wrong neighborhood motherfucker
wrong neighborhood motherfucker
Yet I see no other strategy other than being extremely patient and getting in one hit at a time.
wrong neighborhood motherfucker
I'm pretty new to the souls games, but why don't you have any HP?
I'm a little annoyed with PVP balance. Yeah, I know, "git gud" and stuff. My problem is with hyper armor.
Giving big, slow weapons hyper armor instead of depending on poise from armor makes it seem like big weapons are absolutely the way to go in PVP. My problem is that basically any time I get near a big weapon user, they just have to start throwing out attacks and all I can do is roll and try really hard to get in an attack (straight sword for me) but it seems like no matter what, they always have time to get away. If I try to take advantage of the slow movements of the weapons and attack first, it always just results in a trade, taking over half my health. I just can't find any openings to actually get in there and do some damage. It feels like if they see my attack animation start, all they have to do is start theirs before mine finishes, and they're guaranteed to get a better deal out of the trade.
Now with DS2 I could use the Stone Ring and a quick weapon to get in my quick attacks during their slow animations and break poise - or if they were wearing big armor to compensate, their really short rolls allowed me to have time to close the distance and catch them at the end of their rolls.
With hyper armour and the 70% fat roll threshold, people can have decent damage resist, unbreakable hyperarmour, and still roll just as effectively as I can with my tiny sword. Also, I've never successfully landed a parry against an UGS. Is it like DS2 where you can't parry 2 handed UGS attacks?
Maybe I'm just missing something but does anyone else have this problem in PVP? I'd gladly take any tips for dealing with this - I'm sure there's just some tactic I'm forgetting about/overlooking.
I'm a little annoyed with PVP balance. Yeah, I know, "git gud" and stuff. My problem is with hyper armor.
Giving big, slow weapons hyper armor instead of depending on poise from armor makes it seem like big weapons are absolutely the way to go in PVP. My problem is that basically any time I get near a big weapon user, they just have to start throwing out attacks and all I can do is roll and try really hard to get in an attack (straight sword for me) but it seems like no matter what, they always have time to get away. If I try to take advantage of the slow movements of the weapons and attack first, it always just results in a trade, taking over half my health. I just can't find any openings to actually get in there and do some damage. It feels like if they see my attack animation start, all they have to do is start theirs before mine finishes, and they're guaranteed to get a better deal out of the trade.
Now with DS2 I could use the Stone Ring and a quick weapon to get in my quick attacks during their slow animations and break poise - or if they were wearing big armor to compensate, their really short rolls allowed me to have time to close the distance and catch them at the end of their rolls.
With hyper armour and the 70% fat roll threshold, people can have decent damage resist, unbreakable hyperarmour, and still roll just as effectively as I can with my tiny sword. Also, I've never successfully landed a parry against an UGS. Is it like DS2 where you can't parry 2 handed UGS attacks?
Maybe I'm just missing something but does anyone else have this problem in PVP? I'd gladly take any tips for dealing with this - I'm sure there's just some tactic I'm forgetting about/overlooking.
That's what it looks like when you never upgrade health
Why though? Some sort of personal challenge?
Why though? Some sort of personal challenge?
Anyone else think the collection of bosses in the second half of the game (starting with) is SPECTACULAR? Like, it was just one amazing fight after another, each boss carving its place in Souls history as one of the series' most memorable. I'm really, REALLY impressed.Pontiff
By the way, any of you manage to beat any bosses on your first try?
Onlyfor me.Abyss Watchers
Soul Level 1 runs are kind of a Souls series tradition. There are players skilled or crazy enough to undertake them. It's a testament to the design of these games that such a pursuit is even possible.
And they're fast, seeing a guy in Smough'S armor, and the UGS swinging almost as fast and running as fast as you is kinda annoying.
UGS is the only weapon I have trouble against, mostly because of the lag in the game I think. Even when I roll, get behind the guy, his sword still in the earth in front of him I take the hit. It's infuriating.
Not as much as the lag though. On one on one it's okay, and I have something like 80% win, expect against some guy where lags get really bad.
More then one summon though and the game is almost unplayable![]()
Are titanite chunks hard to come by? I am hoping I can easily upgrade at least 3 or so weapons?
Man, I put 2 levels into the Lucerne and then I found the Great Scythe and it's moveset looks fucking rad
now I have to get all that Titanite again.
just invaded and found a dude with 3 different phantoms
4 People for 1 boss.
Im amazed they allow that many in one world. 2 is overkill in alot of cases but jesus
just invaded and found a dude with 3 different phantoms
4 People for 1 boss.
Im amazed they allow that many in one world. 2 is overkill in alot of cases but jesus
I'm fairly certain I've parried two handed horizontal UGS swings.On one hand I like that it makes heavy weapons more viable in PvP, but on the other hand in a 2v1 scenario dealing with two large weapons is really tough for a lighter build. It's why on my Dex build I have a Sharp infused Astora Greatsword for when I need to secure that last hit with hyper armour.
As for parrying big weapons, it's not quite as cut and dry as it was in Dark Souls 2's PvP (where any large weapon being two-handed was unparryable, except for rolling attacks). I know that when it comes to UGSs you can parry the ones the swing vertically but not the ones that swing horizontally, but like DS2 you can parry the rolling attacks no matter what. It's still early days of PvP so there's a fair bit of trial and error involved when it comes to figuring out how to deal with certain weapons.
the tree was def a pain had help on that one after awhile felt stupid and didn't know about the weak points. felt like I was just swinging away at shit for awhile and he was just fuking up or somethingTook 4 of us to take down the fuckinglast night and it was a blast! Doesn't the game scale the health of the boss as you add people? It sure seemed like it last night.tree
What difference does it make to you?
I like to fight all the bosses solo my first playthrough, but will gladly summon away for successive playthroughs. Who cares.
Also, to summon 3 phantoms you need to use the dried finger, which makes you a high priority target for invaders and allows 2 invaders to come into your world at a time.
I'm pretty new to the souls games, but why don't you have any HP?
You get extra iframes at 50% and 30% equip weight during rolls. This also provides an added bonus to Flynn's Ring, which sees dramatic damage increases at those weights.I'm a little annoyed with PVP balance. Yeah, I know, "git gud" and stuff. My problem is with hyper armor.
Giving big, slow weapons hyper armor instead of depending on poise from armor makes it seem like big weapons are absolutely the way to go in PVP. My problem is that basically any time I get near a big weapon user, they just have to start throwing out attacks and all I can do is roll and try really hard to get in an attack (straight sword for me) but it seems like no matter what, they always have time to get away. If I try to take advantage of the slow movements of the weapons and attack first, it always just results in a trade, taking over half my health. I just can't find any openings to actually get in there and do some damage. It feels like if they see my attack animation start, all they have to do is start theirs before mine finishes, and they're guaranteed to get a better deal out of the trade.
Now with DS2 I could use the Stone Ring and a quick weapon to get in my quick attacks during their slow animations and break poise - or if they were wearing big armor to compensate, their really short rolls allowed me to have time to close the distance and catch them at the end of their rolls.
With hyper armour and the 70% fat roll threshold, people can have decent damage resist, unbreakable hyperarmour, and still roll just as effectively as I can with my tiny sword. Also, I've never successfully landed a parry against an UGS. Is it like DS2 where you can't parry 2 handed UGS attacks?
Maybe I'm just missing something but does anyone else have this problem in PVP? I'd gladly take any tips for dealing with this - I'm sure there's just some tactic I'm forgetting about/overlooking.
Started ng+ today. Why aren't all the rings +1? Was hoping for a better cloranthy. Was hoping everything was plus one.
I just finishedI can't get over how great this game has been so far.The profaned captital and killed Yhorm with Siegward. It was super bad ass and totally unexpected.
Anyway in the dungeon, right at the start there is a one-way door that I have never opened. Anybody have an idea how you actually get that door open?
You can't really expect to be very effective if you're dividing your points between two builds. Would suggest picking either Pyro or Dex and sticking with it. Both are very powerful and will get you through a NG easy. Pyro sees major returns once you get toCan anyone give me a good dex/pyro build? Breezed through the game on a quality build but I'm struggling with this playthrough.
Woah that fight club area. Summon, invaded, summon, invaded, mayhem.
Human dregs galore.
Those Jailers are bull**** man
Those Jailers are bull**** man
What's the Fight Club area? How do I go fight in the fight club?
So I'm doing the Aquest line. I killednriafter already defeatingher partner in the Smouldering Lake. I talked to her in the church since then, but theHigh Lord Wolnir and Pontiff Sulyvahnis not showing up where she is supposed to be. The next boss for me is Apilgrim(fought and died once already). There is noldrichthere, so what am I missing to advance the quest?soapstone sign
Right after Pontiff Sullyvahn. Place is more happening than the Iron Keep bridge.
Is Anri gone?
Yeah, after talking to her she left.
Whats your hollow level at?
After having incredibly trouble with Iin general, I find IthryillDthrylland PungeonCrofanedone of the easiest areas of the game. Am I missing something or did it just 'click'?apital
After having incredibly trouble with Iin general, I find IthryillDthrylland PungeonCrofanedone of the easiest areas of the game. Am I missing something or did it just 'click'? The only thing I know I didn't go to yet is theapital.toxic poison with the spider peeps
I haven't had much trouble with them. I bait with arrows then attack when the round the corner.
Could be worse. They could have filled the area with Bloody Crows of Cainhurst. 😨