I'm a little annoyed with PVP balance. Yeah, I know, "git gud" and stuff. My problem is with hyper armor.
Giving big, slow weapons hyper armor instead of depending on poise from armor makes it seem like big weapons are absolutely the way to go in PVP. My problem is that basically any time I get near a big weapon user, they just have to start throwing out attacks and all I can do is roll and try really hard to get in an attack (straight sword for me) but it seems like no matter what, they always have time to get away. If I try to take advantage of the slow movements of the weapons and attack first, it always just results in a trade, taking over half my health. I just can't find any openings to actually get in there and do some damage. It feels like if they see my attack animation start, all they have to do is start theirs before mine finishes, and they're guaranteed to get a better deal out of the trade.
Now with DS2 I could use the Stone Ring and a quick weapon to get in my quick attacks during their slow animations and break poise - or if they were wearing big armor to compensate, their really short rolls allowed me to have time to close the distance and catch them at the end of their rolls.
With hyper armour and the 70% fat roll threshold, people can have decent damage resist, unbreakable hyperarmour, and still roll just as effectively as I can with my tiny sword. Also, I've never successfully landed a parry against an UGS. Is it like DS2 where you can't parry 2 handed UGS attacks?
Maybe I'm just missing something but does anyone else have this problem in PVP? I'd gladly take any tips for dealing with this - I'm sure there's just some tactic I'm forgetting about/overlooking.