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Dark Souls III |OT+2| Why Can't We Poise the Game?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Is the microstuttering in the pc version a game or hardware related thing? Getting kind of annoying would like to know of a fix if there's any.

My specs:
i5 6600k
GTX 1060 6GB
8GB Ram


Is the microstuttering in the pc version a game or hardware related thing? Getting kind of annoying would like to know of a fix if there's any.

My specs:
i5 6600k
GTX 1060 6GB
8GB Ram

If your game is using the latest version of the game then it's something with your drivers or hardware. It's been totally smooth for me ever since the autosave stutter was fixed.


Looking to do a bloodshade character but I could do with transferring some items to the character to speed up the process. Could anyone on PS4 help me with that in a few hours? Think I'll be on from around 10:30 till 01:30 UK time (so about 5:30 to 8:30 EST)?

Sorry for spamming the thread a bit but I'll be on again for the next few hours if anyone can spare 10 minutes to help with this. I just need to transfer a few rings and consumables between 2 of my characters. Need my scholar ring so I can get Orbeck as a vendor and my silvercat ring as I need to betray Sirris to get all the gestures in one playthrough!


I stopped playing in May/June I think.

Spears are still shit, but the Lothric long spear continues to be my favorite weapon, just because it looks cool and the attack sound effect is amazing.
I stopped playing in May/June I think.

Spears are still shit, but the Lothric long spear continues to be my favorite weapon, just because it looks cool and the attack sound effect is amazing.

Wut, the gargoyle flame spear is still one of the best weapons in the game.

Dragonslayer spear is also very good.


I wonder if it's better to start the DLC from the earlier backup save I have, instead of after the end. The former option would mean some of the NPCs, like
Yuria and Ludleth
, would still be in the Firelink Shrine.


Well, it took us 2 FUCKING HOURS, but we did it. We beat The Nameless King.

It took us (or me, rather) so long to figure out that
the King of the Storm's head is its weakpoint, I actually feel stupid now that people have pointed out the Ancient Wyvern boss fight showed the dragons' heads are what you should attack. Luckily we used the Washing Pole to make hitting the head easier.

Once you've got it figured out/died more than 20 times, the first phase isn't too bad since you can get a strategy down, but once The Nameless King steps off the dragon - woof. He just hits so fucking hard. And then you have to go through the first phase all over again.

The trick I found for myself was to just be patient and don't get greedy trying to attack more than once - having a shield definitely helped.
Goddamn, what a boss.

I wonder if it's better to start the DLC from the earlier backup save I have, instead of after the end. The former option would mean some of the NPCs, like
Yuria and Ludleth
, would still be in the Firelink Shrine.

Considering how fucked up we are with our NPCs, I would really hope that the DLC doesn't require any NPCs to be alive aside from Andre, the Firekeeper and the Shrine Handmaid - maybe not even Andre considering there was more than one blacksmith in DS2.


Considering how fucked up we are with our NPCs, I would really hope that the DLC doesn't require any NPCs to be alive aside from Andre, the Firekeeper and the Shrine Handmaid - maybe not even Andre considering there was more than one blacksmith in DS2.

I don't think it would require them to be present, but I think you might miss something, like you miss some dialogue in Bloodborne, if you start the DLC after beating Mergo. Even if I start the DLC from the backup save, I'll probably be missing something, considering NPCs like
Sieqward, Anri, Greirat, Sirris, Orbeck, and Leonhard
are already gone from there. My biggest worry is that I might miss something more crucial, like additional questlines.


I don't think it would require them to be present, but I think you might miss something, like you miss some dialogue in Bloodborne, if you start the DLC after beating Mergo. Even if I start the DLC from the backup save, I'll probably be missing something, considering NPCs like
Sieqward, Anri, Greirat, Sirris, Orbeck, and Leonhard
are already gone from there. My biggest worry is that I might miss something more crucial, like additional questlines.

Dialogue is as far as they'd go I think, probably from Ludleth or the Fire Keeper - any new questlines would be DLC-specific I would hope, that's how they did it in Bloodborne at least.

On the other hand (DLC speculation)
after looking at the first trailer again, the guy giving the piece of canvas/ripped cloth looks very similar to Holy Knight Hodrick, which I remember us killing as an invader waaaaaaay back before the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, so maybe they'd include previous NPCs?

Honestly, who knows.


Wut, the gargoyle flame spear is still one of the best weapons in the game.

Dragonslayer spear is also very good.
Was just about to post this. Partizan isn't bad either; one of the best for roll catches with its R2.

You guys go look at the paintings in Irithyll (pre-Pontiff) where the silver knights are. Looks like Ariamis.


So I finally picked up Dark Souls 3. HumbleBundle has it on sale again this weekend and I figured the best way to get it and keep it was to get it from them were as I'd be to tempted to refund it on Steam. Also picked up Dark Souls 2: SotFS since it was just $10. Against so I couldn't refund it again.

The one thing I was really looking to see and hoping to experience was that the controls were simply more fluid and responsive. That was my biggest issue with Dark Souls 1. The controls and how I felt like I was fighting against them a lot of the time be it the camera, responsiveness of the commands, etc. Having played a lot of platformers and even coming off games like Bayonetta 2 that was a big issue with me coupled with just what i feel l were bad design elements of the game stopped me from finishing it and made me hate the boss fights. It's horrible to play a game and know exactly what you want to do but the controls themselves make that difficult. I don't find that challenging. I don't like having to adapt to what I consider are bad controls. It's very rare I'm willing to put up with issues like that and the game has to be pretty unique. Something like Kid Icarus Uprising comes to mind but I fully understand why people hate that game control wise. That I like it makes me understand I feel why others enjoy DS1 regardless of how I feel it controls.

From the little that I've played of DS3 those issues seem to have been addressed greatly. I noticed some of that was fixed in the little of DS2 I played in the past but the game is even more responsive now. I had no issue at all betting Iudex Gundyr on the first try. Didn't feel like I was fighting the controls at all. The few times I felt I was going to die it was because I had took a risk or did something I didn't even need to do like rolling more then I needed to or should have or healing when I should have rolled. True it helped I did start as a Pyromancer but even then I had no problem with just the general movement of the game so if I had to continue to melee at the end I believe I would have been fine. Taking out normal mobs as well just felt really good. Things didn't feel sluggish at all.

I'm going to reinstall Dark Souls 1 tonight just to do a quick comparison for myself but I'm pretty sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me at all. DS3 just feels good when controlling my character. I wish this game had a demo and I didn't have to wait on sale to get confirmation of this. It's almost like some people didn't want to say that DS3 simply controls a LOT better then the original DS. Some were honest and did say they felt controls were better but I noticed a lot of people in difference places hate to knock DS1 for anything even though DS3 and DS2 had improvements and some of them seemingly necessary. If I had to suggest what game to play simply for a overall better control experience it doesn't even come close. I would recommend DS3 without any hesitation at this point, especially over DS1. For all good as the area design is I don't think it's worth the frustration. Similar to how I wouldn't recommend the original Legend of Zelda to someone new to the franchise regardless of how classic it is. I'd point them in the direction of A Link to the Past or A Link Between Worlds instead.

Looking forward to seeing if my positive opinion on DS3, control wise anyway, keeps up as I head into the High Wall of Lothric.
DS3 plays very similar to DS1 to me, the camera (in all Soulsborne games) and character ccontrols behave very much the same.

I know DS1 had a 4-way roll, where as DS2 and 3 have 8-way but other than that the character movement in DS1 and 3 is the most similar between all 3, with 2 being the clunky black sheep of the family.


DS3 plays very similar to DS1 to me, the camera (in all Soulsborne games) and character ccontrols behave very much the same.

I know DS1 had a 4-way roll, where as DS2 and 3 have 8-way but other than that the character movement in DS1 and 3 is the most similar between all 3, with 2 being the clunky black sheep of the family.

The 4-way roll is exactly what makes DS1 feel clunky along with some bad animations. The funny thing is that 8-way roll exists in the game, it's what happens when you roll without lock on. Limiting that when locked on was really annoying, a move that is about as stupid as Bloodborne's "only quick step when locked on" dodging.
I guess it's clunky in hindsight, it didn't feel that way at the time. That's what sequels are for, to imrpove and expand on what came before, so I would hope DS3 handled better than the previous games.

Maybe it's not an issue for me because of how I use the roll? Rolling left and right and back and forward makes sense to me when locked on, but rolling diagonally is something I would want to do for say getting in a backstab, to which end I'd be locked off to do that.

From Effect's post, it seemed they had far wider issues with camera controls and responsiveness that goes beyond just a 4-way roll when locked-on. There are a few tweaks in game like camera wall recovery (most would say play with it turned off) and some options for auto-targeting, but I've always found the responsiveness and player controls in Souls to be one of it's standout features, again DS2 aside.

Cat Party

I actually just went back and played through DS1. I had never beaten it before. The 4 way roll is tough to go back to. So many deaths in the beginning from rolling into attacks.

But I found the game so much easier this time. Especially the late game areas, where all you need is the right equipment and patience. With the exceptions of Sen's Fortress and the infamous archer sequence in Anor Londo, the skills I've picked up from DS2 and DS3 made most encounters simple. Many of the bosses, of course, are brutally tough.


The 4-way roll is exactly what makes DS1 feel clunky along with some bad animations. The funny thing is that 8-way roll exists in the game, it's what happens when you roll without lock on. Limiting that when locked on was really annoying, a move that is about as stupid as Bloodborne's "only quick step when locked on" dodging.

But quickstep sucks in a lot of situation in BB, I know playing unlocked is superior in all Souls games, but it's even more beneficial in BB because of the roll.


But quickstep sucks in a lot of situation in BB, I know playing unlocked is superior in all Souls games, but it's even more beneficial in BB because of the roll.

That's exactly why it sucks that you can't both roll and quickstep when locked on. All they had to do was drop the ability to pick up items when locked on.


Junior Member
Dark Souls III All achievements get 1000/1000:


Uploading 5 min full fight with the Nameless King (first try on NG++) but for some reason Xbox Game DVR is stuck @0% for like an hour now :/


Finished off Archdragon Peak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=3zFPjUPpR-8

The Dragonslayer Swordspear is one sick weapon, and it suits our build perfectly! Can't cosplay as Ornstein unfortunately though, that armour weighs a ton. Is the Calamity Ring another instance of them throwing shade at DS1/2?

We also backtracked to the bridge before High Lord Wolnir, which Tarkus had been hinting to me about for aaaaaages. I love going back to old (well new to us) areas and just destroying everything in the way!

Dark Souls III All achievements get 1000/1000:

Uploading 5 min full fight with the Nameless King (first try on NG++) but for some reason Xbox Game DVR is stuck @0% for like an hour now :/

Well done - I think 5 minutes on the hardest boss of the game is incredible, although I am coming from the perspective of having spent 2 hours trying to kill him!


That's exactly why it sucks that you can't both roll and quickstep when locked on. All they had to do was drop the ability to pick up items when locked on.

Yeah, quickstep was useless in a lot of situations. But it can be beneficial if you want fast recovery times, which was useful against Evelyn spammers.


Junior Member
Finished off Archdragon Peak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLnhwVsYSH1o1jW-5r-UfCbFz4VcQalzj5&v=3zFPjUPpR-8

The Dragonslayer Swordspear is one sick weapon, and it suits our build perfectly! Can't cosplay as Ornstein unfortunately though, that armour weighs a ton. Is the Calamity Ring another instance of them throwing shade at DS1/2?

We also backtracked to the bridge before High Lord Wolnir, which Tarkus had been hinting to me about for aaaaaages. I love going back to old (well new to us) areas and just destroying everything in the way!

Well done - I think 5 minutes on the hardest boss of the game is incredible, although I am coming from the perspective of having spent 2 hours trying to kill him!

After helping other sun bros for more than 20 times, I got this shit locked down:

Nameless King NG++ solo: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/McDragon Live/video/22418051


Did they buff the Hornet Ring or is it my imagination?

EDIT: Oh, it was nerfed. Of course they nerfed it, because everybody on reddit was whining about getting parried. Anything remotely useful will be nerfed by the end of the year at the rate reddit is going. At least it seems to be unchanged(?) for Ultra weapons, but smaller weapons don't gain as much anymore from what I understand.


Gold Member
Hey, quick bit of advice from the vets

I'm about 4 hours in and have just started the Undead Settlement. That witch thing is a fucker. Anyway, I've started as knight and I've upgraded the starting sword to +1, but I'm picking up more materials now and am wondering whether to infuse, should I wait for a drop as mats are limited and put them in that, or just go for it with what I have.

I have the uchigatana but don't like it, and I have a broadsword as well in my inventory so far. Weapon-wise. Not really into halberds or claymores.

Also, I haven't used ashen flask once, do I need it as a knight?
Hey, quick bit of advice from the vets

I'm about 4 hours in and have just started the Undead Settlement. That witch thing is a fucker. Anyway, I've started as knight and I've upgraded the starting sword to +1, but I'm picking up more materials now and am wondering whether to infuse, should I wait for a drop as mats are limited and put them in that, or just go for it with what I have.

I have the uchigatana but don't like it, and I have a broadsword as well in my inventory so far. Weapon-wise. Not really into halberds or claymores.

Also, I haven't used ashen flask once, do I need it as a knight?

I am no vet, I played through DS3 with Knight and only with my Longsword as well.

I infused it with Fire, a lot of the enemies are susceptible to fire, and just upgrade it to +10.

I did not use Ashen flask once.

For what it's worth. Again, I am not a Souls vet at all.


Gold Member
I am no vet, I played through DS3 with Knight and only with my Longsword as well.

I infused it with Fire, a lot of the enemies are susceptible to fire, and just upgrade it to +10.

I did not use Ashen flask once.

For what it's worth. Again, I am not a Souls vet at all.

That's cool - even better that you're not a vet I guess. Means I won't nerf myself. I quite like the longsword, but always have the fear I'll find a better weapon that I won't be able to upgrade down the line :)


Hey, quick bit of advice from the vets

I'm about 4 hours in and have just started the Undead Settlement. That witch thing is a fucker. Anyway, I've started as knight and I've upgraded the starting sword to +1, but I'm picking up more materials now and am wondering whether to infuse, should I wait for a drop as mats are limited and put them in that, or just go for it with what I have.

I have the uchigatana but don't like it, and I have a broadsword as well in my inventory so far. Weapon-wise. Not really into halberds or claymores.

Also, I haven't used ashen flask once, do I need it as a knight?

Straight swords are the best pve weapon class in the game, so you could use either the longsword or broadsword the entire game.

As far as infusions go, it depends on what you're going for. If you want to use the longsword, you can optimize it by aiming for 30/20-30 in str and dex and infusing with refined. I typically infuse with raw in early game, and as I level up I'll infuse with heavy, sharp, refined, etc.

Fire would be okay, but it only does flat damage - meaning it doesn't scale with anything. It's good early on, but you won't be doing as much damage as you could if you invested in stats.

You'll get plenty of upgrade materials.


Did they buff the Hornet Ring or is it my imagination?

EDIT: Oh, it was nerfed. Of course they nerfed it, because everybody on reddit was whining about getting parried. Anything remotely useful will be nerfed by the end of the year at the rate reddit is going. At least it seems to be unchanged(?) for Ultra weapons, but smaller weapons don't gain as much anymore from what I understand.
Hey, I know you. You were the guy with the mage build in our gaf fight clubs. Still one of the best I've seen with a mage in PvP.


Gold Member
Hey, quick bit of advice from the vets

I'm about 4 hours in and have just started the Undead Settlement. That witch thing is a fucker. Anyway, I've started as knight and I've upgraded the starting sword to +1, but I'm picking up more materials now and am wondering whether to infuse, should I wait for a drop as mats are limited and put them in that, or just go for it with what I have.

I have the uchigatana but don't like it, and I have a broadsword as well in my inventory so far. Weapon-wise. Not really into halberds or claymores.

Also, I haven't used ashen flask once, do I need it as a knight?

not a "vet". materials are limited but i felt i ended up with enough to experiment with multiple weapons. there was a point where upgrade materials were scarce but you should be fine. i infused my claymore with a raw gem which is fine for a while but eventually you'll want to remove it if you're levelling up the appropriate stats for your weapon.

i was a knight too and didn't use an ashen flask for a long time. only maybe the last 1/4 of the game did i start using it. get a shield that enables weapon arts instead of parrying. to tell, check the icon beside the shield image. if it has a shield it does a parry. if it's a sword it's a weapon art. instead of parrying it gives your weapon a new special move. if i were to replay through the game i'd be using an ashen flask from the start. at the end i only allocated 2 flasks to the ashen and my attunement was at 14 which is the skill that increases your amount of FP which is used when doing a weapon art skill.

Cat Party

Hey, quick bit of advice from the vets

I'm about 4 hours in and have just started the Undead Settlement. That witch thing is a fucker. Anyway, I've started as knight and I've upgraded the starting sword to +1, but I'm picking up more materials now and am wondering whether to infuse, should I wait for a drop as mats are limited and put them in that, or just go for it with what I have.

I have the uchigatana but don't like it, and I have a broadsword as well in my inventory so far. Weapon-wise. Not really into halberds or claymores.

Also, I haven't used ashen flask once, do I need it as a knight?

Go ahead and infuse one of your swords with fire as soon as you can. It will last you for a while, until to figure out where you want to go, and a lot of the early game mobs are weak to fire. I infused with Uchi with fire on my first playthrough and it was good for a while. But I like heavy swords better, since they stagger enemies more.

Also, keep in mind that refined gems are the most powerful but are very rare, so you don't want to infuse a weapon with refined unless you are certain you like the moveset.

Defeating the optional (but not really optional) boss in the Undead Settlement gives you the ability to create a really good greatsword, but it sounds like you prefer straight swords.


Help me GAF. I enjoy this game so much that I thought it would be great to make this my first platinum ever.

Well, I have 2 Million souls now, and three more proof of concords :-(

This is insane. Should I respect my char to luck? Tried to farm grass too and did 10 runs without any drops at all from the Gru.


Finally made it to the Undead Settlement as well. Noticing a few things where similar to DS1. Taking care of the undead dragon in High Wall was similar to the dragon on the bridge in DS1 where you can get the drake sword by removing it's tail with arrows. Knew there was an axe near there but damn a mimic so early in the game. I hate those things. Just hope there aren't a lot of them. They creep me the hell out. I don't like the sound the make. I don't like how they move. Ugh. Unless they're holding something I absolutely need I think I might just let them be unless I have something that puts them back to sleep so I can kill them easier.

I have the katana (was able to basically kite the guy and hit him with fire) but also the deep battle axe. Not sure what to use. I wish I found out about these earlier instead of wasting material upgrading that starting axe and that broadsword I got. I know things are weak to fire which is why I like playing as a pyro. However starting to question that as I didn't fire a single shot in the Vordt fight while using the deep battle axe. So I assume it was weak to dark magic which that axe has. Would it be better sticking to that or the katana that has a chance to inflict bleed? Which would be more helpful in the Undead Settlement?

Are there are certain weapons that just make specific bosses easier to beat or just grind and upgrade you weapon or stat more and more until you are doing enough damage?


Help me GAF. I enjoy this game so much that I thought it would be great to make this my first platinum ever.

Well, I have 2 Million souls now, and three more proof of concords :-(

This is insane. Should I respect my char to luck? Tried to farm grass too and did 10 runs without any drops at all from the Gru.

You should be getting at least 3 every hour, usually a few more. Are you using the +2 luck ring, symbol of avarice, crystal sage rapier and eating a rusted coin?


I usually just use rusted coins but the gold version give an extra 50 luck, I could drop a few to try.


Junior Member
Help me GAF. I enjoy this game so much that I thought it would be great to make this my first platinum ever.

Well, I have 2 Million souls now, and three more proof of concords :-(

This is insane. Should I respect my char to luck? Tried to farm grass too and did 10 runs without any drops at all from the Gru.

I leveled up my luck to 20~25 thanks to grinding there for 8 hours.

Equip item discovery items and don't give up. I know this isn't much help but that's all I can say at this insane grindfest useless cheevo.


I'm in NG+ with about 400 item discovery.

I will grind them for an item or two a day an continue playing. I leveled luck yesterday and got me a Carthus Curved Sword. Wanted see why this thing is considered to be So good.

Only NK and the final boss left now. I'll check if I got all rings and do NG++ next.


Junior Member
Every ring is available on NG++ so don't worry if you missed one or two.

Also if you are gonna start new game, there is two easy to get proof of concord there.


Ah. I didn't know that. Good.

at least I was summoned once as a blue guy into a fight club where they all murdered the invader lol. The second I got in my proof of concord was there for me ;-)


We found Horace the Hushed in Smouldering Lake and Knight Slayer Tsorig in Demon Ruins.

I'm guessing Horace fell down the bridge to High Lord Wolnir and then got trapped in Smouldering Lake. Am I right in thinking the ballista looks a lot like the Avelyn crossbow too?

FromSoft must love taking the piss out of the DS2 - calling King Vendrick no king and the Fume Knight a traitor. The Shield of Want is fantastic though!

Ghrus being here makes no sense either - are the demons an evolution of the Ghrus/vice versa? Were they in a war against the demons? I'm having trouble figuring out how they'd even get to Smouldering Lake, considering that the entrance to the Catacombs of Carthus was blocked by the Abyss Watchers - same with the basilisks.
New patch notes. Maybe we can poise the game.

Ashen Ones,

Dark Souls III will be updated to version 1.08 on Friday, October 21st. During the maintenance, the online mode will be unavailable at the timings below:

JST - 2016-10-21: 10:00—12:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 18:00—20:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 03:00—05:00

Xbox One
JST - 2016-10-21: 10:00—16:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 18:00—00:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 03:00—09:00

JST - 2016-10-21: 17:00—19:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 01:00—03:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 10:00—12:00

Please find below the changes included in this update:

• Adjusted poise values across the board. Poise is now more effective for heavier weapons and armor.
• Improved regular attack animations of hammer category weapons.
• Improved regular attack animations of greatsword category weapons.
• Improved regular attack animations of axe category weapons.
• Improved regular attack animations of fist category weapons.
• Improved the "Neck Swipe" weapon skill animation of scythe category weapons.
• Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using whips would not deal additional ・damage when fully charged.
• Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using the Pickaxe would consume stamina multiple times per attack.
• Adjusted the "Onislayer" weapon skill hitbox timings for Onikiri and Ubadachi.
• Adjusted the hitbox timings of the claw category weapon skill "Leaping Slash".
• Fixed a bug where rolling attacks on Astora's Greatsword could not be parried.
• Improved the "Wrath of the Gods" weapon skill animation for Wornir's Holy Sword.
• Improved the "Blind Spot" weapon skill animation for Corvian Greatknife and Handmaiden's Dagger.
• Improved the "Shield Splitter" weapon skill animation for Mail Breaker and Irithyll Rapier.
• Improved the "Wolf Leap" weapon skill animation for Old Wolf Curved Sword.
• The weapon skill of Old King's Great Hammer "Molten Perseverence" will now release lava on both hits.
• Improved the "Darkdrift" weapon skill animation for Darkdrift.
• Reduced effectiveness of rolling attack animations on Gotthard Twinswords while dual wielding.
• Increased effectiveness of the sorcery "Pestilent Mercury".
• Improved the cast animation of miracle "Lifehunt Scythe".
• Increased poison and toxic buildup of the pyromancies "Poison Mist" and "Toxis Mist", respectively.
• Increased durability damage buildup of the pyromancy "Acid Surge".
• Increased duration of the "Warcry" weapon skill.
• Fixed a bug where the player's lock-on target would automatically change even if "Toggle auto lock-on" was set to "OFF".
• Fixed a bug where the leader board for Darkmoon Knights would display incorrect statistics.
• Fixed a bug where the fog wall near Holy Knight Hodrick would sometimes not disappear during multiplayer even after defeating him.
• Fixed a bug where Orbeck of Vinheim would sometimes die before the player purchased all his spells.
• Fixed a bug where Patches and Greirat would never return if sent to steal after defeating all bosses.
• Fixed a bug where female characters were subject to counter damage during certain movement animations.
• Fixed a bug where equipping Vordt's Great Hammer or Irithyll Straight Sword in the left hand would cause enchantments to disappear from weapons in the right hand.
• Fixed a bug where two-handing certain weapons would cause the stealth effect on Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring to not work correctly.
• Fixed a bug where Hornet Ring was not working for claw category weapons.
• Fixed a bug where dash attacks could not be performed using Farron Greatsword.
• Fixed a bug where strong attacks using Lothric Knight Sword were not dealing thrust type damage.
• Fixed a bug where dash attacks using Onikiri and Ubadachi were not dealing thrust type damage.
• Addressed other game balance issues and fixed other flaws.
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