That death penalty health decay is such a load of BS.
Helping someone beat a boss also restores you to full humanity, just in case you didn't know.
That death penalty health decay is such a load of BS.
Are there plenty of places to buy those "human effigy" things? I want to have a lot of those to restore my health after dying a good number of times.
That death penalty health decay is such a load of BS.
I'll have to go search the area again, I've beaten both bosses in that zone.
I'm assuming I've just missed an exit after the. I've foundSkeleton Kings, but I did not find any way through there.Undead Purgatory
I think I already did that bit unless something new is accessible. I have 2 waypoints there in travel
They're kind of rare actually.
Well that sucks!
What are you supposed to do if you are running low on health and you don;t have any effigies left?
I've been losing to Chariot for 3 hours. Every time I gain humanity and co-op, my teammates don't have microphones and die instantly.
Are there plenty of places to buy those "human effigy" things? I want to have a lot of those to restore my health after dying a good number of times.
That death penalty health decay is such a load of BS.
Helping someone beat a boss also restores you to full humanity, just in case you didn't know.
I've been losing to Chariot for 3 hours. Every time I gain humanity and co-op, my teammates don't have microphones and die instantly.
Are there plenty of places to buy those "human effigy" things? I want to have a lot of those to restore my health after dying a good number of times.
That death penalty health decay is such a load of BS.
If you're ever out of human effigies and desperately need humanity, you can get it back by using the small soapstone and spending five minutes in co op.
Helping someone beat a boss also restores you to full humanity, just in case you didn't know.
OK! Well that is good to know. Thanks for the tip.
What do you have to do in co-op to regain humanity?
I've been losing to Chariot for 3 hours. Every time I gain humanity and co-op, my teammates don't have microphones and die instantly.
It's not that tough when you understand the fight.
Go in with a shield, Just run through and kill the sorcerers. Hide in the side holes when the chariot comes running.
After the sorcerers are dead, the skeletons won't respawn. The chariot will kill most of the skeletons anyway so you can just back up in a hole with your shield up until he runs in a circle and kills them all.
Then after closing the gate it's just a regular, not too difficult boss fight.
Did you pick up the Ring of Binding? It is very early in the game and limits the HP penalty to 80% or something at full hollow.(It's in a chest in front of the Cathedral, just next to Heides.)
I think I was in that area.
I know I got Heides sword. I don't think I picked up the ring though.
Is the Cathedral in the Heides Tower area?
How do you do that exactly?
This game doesn't even explain how the co-op works!
Sheeeesh! They really gotta friggin create a user tutorial for people who aren't as acquainted with this series' conventions.
If you use the small soapstone you only need to beat a few enemies to restore your humanity, it's much easier.
you should check out the tunnel that goes to Heide's Tower of Flame again...(do not warp to Heide's bonfire, go from Majula)
After the Dragonrider,talk to the lady until she decides to move to Majula and then look for her there.
I think I was in that area.
I know I got Heides sword. I don't think I picked up the ring though.
Is the Cathedral in the Heides Tower area?
is such a fun boss to coop. Currently helping people kick his ass. Really warming up to the Lion Greataxe.Smelter Demon
Wanna help me when I get there?
It'll probably be a few days. I think that boss is pretty far from where I'm at.
That being said, there are always a ton of signs for Smelter Demon, so you are bound to get some help.
So, I finally found some Pharos Lockstones - can I use them without much thought? Or might this influence my game in any way like locking away optional content such as quests and NPCs?
So, I finally found some Pharos Lockstones - can I use them without much thought? Or might this influence my game in any way like locking away optional content such as quests and NPCs?
Soul Level 158. About to fight the last boss.
Never seen a gold sign anymore, but lots and lots of Dragon covenant signs everywhere. I feel alone in this world![]()
I just released GeDoSaTo DS2 edition 0.3 - fixes the AO issues with fog gates, bonfires, other alpha blended effects, and general fog:
That is a pretty high level for endgame. Most folks have moved on to ng+ so it is not too surprising summons are few, not to mention the bulk of the player base is no where near the end.
Is there a good Dualshock 4 button prompt/icon mod yet?
Any tips for getting into? I just dropped down to the first platform and despite having full health, being Human, and having 24 Vitality I died.The Gutter
That is a pretty high level for endgame. Most folks have moved on to ng+ so it is not too surprising summons are few, not to mention the bulk of the player base is no where near the end.
I just made it to the first bonfire inand I'm SL110. Should I be fine in terms of summons for the rest of the game?Drangleic Castle
That looks good assuming you haven't gained a ton of Soul memory that was spent or lost outside of leveling. Should be fine assuming enough folks have made it there.
I had two buddies for the last fight which appeared after I said I was alone.
I... I barely did anything, those Sunbro's were javelin the boss from afar. I only laded like 4 hits.
Loved the game and did most achievements other than collect all Miracles and Hexes.
Is there a way to disable/hide the mouse cursor like with the first game?
This one got me as well. Coming off from a dex heavy dark souls character, I was sure I'd survive that fall with a little bit of health left. Misjudged, I suppose. Was my first and only death so far.
Any tips for getting into? I just dropped down to the first platform and despite having full health, being Human, and having 24 Vitality I died.The Gutter
How do you check your Soul Memory? Is it the amount of souls you've gathered in total?
I think that number is around 1 million now :lol.