.

So much division in this country, and a lot of it is on the left.

You say while trying to shame and demonize certain members on the left.


As if this is your line of attack.

With everything that is happening as if you pull this both sides are dividing the US nonsense

You say while trying to shame and demonize certain members on the left.

Not an attack. A plea. Excelsiorlef, I dont expect you to understand because you and I rarely ever see eye-to-eye. But for what it's worth, I want better for all of us on the left. Step back and look at the political situation we're in, and tell me we dont need some goddamn work.

And you dont have to like what somebody says. But it doesn't make it not true. People attacking Trevor is the exact evidence for this.


Wtf do you think Trevor's point that conservatives are going to shit on the left is illuminating or something? We know that, it's part of the counterpoint.

They did this in Ferguson, they did it in Baltimore. They're going to do it no matter what. All this "oh no antifa" stuff is just noise that helps keep the conservative idea that the real problem is leftist intolerance and violence afloat.

It's not a conversation worth having. You can't have political protest without fringe fuckery. It would be nice if we lived in that world, but we don't.
This thread is a good illustration why it's a conversation worth having. Having it doesn't hinder the conversation against white supremacy. Noah in particular has handled this whole neo nazi episode much better than most to top it off. So......you're upset he's highlighting bullshit Fox News is peddling, the most Daily Show thing he could possibly do?


I mean, when you KNOW you're on the wrong side of history, you have to create fake enemies everywhere to stay internally validated.
Well it's one of those things right? White supremacy is foundationaly based on creating imagined enemies and divisions and then generating real ones.


Who came to that conclusion from watching this? Who doesn't already know that smashing windows is not the most productive means of enacting change? How central to the movement has it actually been? Do you think the small minority of people who might go to these events intending to destroy things were watching and swayed?

If we want to have a conversation about how better to moderate and monitor counter protests so that the destruction of property isn't as likely to occur, that's probably a productive conversation. But this idea that the left needs to do some real soul searching when a Starbucks window is smashed is slightly silly.

I mean, I get that the real reason he did this segment is he's a comedy show and talking about what the rest of the news is talking about is their bit. It just seems like such a non-starter that allows people to feel as though they are taking a brave stance by just not breaking shit, I guess.

Are all of these stipulations necessary in order to criticize them lightly during The Daily Show? Does it have to be integral to the movement to be said? Does it have to persuade the kids smashing windows to stop? Can Trevor Noah not make points that don't meet these criteria and it not be an implication that the left needs to do some soul searching, but rather just what it is, a passing comical critique on a fringe whose antics the right uses as a tool to proclaim victim? If it's a non-starter then it shouldnt be a big deal to make fun of them and they shouldn't need to be defended, it's still a non-starter that these guys at the extreme aren't the face of the cause even if we do decide to talk about it.
Either you punch nazi's until they do not dare show their faces anymore, or you tolerate them. You cant have your cake and eat it as well.

Punching Nazis doesn't make them go away. They just heal and come back more righteously angry and more heavily armed. They're scared of the law and the government but they aren't scared of some kids in masks. They enjoy the fight. Case in point, the poster boy for getting punched, Richard Spencer, just kept coming back stronger and stronger until someone from his side killed someone.

A lot of people who are pro-violence seem to forget that Captain America isn't real. When we beat the Nazis before we didn't beat them with punching, we beat them with guns and bombs. Unless we're at the point where we're going to kill them, and I'm not arguing we're at that point, violence isn't the answer because it isn't even effective.
Not an attack. A plea. Excelsiorlef, I dont expect you to understand because you and I rarely ever see eye-to-eye. But for what it's worth, I want better for all of us on the left. Step back and look at the political situation we're in, and tell me we dont need some goddamn work.

You plead for them to see things your way while they're doing the same. You claim that what they're doing is dangerous while they're saying the same thing about you. All I'll say is that centrists had 8 years with Obama trying to find a middle ground and all it did was embolden the right. There is very little common ground left at this point but there are a lot of people who think normal acts of civility will save them and thus they beg for it. They have a big surprise coming for them in the end.


if it really doesn't matter and people will validate their views regardless, then why not err on the side that is against anarchic violence against people and things? You can disavow these aspects of the antifa movement without disavowing the whole thing.

Because as shitty as they are and as shitty as it is, their opinion still matters to 35% of this country. I wish it was otherwise, but until it is, it'd be nice if the worst thing most racist news network in the world can say about you is "oh those troublemakers, making me late to work with their nonviolent protests".

As Donald Trump found out, you don't gain anything or get anywhere by saying, "The media? fuck'em!".

Also true but we'll never escape the fact that vandalizing shit is pointless. I want people to be pissed off and certain elements of protests, like disrupting traffic, I'm totally for - protests should be disruptive in many ways - but breaking windows isn't helping anyone.

To all of these sentiments: I agree. I'm just being grumpy in a counter-productive way. I don't even disagree with Noah and I also don't really think that we have to invalidate the opinions of other people just because they're so loathe to change. But I see so much awful shit around me, such terrible hypocrisy where people have the audacity to sit there and lecture about Antifa being too violent, but then also getting the same level of idignant when peaceful protests do happen. It's really easy to conflate those comments with what Noah's saying and get pissed off about the whole thing. But, like smashing windows and going after innocent people, I guess it's not really productive.

What a frustrating situation overall.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
This thread is a good illustration why it's a conversation worth having. Having it doesn't hinder the conversation against white supremacy. Noah in particular has handled this whole neo nazi episode much better than most to top it off. So......you're upset he's highlighting bullshit Fox News is peddling, the most Daily Show thing he could possibly do?

I'm upset at any assertion that now is the time to police the way people protest because the right is going to freak out about it. They're not going to say anything about Antifa or BLM that they wouldn't say about any random Democratic politician.


To all of these sentiments: I agree. I'm just being grumpy in a counter-productive way. I don't even disagree with Noah and I also don't really think that we have to invalidate the opinions of other people just because they're so loathe to change. But I see so much awful shit around me, such terrible hypocrisy where people have the audacity to sit there and lecture about Antifa being too violent, but then also getting the same level of idignant when peaceful protests do happen. It's really easy to conflate those comments with what Noah's saying and get pissed off about the whole thing. But, like smashing windows and going after innocent people, I guess it's not really productive.

What a frustrating situation overall.
Honestly I don't see why you should be all that frustrated. Antifa isn't going to stop people from protesting or fighting for their causes in the ways people like me or Trevor think are going to be the most effective in this age(non-violent). There's the stubbornness of hope that goes along with that, but you need it if you want to see the other side imo.

I'm upset at any assertion that now is the time to police the way people protest because the right is going to freak out about it. They're not going to say anything about Antifa or BLM that they wouldn't say about any random Democratic politician.

Antifa isn't new, this conversation of condemning vandalizing property in random during Protests is not new. I believe it was ferguson where they torched a pharmacy, among other things. Was that the right way to go about things? No, you can say that and support the reason they were protesting in ferguson to begin with.
Has GAF always been this anti-debate? There's a definite large contingent here that seems to think if they don't personally agree with something a person is saying, that person should shut up or be shut up.


Has GAF always been this anti-debate? There's a definite large contingent here that seems to think if they don't personally agree with something a person is saying, that person should shut up or be shut up.

Yer carrying water for the alt right for simply asking that.
Has GAF always been this anti-debate? There's a definite large contingent here that seems to think if they don't personally agree with something a person is saying, that person should shut up or be shut up.

This thread is an active 50/50 at most discussion what's this censorshipGAF stuff


Liberals still can't tell the difference between nazis and antifa. Same shit, different century.

Punching Nazis doesn't make them go away. They just heal and come back more righteously angry and more heavily armed. They're scared of the law and the government but they aren't scared of some kids in masks. They enjoy the fight. Case in point, the poster boy for getting punched, Richard Spencer, just kept coming back stronger and stronger until someone from his side killed someone.

A lot of people who are pro-violence seem to forget that Captain America isn't real. When we beat the Nazis before we didn't beat them with punching, we beat them with guns and bombs. Unless we're at the point where we're going to kill them, and I'm not arguing we're at that point, violence isn't the answer because it isn't even effective.
You sound like you know absolutely nothing about this stuff.
"Neo-Nazis" should be treated the same as any other terrorist: they suck but they are NOT a reason to upend our society, our norms, or our values. We don't need extreme authoritarian policing or vigilante justice to deal with either Islamists or Neo-Nazis.

Any norms and values that failed to prevent a Trump presidency are, at the very least, worth critically reexamining.


Has GAF always been this anti-debate? There's a definite large contingent here that seems to think if they don't personally agree with something a person is saying, that person should shut up or be shut up.

I've actually found this to be a pretty compelling debate that's helping me to sort out feelings on the matter?


The problem is elsewhere, the ACLU should not be protecting these freaks, they should be treated like terrorists. There shouldnt be a need to punch them because if they come out of hiding they should be immediately detained. If ISIS sympathizers started rallying we wouldnt have to argue about whether or not vandalizing property while punching them in the face was an issue, because they'd be arrested and placed under heavy surveillance if they hadn't already been.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Has GAF always been this anti-debate? There's a definite large contingent here that seems to think if they don't personally agree with something a person is saying, that person should shut up or be shut up.

People want people to shut up about this "issue" because we think the conversation is inherently problematic, not because we're some sort of censorship-crazed PC police that hate you and your free speech.

Like when people saw the unsavory parts of protests in Ferguson and Baltimore and thought we should elevate and talk about that stuff. We shouldn't. Political protests that rise out of such deep civil unrest are going to have some natural, unfortunate consequences.

EDIT: alright, we've got an "all lives matter" hot take, a "stop saying racism helped elect Trump" hot take and a pivot to the "purity test" deflection on this page. I think that's a good cue that this discussion has run its course.
Yeah they kind of have, you might want to look at why black lives matters is a thing, maybe what the KKK is and lynching....

Here's the trick why are they not doing the same with white supremacists who want to cleanse society of poc and half castes like Trevor.

I don't consider unreasonably high (should be 0) but still statistically and demographically spread and disconnected individual shooting events to be the same as organized mass-killing when it comes to acts of state power.




The problem is elsewhere, the ACLU should not be protecting these freaks, they should be treated like terrorists. There shouldnt be a need to punch them because if they come out of hiding they should be immediately detained. If ISIS sympathizers started rallying we wouldnt have to argue about whether or not vandalizing property while punching them in the face was an issue, because they'd be arrested and placed under heavy surveillance if they hadn't already been.
I don't believe being a terrorist sympathizer lands you in jail. A watch list for sure, but not arrested.


I don't consider unreasonably high (should be 0) but still statistically and demographically spread and disconnected individual shooting events to be the same as organized mass-killing when it comes to acts of state power.
Cool you think it's fine for citizens to be executed for their skin pigment by state power but it's the end of the republic if it's turned en mass on to a bunch of white supremacists, like the confederacy. (Aka the contemporary idea of a ethnostate).


I don't see how you can read his comments and think that he was addressing the entirety of the left without being pretty disingenuous. And he was pretty specific in what he was disavowing: breaking property and the guys beating up the white supremacist at a rally.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to specifically address his comments here. I had previously said that the comments, though obviously intended as part of a bit on a comedy show, are part of an especially unproductive narrative in that the people they are essentially intended for will not be engaged or swayed by them in the least. (Whether or not comedy has to be "productive" is obviously very much up for debate!) We seem to be in perfect agreement that his statements are directed at a very small minority of people that I'm also pretty sure aren't convinced by respectability politics. The poster I was responding to said that it could still encourage other people on the left to disavow. I was trying to question whether or not people on the left required a comedy monologue to come to the conclusion that broken windows aren't great.

Are all of these stipulations necessary in order to criticize them lightly during The Daily Show? Does it have to be integral to the movement to be said? Does it have to persuade the kids smashing windows to stop? Can Trevor Noah not make points that don't meet these criteria and it not be an implication that the left needs to do some soul searching, but rather just what it is, a passing comical critique on a fringe whose antics the right uses as a tool to proclaim victim? If it's a non-starter then it shouldnt be a big deal to make fun of them and they shouldn't need to be defended, it's still a non-starter that these guys at the extreme aren't the face of the cause even if we do decide to talk about it.

I said I wasn't sure what the purpose was. You said "he wants people to realize that having extreme anarchists associating themselves with us is a bad thing" so that we might not "sully our good fight." I then responded by attempting to make the point that I'm pretty sure people don't form their opinions on broken windows based on a bit.

I'm not sure why you are now suggesting I was placing any stipulations on Trevor Noah when I was directly responding to you and your assertion that his intent was to help people realize something so that we can avoid sullying our public image. If anything, these are your stipulations?
Spot on, even though I'm thoroughly entertained watching Richard Spencer catch hands, you have great points. And yeah, this thread proves that some on the left are willing to demonize somebody else on the left if they dont fall lock-step with a narrative or view. I wouldn't be surprised if Trevor ends up in the "Milkshake Duck" thread with a post like "He used a both sides argument comparing Antifa to ISIS and the Nazis!" It's just sad, counter-productive, and does nothing meaningful. It just causes more needless in-fighting.

So much division in this country, and a lot of it is on the left.


As if this is your line of attack.

With everything that is happening as if you pull this both sides are dividing the US nonsense

Well, I mean...isn't this thread a pretty great example of what he's referring to? I imagine most on GAF are pretty liberal, yet a lot of people who are speaking up in here don't agree with the other half of the users in here.

People like to blame the racists for Trump, but the fact is we lost to probably the worst republican candidate to ever run for office. We didn't lose because of the racists and neo-nazis (and I know that's difficult to admit). But let's keep peddling that myth.

Do people not understand how politics work? You don't get things done in politics without the majority. And if you're not even winning over all the liberals, how do you you expect to beat anyone!? Instead of fixing stuff, you're just brow-beating the other liberals in this thread who don't think violence is the answer and conflating them with neo-nazis. It's a literal circle-jerk of "oh, you may not be a nazi but it sure sounds like you're carrying their water" Because we can't pass your purity test, we're just as bad as the real neo-nazis.
Well, I mean...isn't this thread a pretty great example of what he's referring to? I imagine most on GAF are pretty liberal, yet a lot of people who are speaking up in here don't agree with the other half of the users in here.

People like to blame the racists for Trump, but the fact is we lost to probably the worst republican candidate to ever run for office. We didn't lose because of the racists and neo-nazis (and I know that's difficult to admit). But let's keep peddling that myth.

Do people not understand how politics work? You don't get things done in politics without the majority. And if you're not even winning over all the liberals, how do you you expect to beat anyone!? Instead of fixing stuff, you're just brow-beating the other liberals in this thread who don't think violence is the answer and conflating them with neo-nazis. It's a literal circle-jerk of "oh, you may not be a nazi but it sure sounds like you're carrying their water" Because we can't pass your purity test, we're just as bad as the real neo-nazis.

Racism is absolutely a major if not tje major thing that helped Trump win. That's ummm not a myth. Wtf.

Clinton won the economy voters in most of the swing states.


I said I wasn't sure what the purpose was. You said "he wants people to realize that having extreme anarchists associating themselves with us is a bad thing" so that we might not "sully our good fight." I then responded by attempting to make the point that I'm pretty sure people don't form their opinions on broken windows based on a bit.

I'm not sure why you are now suggesting I was placing any stipulations on Trevor Noah when I was directly responding to you and your assertion that his intent was to help people realize something so that we can avoid sullying our public image. If anything, these are your stipulations?

I thought you were saying that you didn't understand what the point was and then listed those as things that it couldn't be and therefore it must not have a logical purpose, so I was saying it doesn't have to meet those criteria to have a purpose. If no one forms their opinions based on bits then I guess there is no purpose, because TDS is all comedy bits, and no one should expect there to be or look for one. I just don't see how it has to either progress the cause to have a purpose, or even how it implies that the left has to do some soul searching. Its a passing critique on the stated fringes of a movement, and that are weaponized against us all the time anyways.



Well, I mean...isn't this thread a pretty great example of what he's referring to? I imagine most on GAF are pretty liberal, yet a lot of people who are speaking up in here don't agree with the other half of the users in here.

People like to blame the racists for Trump, but the fact is we lost to probably the worst republican candidate to ever run for office. We didn't lose because of the racists and neo-nazis (and I know that's difficult to admit). But let's keep peddling that myth.

Do people not understand how politics work? You don't get things done in politics without the majority. And if you're not even winning over all the liberals, how do you you expect to beat anyone!? Instead of fixing stuff, you're just brow-beating the other liberals in this thread who don't think violence is the answer and conflating them with neo-nazis. It's a literal circle-jerk of "oh, you may not be a nazi but it sure sounds like you're carrying their water" Because we can't pass your purity test, we're just as bad as the real neo-nazis.
Yeah the thing is when the SPD the centre left (moderate left) party decided to judge the violent communists and unionists as the real danger and not the NAZI's things did not go well for the Weimar Republic.
Hitler also banned the party and then proceeded executing and imprisioning the formally water carrying SPD.
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