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Dark Souls III |OT+2| Why Can't We Poise the Game?


Difficulty stops escalating at NG+7. So theoretically you could get all the weapons upgraded in the game if you wanted to


Difficulty stops escalating at NG+7. So theoretically you could get all the weapons upgraded in the game if you wanted to

Yeah, that's not a comfort.

And I already acknowledged that it's technically attainable in my reply to you. I just don't see beating the game more than 7 times to get that as reasonable. That's insane, especially with the game known for it's punishing difficulty getting harder each subsequent time you beat it.

What would I consider reasonable? Once. Once, and then a high but attainable price in the store where I'd have to grind for several hours to get it. That I could jive with. Maybe two full playthroughs, I could live with. Anything more is too ridiculous.

So fuck that, and just turning on a cheat engine to allow the game to rain down slabs on me like I'm a thousand dollar stripper being paid in 1 dollar bills is the far more reasonable option.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
If I want to level up every weapon in the game, with the DLC, I'd have to beat it atleast ten times, and it keeps escalating in difficulty. That's reasonable?
Wanting to max out every weapon in the game is not reasonable. It's not a thing you can easily do in just about any RPG with a significant number of upgradable weapons.

I mean, it already comes very close to having what I want. Anything can be leveled up to the penultimate level with enough farming.
Well yeah. In theory you could make all the possible armour sets and all the weapons in Monster Hunter, too. You'd just have to play the game eleventy billion hours and there's no reason for it and it's a stupid idea, but it's possible!

I'd buy what your saying maybe if the game only sold large shards and the chunks were in limited supply, meaning you could get a few weapons past level 6 by default. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate that even more, but if you want argue that dark souls is trying to force you into a particular class and making you stick to it.
And it is, by having limited chunks until the end-game, and with having limited slabs.

But no, it goes nearly all the way by letting you level up EVERYTHING to level 9 and allows you to upgrade up to fully 11 weapons a playthrough. That isn't enough for me
This is the part where you are being unreasonable.

What else, you want to get rid of stat requirements too? And have all the weapons unlocked from the start? I mean you said you want access to all of the weapons, maxed out, without restriction... -_-

So this "it's an RPG" argument is just falling flat to me. Bloodborne was more RPG than this by that metric, and I know how people bitch about the lack of diversity between classes in that one.
Ridiculous. Bloodborne has wayyy fewer weapons total. And regardless Bloodborne is just not that well balanced in terms of upgrades compared to Dark Souls.


Maxing out all the weapons would be mostly a waste of time anyway. So many of them hardly get a boost going from +9 to +10. It's all relative to your build though. If you're going to make a build that would support all the weapons maxed out, then you're going to play through the game more than a few times.


Okay this Catacombs area is going to be a pain. Traps, super aggressive skeletons, with not a lot of room to maneuver, and resurrecting skeletons (where the resurrecting is varied time wise too it seems). Going have to rethink my approach. Maybe bring more arrows so I can "pull" things more effectively. Magic isn't doing the job. Luckily I've cleared out a section already so I don't have to go back there and can continue downward. The agro ranges are weird on some of the enemies here. Some I have to get super close to and others apparently can see me without line of sight and will rush to me from blind spots. Need to find where the actual bonfire is and just make my way to it. That or grind in some other areas to get more levels. At level 35 now.

I thought the red eye enemies wouldn't respawn. Guess I read wrong in regard to that.

It's strange how much certain mmorpg skills are transferable to these games when I'm fighting or at least approaching a fight. It's something that doesn't get talked about I believe.

Skeletons don't resurrect I think, but their spawns can be staggered so it feels like they do.


This is the part where you are being unreasonable.

What else, you want to get rid of stat requirements too? And have all the weapons unlocked from the start? I mean you said you want access to all of the weapons, maxed out, without restriction... -_-[Q

I don't see why its unreasonable to want that. It's not like you'd even be overpowered if so. You can only use basically 3 weapons to their fullest at a time and it's not like the souls combat is inclined to let you switch midcombat, and you certainly can't just go into the menu midcombat whether it's PvP or PvE. So, in effect to combat, a player who has 50 fully upgraded weapons is functionally the same as a player who has 3.

So, if it's unreasonable, give me a reason why. Like, what would it break? What would be lost from the experience by allowing the player a full arsenal of fully upgraded weapons? Other posters here are trying to dismiss titanite slabs as unnecessary since a level 9 weapon has very close power to a level 10 weapon. If that argument is valid, then the game already functionally breaks this apparently sacred RPG rule you hold. My argument is just that it doesn't break it enough, but it already goes a long ways into it, and look at that, DS3 still remains a functional product.

If you can convince me that something significant would be lost, okay, fine. But if you're just whimpering "B-but RPGs!!!", then give me a break.


So, if it's unreasonable, give me a reason why. Like, what would it break? What would be lost from the experience by allowing the player a full arsenal of fully upgraded weapons?
Because the whole game is designed around you exploring difficult areas to acquire said Titanites and upgrade material. It gives the level and the game a sense of progression that is crucial to its enjoyment and design. The most significant upgrades you get in the game are from the Titanites, more so than just your own stats. You get a big feeling of joy when you finally find that Titanite Slab late into the game to complete your weapon. That feeling only exists because of its relative rarity, if you could just buy infinite Slabs there would be no satisfaction to acquiring a Slab.

It also undermines the personal attachment to builds. I chose a weapon, a skill/spell and stat distribution and that reflects the choices I have made in the game. It makes my character my own because I chose its upgrade paths. Weapon choice is a key part of it and when I upgrade a weapon to max rather than upgrading another, it is a conscious decision I am making. If that decision is taken away from me then that choice loses weight.

These are all basic tenants of an RPG. The upgrades being progressive items attached to progressively harder levels makes exploration an important part of these games too. So if you remove these then you remove a key part of the game's RPG system and its exploration. It makes the game significantly worse overall and puts it more in line with other action games.

And you can actually switch weapons mid combat. You can parry someone with a smaller weapon and buckler combo, then quickly switch to a large weapon to make a really powerful Riposte because larger weapons do more damage on Riposte. It takes some speed to do but it's doable and it sort of breaks the balance of the game.


Well for one, even though it is a numbers game, getting that rare item that is highly limited is more thrilling then having everything. It makes having your few weapon choices meaningful. As you kind of have to make am actual choice instead of just trudging along mindlessly.

You basically lose actual investment into your character.

I mean sure if this game was like GTA yeah go for it. You don't invest the same way. Though having everything in that game makes it boring as heck.

If I got everything, who freaking cares what weapon I use, no need to have that investment in my character.


Not only do I switch weapons (from my inventory) in PvP combat, I also switch rings! Use the bottomless box to your advantage and offload all the extraneous stuff.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't see why its unreasonable to want that. It's not like you'd even be overpowered if so. You can only use basically 3 weapons to their fullest at a time and it's not like the souls combat is inclined to let you switch midcombat, and you certainly can't just go into the menu midcombat whether it's PvP or PvE. So, in effect to combat, a player who has 50 fully upgraded weapons is functionally the same as a player who has 3.

So, if it's unreasonable, give me a reason why. Like, what would it break? What would be lost from the experience by allowing the player a full arsenal of fully upgraded weapons?
No. Even disregarding that you actually can switch in midcombat, some weapons are more efficient in tight spaces or on narrow ledges, others are better in open areas. Some weapons are better at crowd control whereas some weapons are better against a single powerful enemies. Some weapons are more efficient against big strong but slower enemies, others are more efficient against quick, fast-moving enemies. And then there's ranged combat options. And then there's weapons with useful situational arts such as the dual daggers (to move around in the swamp for example).

So if you could go in your inventory to switch out weapons for another depending on the encounter/area, without any kind of penalty or prior requirement to obtaining these weapons, you would, indeed, break the game. Just switch to the weapon that's more suited/more optimal to the encounter every time.

But you can't typically do that (fortunately). Because the game expects you to stick with a small number of weapons and upgrade those, via rarity of materials and the stat investment you need to make them viable and powerful. So if you make a strength oriented build, you have access to big powerful (but slower) weapons with high stagger power, but you might have trouble in cramped corridors, or against very quick enemies.

Trade-offs are the whole point of having a build!

Other posters here are trying to dismiss titanite slabs as unnecessary since a level 9 weapon has very close power to a level 10 weapon. If that argument is valid, then the game already functionally breaks this apparently sacred RPG rule you hold.
No, because titanite chunks are only available in unlimited supply very late in the game. And that's for convenience in case you want to try another weapon (either for PvP or NG+ or future DLCs), not to make every weapon inherently available; after all, they are purchasable, yes, but they do cost souls, and to have enough chunks to upgrade every weapon you'd need a whole shitton of souls and it'd be a huge waste of time. No one realistically expects a player to be carrying +10 or even +9 versions of all the weapons in the game because it's ridiculous and you're literally the first person I see to ever bring this up.

If you can convince me that something significant would be lost, okay, fine. But if you're just whimpering "B-but RPGs!!!", then give me a break.
Pffft come on. The only one I see "whimpering" here is you, whining that the game doesn't let you break it without a cheat engine.


Because the whole game is designed around you exploring difficult areas to acquire said Titanites and upgrade material. It gives the level and the game a sense of progression that is crucial to its enjoyment and design. The most significant upgrades you get in the game are from the Titanites, more so than just your own stats. You get a big feeling of joy when you finally find that Titanite Slab late into the game to complete your weapon. That feeling only exists because of its relative rarity, if you could just buy infinite Slabs there would be no satisfaction to acquiring a Slab.

These are all basic tenants of an RPG. The upgrades being progressive items attached to progressively harder levels makes exploration an important part of these games too. So if you remove these then you remove a key part of the game's RPG system and its exploration. It makes the game significantly worse overall and puts it more in line with other action games.

Okay, this whole part seems to assume I'm saying "Make titanite slabs available to buy at the start super cheap!" which is obviously not what I'm getting at. You can have progress while still having a path to complete progress.

It also undermines the personal attachment to builds. I chose a weapon, a skill/spell and stat distribution and that reflects the choices I have made in the game. It makes my character my own because I chose its upgrade paths. Weapon choice is a key part of it and when I upgrade a weapon to max rather than upgrading another, it is a conscious decision I am making. If that decision is taken away from me then that choice loses weight.

This argument would have more weight if you can upgrade only 1 or 2 weapons. You can upgrade 11 of them. I doubt that most people use more than 3 or 5 in any single playthrough. You don't need a system to force you to be selective about what you pick, that's already built into the game where people will pick a weapon or narrow set of weapons they like and stick to it. As you heard more than a few people say, they have titanite slabs just sitting around because they're not interested in upgrading more weapons. Even with titanite slabs available, that won't mean everyone just omniclasses everything.

And you can actually switch weapons mid combat. You can parry someone with a smaller weapon and buckler combo, then quickly switch to a large weapon to make a really powerful Riposte because larger weapons do more damage on Riposte. It takes some speed to do but it's doable and it sort of breaks the balance of the game.

Right, but you still only have 3 weapon slots for your right hand. Even if you want to say that counts as mid weapon switching, my point was that having ALL your weapons upgraded vs 11 of them doesn't make a functional gameplay difference because you can't make that switch by going into the menu. No matter what, you only have 3 weapons fully available at any given time.

No. Even disregarding that you actually can switch in midcombat, some weapons are more efficient in tight spaces or on narrow ledges, others are better in open areas. Some weapons are better at crowd control whereas some weapons are better against a single powerful enemies. Some weapons are more efficient against big strong but slower enemies, others are more efficient against quick, fast-moving enemies. And then there's ranged combat options. And then there's weapons with useful situational arts such as the dual daggers (to move around in the swamp for example).

So if you could go in your inventory to switch out weapons for another depending on the encounter/area, without any kind of penalty or prior requirement to obtaining these weapons, you would, indeed, break the game. Just switch to the weapon that's more suited/more optimal to the encounter every time.

But you can't typically do that (fortunately). Because the game expects you to stick with a small number of weapons and upgrade those, via rarity of materials and the stat investment you need to make them viable and powerful. So if you make a strength oriented build, you have access to big powerful (but slower) weapons with high stagger power, but you might have trouble in cramped corridors, or against very quick enemies.

But you can upgrade 11 weapons here. That's more than enough to cover a crowd control weapon, a power weapon, a stagger weapon, a narrow weapon, etc. If what you're saying is true, then the game is already broken in the way you're describing, you just have to be selective and plan out about the which weapons you choose to upgrade of which categories.

No, because titanite chunks are only available in unlimited supply very late in the game. And that's for convenience in case you want to try another weapon (either for PvP or NG+ or future DLCs), not to make every weapon inherently available; after all, they are purchasable, yes, but they do cost souls, and to have enough chunks to upgrade every weapon you'd need a whole shitton of souls and it'd be a huge waste of time. No one realistically expects a player to be carrying +10 or even +9 versions of all the weapons in the game because it's ridiculous and you're literally the first person I see to ever bring this up.

Pffft come on. The only one I see "whimpering" here is you, whining that the game doesn't let you break it without a cheat engine.

Okay, now YOU seem to think I'm suggesting making Titanite Slabs available at the start of the game, what the hell. I just want them to be reasonably available and I said that I think 1 complete playthrough before they are is reasonable, and you can scroll up to see my post saying so.

As for your description, I already have a significant portion of my weapons upgraded to level 6, and I got a big part of those up to level 9, even though I don't use them. So, regardless of what you may think of my playstyle to acquire this collection, it's logically inconsistent to say "Well, it's at the endgame and would take a shitton of souls to do it" are reasons +9 weapons being available is okay, but +10 weapons are not. A shitton of souls at the end game is a perfectly acceptable condition to me, and I already said as much. I'm just not fine with the conditions that are set right now, where entire playthroughs are required. So I'm not sure what we're arguing here anymore.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Okay, this whole part seems to assume I'm saying "Make titanite slabs available to buy at the start super cheap!" which is obviously not what I'm getting at. You can have progress while still having a path to complete progress.


The idea that a weapon, any weapon, is locked away from me playing at any level is unnatural and repulsive to me.

Are you taking that back then

But you can upgrade 11 weapons here. That's more than enough to cover a crowd control weapon, a power weapon, a stagger weapon, a narrow weapon, etc. If what you're saying is true, then the game is already broken in the way you're describing, you just have to be selective and plan out about the which weapons you choose to upgrade of which categories.
No, because you can't upgrade 11 weapons right away. Again, the infinite materials are available late-game. By the time you get enough mats to upgrade 11 weapons in full you'll have essentially cleared the game. :p

So I'm not sure what we're arguing here anymore.
Me neither. But seriously, your complaints are utterly frivolous and nonsensical, which is made obvious by the fact that no one ever brought this up before. You're just being super weird about this, but oh well.



The idea that a weapon, any weapon, is locked away from me playing at any level is unnatural and repulsive to me.

Are you taking that back then

Clarifying more like. Leaving a weapon, as in not getting it, makes me feel very bad about my experience. It's my nature to collect this stuff entirely in action games, which I identify Souls to be more than I identify it as an RPG. So the statement isn't wrong, but I wasn't saying "give me everything from level 1".

No, because you can't upgrade 11 weapons right away. Again, the infinite materials are available late-game. By the time you get enough mats to upgrade 11 weapons in full you'll have essentially cleared the game. :p

Sort of. If you're a farmer like me, you can get plenty of every type of material as it comes along.

And please acknowledge that I am perfectly accepting of the "clear the game" condition here. Because you seem alright with fully upgrading your weapons if it's only at the end. Which I am too. Which is why I don't understand the opposition here.

Me neither. But seriously, your complaints are utterly frivolous and nonsensical, which is made obvious by the fact that no one ever brought this up before. You're just being super weird about this, but oh well.
Well, that's pretty rude, but all I'm asking here is that my playstyle be accommodated in addition to yours. There are multiple reasons why 'builds' wouldn't disappear from DS even if titanite slabs were available to get. You wouldn't lose anything by this, I would just gain something. So whats the problem here?


If collecting is a playstyle shoot me. I didn't look up shit and I got most of the weapons in one playthrough.

I collect every weapon, but I don't upgrade every weapon.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Grrrr the RNG gods are not with me today. Does anyone have a spare Carthus curved sword they could drop me? (PS4) The skeletons refuse to drop it despite my high luck, covetous ring, rusted coin etc.


Grrrr the RNG gods are not with me today. Does anyone have a spare Carthus curved sword they could drop me? (PS4) The skeletons refuse to drop it despite my high luck, covetous ring, rusted coin etc.

Just the regular carthus curved sword? I have one if you still need it. I put a sign down near the catacombs bonfire with pw dolly (char name nova)

edit: had to split but lmk if you still need it :)


- If they do it, you can do it too, you can hide too, a battle of cowards lol. You can also use the fog ring, so you have an edge and look for him, maybe he has too, then both are on similar conditions.

- You still have the overwhelming advantage: +30% HP, 2x Estus, etc...

- Go back and summon phantoms, they can go after enemies, you can focus on invader...

- Run to the boss. Even if he hides...just run past all enemies and run to the boss, he gets nothing and can watch the message of him going back to his world with a grin. And you even have invincibility enter fog animation.

- Use Giant Seed, you get like 1 every two invasions.

Basically using enemies as a tool is one of the most basic invasion techniques since Demon Souls. Is basically Invasions 101, if people resort more to it now, is because is one of the few things an invader can do against a group of ganks...and 90% of the time, they just use a Giant Seed.

So...I can't really see the problem?

Yes you're right but I don't want to summon people, or use seeds. I legit want to fight them. I've tried to play hide and seek too but they won't move. Trust me i've been 30 mins standing there lol

My experience with DS invasions wasn't like that, as I said almost no one used monsters, only hide and seek play. maybe I was always very lucky.

Invaders having less HP and estus is bullshit though. I do agree (I do invade too).
Yes you're right but I don't want to summon people, or use seeds. I legit want to fight them. I've tried to play hide and seek too but they won't move. Trust me i've been 30 mins standing there lol

My experience with DS invasions wasn't like that, as I said almost no one used monsters, only hide and seek play. maybe I was always very lucky.

Invaders having less HP and estus is bullshit though. I do agree (I do invade too).

I guess I'm on the opinion that invaders shouldn't play by some unwritten rules of honor. That's the kind of interaction that you can only get on a player vs player situation and what makes dark souls online special.

I like when invaders play nasty, put traps, etc.. is the kind of thrilling challenge that the AI can't give you (No, shitty Mauldron dosn't count).

I'm a straight invader too, I just go directly after the host, but I don't expect all people to play the same way, that's the beauty of the invasion system in DS games.

That said it goes both ways, the host can also play very nasty, and use similar tricks.


Invaders having less HP and estus is bullshit though. I do agree (I do invade too).

Do they? 50% of an invaders max (quantity & quality) is more than a match for 100% of the hosts flask.

Against a host not trying to gank/farm them, the invader has the advantage. Stating the opposite is invaders pumping their tires.


This argument would have more weight if you can upgrade only 1 or 2 weapons. You can upgrade 11 of them. I doubt that most people use more than 3 or 5 in any single playthrough. You don't need a system to force you to be selective about what you pick, that's already built into the game where people will pick a weapon or narrow set of weapons they like and stick to it. As you heard more than a few people say, they have titanite slabs just sitting around because they're not interested in upgrading more weapons. Even with titanite slabs available, that won't mean everyone just omniclasses everything.
You need Slabs to upgrade other stuff that isn't a main hand weapon like Pyromancy Flame, Shields and Bows. So even if you get 11 Slabs, you can end up using most of them and not use 11 weapons. The reason why we have 11 is that so you can have a couple of shields, a few weapons, a bow and an upgraded Pyromancy Flame/Catalyst. So it's still a limited resource if you want to max out your build especially if half way through you realize that you don't like your build. The 11 Slabs is like a cushion to allow you to switch builds just like the 5 time stat redistribution is there. You might as well argue how we should have unlimited stat allocations per walkthrough, it honestly belongs in the same category of arguments.

Right, but you still only have 3 weapon slots for your right hand. Even if you want to say that counts as mid weapon switching, my point was that having ALL your weapons upgraded vs 11 of them doesn't make a functional gameplay difference because you can't make that switch by going into the menu. No matter what, you only have 3 weapons fully available at any given time.
You can go into the menu mid combat and select from one of the dozens weapons you have. That still works even if it takes a bit more time and it's effective mid combat especially during a parry. So yeah someone can actually go around with a dozen weapons and switch among them without much hassle which breaks the balance a bit.

But you can upgrade 11 weapons here. That's more than enough to cover a crowd control weapon, a power weapon, a stagger weapon, a narrow weapon, etc. If what you're saying is true, then the game is already broken in the way you're describing, you just have to be selective and plan out about the which weapons you choose to upgrade of which categories.
That's generally not realistic because a fast weapon and a power weapon usually have two different stats allocation and requirement (pure Dex vs pure Strength or Quality build). We are talking about first playthrough roughly level 120 here (which is the "meta" in the multiplayer), not 500 level with every stat at 99 and NG+10 or something. So someone going 66 Strength Yhorm build is not going to be able to wield an Uchigatana that effectively.

If you want the Slabs, just beat the game multiple times. If you beat the game 10 times then you will have 110 Slabs, that's about as many weapons are in the game. Clearly you don't care about over leveling or playing multiplayer and want to wield every weapon in the game so you can be level 500 if you want and have maxed out stats to be able to properly wield those weapons. With over powered buffs you can easily crush the content even at NG+7 which is the game at peak difficulty. You personally want a very specific thing which is "I want to be able to buy infinite Slabs for a high price of Souls" but the game offers you a reasonable alternative. It takes time but it also takes time to grind Souls and honestly playing through the game is more entertaining than just grinding some small spot over and over again.
Do they? 50% of an invaders max (quantity & quality) is more than a match for 100% of the hosts flask.

Against a host not trying to gank/farm them, the invader has the advantage. Stating the opposite is invaders pumping their tires.

That's not really true.

How half of estus is a match for hosts? Also, you still have 30% less HP, advantage my ass lol.


That's not really true.

How half of estus is a match for hosts? Also, you still have 30% less HP, advantage my ass lol.

Shit! Did I miss a lizard in the settlement that drops 14 estus shards? And who do I farm for bone shards? Every playthrough I missed both of them.

30% more hp is an advantage. So are weapons, rings, consumables and spells/pyro. Advantage invader.

Seeds? I have maxed out sun medals on two characters and still the random host using a seed remains unseen.
Shit! Did I miss a lizard in the settlement that drops 14 estus shards? And who do I farm for bone shards? Every playthrough I missed both of them.

30% more hp is an advantage. So are weapons, rings, consumables and spells/pyro. Advantage invader.

Seeds? I have maxed out sun medals on two characters and still the random host using a seed remains unseen.

...sorry, not sure what are you getting at.

I mean the number of people that are intentionally going low level + low level weapon invasions is really low, and after certain point it dosn't really matter. And certainly, is not the norm and not worth the effort. So that dosn't mean invaders have the advantage...

Yes, some people have weapons that host can't get until very late at game, it dosn't matter Raw Astora Straight Sword is still one of the best early weapons of the game.


Wanted to make an Old Wolf Curved Sword character.

Spent two nights getting 10 swordgrass.

Finally got them. Took roughly 4 hours of killing Ghru in front of the Abyss Watchers.

Picked up the sword from wolf corpse.

Went to firelink.

Sold all the darkswords and rotten ghru daggers to the handmaiden.

My Old Wolf Curved Sword is gone.

You probably dropped it on accident. If you're on ps4, I'll see if I have one to drop you.


You need Slabs to upgrade other stuff that isn't a main hand weapon like Pyromancy Flame, Shields and Bows. So even if you get 11 Slabs, you can end up using most of them and not use 11 weapons. The reason why we have 11 is that so you can have a couple of shields, a few weapons, a bow and an upgraded Pyromancy Flame/Catalyst. So it's still a limited resource if you want to max out your build especially if half way through you realize that you don't like your build. The 11 Slabs is like a cushion to allow you to switch builds just like the 5 time stat redistribution is there. You might as well argue how we should have unlimited stat allocations per walkthrough, it honestly belongs in the same category of arguments.

Regardless, if you effectively decide on your build ahead of time, you still create the same problem that you are arguing that an unlimited supply of titanite slabs would create. With 11 slabs, with coordination, you can maximize a capability that will cover any possible area of weakness you might have. All you need is a player who wants to do that.

The vast majority of players wouldn't, just like the vast majority of players don't overlevel themselves or level their weapons up to +9 like I do. If you make it difficult to achieve, people won't put in the effort needed to actually exploit it.

You can go into the menu mid combat and select from one of the dozens weapons you have. That still works even if it takes a bit more time and it's effective mid combat especially during a parry. So yeah someone can actually go around with a dozen weapons and switch among them without much hassle which breaks the balance a bit.

I sincerely doubt that any but a handful of players worldwide actually do that. Because if they do, then the combat of DS3 is apparently fundamentally broken. Again, you can level everything to +9, one short step from +10. Even if some twitchy fingered players can switch between their entire arsenal mid parry, realistically and practically speaking, players have 3 weapons for which they just fully level a few. And for the twitchy fingered players, titanite slabs wouldn't make them significantly more effective than them having all their weapons at +9.

That's generally not realistic because a fast weapon and a power weapon usually have two different stats allocation and requirement (pure Dex vs pure Strength or Quality build). We are talking about first playthrough roughly level 120 here (which is the "meta" in the multiplayer), not 500 level with every stat at 99 and NG+10 or something. So someone going 66 Strength Yhorm build is not going to be able to wield an Uchigatana that effectively.

It does depend on stat allocations, but you know that you only need so many to wield a weapon and that leveling a weapon will do more for it's damage output than stats. Besides, I can only speak for myself, but as of my first playthrough, I got my stats to the soft cap for...idk, 5 or 6 of the stats? I don't remember, I think I ended my run at around level 160. Maybe 150 or so. 140 at the lowest.

It's kind of ridiculous that you think something as easily achievable as a character above level 120 is 'unrealistic', but you think I should just go play the whole game through a bajillion times like it's no big deal.

If you want the Slabs, just beat the game multiple times. If you beat the game 10 times then you will have 110 Slabs, that's about as many weapons are in the game. Clearly you don't care about over leveling or playing multiplayer and want to wield every weapon in the game so you can be level 500 if you want and have maxed out stats to be able to properly wield those weapons. With over powered buffs you can easily crush the content even at NG+7 which is the game at peak difficulty. You personally want a very specific thing which is "I want to be able to buy infinite Slabs for a high price of Souls" but the game offers you a reasonable alternative. It takes time but it also takes time to grind Souls and honestly playing through the game is more entertaining than just grinding some small spot over and over again.

No. Fuck that.

Playing through the whole game means I need to play Farron Swamp and Irithyll dungeons and all that shit over and over. This isn't Bloodborne, I don't like or look forward to every area this game has to offer.

Playing through the whole game means it escalates in difficulty every time I do. What if I'm comfortable at level of difficulty it's at? What if I can't handle +7?

Playing through the whole game means there is a significant gap between every time you start, because Titanite Slabs only start appearing in the endgame.

Playing through the whole game means FAR more hours dedicated to the game than a few hours of a grind session will do.

Playing through the whole game means I run a far greater risk of losing my souls every time I'm carrying a lot. The entire point of grinding is that it's a safe area where your souls aren't really at risk of being lost.

I would MUCH rather have a tedious but far more productive grind session for leveling purposes before going back to play the game for it's own pleasure than have to trek through the game again and again as it throws more shit your way. Playing through the whole game is NOT a reasonable alternative to simply putting a titanite slab in the shop and letting players work for it at their leisure, and I wouldn't gain any satisfaction in doing so.

If I were to actually do what you suggest, it would ruin any good experiences I've had with the game and leave only resentment. By the time I actually got the titanite slabs, I would never want to play it again.


Tedious game play session over harder game play content...

You know they have games like that, they are called MMOs. Safely grind away easy to farm spots with no risk for the ultimate weapon/item.

Beating the game 10 times is actually nothing. Each time you beat it you take less time doing it. The difficulty scaling isn't too high. I would beat the game 20 times over rather than grind Proof of Concords ever again.

At soul level 120 it's actually hard to achieve soft caps on everything. You have to give up in some ways. Usually you want 10/10 in faith/intel to get a buff going, maximum endurance/HP and then all the rest in your main damage stat. I play a Luck Bleed build and every single one of those points are precious, I have 0 points put in strength so I can't wield any strength items. My faith/intel is low too so I can't wield any special sorcerer gear either.

Let's say they put Slabs as a rare but farmable random drop in the game kinda like Proof of Concords. Would that be acceptable? If so what percentage of drop would it be fine to have at? 1% is too high, probably has to be like .001% chance after killing a certain money. That mathematically replicates the notion of grinding Souls for Slabs since you would have to kill 10 million souls worth of an enemy to get one Slab. I can tell you that at those rates you are better off spending 4-5 hours beating the main game and acquiring 11 slabs rather than spend 4 hours grinding the same enemy for a chance to get 1 slab.

It comes down to a numbers game.. how expensive or how rare of a drop does a slab have to be. If it's too expensive then it's just way better to beat the game instead for 11 slabs. If it's too easy to acquire then that breaks the balance and progression of the game because people would just speed run to the enemy, kill it a few times and just get a slab right away.

The real reason that we don't have a Slab purchaseable for 100 million Souls or as a super rare drop is to save the gamers from themselves. If 90% of your time playing a Souls game is spent grinding for Slabs then the designer failed in designing the game. This is a core element in designing ARPGs. It is preferable for a designer to make the gamer play through the game naturally to acquire these items rather than grind the same spot over and over again.

You may think grinding the same spot over and over again is a perfectly acceptable use of game time but most people don't. Like I said, I personally would just go through the game to acquire the slabs rather than grind a small spot over and over for it. Maybe you should try and acquire the 50 Proofs and see how that feels. You talk about acquiring all the weapons, have you acquired all the rings and spells yet? Might want to get on that and see how it feels first.


Tedious game play session over harder game play content...

You know they have games like that, they are called MMOs. Safely grind away easy to farm spots with no risk for the ultimate weapon/item.

Beating the game 10 times is actually nothing. Each time you beat it you take less time doing it. The difficulty isn't too high. I would beat the game 20 times over rather than grind Proof of Concords ever again.

Fine. Then do that. I'm genuinely happy that you have the ability to approach and play the game how you want and I have no wishes or intentions to discourage you from doing so. I want nothing more than for any player to play the game how they want.

All I ask is for the same kindness to be returned to me. If I want to grind for ultimate weapons, then I should be able to fucking do it. Your argument just seems dickish because all it boils down to is "That's not how I want to play". I genuinely don't see any appeal in doing a SL1 no clothes playthrough, but you don't see me telling others that's not how they should be playing the game. So what the hell does it matter to you how I play?


But there isn't an end all ultimate item in the game lol

Not like getting that legendary in a MMO or some game like W3/PoE/etc.


But there isn't an end all ultimate item in the game lol

Not like getting that legendary in a MMO or some game like W3/PoE/etc.

That is missing the fundamental point to such a degree, I can't tell if it was accidental.

The point is "Grinding should be an option", since that's functionally what the crux of the debate is. "Ultimate weapon" in the context of Souls just means "Ultimate upgrade", aka the titanite slabs we have been discussing the entire page.

You are NOT this obtuse, come on.


I edited my previous post to explain more.

TLDR version is that grinding for slab isn't in the game to save the gamer from themselves and avoid the MMO/ARPG cycle of grinding.

If you want to try to grind for something, then grind the 50 Proofs for the Darkmoon Blade. That's basically what you are asking for.


Oh there is plenty of grinding in the game, but for the ultimate end all item..nah.

It is why I never 100% DS1. I don't want to upgrade every weapon when I won't use them and can't even display them on racks., Pointless when you can't even see them.


The real reason that we don't have a Slab purchaseable for 100 million Souls or as a super rare drop is to save the gamers from themselves. If 90% of your time playing a Souls game is spent grinding for Slabs then the designer failed in designing the game. This is a core element in designing ARPGs. It is preferable for a designer to make the gamer play through the game naturally to acquire these items rather than grind the same spot over and over again.

You may think grinding the same spot over and over again is a perfectly acceptable use of game time but most people don't. Like I said, I personally would just go through the game to acquire the slabs rather than grind a small spot over and over for it. Maybe you should try and acquire the 50 Proofs and see how that feels. You talk about acquiring all the weapons, have you acquired all the rings and spells yet? Might want to get on that and see how it feels first.

To answer your question....150,000 would be a stupidly high number of souls, but it's something that would be reasonable. A million would just be ridiculous. I think the most expensive upgrade item available now is 20,000, this is 750% higher than the next most expensive item at 150,000. Edit: Than again, you need multiple pieces of the lesser upgrade materials, while you only need 1 titanite slab...so maybe you're right. Still, 500,000 would probably be closer to reasonable than a million.

And the reason I object to your reasoning is because you're basically asserting that if the titanite slab was made available, there wouldn't be a force on earth capable of stopping players from grinding away to get them.

This isn't remotely the case. If it were, then you'd have plenty of players who level up all their weapons to +9, since upgrade equipment is available to that point. You'd also have people grinding to level up their stats like I do. Hell, you've had people in this thread say how they have a bunch of spare slabs just lying around because they don't know what to do with them. To me, that suggests most players just beat the game and move on, and those that stay just start the game over with a new build or just continue playing normally. Because like you said, grinding is boring. Most people would rather choose to just play the game, or stop before they did everything they could in it.

And if a player does choose to grind and they don't enjoy it, thats not the game's fault. If I decided to follow up on your insane suggestion of playing the game 10 times, and then came in bitching how the game made me play it 10 times, you'd rightfully call me irrational. But you're suggesting that having titanite slabs available for purchase would make people, against their will somehow, become hyper completionists who would grind away absolutely collect the titanite slabs for all weapons, when they can barely be bothered to upgrade weapons with the material they do have?

No, I don't buy that at all.


From Software would never make Slabs purchasable for 1 million in DS3. Maybe 10 million and even that feels low. Look at how expensive curing the Dark Sigil is. You were allowed to buy Slabs in 2 but that game had a different system including having upgrades for individual armor slots so you needed WAY more slabs to finish your character. Different games, different systems.

And of you think my suggestion of beating the game 10 times is ludicrus (which really isn't, people have already beaten the game way more times than that.. even just to get the trophies you need to beat it 3 times minimum), imagine how it sounds to all of us that you would willingly want to grind items in the game. Many of us here have had experience grinding items in previous Souls games (and in 3) and it is god damn terrible.


From Software would never make Slabs purchasable for 1 million. Maybe 10 million and even that feels low.

At that 10 million souls each, you might as well just play the game 11 times, which would be long past the point I just stop playing the game.

Oh well, thank god it's on PC so I can mod it.


At that 10 million souls each, you might as well just play the game 11 times, which would be long past the point I just stop playing the game.

Oh well, thank god it's on PC so I can mod it.
Just ask a friend to drop whatever you need


At that 10 million souls each, you might as well just play the game 11 times, which would be long past the point I just stop playing the game.

Oh well, thank god it's on PC so I can mod it.
On higher difficulties you get way more Souls, 10 million is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I currently have like 30 million Souls that I can't spend on anything except Carthus Rouges. I would have way more Souls but I died a few times and I spent a lot of it on consumables.

Personally, I would never play the game past NG+7 as there's no additional challenge. And by that time I would've acquired enough Slabs to upgrade all the weapons I would ever need. I personally don't have any compulsion to acquire and upgrade every weapon/item/sorcery/miracle/pyromancy/ring/shield in the game. I have all of them in fact (not upgraded of course) but that's more due to trophy hunting and playing the game naturally.

Genuine question: Why?
Why do you want to upgrade every single weapon to maximum?


If you could grind souls and get a slab to increase your weapon by a number, people would. People grind for way less things. You are really underestimating people.

It basically gives you a false choice. As sure you don't need to do it, but since its the easier way to do it - you do it. You don't want to get "behind" when it doesn't really matter since its a numbers game.

Games set up like that are soooooo mundane.

Though I would be more inclined to have more than 2 weapons @ +10 if the weapon visually changed and you could display them somewhere. AS it stands a +0/+1 looks the same as +10. The moveset doesn't change.

There is really no reason to grind out all the weapons. Unless you switch through them constantly and enjoy the same appearance as it was @ +1.

Maybe they need to setup something else for a chance of slabs that you can do semi-repeatedly. Give that sense of "grind".


So everyone on PC can just dial in free slabs with a cheat engine? Can they bring those characters into summons and invasions?

I'm starting to feel mixed feelings about multiplayer on PC then. Maybe I shoulda stuck to PS4.


If you could grind souls and get a slab to increase your weapon by a number, people would. People grind for way less things. You are really underestimating people.

This is clearly and evidently false, since you don't see people running around with a +9 arsenal of weapons.

It's utterly insane to argue that everyone would become completionist addicts when they don't even bother to level up most weapons to the highest possible level that is available for them to grind to.

On higher difficulties you get way more Souls, 10 million is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I currently have like 30 million Souls that I can't spend on anything except Carthus Rouges. I would have way more Souls but I died a few times and I spent a lot of it on consumables.

Personally, I would never play the game past NG+7 as there's no additional challenge. And by that time I would've acquired enough Slabs to upgrade all the weapons I would ever need. I personally don't have any compulsion to acquire and upgrade every weapon/item/sorcery/miracle/pyromancy/ring/shield in the game. I have all of them in fact (not upgraded of course) but that's more due to trophy hunting and playing the game naturally.

Good for you, have a banana.

I don't know why you can't seem to see the basic, fundamental flaw of your argument coming down to "This is what I did/would want to do" when I've clearly established that I am not you and I've told you straight up why your solutions don't work for me. I'm probably never going to get to the point of having 10 million souls in my bank. You're making straight up no effort whatsoever to put yourself in my shoes and then seem confused why I don't accept your proposals. No offense, but, okay, it works for you, la-di-da. But what do you want me to do with that?

Why do you want to upgrade every single weapon to maximum?
That's not really a logical retort of any kind, you know.

Asking a friend requires them to give something up for me that they might use, after finding such a friend who would be willing to do so, and since I'm asking for great quantities of slabs, I'd either need several friends or ask A LOT from a single one.

Why would I do that instead of loading up a cheat engine and getting the stuff I need within a few minutes?


Why what? To get whatever you need. This is a perk of being a part of this community. I have +10 of most good weapons by being friendly and trading.

Well, that's great and all, but a cheat engine still just seems faster and easier.
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