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Dark Souls II |OT++| Bearer of...Seek...Seek...Lest

I'm a "low level Souls vet," and I think Dark Souls II is very disappointing. After getting the platinum trophy, I had no interest in playing it again. Meanwhile, I've been thinking about making different characters for Dark Souls, and Demon's Souls for Soulsgiving.

If the DLC ever comes out on disc, I'll play it with my current character that is parked in NG+2.


I don't get the logic. Are you saying that you believe that higher skilled player's thoughts on the game are more valid than lower skilled player's, or am I missing something? If you are (and forgive me if you're not), that's simply not true.

This is the last thing I'll say till I fuck off. So, to sort of illustrate the "opinion" that a higher-skill level by proxy means a more in-depth, experiential, and more valuable argument let's take another game for sake of argument. In this illustration Super Meat Boy.

Now, there are tons of people who have achieved the "Golden God" achievement...but does that make them "high-level players"? I would argue not. Because Super Meat Boy's Golden God is simply the absolute baseline of "skill" in the game. And the skill ceiling is mindblowing. So to say that a person named let's say Todd420 or whatever has the SAME validity of valuable opinion of Super Meat Boy vs. a guy like Latedog (73L) (compilation here) is in my opinion absolutely absurd. We're talking about a man who holds the highest leaderboard position in the world on PC, has mastered ALL characters and gotten ALL achievements, and further continues to improve his times to this day. Telesniper is just another example of this, how can we argue that a person who only reached Golden God has "a equally valid opinion" of the game itself, it's mechanics and overall mastery of it's intricacies?

Another example is a game called One Finger Death Punch, can we argue that a player who only completed Student difficulty vs. a player like myself and Telesniper who completed all difficulties, plus are probably the two highest scoring legit players on the leaderboards? Can that experience of dedicated skilled play be then translated into a deeper more valuable understanding and logical depth of the game?

These are just two examples, but I would argue the exact same principle applies to the Souls games.

Sorry to link another vid, but this whole argument sort of reminds me of one of Terence McKenna best videos.
ROFL. Not interested in petty pissing contests, thanks. Jesus christ, how old are you?

Haha, yeah, the argument literally dissolved into "1v1 me bro". Am I actually playing Dota or something?

Anyway, this is how I feel about the conversation at this point:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g (Warning: it's just a funny video that adds nothing to the conversation, so please don't take my posting it too seriously.)

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
This is the last thing I'll say till I fuck off. So, to sort of illustrate the "opinion" that a higher-skill level by proxy means a more in-depth, experiential, and more valuable argument let's take another game for sake of argument. In this illustration Super Meat Boy.

Now, there are tons of people who have achieved the "Golden God" achievement...but does that make them "high-level players"? I would argue not. Because Super Meat Boy's Golden God is simply the absolute baseline of "skill" in the game. And the skill ceiling is mindblowing. So to say that a person named let's say Todd420 or whatever has the SAME validity of valuable opinion of Super Meat Boy vs. a guy like Latedog (73L) (compilation here) is in my opinion absolutely absurd. We're talking about a man who holds the highest leaderboard position in the world on PC, has mastered ALL characters and gotten ALL achievements, and further continues to improve his times to this day. Telesniper is just another example of this, how can we argue that a person who only reached Golden God has "a equally valid opinion" of the game itself, it's mechanics and overall mastery of it's intricacies?

The fact of the matter is, the baseline requirement for having a valid opinion about a videogame is simply to have played it. That's it. Someone with superior skills can talk about how the mechanics work and how to get the best out of them, they are the experts on the matter after all, but the weight of their opinion on the mechanics (i.e. a value judgement on whether they are good or bad) is no more than that of the person who played it for a week and thought it was dog shit because such judgements are entirely subjective. Subjectivity is relative.

You keep attempting to apply "logical" value to a completely arbitrary one, as if your particular line of reasoning is the only one with any merit. That's what we call an empire built on sand, my friend.

Some misappropriated McKenna right back at you: “Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you?”

Oh, and some Robert Anton Wilson: "Only the madman is absolutely sure."


Low Poly Gynecologist
Ya' know, some of us actually really liked the extremely technical skilled play of Demon's/Dark1. But I guess that "minority" is now marginal and absurd...

Where else should I issue the challenge? Through PM, better to make it public for all to see. Because experience = knowledge, more experience = a more valid opinion up and up, as so goes it. Like me understanding physics/metaphysics vs. Stephen Hawking.... :\

You can like the game for it's more technical aspects without acting as if your opinion matters more because of it.


The fact of the matter is, the baseline requirement for having a valid opinion about a videogame is simply to have played it. That's it. Someone with superior skills can talk about how the mechanics work and how to get the best out of them, they are the experts on the matter after all, but the weight of their opinion on the mechanics (i.e. a value judgement on whether they are good or bad) is no more than that of the person who played it for a week and thought it was dog shit because such judgements are entirely subjective. Subjectivity is relative.

You keep attempting to apply "logical" value to a completely arbitrary one, as if your particular line of reasoning is the only one with any merit. That's what we call an empire built on sand, my friend.

Some misappropriated McKenna right back at you: “Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you?”

Oh, and some Robert Anton Wilson: "Only the madman is absolutely sure."

Read that McKenna quote again, and then think real hard about how you just applied it. Might take a little while but you'll get it. Fact of the matter it was in another McKenna saying "my humble opinion" by my own admission.

...and I am a madman, by any psychiatric definition. ;p Just not a stupid one or non-functional one, most psychopaths are functional madmen. But I'm what they would define as a "cerebral psychopath". As in, I knew exactly how this would all play out, I just play ambient abuse and narcissistic mind games. But it passed the time, and I was 100% honest, ironically in my life honest if the worst thing I can be... Little back story for ya'. ;p

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Read that McKenna quote again, and then think real hard about how you just applied it. Might take a little while but you'll get it. Fact of the matter it was in another McKenna saying "my humble opinion" by my own admission.

You're not what I'd call "humble", chief.

I think you'll find if you replace "smarter" in the quote with "more highly skilled" player, you might get the point as to why their opinions aren't any more valid than "low skilled" players.

...and I am a madman, by any psychiatric definition. ;p Just not a stupid one or non-functional one, most psychopaths are functional madmen. But I'm what they would define as a "cerebral psychopath". As in, I knew exactly how this would all play out, I just play ambient abuse and narcissistic mind games. But it passed the time, and I was 100% honest, ironically in my life honest if the worst thing I can be... Little back story for ya'. ;p

Ahhh, I see.

You're not what I'd call "cerebral", chief. Reading McKenna and then trolling internet boards seems a little ideologically opposed, don't you think?

Sorry you wasted all of our time.


You're not what I'd call "cerebral", chief. Reading McKenna and then trolling internet boards seems a little ideologically opposed, don't you think?

Sorry you wasted all of our time.

Well, I was at least honest with everything I said, but I have no issues in my mind over playing a couple mind games on predictable internet mentality. Think of it as sort of a chess match of exploration and response collection, the more I know about how a response/assumption is evaluated the more tools I have to further twist the narrative to my liking or amusement, this is the simplest form of what psychologists refer to as social manipulation,,,not really "trolling". In fact if you knew these things you wouldn't immediately jump ship to the predictable "trolling dismissal". It isn't trolling by definition, it's possibly far worse, but breaks no laws here because I incorporate Ambient Abuse which is very ambiguous and has no set manipulative controls, it's just me playing back with responses based on predictable behavior or responses. This is especially fun to do to people who consider themselves "smart", because they are far more likely to voice their opinions and give me more collection of their responses and thus open themselves up to further manipulation.

In your opinion, everybody who plays a game has a "valid opinion", simply by playing it. Would this hold true of other facets of life training or "skill"? Such as my analogy of me vs. Hawking on astrophysics/metaphysics, if you want to listen to a MMA fighter about techniques used in practice, who better to listen to? A two fght amateur or Fedor? If you want your car to be worked on, do you go to the "guy in mechanics training" or the 10-20 year professional mechanic (freelance or in a business of some sort) for good work the first time at a fair price? If you want to build your first PC, do you go to a guy who admittedly only built one PC in his life and by admission has little knowledge of everything, or to guy's like myself or tons of the people in the GAF OT who've built dozens of high level rigs of all kinds? What about a first year medical student vs. a 20 yr M.D. and their value of "opinion" of how to handle your health problems? I think all of these are pretty self explanatory, but the point was you failed to recognize I'm applying this exact same thinking to videogame validity of opinion, where it holds just as true as those examples. Hence why I compared the "relativism" of the view that all ideas on a game no matter the skill or time put into them (as long as you played them according to you) holds equal weight and precedence, which McKenna totally denounced in other facets but the principle is the same, especially when he talks about denouncing that foolishness and not being afraid to, hence my realistic link to the video.

Then you quote his thing about "no knowledge is valuable unless it's self knowledge", which is solidly true, but if you actually listened to all his lectures you'd know he was asked in a Q&A "then why keep talking/lecturing?" and he followed up by saying that's merely saying that what's most important to life is the felt presence of direct experience and that he was not insinuating that we should totally ignore the validity of another opposing argument or can't learn from other people, or that some people have the most valid and substantive viewpoints but simply go into it with the first principles of logic, reason, and rules of evidence to draw your own conclusion based on the felt presence of direct experience. So, that's why I said think real hard about that quote....because you clearly haven't gotten the FULL McKenna lecture revelations but are simply cherrypicking quotes based on maybe a few vids/lectures you did hear, correct me if I'm wrong.

Shall we continue? Chief.

*Edit: Just for the record, I have no "ideology", I have only arguments. There are either valid or invalid.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Even if we agree to the premise that high skill makes an opinion on the games more valid, the problem is that your baseline for determine what constitutes high skill is extremely arbitrary. Someone who has never done an SL1 challenge, or won any PvP tourneys or whatever, but who has played through each games several times using various builds and who explored all of the games' mechanics thoroughly is more than qualified to evaluate each game despite not meeting your childish "expert" level.

Also holy fuck @ the pretentiousness levels here xD

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Think of it as sort of a chess match of exploration and response collection, the more I know about how a response/assumption is evaluated the more tools I have to further twist the narrative to my liking or amusement, this is the simplest form of what psychologists refer to as social manipulation,,,.

In summary: trolling.

Shall we continue? Chief.

I wouldn't want to keep you in here any longer than is necessary, chief.

Also holy fuck @ the pretentiousness levels here xD

Well over 9000 by my estimate.


In summary: trolling.

I wouldn't want to keep you in here any longer than is necessary, chief.

Well over 9000 by my estimate.

Yeah, I didn't think so. Check the definition of trolling and then research Ambient Abuse, also a good video and here on understanding my mindset since by and large you all are arguing with my "personality" moreso than anything, which is the pinnacle of the reason no discussion or criticism on that can ever be won. Note that I have researched in and out of mental psych wards in complimenting all types of these tactics into my "repertoire", and developed tactics to counter what is often taught to avoid these tactics. Not the same thing as "trolling", Mr. Smart Guy Chieftain.

Also, love the "over 9000" meme you packed in there, the intellectual rigor just seeps, I tell ya' what! Also, love how you avoided the entirety of what I just said to opt out. ;)


Even if we agree to the premise that high skill makes an opinion on the games more valid, the problem is that your baseline for determine what constitutes high skill is extremely arbitrary. Someone who has never done an SL1 challenge, or won any PvP tourneys or whatever, but who has played through each games several times using various builds and who explored all of the games' mechanics thoroughly is more than qualified to evaluate each game despite not meeting your childish "expert" level.

Also holy fuck @ the pretentiousness levels here xD

How about that PvP best 8 out of 10?

Gonna duck me for the third time, just trying to have some recording fun here, man!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Also, love how you avoided the entirety of what I just said to opt out. ;)

I didn't come back about the MMA thing because your analogy was off and I couldn't bear explaining why and getting into another back-and-forth with you and having to read your overly verbose and brain-stuntingly dull diatribes.

I didn't come back about the McKenna quote because you missed out the key word I put prior to the quote which shows you aren't really reading anything anyone's putting, you're just waiting for your turn to post.

I'm opting out because you aren't debating, you're arguing to "win", something I don't have the time nor patience nor inclination to get in to.

I'm opting out because you aren't interested in discourse, you're interested in lecturing everyone to show how "smart" you are, something that anyone secure about their intellect wouldn't feel the need to do.

I'm opting out because you aren't interested in engaging with anyone, you are interested in trolling, something I'm no longer willing to feed after this post.

But mainly, I'm opting out because you are boring, chief.


I didn't come back about the MMA thing because your analogy was off and I couldn't bear explaining why and getting into another back-and-forth with you and having to read your overly verbose and brain-stuntingly dull diatribes.

I didn't come back about the McKenna quote because you missed out the key word I put prior to the quote which shows you aren't really reading anything anyone's putting, you're just waiting for your turn to post.

I'm opting out because you aren't debating, you're arguing to "win", something I don't have the time nor patience nor inclination to get in to.

I'm opting out because you aren't interested in discourse, you're interested in lecturing everyone to show how "smart" you are, something that anyone secure about their intellect wouldn't feel the need to do.

I'm opting out because you aren't interested in engaging with anyone, you are interested in trolling, something I'm no longer willing to feed after this post.

But mainly, I'm opting out because you are boring, chief.


But anyway, you keeping thinking that and we'll see where it gets you. And thank you, after all, I am the Master Chief. But mainly, you're opting out because you've been exposed by your own admission of not seeing the forest for the trees and biting thy hook. But it was fun for me, after all, whether it's message boards or real life, the No. 1 reason I get hated and avoided is due to the fact I shoot straight and am brutally honest about everything, including the facts that I really see nothing in people rather than play toys and objects.

But nice talking to you too, I'm off to play the new Smash soon. And FYI, I do not consider myself "smart" in any way, maybe that's your projection, but I consider myself a constant student, not a guru.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yup. Soooooo let's get this back on track: how's the third DLC? I've dipped in a little bit but not sat down and pummelled it properly yet. Any cool swag, say, katanas? :)


Yup. Soooooo let's get this back on track: how's the third DLC? I've dipped in a little bit but not sat down and pummelled it properly yet. Any cool swag, say, katanas? :)
No katana's there's DEX orientated weapons though: 2 greatswords, 1 thrusting sword, 1 curved sword, and a ultra greatsword with equal STR/DEX scaling at max that starts with B DEX at base.
Yup. Soooooo let's get this back on track: how's the third DLC? I've dipped in a little bit but not sat down and pummelled it properly yet. Any cool swag, say, katanas? :)

I really like the 3rd DLC (challenge area aside). As far as cool swag, there's the bonefists. Doesn't get much cooler than that.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
No katana's there's DEX orientated weapons though: 2 greatswords, 1 thrusting sword, 1 curved sword, and a ultra greatsword with equal STR/DEX scaling at max that starts with B DEX at base.

Sweet. DEX pays out again! What about armour?

I really like the 3rd DLC (challenge area aside). As far as cool swag, there's the bonefists. Doesn't get much cooler than that.

That sounds less Dark Souls and more Rule 34.
Sweet. DEX pays out again! What about armour?

I quite like the Northwarder set, which apparently is a callback to a Demon's Souls NPC. The Loyce sets are sort of cool and sort of goofy. You can also get the Mirrah hat, which is Lucatiel's hat without the mask. That's pretty cool.

Symbol of Avarice, complete with tongue physics

There's a few other pieces of armor I don't remember.

EDIT: I also like the Ivory Crown the most out of all the crowns in the game.

That sounds less Dark Souls and more Rule 34.

An unfortunate name, indeed. But hey, at least it gives me a cool martial arts moveset.


Sweet. DEX pays out again! What about armour?

That sounds less Dark Souls and more Rule 34.
Depending where you look it could be both in all honesty.

Armor wise there's 2 sets you might what to keep an eye out for first is the charred loyce set stronger than the less charred version at base. That has the same health restore effect 10 hp per piece works the same as the ring of the evil eye only works for ladies though not blokes. Second set is rampart golem set looks like a ice covered suit of armor smidge heavy at 38.9 but boosts defenses better than base vengarls set at base.


Yup. Soooooo let's get this back on track: how's the third DLC? I've dipped in a little bit but not sat down and pummelled it properly yet. Any cool swag, say, katanas? :)

Personally, I actually think they added the best weapon of the entire game in the 3rd DLC, the Bone Fist. It totally changes how you play and really I had a lot of fun with it, mainly kicking casters in the face and going Kung-Fu on everybody in PvP and doing boss Kung-Fu. xD

Beat Fume Knight and Sir Alone at Bonfire Intensity +10 wearing that Bone Skirt and the Old Bell Helm duel wielding the Bone Fists! Reason I like them is because it takes lots of practice to master using them effectively and they make you feel like a badass.

Move set tutorial here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaG43ArzxV8

Edit: Wearing the Ivory Crown makes me feel like I'm Princess Peach's long lost brother, idk... Looks dumb to me. I hated the design/armor of the Burnt Ivory King, was hoping for a callback to the False King's robes with additional metal chest pieces and maybe a different color, but definitely something somewhat similar would have been cool, not just a slight alteration of the normal ole' Loyce set. Might even have wore that vs. going naked 99% of the time in PvE.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Personally, I actually think they added the best weapon of the entire game in the 3rd DLC, the Bone Fist. It totally changes how you play and really I had a lot of fun with it, mainly kicking casters in the face and going Kung-Fu on everybody in PvP and doing boss Kung-Fu. xD

An unfortunate name, indeed. But hey, at least it gives me a cool martial arts moveset.

Say what? Kung Fu?! Are they easy to get?
I feel guilty for starting all this now :3

Just for the record, I agree with ArynCrinn's criticisms of the game but not the whole elitism thing about high level players/streamers etc. We're all huge fans of the series and From, it doesn't matter if you did a non-upgraded maiden's handladle run or not!


Say what? Kung Fu?! Are they easy to get?

Pretty easy, once you get the wind to stop blowing by talking the the Queen, simply go to the off the beaten track path following the first right route from the first bonfire. Then light the 4 torch pillars and the door will open, directly inside to your left is a "clickable" secret wall, use that to go up and drop down to the loot you'll see on a slightly lower ledge = Bone Fist. Use a Bonfire Ascetic to simply respawn another then just speedrun to the exact route I laid out to grab the 2nd. ;)

You want to make sure you're powerstancing them, but you technically don't need 2 Bone Fists. You can use one and another fist weapon and get the same powerstanced martial arts moveset. Gotta love that Hadoken. But my favorite is the running attack.
What in the hell happened here? I stop getting on for a bit then suddenly chaos! I think this is a rare occurrence of causation rather than correlation.

Say what? Kung Fu?! Are they easy to get?

Somewhat yeah. There's two ways to get em, one is from a rare dropping of the reindeer(heh) and the other is inside a cave. The cool thing is, you can do the powerstance animation of them without needed two, just have a caestus or another fist weapon, meet the requirements and then....HADOUKEN!


Somewhat yeah. There's two ways to get em, one is from a rare dropping of the reindeer(heh) and the other is inside a cave. The cool thing is, you can do the powerstance animation of them without needed two, just have a caestus or another fist weapon, meet the requirements and then....HADOUKEN!
You can power stance it with all of the claws sans work hook also if you really wanted to. The claws coupled with the bonefists powerstance moveset give you far more range than other options.


Yup. Soooooo let's get this back on track: how's the third DLC? I've dipped in a little bit but not sat down and pummelled it properly yet. Any cool swag, say, katanas? :)

You'll wanna check out the fist weapon you get early on...ironically, I only knew about how cool the powerstance moveset was because Aryn Crinn posted that I should try on my Vanquisher seal run YouTube channel comments!!!! LOL

I tried it out during my run but without powerstancing and gettting proper stats I didn't uncover the cool moves and might have missed one of the coolest weapons in the game....thanks AC!

I hope the derailment stays where it is (so the world might be mended) but I feel I missed a passsionate discsusion here that I would have rather taken part in real time, as I am a true existentialist and have that in common with AC at very least:

But AC, you arent a complete psychopath, you wouldn't have helped me build my PC, nor give me tips etc for my playthrough without caring about me, a random poster, at least a little. You are a good man at heart...hope that isnt taken as a slight?!?!!?

Many people think they are psychopaths when really they only have a few traits, and all of us have some. You'd have to be extremely callous to qualify for full blown psychopath...at least according to Hare's checklist. (Hare is Canadian, and comes from where I live, but is the world's leader and founder of the checklist used most commonly to assess psychopathy...not to name drop, but fitting for this thread so I will do so: I had a co-author of Hare's as a preceptor for one of my Master's projects in forensic mental health, I am a recreation therapist by trade, and use play to help people progress with their health, but did so in a forensic mental health hospital for over 13 years...so I have more in common with you AC than you thought I bet!!!!?!??!)

@AC - I get what you are saying, and respect your opinions about the quality of DS2, which in my subjective assessment are pretty insightful, however for whatever reason, I still find a way to have fun with DS2...and you and I have never butted horns despite this, so not sure why other's are?

@ his detractors: I dont know what all the fuss is bout here, I have always disagreed with AC in that he does not play as much DS2 owing to these issues, but obviously he still plays and is passionate about the game. That is the only qualification necessary for me to be able to discuss and engage with people. I really like being here and have as soon as I came in at the launch of Demon's....the insatiable passion for souls continues!
@ his detractors: I dont know what all the fuss is bout here, I have always disagreed with AC in that he does not play as much DS2 owing to these issues, but obviously he still plays and is passionate about the game. That is the only qualification necessary for me to be able to discuss and engage with people. I really like being here and have as soon as I came in at the launch of Demon's....the insatiable passion for souls continues!

EDIT: I had something written in response to that here, but decided to just drop it. I don't really want to get into it again.


Who here has used the Sacred Chime Hammer? Decided to do a Velstadt cosplay for an Old Iron King run through. Really great weapon, IMO. And apparently according to Wikidot it has the highest potential AR in the game if you have high Str, Faith, Int?


Who here has used the Sacred Chime Hammer? Decided to do a Velstadt cosplay for an Old Iron King run through. Really great weapon, IMO. And apparently according to Wikidot it has the highest potential AR in the game if you have high Str, Faith, Int?
It's the highest AR of the weapons but only by ten points it's 790 at 99 across the board the crypt blacksword is 780 at the same stats but it's split damage and all that for them both. I find it moveset kinda lacking for a great hammer because of the special attack taking away the two handed R2.
It's the highest AR of the weapons but only by ten points it's 790 at 99 across the board the crypt blacksword is 780 at the same stats but it's split damage and all that for them both. I find it moveset kinda lacking for a great hammer because of the special attack taking away the two handed R2.

I haven't actually used any great hammers before. Does it have the same moveset (besides the 2H R2) as other great hammers? Any recommendations on a good one?


I haven't actually used any great hammers before. Does it have the same moveset (besides the 2H R2) as other great hammers? Any recommendations on a good one?
If you want the halberd style ones the a drakekeeper warpick is the strongest of that type. The giant warrior club and smelter hammer are worth trying too.
*boots up gamesave hasn't touched in months*
le me: "o look i never beat nashandra lololol ill do it now. man that was easy. I wonder why i never finished her off"
le me ten minutes later: "o look i never beat vendrick lololol"

shit. i can't ascetic vendrick back can I? i totally forgot there was a reason i never finished off the last boss. screwed until ng+? i will be mega annoyed if so, because i've ascetic'd the giant lord like 25 times so now i'll have to drudge through all 3 of them at that level ha


DS2 isn't grabbing me like DS1 any tips for helping with that early level struggle?

Sorry, I missed this in the hub bub..I agree with the rapier/mace idea, but another option if you dont like those movesets (what I did when I played blind) is to put all your effort into killing the heide knight in the forest...once I took his heide knight sword, which gives both lightning and physical damage and upgraded it just a bit it allowed me to get through pursuer and all the way until I could upgrade with large stones and chunks...then I chose something else. You could also do this with the flame longsword found in the forest as loot, but more things are resistant to fire in the long run so dont upgrade it too much. I would hold off on upgrading either too much past +2 or 3 unless you want to keep them....the large titanite is very rare until you meet a certain NPC and give him an item which you cant get until about halfway through the game.
Dark Souls 2 coming to PS4 and XBox One, along with new content on existing platforms.

The trailer looks great! I don't really care about it coming to PS4/XBone, but I am really excited for even more content. I think I'm most excited about new NPCs. I was disappointed that the 3 pieces of DLC we've gotten so far have only given us 2 new NPCs.

And from reading the announcement, it sounds like existing copies of the game will receive these updates for free.

EDIT: Seems like there's some confusion on whether the DX11 PC version will literally be a different SKU, or an optional upgrade...I want the graphical upgrades, but would really hate to have to buy the game again for that. Also, the "6 players allowed" for that version makes it seem like you could only play with other people that have upgraded. Splitting the player base like that sounds like a very bad idea.

EDIT #2: Yep, sounds like there's going to be 2 versions of the game on PC now. (The DX11 and DX9 versions.) Damnit. Even if they sell the DX11 version to those that already own the game for a much cheaper price, it's still going to segment the player base. I already can't get summons/summoned in a lot of areas.


Unconfirmed Member
And from reading the announcement, it sounds like existing copies of the game will receive these updates for free.

EDIT: Seems like there's some confusion on whether the DX11 PC version will literally be a different SKU, or an optional upgrade...I want the graphical upgrades, but would really hate to have to buy the game again for that. Also, the "6 players allowed" for that version makes it seem like you could only play with other people that have upgraded. Splitting the player base like that sounds like a very bad idea.

EDIT #2: Yep, sounds like there's going to be 2 versions of the game on PC now. (The DX11 and DX9 versions.) Damnit. Even if they sell the DX11 version to those that already own the game for a much cheaper price, it's still going to segment the player base. I already can't get summons/summoned in a lot of areas.

I signed my petition for the first Dark Souls PC port, purchased the game on Steam at full price at launch, then purchased Dark Souls II + the DLC's with absolute dedication.

But I don't like paying twice for the same PC version, what the hell...honestly (paying twice for the same game which was released in a time span of less than a year?)
Dark Souls 2 coming to PS4 and XBox One, along with new content on existing platforms.

The trailer looks great! I don't really care about it coming to PS4/XBone, but I am really excited for even more content. I think I'm most excited about new NPCs. I was disappointed that the 3 pieces of DLC we've gotten so far have only given us 2 new NPCs.

And from reading the announcement, it sounds like existing copies of the game will receive these updates for free.

EDIT: Seems like there's some confusion on whether the DX11 PC version will literally be a different SKU, or an optional upgrade...I want the graphical upgrades, but would really hate to have to buy the game again for that. Also, the "6 players allowed" for that version makes it seem like you could only play with other people that have upgraded. Splitting the player base like that sounds like a very bad idea.

EDIT #2: Yep, sounds like there's going to be 2 versions of the game on PC now. (The DX11 and DX9 versions.) Damnit. Even if they sell the DX11 version to those that already own the game for a much cheaper price, it's still going to segment the player base. I already can't get summons/summoned in a lot of areas.

So PC players are kinda screwed then? Cant wait to see the new batch of players here
Well, PC players will get all the updates (sans DLC) for free. Except for the DX11 and 6 player features, which are supposedly going to be a different SKU. So it's a good deal unless you want to get the DX11 features (and we have no idea what they'll charge people who already own the game).

Too early to say whether or not this will be a bad thing for the PC playerbase. Maybe they'll even find a way to allow the two versions to play with each other, so that the community isn't segmented.

All that aside, I'm definitely excited for new content and story! Maybe we'll finally get an alternate ending.
How requests for help/pvp will go in the future:

"Hey, I need help beating Fume Knight, anybody up for some jolly co-op?"


Crazy that the community is going to be split between 6 platforms.
How requests for help/pvp will go in the future:

"Hey, I need help beating Fume Knight, anybody up for some jolly co-op?"


Crazy that the community is going to be split between 6 platforms.

Dont forget about the maintenance would be a pain in the ass for the developers or just stop supporting the old gen consoles since the new DSII is a different version.
So this isn't new content DLC, it's just an announcement of a GOTY type edition/patch for existing platforms and a PS4/Xbone version (as many predicted).

Interested what upgraded visuals mean, but 6 players sounds dumb as fuck though, sorry.
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