I agree completely. Dark Souls 3 really feels like Demon's Souls 2 a lot of the time. To make a list of things:
- Movement speed, general physics (attacking, generous dodging, etc.)
- Auto-revival after a boss (or helping as a phantom)
- HP reduction when non-embered + as a phantom
- No poise
- Useless heavy armour xD
- Mana bar for magic
- Estoc being OP in PvP xD
- Dual kats returning
- Luck stat + Blueblood Sword vs Anri's Straight Sword
- Scholar's Candlestick = Kris Blade
- Evangelists reminiscent of Fat Ministers
- Gauntlet of enemies before L&L
very reminiscent 1-3 before Penetrator fight
- Red-eyed knight, difficult optional enemy in starting area
- Firelink very reminiscent of the Nexus
- Irithyll Dungeon reminiscent of Latria prison
- High Wall of Lothric/Lothric Castle reminiscent of Boletarian Palace (far more than Undead Burg/Parish)
- Firekeeper "Then touch the darkness within me", vs Maiden in Black "Then touch the demon inside me"
- Gimmick bosses being more common
s assassination request reminiscent of Mephistopheles's sidequest, plus they even
stand similarly
- Speaking of which, a character actually called
again xD
Anything else I might be forgetting?
* Yes I know about the black knight in Undead Burg but note how this one specifically has the glowing red eyes from Demon's Souls, indicating he's more dangerous than regular enemies.