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Dark Souls III |OT| Thy path has been tested, now fight unkindled ash

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Ityll-whatever dungeon
without dying. Sitting at the first bonfire of the
Profaned Capital
and feel more joyous than ever before in this game, despite the massive headache I have right now. 10/10

EDIT: How DO the
branding iron
enemies work tho?


Have you found that any bosses are vulnerable to bleed? That's my main sticking point. I think I'd go two weapons; one bleed for mobs and one dex for bosses.

In my experience so far there's (at least) one very notable boss in the mid-late game who is quite vulnerable to bleed. I didn't use a bleeding weapon on every boss, though.


Deacons of the Abyss
was the spookiest
boss fight so far, so cool.
Thankfully Warrior of Sunlight Cum Stain saved the day. Thank you Cum Stain!


Guys where do I go after I reach the hub area?

There is a naked samurai outside that is destroying me and I don't think that's the correct way to go >_<


I thought the game areas were impressive at the begginning but mid-late game areas are mindblowing!Beautiful game

The bosses are also much better and harder


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, Undead Settlement is quite a big area. Wasn't expecting that so soon, High Wall was tiny in comparison. I liked the way it looped around on itself at the area with Siegward and the Fire Demon. After the fight I got up on the rooftops and jumped over to the tower then looked down and thought, "There must be another boss through that big door, time to Homeward Bone and bank these Souls". Then I realised I had just went in a big circle and was looking at the doorway back to the Great Tree...

I think the general consensus is right as well, there are some very tough enemies in the early areas of this game that will mess you up in a minute if you're not careful, but the first couple of bosses are relatively easy. I'm thinking of the Lothric Knights and the Bloodborne style executioner with the spinning axe in the High Wall, and then there's the big guys with the big saws (or cauldrons?) and the fire-witches in the Undead Settlement.


Yeah, the regular enemies seem to be harder than the bosses lol. Those Knights were kicking my arse for the longest until I formed a strategy against them with the Uchigatana: 2H run charge attack > 2-hit combo and roll back. The running attack almost always stuns them and I can combo them from there. I've been farming them for equipment and Souls, I even got the full Knight set and everything else but that darn Shield (I got the Greatshield that requires 36 STR, but not the smaller one).

Ooh nice, need to farm them some more. Got the straight sword and helm but the straight sword needs Dex and I want to got STR. Unless I stump for the Claymore. Decisions, decisions. I have a bunch of shards that I haven't used yet, not sure which weapon to go with! Does anybody sell titanite shards?

And going after and getting the Deep Battle Axe was a lifesaver. Warcry plus good timing, with a backstab, and Knights are done. It's weird, sometimes I kill them with ease and other times they murder me. It's a bit like a fighting game - whoever gets the advantage dictates the pace of the fight. That shield bash to the right has tracking and is murder. Guess From wanted to avoid making the old circle and backstab trick easy.

I'm 5 bosses deep so far and that pattern has held true for subsequent areas. The areas themselves are fucking hard, with brutal enemies and encojnters, but the bosses are quite easy. They've all been sort of gimmick fights too since Vordt. They're stilll cool though.

Not sure how I feel about that lol. I imagine the second half will bring the brutal bosses.

Been getting summoned at the first boss so I can learn the attacks. This is an absurd amount of summons.

Every time I get summoned the host summons another phantom to help, then triggers the boss cutscene, proving the host has never even attempted the boss before.

The Souls Community was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.

Yeah, I don't really mind people co-oping to have fun, but at least try it out a couple of times before you go summoning. And maybe try it with one phantom. Got summoned on Vordt yesterday, with another phantom helping out, and it was the first time too. Add online lag to that and it meant we could whale freely on him, and those were the uncoolest souls I've ever earned. Host still nearly managed to get himself killed, we were rushing to finish him.


hi lol. screenshot is a few days old but look at how sexy I am


By the way, I bought a key for the bell tower from the merchant in firelink shrine...uh, how do I get there? Is it later in the game? No spoilers please.
By the way, I bought a key for the bell tower from the merchant in firelink shrine...uh, how do I get there? Is it later in the game? No spoilers please.
Just explore around firelink shrine or read the description of the key for a more direct hint. It's not later in the game.


hi lol. screenshot is a few days old but look at how sexy I am


By the way, I bought a key for the bell tower from the merchant in firelink shrine...uh, how do I get there? Is it later in the game? No spoilers please.

You go up through the stairs; coming from the merchant, exiting into the bonfire room, go to the right, upwards
i still absolutely despise
. got lost in there multiple times already. is the key in the next area?
because i can't open half the doors and i'm already in the next one with the gargoyles.

- Started off my night on the Road of S
s. Those weird wing-sprouting zombie fuckers were goddamn terrifying! That
lady with the huge
, on the other hand, was not. I rekt her with the quickness.

- After dying a couple horrible deaths via winged zombie mobs, I progressed to the
area. I liked that area. Most of the enemies were unarmored so they went down in 1-2 hits from my Uchigatana +3. I say most of the enemies, because there were some that gave me big problems. The giant
were assholes. That armor-clad duo with the greatsword and club took me out a few times. And of course, the toughest enemy in that area was the
. Holy hell did he hit hard! Taking that bastard down was very satisfying.

- I ended the night in the
poison swamp
area, which was much less enjoyable than the previous one. The exception was finding the bonfire with an
that lead to that big wandering
. That was a fun fight!
hi lol. screenshot is a few days old but look at how sexy I am


By the way, I bought a key for the bell tower from the merchant in firelink shrine...uh, how do I get there? Is it later in the game? No spoilers please.
Go to the way through which you originally entered the firelink shrine.

Now enter it again and look around. You can go downstairs to the bonfire, and there are stairs to either side of you. Climb the stairs to your right and there should be a path leading upwards. Just follow it.


So yeah, there's no way I'll ever beat N
, at least on my own. By far the hardest fight, the camera is just horrible on the first phase. Might try some jolly co-op tomorrow..




Wasn't trying to speedrun tho.

The rest of the area was pretty easy, so i thought i was on the right track.

The same thing happened to me. I'm way past the A
and I never fought any of those bosses. Sometimes you just happen to go down the way that skips a ton of areas.
So yeah, there's no way I'll ever beat N
, at least on my own. By far the hardest fight, the camera is just horrible on the first phase. Might try some jolly co-op tomorrow..

Took me a while to beat him, but going no shield, under 30% load, fast rolling spree got me through. Good luck.


I there anything in the
area after the watchers?
seems like a pretty small area with a bunch of skeletons and some items but I can't shake the feeling I am missing something. There is no bonfire here right?


Starting my playthrough now, have two questions before I do though.

Are there any rapiers available in the early game? I love playing with rapiers.

Also, how's parrying in this game? Most fun I had with Dark Souls 1 was parrying the shit out of everything in Anor Londo. Good ratio of parriable to non parriable enemies?


I there anything in the
area after the watchers?
seems like a pretty small area with a bunch of skeletons and some items but I can't shake the feeling I am missing something. There is no bonfire here right?

Yeah you are missing bunch of stuff.
There is a bonfire, boss and access to two new zones.
I there anything in the
area after the watchers?
seems like a pretty small area with a bunch of skeletons and some items but I can't shake the feeling I am missing something. There is no bonfire here right?

Err, that area is forward progress. It keeps going lower and lower. And yes, there's a bonfire in there.

Starting my playthrough now, have two questions before I do though.

Are there any rapiers available in the early game? I love playing with rapiers.

Also, how's parrying in this game? Most fun I had with Dark Souls 1 was parrying the shit out of everything in Anor Londo. Good ratio of parriable to non parriable enemies?

There's a rapier in the first full area if I recall properly.

Parrying is fantastic in this game. I've been parrying using the special parry of the Uchigatana and it feels great and works on things I didn't expect it to work on. Won't go into details since you're just starting.

Haha I played this for hours drinking last night and remember nothing. I just ran from boss to boss not bothering to fight, explore or even grab shit. I don't even know where I am or how I got there. How dumb.

Now, just like real life, I have to go on a hungover backtracking expedition just to figure out what happened.

I'd watch this movie. A dark medieval hangover with dragons and demons.
Haha I played this for hours drinking last night and remember nothing. I just ran from boss to boss not bothering to fight, explore or even grab shit. I don't even know where I am or how I got there. How dumb.

Now, just like real life, I have to go on a hungover backtracking expedition just to figure out what happened.
I there anything in the
area after the watchers?
seems like a pretty small area with a bunch of skeletons and some items but I can't shake the feeling I am missing something. There is no bonfire here right?
There is and you have to go through them to reach the next area.


Parrying is fantastic in this game. I've been parrying using the special parry of the Uchigatana and it feels great and works on things I didn't expect it to work on. Won't go into details since you're just starting.

Awesome, thank you! That's all I needed to know, I love going rapier/parry on everything so that got me more hyped than anything else. On to the game!


Fuck, I'm not too far but I'm not feeling the knight class. Gonna reroll a sorcery build. Hows that shit play in this game? I kept hearing it was grossly underpowered but I'm not sure.

My friend keeps dying alot as a sorcerer. Not sure what is the problem there since I don't use magic. But he seems really pissed off, quite often. :D


Neo Member
Where does it explain (i.e. which menu) how to reinforce my weapons?

I have been upgrading my Dark Sword but god knows what I am using to do so. Is it Titanite shards? Because I have loads of them but it won't let me upgrade it anymore (it's currently at +3).
Where does it explain (i.e. which menu) how to reinforce my weapons?

I have been upgrading my Dark Sword but god knows what I am using to do so. Is it Titanite shards? Because I have loads of them but it won't let me upgrade it anymore (it's currently at +3).

If it's the same as Dark Souls 2 you can upgrade 3 times initially with standard Titanite Shards, then you need Large Titanite Shards and then Twinkling Shards.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


Should I be doing something at those supposed illusionnary walls or is it just a meme from Demon Souls like I read earlier ?...they are everywhere lol...

There are a few real ones in the game but 90% of the messages are fake. Attack the wall and illusion fades, but like I said, I've only found one or two real ones.

It's a stupid meme that wasn't funny in the first game and is even worse now. That and all the messages involving the words hole, but, finger, tongue, and chest. Worst part of the message system, hasn't been funny for years, if it ever was.
Where does it explain (i.e. which menu) how to reinforce my weapons?

I have been upgrading my Dark Sword but god knows what I am using to do so. Is it Titanite shards? Because I have loads of them but it won't let me upgrade it anymore (it's currently at +3).

The same place you reinforce (the blacksmith) will tell you what you need. Just click reinforce weapon and highlight the one you want to get good and it'll say, just above the weapon selection box, what you need (in your case it'll probably be LARGE titanite shards)
Where does it explain (i.e. which menu) how to reinforce my weapons?

I have been upgrading my Dark Sword but god knows what I am using to do so. Is it Titanite shards? Because I have loads of them but it won't let me upgrade it anymore (it's currently at +3).
If it's the same as Dark Souls 2 you can upgrade 3 times initially with standard Titanite Shards, then you need Large Titanite Shards and then Twinkling Shards.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Large Titanite Shards, then Titanite Chunks, then Titanite Slab.

Twinkling is for special weapons only.


If it's the same as Dark Souls 2 you can upgrade 3 times initially with standard Titanite Shards, then you need Large Titanite Shards and then Twinkling Shards.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Titanite Chunks instead of Twinkling Shards.

Twinkling is used for special weapons.
Making a character in Dark Souls 3. Was thinking of going for a magic based class for first time through. I usually do vanilla melee on an first souls game, but thought of maybe changing it up. But I hear magic only gets good way late into the game?
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