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Dark Souls III |OT| Thy path has been tested, now fight unkindled ash

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E92 M3

I feel like the Blue Sentinels(+) should trigger on any type of invasion and not just dark spirit invasions. Super sucks that the host also needs to be in the way of blue.

Yes, barely anyone uses the Way of the Blue after the beginning of the game. Grinding knights sucks, but there is no other way for me.
Can confirm it breaks the ending

and is great for save scumming your 4 endings, since you're not locked into it, just don't spend your souls from the final battle before backing up your save so you can use them on that instead.

Hmm that's kinda clever, thanks for telling me :p


So I am a Dark Souls newcomer. Never played a single title.
I did play Bloodborne, but stopped at the Blood Starved Beast and never went back. Had other games to play really more than anything else, but I can be man enough to admit I also kinda sucked at playing it

So I checked out DS3 as a rental from GameFly yesterday. Just like when I first played BB, I died a whole lot in the very beginning area, but then just started using my bow a lot and I was doing okay.
Got to that very first guy where you pull the sword, saw him wake up, and I went to run away only to have the damn arena locked out.
I died instantly. Many, many times.
I started playing Ratchet & Clank.

I just need to get in the proper mindset for these games. Yesterday I was not in that mindset. My wife is going away on a business trip next week for 3 days in the beginning of the week. Going to check it out again then and see if I cannot get into it some more.

I suck at From games. I really do.


Help with A
nri of Astora
Quest for
3rd ending

I just thought I'd help out with this quest since I got bad information yesterday and I can clarify what does work...
If like me you cleared the Catacombs of Carthas BEFORE finishing Cathedral of the Deep, people will tell you that you missed Anri at Catacombs if you then kill High Lord Wolnir. Nope.
Go to the first bonfire in Catacombs, cross the stone bridge, go down the stairs and go in the room straight ahead. Anri will be there. Go back to the bonfire and warp to the middle Catacombs bonfire. Go to the rickety bridge and up on a ledge BEFORE the bridge is Anri.
Talk to her and tell her you don't know where Horace is. Go to Smouldering Lake, hug the right wall. You'll find a cave and Hollow Horace. Kill 'im. Go back to Anri, she'll be there if you haven't been to Irithyl. If you have been she'll leave a prism stone.
Go to the Cathedral at Irithyl. Talk to her one last time till her dialogue repeats and bonfire out. Now you're back on track with the quest.

Granted for this to matter you do need 5
Dark sigils from Yhole befor he dies.


Any opinions on the Lothric Knight Sword?

I'm sticking with straight sword and katana this playthrough. I've started the broadsword leveling, it's at +3. I've heard and seen videos that the regular longsword is one of the best. But the Lothric sword is longer and just plain looks better than both. May try to max this out.


Until now I've never failed to have a blue sentinel summoned to me when I've been invaded. e: by dark spirits

On the other hand they've been little help; in my last invasion the cop died to the level, and my sunbro and I had to dispatch the invader. Cop never even faced the invader.

Well if you're on the way of blue side it makes sense you'd see nonstop action. Supply vs Demand though. I bet very very very few people actually ever think of keeping way of blue active and just have sunbros or something on when that never actively helps them.


If I join the
covenant will it mess up story lines for a hollow character? I feel that it was mentioned but I can't find it now.

I think it breaks Sirrus' quest line. I believe you can join (as in acquire the covenant item), just never equip it or make any sacrifices.


Only played like 2 hours so far. Is there no hollow/human mechanic? Nothing seems to change when I die. And for some reason I can't figure out how to equip items? Like firebombs, soapstones etc.
I guess torches are gone too? Maybe I was the only one, but I liked them in DS2..


I'm at the poison swamp. Decided to back track to see if I missed anything in the previous areas. There's a locked door in the castle, I've no idea where to find a key. Haven't killed dragon yet either. I those are the only two loose ends I have right now. Anyway, I lost 10K souls cuz someone pushed me into an abyss. Feels bad man.

Still using my starting Mercenary weapon! Although now it's Sharp +4. This game seems way easier than Dark Souls and Demon's Soul so far to be honest.
Hi everyone, last night I was playing some coop with some friends and I noticed that you couldn't summon a third coop player at the second bonfire (the "Halfway" bonfire). I'm guessing that is just just a condition for that area correct? Similar to the first bonfire where you can't summon at all?

I've played Souls/Bloodborne in the past so I am familiar with the latter. But I think this is the first time they have had a condition where you can only summon one other person.


Well if you're on the way of blue side it makes sense you'd see nonstop action. Supply vs Demand though. I bet very very very few people actually ever think of keeping way of blue active and just have sunbros or something on when that never actively helps them.

Yep, that's what I do. Way of Blue for gral areas, sun bro for the boss.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
After 10 hours or so I've never been invaded once. Do I have to "human" (or whatever it is called now) for that to happen?

Also I just noticed that the Shrine Maiden reacts to gestures. Pretty neat touch.


After 10 hours or so I've never been invaded once. Do I have to "human" (or whatever it is called now) for that to happen?

You have to be embered and it's also very unlikely if you're playing by yourself. If you want to increase the chance you can use the dried fingers.


After 10 hours or so I've never been invaded once. Do I have to "human" (or whatever it is called now) for that to happen?

Yep, you need to be in Ember mode.

Also, not sure if this is true, but it seems like the more you summon for help/co-op, it seems the more invasions you will get quickly. No idea again if that is true, but times I've invaded there were already another invader there when host had 2 summons.


byss Watchers
down! One of the best fights so far, especially that second phase. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Got so close on my first try, annihilated the second and then managed to take him down on my third go with a sliver of health left and no Estus. LOVE this feeling!

Too bad the
Farron Greatsword
requires 18 STR to use... Gonna be awhile until I can get it up to that :/


Only played like 2 hours so far. Is there no hollow/human mechanic? Nothing seems to change when I die. And for some reason I can't figure out how to equip items? Like firebombs, soapstones etc.
I guess torches are gone too? Maybe I was the only one, but I liked them in DS2..

Torch can be bought from handmaiden at the shrine. She also sells the white soapstone. Equipping is the same: Start button > first option > pick a slot > pick an item to equip. The hollow/unhollow is basically embered/not embered now. Essentially the same mechanically just called different and cosmetically different. Although...
there may be a hollow mechanic to be discovered if you accept a certain 'gift'.
4 hours of sleep and calc 2 later, I'm back for more insanity posting :3

It doesn't have to be?
But if FROM does the formula well, might as well wish for it from them :3

I love this series but From has pushed the current formula of the combat system as far as it can go. Start adding in moves and more complexity and you've got yourself very slow ninja gaiden lol (which is the closest thing to an action game analog to Souls, not DMC. not sure why others are bringing that game up.)

Would love to see them try their hand at a more complex action game. I think they've learned a lot since fucking Ninja Blade lol


How important is the 20,000 dollar Tower Key?

Lots of good loot and an old friend. You can find:

an estus shard
cloranthy ring
snuggly the crow
a crystal lizard that drops twinkling I think
Firekeeper's armor set

You can also avoid purchasing the key with a good jump
off the white tree

You may also want to come back later
to trigger an npc event
Goddamn, I hate the
Consumed King's
Lets just throw 3 of those enemies in one spot. I just killed them with firebombs, fuck fighting them.
Thank god that I got all the items and shortcuts now. Only thing left is the boss.

Whenever I see an area like that I homeward bone out, spend my souls then do suicide runs grabbing all the loot and identifying any unique enemies and finally go in to clean up the uniques and bosses. I don't even bother to fight any of those sort of mobs.


Nearing the final bonfire in
Lower Ithyrll
and a jacked invader shows up and starts wrecking me. Lure him back to the fountain to try and summon emergency backup. Proceed to dance around it for 6 minutes getting nothing but "FAILED TO SUMMON" messages. Finally git gud and start using range-closing sword arts and turn the tide of battle. Invader starts sprinting away to heal, while I'm running out of stamina to pursue. Lose the lock on him as he nears a staircase downward.

Have a sudden revelation and throw a random throwing knife I had in my hotbar.

Gets him in the back and he dies right there.



I see a lot of people making DEX/INT or DEX/LUK. Why is that? Should I not go pure DEX?

DEX/INT probably because DEX speeds up spells. DEX/LUK because LUK increases bleeding damage and DEX weapons tend to be the ones that inflict that.


Yeah, by the time you get to the 2nd main boss of the game, it's easy to get 20k souls. Just do some co-op and you will have it soon enough. Luckily there is no bullshit Soul Memory here.


Maybe this is old news, this thread moves so fast its hard to tell, but password matching is definitely severely broken right now. With regular summoning I was able to match up with my co-op partner within 1-2 sign refreshes (a minute or two at best) compared to the 5+ (upwards of an hour) minutes it takes to match up via password. Less convenient since we have to stay within level and other players can find sign and screw us up, but hey, we did it in DkS1 and its more manageable than the alternative.

Haven't played a ton yet, 3 bosses down. The item variety is a huge step up from all the previous games, but particularly impressive coming from Bloodborne. Hope they game opens up with branching paths soon, other then that it feels a lot like Demon Souls 2 so far.

Also, does anyone know of a downside to
yet? I didn't notice anything and there's nothing in the description.
One thing I'm disappointed was never fixed was that damn input buffer. I get that they're trying to discourage pushing buttons but sometimes (a lot of the time) it can turn a mild mistake into a huge one.

Case in point: A boss starts a combo and you have your shield up. You press dodge but the shield absorbs the hit. After you come out of block stun the dodge comes out. From there you can't dodge the rest of the combo because the buffered dodge completely threw off your timing. Since you blocked a ton of stamina is probably gone so you probably can't block again either so you're dead pretty much. If you ate the hit you'd be able to dodge subsequent attacks. How shit is that? Getting hit should null the damn buffer.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
End up going with Pyromancer because it seems cool, I noticed in the stats explanation it mentioned how there's those two magic-type stats that Pyromancer needs---guess I should focus on those, right?

Just beat the first Boss and, uh, took me about an hour but I think I'm starting to "get" Dark Souls.


DEX/INT probably because DEX speeds up spells. DEX/LUK because LUK increases bleeding damage and DEX weapons tend to be the ones that inflict that.

Oh I see. Does LUK affect poison as well? I like having poison arrows handy though I don't really remember if the poison build-up of arrows is affected by your stats.
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