This makes me so happy you have no idea. Is there any info on AE getting localized for the US?
Only that NISA are keeping an eye on it.
This makes me so happy you have no idea. Is there any info on AE getting localized for the US?
(which is probably why the sequel was confirmed not long after the first game's release)
Kyle Hebert (voice actor) let the cat out of the bag though.
He voices Souda in the game (you might also know him as Street Fighter's Ryu, Fire Emblem Awakening's Frederick etc). After the release of Trigger Happy Havoc, he thought that was the game he was in, and made an announcement that he's voicing Souda on Twitter. People were like, "isn't Souda from the second game? OMG localization confirmed!"
Some sites were quick to take a screenshot of his tweet, which was later quickly deleted.
NISA then soon announced DR2. Coincidence? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Ugh, Nagito is just as much a pain to draw as he is in the game. I don't think this turned out as well as the other two, but at least I nailed the hair!
All three of my favourite characters are now done:
Also fuck pixeling hands.
EDIT: Fixed the face a little bit.
Nice job, they all look amazing. Do you have a Deviantart page or something?
Time to start analyzing everything Amanda C. Miller and Erin Fitzgerald say on Twitter for possible AE hints.Kyle Hebert (voice actor) let the cat out of the bag though.
He voices Souda in the game (you might also know him as Street Fighter's Ryu, Fire Emblem Awakening's Frederick etc). After the release of Trigger Happy Havoc, he thought that was the game he was in, and made an announcement that he's voicing Souda on Twitter. People were like, "isn't Souda from the second game? OMG localization confirmed!"
Some sites were quick to take a screenshot of his tweet, which was later quickly deleted.
NISA then soon announced DR2. Coincidence? *wink wink nudge nudge*
So I think my game is broken. In the chapter 4 investigation phasein the first room of the escape game and I am trying to use the USB drive on the computer but nothing is happening. The cursor doesn't even change to show that the laptop is selectable. What am I doing wrong?
So I think my game is broken. In the chapter 4 investigation phasein the first room of the escape game and I am trying to use the USB drive on the computer but nothing is happening. The cursor doesn't even change to show that the laptop is selectable. What am I doing wrong?
Have you selected the USB drive from your items? The cursor should change into the drive.
Yes, I am pressing triangle on the USB drive and X on the laptop. Nothing happens and the image of the USB drive doesn't get larger to show that it is interactable like it does on other clickable objects. Nothing happens when I try to to click the laptop with no item selected either
Do you have all the items? And what does Monomi say when you talk to her?
I have Wire made from coat hanger, pliers, scissors, usb drive, cammera with batteries and batteries. Monomi says "Is there something we can use the USB stick on? I just want to stick into it things [sic], like a laptop...
Well, that's weird. Have you tried saving and reloading. (In a different slot.) If that doesn't work, you could try using the shortcut. (Check the bars, and Monomi will offer to let you skip the game.)
And just to be sure, you're checking the laptop by the blinking numbered panel right?
Yeah, saved, reloaded, rebooted vita. I was able to click on the laptop before I had the usb stick. Oh, and the bars blocking the door to the next room aren't clickable either -_-
Do you have a save from before you entered the room? If not, I don't know what else to say. You might have to restart the chapter. (Though I think there are certain checkpoints you can skip to when you restart a chapter.)
Qblivion already tried that, it won't work.Why not use the special scene skipping thing NISA put into that particular sequence? The puzzles in that room aren't really all that good. Also, you won't miss anything funny or cool.
Do you have a save from before you entered the room? If not, I don't know what else to say. You might have to restart the chapter. (Though I think there are certain checkpoints you can skip to when you restart a chapter.)
Edit:One more thing, can you still access the other number panel? The one you can manipulate? If so, I could give you the solution to that, since you need to use it again to finish the room.
No save, so I am just starting over from the start of the investigation phase. and I was able to examine the panel but it wouldn't let my try to solve it or anything.
Ugh, Nagito is just as much a pain to draw as he is in the game. I don't think this turned out as well as the other two, but at least I nailed the hair!
All three of my favourite characters are now done:
Also fuck pixeling hands.
EDIT: Fixed the face a little bit.
EDIT 2: Gave Gundham a couple of touch-ups too.
Phew, just got the final items for the Monomi mini-game. Having a guide helped and equipping the grass skirt seemed to help as well. No where near as tedious as I feared it'd be, especially in comparison to Island Mode.
New Hangman and PTA are awful.
For me, the appeal of Rebuttal Showdown is just cool from a presentation perspective. Gives the other students a bigger role and just makes things more involved overall by giving other people the opportunity to point out contradictions.
Holy shit. The "Improved" Hangman's Gambit is awful.
Chapter 5...
And Hiyoko died. God i hated her.