As to seeing 'who might defend her'...this is really silly. I'm attacking you, not defending her. I don't even agree with some of her assessments.
Sorry, I missed a word.
As to seeing 'who might defend her'...this is really silly. I'm attacking you, not defending her. I don't even agree with some of her assessments.
If it makes you feel any better I think you're doing fine. But my rebuttal against *Splinter wasn't really about you, but more his response to you.
"Despairiest of the Despairagons", correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe it was AB who used this phrase to describe CzarTim? According to memory Crab was the only one who openly suspected Barrylocke of being Despair, with a few others confused by him due to his lack of posts. But ok, i can understand why you would want to grill CM based on Barry.
I thought I was quoting Crab talking about Barry, could be wrong though I didn't double check (and now you mention it I think you are right)"Despairiest of the Despairagons", correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe it was AB
The only scrutiny I remember on Vivi was for inactivity, and that goes out the window if someone is literally too busy to continue playing.Actually wait...ViviOggi was also under quite a bit of scrutiny and suspicion. You should also be grilling Flushy in that case. I don't get this preferential treatment. But maybe it's because Flushy already posted his reads without prompting or something.
Makai/Sawneeks: similar playstyles to me make them mutually hope/Despair. If one flips one way, I'm inclined to believe the other is the same.
Why would Despair bother to kill me when Czar's gambit worked out so well? They can just let the town vote me out at this point. It's also not like bumping into someone in the halls has worked out well for me so far. All I did was manage to get a Hope PR to out them self. Go me.
The only scrutiny I remember on Vivi was for inactivity, and that goes out the window if someone is literally too busy to continue playing.
I never cared much for that accusation anyway. I liked the content of Vivi's posts, and thought he was Hope. Independently to this, I like the immediate strong start from Royal Flush, which further makes me think he's Hope.
Yeah, reading that again makes me realize I phrased that poorly. What I meant was that in my eyes, they both had similar playstyles. This is based off of their independent interactions with me when they thought I was suspicious. They had varried reasons, but both approached them with similar logic and style.This is sort of an interesting read that everyone else glossed over. I personally feel like your style, Sawneeks' and Makai's are extremely varied. Can you elaborate what you meant here? I also don't see a connection between Makai and Sawneeks, they have hardly interacted with each other.
I believe that if we have two lucky students, one of the lucky students is despair aligned and it's entirely to mess with the hope aligned person. The longer we are in the game the less likely I think there are two.
I believe that if we have two lucky students, one of the lucky students is despair aligned and it's entirely to mess with the hope aligned person. The longer we are in the game the less likely I think there are two.
My current list of suspicious people (from most to least) is terrabyte, rest, king kitty, with an outside shot that one of ty4on/Pau is despair. If we know ty4on and Pau are hope then I think the other three are a better place to start.
Kill me if you want, but I strongly want you to reconsider. I don't want to die yet,
I think a Despair aligned Luckster is a possibility, but Makai seems adamant that they both have to be hope aligned. Why would a Despair aligned Luckster get targeted at night (he receives a PM if they do) unless there was a 3p or something. Or there might be a bounty hunter type who can't kill anyone except the Despair Luckster?
Anyway, enough rambling, I wanted to ask you a specific question - if you think there is a Despair aligned one, does that change your opinion of Makai? Could he be that one?
There's a good chance you're going to get lynched and if you flip ordinary student then it's important that we know more about your thoughts and stuff..
I think Makai isn't being entire truthful about his claim. I can't find the flaw but something about it smells fishy. He might be Hope but bluffing so he doesn't get night killed but unless we see his PM role or someone else claims to be his buddy we won't know. Even then we have to take their word for it and hope they both aren't Despair.
What's your reasons for thinking AB and Sawneeks are hope?
UNVOTE: ZippedpinheadSorry, been very busy with work yesterday, am I still top vote... Yep still top vote
I don't know what you want from me. I know I'm just a hope aligned student (an ordinary one at that no power roles).
Based on what I've read you think I'm scum because you: a) don't like my reads (fair), b) are constantly questioning mechanics and actions , c) I seem to be panicking (you asked for how I determined who I think was redacted and I posted the exact thought process *splinter, not sure how that is panicking), d) using my death to confirm some of their own suspicions about other people (that's how your vote looks to me cornburrito) or e) a self proclaimed bandwagon vote (rest)
So that's the votes. *splinter doesn't like how I'm playing the game but more focused on how I'm questioning the mechanics and taking easy reads, ok fine. He's wrong about me, but it's an understandable vote. Rest's vote is exactly as he said it was and cornburrito's vote is a gambit. Sawneeks largely agrees with *splinter that my reads aren't radical, I go with the crowd and she doesn't like my voting habits.
I'm ordinary,
I believe that if we have two lucky students, one of the lucky students is despair aligned and it's entirely to mess with the hope aligned person. The longer we are in the game the less likely I think there are two.
I think that rest is lower aisle redacted, I also think it's really weird that there are no people currently moving in the top left (unless absolutbro missed someone the day he visited me).
It's entirely possible that king kitty is an upper aisle rule breaker but operates on the opposite days of Sawneeks, no evidence to support this just conjecture.
I think terrabyte is also likely despair, based on my previous deductions.
I think that most despair aren't breaking rules or don't need to break rules to do what they want.
My current list of suspicious people (from most to least) is terrabyte, rest, king kitty, with an outside shot that one of ty4on/Pau is despair. If we know ty4on and Pau are hope then I think the other three are a better place to start.
Kill me if you want, but I strongly want you to reconsider. I don't want to die yet,
UNVOTE: Zippedpinhead
This is enough for me to take my vote off of you. We've got people with less input that can be voted for.
But seriously, you and CzarTim with the fucking lower case r's. Its a proper noun, Rest. It's capitalized.
VOTE: Kalor
You've been more active lately, but over the course of the overall game I've come to the conclusion that you're expendable. If you're voted out and flip hope that will be a shame, but I don't think it will be so much of a loss that we'll regret it.
Launch says PM triggers if one of us is targeted and our role prevents the kill. I won't get a message if I'm protected by a Doctor, etc. Both of us are Hope. If I knew my lucky buddy was Despair, I wouldn't claim otherwise. We are not connected like lovers. If one of us is lynched, the other survives.Due to this, I'm inclined to believe makai is a lucky student. makai's pm if targeted could trigger under other circumstances, just the most obvious is a death attempt. That pm if targeted could be useful for either Hope OR despair. Makai being out first makes me believe he is hope.
UNVOTE: Zippedpinhead
This is enough for me to take my vote off of you. We've got people with less input that can be voted for.
Incidentally, this post makes me think Rest might be Despair.
Zipped says he thinks you are Despair, and then you unvote him and vote for someone else.
Its the opposite of an OMGUS vote, and that -feels- Despairy to me.
Launch says PM triggers if one of us is targeted and our role prevents the kill. I won't get a message if I'm protected by a Doctor, etc. Both of us are Hope. If I knew my lucky buddy was Despair, I wouldn't claim otherwise. We are not connected like lovers. If one of us is lynched, the other survives.
Did Zipped ever explain why he tried to tie the vote between CzarTim and Sawneeks?
I didn't want to tie the vote, and that's why I was glad my last vote didn't count (first post after that vote back to Sawneeks.)
I was flip flopping between the two because at the time I was not sure who to vote for.
We did alreadyIt's unlikely I'll be there for the deadline (driving). Good luck everyone! In my experience, once we get one Mafia the others come tumbling down too (see Archer and Star Wars lol). I trust Hope's judgement!
We did already![]()
me: 1
Rest: 1
Terra: 1
AB: 2
Kalor: 2
Zipped: 4
I smell some last minute voting fun.
You planning on making any BOLD PREDICTIONS by chance?me: 1
Rest: 1
Terra: 1
AB: 2
Kalor: 2
Zipped: 3
I smell some last minute voting fun.
You planning on making any BOLD PREDICTIONS by chance?
The way to deal with the frustration/attention on rulebreakers is to encourage everyone to post and not just about the nighttime mechanics. People who stay quiet because they feel that they don't have anything to say are hurting Hope.I can understand some of the points against them but their "frustration" about not being a rulebreaker seems genuine. I felt the same way earlier on the game but never really bothered to express it.
Actually at this point I feel a vote on Zipped won't give me as much info about my reads as a vote on this person:
Vote: Kalor
Kalor's alignment will tell me Royal's, and Rest's.
Someone else voting for me has never influenced whether or not I voted for them. There were plenty of votes on me day one, I never assumed someone was despair because they voted for me. It was the other parts of his post that helped me make that decision.Incidentally, this post makes me think Rest might be Despair.
Zipped says he thinks you are Despair, and then you unvote him and vote for someone else.
Its the opposite of an OMGUS vote, and that -feels- Despairy to me.
Its also a terrible reason to vote for Kalor. He had a poor reason to vote for Zipped as well, which had me a little worried at first but now I see it probably wasn't going to be his final vote.
I suspect Rest, but I'd still rather get Zipped today
It will?Actually at this point I feel a vote on Zipped won't give me as much info about my reads as a vote on this person:
Vote: Kalor
Kalor's alignment will tell me Royal's, and Rest's.
It will?
So if Kalor is Despair and gets voted out, what does that tell you?There are like 2 hours left before the vote period ends, and you voted for Kalor. If you are both Despair, congrats on making it very very possible for a team member to get voted out.
So if Kalor is Despair and gets voted out, what does that tell you?
So we have commuter lovers AND NK immune Masons? I'm not sure I buy that. Most games discourage 1 NK immune person, let alone 2 NK immune persons who are both town and both KNOW they are both town. All while Despair PRs can be spotted in the hallways, even the one executing the KILL command.Launch says PM triggers if one of us is targeted and our role prevents the kill. I won't get a message if I'm protected by a Doctor, etc. Both of us are Hope. If I knew my lucky buddy was Despair, I wouldn't claim otherwise. We are not connected like lovers. If one of us is lynched, the other survives.
It's not about votes, it's about trust. I fell for Czar's gambit and eliminated any chance for some players to trust anything I say. There are enough players that distrust me that Despair don't need to kill me at night; they can wait for someone I vote for to end up as Hope and let someone lead a vote against me.Honestly, this defense doesn't fill me with a whole load of confidence, because nobody is really voting for you and I don't think you were in danger of getting lynched even before CzarTim's gambit. But, if you are telling the truth about the room you went to N2, we have enough information to deduce that you couldn't have killed SalvaPot N2 at least (see, why am I the one who has to point this out? Unless it has already been pointed out in which case...sorry!) because you saw Pau. This doesn't spare you from being another roaming type of Despair PR however.
I notice you haven't voted yet this day phase, can I ask who you are thinking of? You seem to have some suspicion on Sawneeks as do I. I'm fairly sure you both can't be Despair, so I'm curious about your thoughts.
That you are likely not Despair.
And this isn't saying that Despair cant or wont vote for Despair. But in this circumstance I cannot see a Despair member starting and pushing a very real bandwagon against another Despair.
Day Phase 5 ends in:
Day Phase 5 ends in:
Most current vote count information. Also includes voting information for past day phases.
But at the end of the day, we weren't really killing CzarTim to prove someone else's alignment... we were killing him to remove the doubt of a Despair gambit. I can't find the post you're talking about, re: Zipped not wanting to kill CzarTim.Before I run off and leave I want to say that I'm not really sure where I sit with Zipped at the moment. I'm going over my notes and while Zipped has posted a lot of repeats of ideas he has also made mention of things I agree with that not a lot of others have pointed out. Namely he did not want to vote for CzarTim as 'killing someone to prove someone else's alignment doesn't sit right' ( 2515 ). If I'm right the only other person to mention this was Goshu and Crab-?- during Day 3 and one of them has been proven to be Hope.
The reason that I could see Despair voting for Czar is because of his ability. They might have decided that it would be better to kill Crab and D4 would be wasted on voting CzarTim.
The reason that I could see Despair voting for Czar is because of his ability. They might have decided that it would be better to kill Crab and D4 would be wasted on voting CzarTim.
They aren't exactly Masons since they don't know each other's names. And we aren't exactly commuter lovers but whatever.So we have commuter lovers AND NK immune Masons? I'm not sure I buy that. Most games discourage 1 NK immune person, let alone 2 NK immune persons who are both town and both KNOW they are both town. All while Despair PRs can be spotted in the hallways, even the one executing the KILL command.
I don't buy it. Not one bit.
But at the end of the day, we weren't really killing CzarTim to prove someone else's alignment... we were killing him to remove the doubt of a Despair gambit. I can't find the post you're talking about, re: Zipped not wanting to kill CzarTim.