There were only a couple of areas that really gave me a Bloodborne vibe - the Catacombs because it looked like a Chalice Dungeon, and Irythyll obviously. If it had gas lamps throughout it could've been a BB area. But then again, Cainhurst looked like a Souls area to me, so there's obviously going to be crossover influences when they're the same type of game from the same people.
Other than that, I thought DS3 had the same kind of level of detail as BB, but didn't feel like I was playing in the same world. I just think they've got better at making a world look lived in - They've always been great level designers, but BB and DS3 have that dilapidated look, where for example all the stairs are crooked and worn, not just old looking but very detailed, overgrowth, architecture, the crooked tombstones everywhere - they've been doing this since Demon's, but it was kicked up a notch in BB and DS3 follows suit, as it should.
Yeah, maybe I haven't gotten far enough into the game just yet to judge the game just yet. It's all good though, I have a lot of exams and stuff going on at the moment plus Uncharted 4 releases soon so i'll probably go back to Dark Souls 3 in my summer vacation and hopefully then it'll be feel fresh and exciting again.