Yo fuck The Gutters. This is like feeling my way around a maze by hand.
theres a third bonfire? I have no idea where or where that horse head thing is :/![]()
theres a third bonfire? I have no idea where or where that horse head thing is :/
theres no lever near the second bonfire (assuming thats the one after)smelter demon![]()
I actually found the gutters not too bad. Just keep a torch on hand, light up every single thing you can and take it carefully. I was honestly expecting something terrible by going by some of the things I've read about it but The Gutter wasn't that hard at all, thankfully they didn't stick in any reaaaaaaaally difficult enemies apart from at the start, I hate those fucking things.
Ontonow so maybe my opinion will changeBlack Gulch![]()
Light all the sconces. The area isn't that hard at all tbh. Don't run around in the dark, that's why you have a torch.![]()
The idol is the second bonfire thats belfry sol your talking about.theres no lever near the second bonfire (assuming thats the one after)smelter demon![]()
Someone really didn't get those the right way round when translating.Vigor increases HP. Vitality increases equip load.
it's not about how hard it is... it's just irritating.
of course I was doing it all hallowed at 50% so even being lightly touched would murder me
I feel like im flying through this game. Im 11-12 hours in and ive done Forest of fallen giants, no mans wharf, lost bastille, hunstmans copse, heides tower, and a few others i forget...and in DS1 it took me about 6 or 7 hours jsut to clear undead burg. Im enjoying DS2 alot, cause its more Dark Souls, but there really does seem like something is missing in this. Just cant quite put my finger on it
You not have the ring to stop the HP when hallowed being that low ?
I feel like im flying through this game. Im 11-12 hours in and ive done Forest of fallen giants, no mans wharf, lost bastille, hunstmans copse, heides tower, and a few others i forget...and in DS1 it took me about 6 or 7 hours jsut to clear undead burg. Im enjoying DS2 alot, cause its more Dark Souls, but there really does seem like something is missing in this. Just cant quite put my finger on it
You not have the ring to stop the HP when hallowed being that low ?
The third bonfire is in the room with six (?) fire breathing statues before Iron King. There is a ladder on one of the walls. Really easy to miss.
it's the room just before the fog gate, the one with the six flamethrower and spike on the wall. you can find a ladder on a wall
make sure you stay on the platform and you'll only have to fight one guy, then the other two (at least when i played it platform didn't crumble or anything), which i bet is a lot easier than going against three at the same time
you could also explore other areas and come back later
also, it seems they're weak to lightning so (i'm just telling you this, i would never do this on my first run lol) you can go down majula's hole (with the cat ring) and reach the end of the gutter, get the fragrant branch of yore and unlock the woods so you can buy gold pine resin.
but it's faster and easier to just level up.
I feel like im flying through this game. Im 11-12 hours in and ive done Forest of fallen giants, no mans wharf, lost bastille, hunstmans copse, heides tower, and a few others i forget...and in DS1 it took me about 6 or 7 hours jsut to clear undead burg. Im enjoying DS2 alot, cause its more Dark Souls, but there really does seem like something is missing in this. Just cant quite put my finger on it
Is upgrading shields worth it? It doesn't seem to increase stability.
I upgraded this tower shield and now I stagger enemies by shielding.Is upgrading shields worth it? It doesn't seem to increase stability.
So, just started playing this with Durante's fix and it looks awesome, however I'm having a slight problem with the controls. I'm using a PS3 controller with motioninjoy (I have heard there are better alternatives) and everytime I lock on when there are multiple enemies, the targeting keeps switching like crazy without my input.
When idle, the camera doesn't move around automatically, telling me that it isn't a problem the controller it self. Someone help?![]()
I think for me it's that the atmosphere just isn't as good as Demons/Dark Souls. Even major shitholes like The Gutter haven't really drawn me in the way they did in those games. It's a game I'm loving to bits and it's fun as hell to play but from a pure atmosphere/immersive perspective I'm finding it a bit lacking tbh. Then again I don't think even anything in Dark Souls came close to the place that is Tower Of Latria in Demons Souls. Those bell chimes....![]()
btw guys, go human in theshrine of amana
btw guys, go human in theshrine of amana
Definitely increases i-frames but doesn't affect the speed of animations. I think there was some talk that it might lower recovery time from some animations but I don't know if that's true.Can't quite understand if ADP is worth it or not.
Does it really lower reaction times and increases iframes or not?
Ditch MotionInJoy.So, just started playing this with Durante's fix and it looks awesome, however I'm having a slight problem with the controls. I'm using a PS3 controller with motioninjoy (I have heard there are better alternatives) and everytime I lock on when there are multiple enemies, the targeting keeps switching like crazy without my input.
When idle, the camera doesn't move around automatically, telling me that it isn't a problem the controller it self. Someone help?![]()
I summoned her on the PS3 and she was an absolute tank! Best NPC by far.
So,, how am I supposed to survive more than ten seconds?Royal Rat Authority
That sounds like a dead zone issue on the right thumbstick. Is that something you can adjust in motioninjoy?
Definitely increases i-frames but doesn't affect the speed of animations. I think there was some talk that it might lower recovery time from some animations but I don't know if that's true.
I find that 20 is enough to reliably roll through attacks in pvp.
SL146 is very high for that point in the game so it's unlikely you would get invaded.That was it? The LG Knight fight was pretty stupid easy (Im SL 146). I only had Benhard summoned and I was with the Red Eye ring so the knight always attacked me. It was easy as hell to avoid everything. And I saw no player invasions?
SL146 is very high for that point in the game so it's unlikely you would get invaded.
Shit, now I know why I don't find players anywhere![]()
Gah, I seem to get worse every time I facein Heide Tower, haha.Old Dragonknight
I'm melee, So I like to keep close on him. Roll at the last second, and then beat the shit out of him once his attack is done. He's pretty slow.