It is just a test of patience and boring one. He has like what 3 different attacks which all kill you in one hit but are really easy to dodge and his health is through the roof. You just circle around him for few minutes and done. It is just pretty much nothing IMO and should have been cut out entirely.
Oh man i am getting my ass handed to me by that katana wielding dude outside of Firelink.
Speaking of which, why is there mist blocking that part temporarily after dying? it goes away after few secs.
I don't think that has anything to do with Greirat's 2nd trip:
It is not Siegward who helps him but Patches. Patches will ask you where Greirat went when you initiate the 2nd trip and if you didn't buy Siegward's armor from him, he will then pretend to be Siegward and rescue Greirat.
It is just a test of patience and boring one. He has like what 3 different attacks which all kill you in one hit but are really easy to dodge and his health is through the roof. You just circle around him for few minutes and done. It is just pretty much nothing IMO and should have been cut out entirely.
My best advice is to stand back a bit and only aim for his head. That way he won't do the fire breath, he flies around a bit less, and the camera is a tad less janky when he does so.
You can cut out the fight part and still leave him there for story purposes. Dragonrider is already better by the fight being over much faster and you can make it interesting by using the environment to kill him. I just hate how the Vendrick fight just drags on and on.
I disagree. The story moment would work whether or not you could fight him. Arriving there is fantastic, indeed, one of the highest points of the game, but the fight is whatever. Collecting
the giant souls
was way more interesting than the fight.
I don't think he's nearly as bad as something like Bed of Chaos or Dragon God, I should say, but I don't think the fight itself has any story importance.
"lore boss" is just an excuse for a boring fight. Artorias has an amazing story and the fight isn't half assed because of it. On the contrary, he's one of the best bosses in the series, even for people who don't give a shit about the lore. Same for some Bloodborne bosses.
If anything, you could make a point that it would work even better as a "lore fight" if
Vendrick never fought back. You just hit him until he dies and he just walks.
I must be drastically over-leveled for NG++ because at SL152 and a Dragonslayer Greataxe it's not even funny. I'm doing it for the rings trophy, and still having fun with this great game.
You can cut out the fight part and still leave him there for story purposes. Dragonrider is already better by the fight being over much faster and you can make it interesting by using the environment to kill him. I just hate how the Vendrick fight just drags on and on.
I disagree. The story moment would work whether or not you could fight him. Arriving there is fantastic, indeed, one of the highest points of the game, but the fight is whatever. Collecting
the giant souls
was way more interesting than the fight.
I don't think he's nearly as bad as something like Bed of Chaos or Dragon God, I should say, but I don't think the fight itself has any story importance.
"lore boss" is just an excuse for a boring fight. Artorias has an amazing story and the fight isn't half assed because of it. On the contrary, he's one of the best bosses in the series, even for people who don't give a shit about the lore. Same for some Bloodborne bosses.
If anything, you could make a point that it would work even better as a "lore fight" if
Vendrick never fought back. You just hit him until he dies and he just walks.
Well I dunno, I disagree eventhough I can see your points. IMO fighting him is a big part of that moment, you see how the mighty powerfull has fallen and he can't do more than just a couple of swing because how hollowed it is (I rather this that no fighting back at all). I could agree that he has too much HP though.
I do agree Artorias is one of the best fights in the series though. Love that dude.
I was stuck on Bloodborne for a while so I took a small break. After beating Dark Souls 3 and coming back to it everything was significantly easier haha. Question regarding BB but this thread has more movement: does insight make the game harder? Cause I have well over 80 after fighting B
and currently stuck on M
artyr Logarius
. I think a couple enemies gained new movesets and you can see the
giant enemies
but I don't know if the same goes for health bars/damage or how much harder I'm making it for me.
The F
orbidden woods
is by far the worst area from both games for me, besides the boss ;-;
I was stuck on Bloodborne for a while so I took a small break. After beating Dark Souls 3 and coming back to it everything was significantly easier haha. Question regarding BB but this thread has more movement: does insight make the game harder? Cause I have well over 80 after fighting B
and currently stuck on M
artyr Logarius
. I think a couple enemies gained new movesets and you can see the
giant enemies
but I don't know if the same goes for health bars/damage or how much harder I'm making it for me.
Overall no, game is the same. Only the Winter Lanters are harder because Frenzy goes faster with high insight, and one boss gets an extra movement that is just some sort of teleport so whatever.
Overall no, game is the same. Only the Winter Lanters are harder because Frenzy goes faster with high insight, and one boss gets an extra movement that is just some sort of teleport so whatever.
Alright, thanks! Will keep gathering insights still, then. When you needed one to even level-up at the beginning I'm surprised I have so many right now.
I used the wolf knight's greatsword pretty much the entire second half the game. At +5 with 50 strength and 40 dex it hits for like 530 something damage
So I'm reaching the end of my first play through and I had basically set aside all last night to deal with
Nameless King. I had read plenty about his difficulty and heard about it through friends. First off I'll say the camera is attrocious in that fight, you guys weren't kidding about that. The first 2-3 attempts were almost laughable because I was so unsure of how to handle targeting and the camera. Also the timing of dodges innthebfirst phase felt super unnatural at first. My weapons also were doing laughably small amounts of damage. He was quite intimidating those first few goes. But once I settled in I got him without as much trouble ad I expected. Total attempts was 8 or 9 over the course of about 50 minutes.
He was a well done, challenging fight and I enjoyed it a lot. That said, I personally found Aldrich harder if you go by number of attempts and Champion Gundir was way more frantic and nerve wracking for me [/sp
this morning in my SL1 run. First time ever doing a SL1 run in one of these games.
All that remains is
Princes and Soul of Cinder.
took me 3 parries.
took 7 parries. SO nerve wracking having to successfully land 7 parries when missing usually lead to a one-shot kill.
was hardest for me so far because no parry, no 100% physical block shield yet, no Gundyr Ring, and terrible frame rate issues on Xbone. My heart has never pounded so hard in the last few seconds of a boss fight.
My strategy for Sl1 - Lloyd's Shield Ring, Lloyd's Sword ring, and Life Ring for early game. This makes it where you can usually survive one hit from most bosses. After
though, you can get the Knight's ring which gives you enough strength for a 100% physical block shield. My final ring setup - Lloyd's Sword, Lloyd's shield, Knights Ring, and Prisoner's Chain. I've also fully upgraded the Dragon Crest shield.
After getting Knight's ring, I also leveled up the Deep Battle Axe which I might use for
Soul of Cinder
since I'll usually only have time for 1 attack per opening anyway.
Hopefully those tips will help someone with a SL1 playthrough!
I must be drastically over-leveled for NG++ because at SL152 and a Dragonslayer Greataxe it's not even funny. I'm doing it for the rings trophy, and still having fun with this great game.
Yeah difficulty increase in terms of more health/more damage on NG+ and as it seems also on NG++ is not really noticeable. Im steamrolling through the content in NG+ with my Str/Yhorms Machete build, its kinda boring to be honest...
Fuck the kick mechanic, seriously. Fighting NK on NG+ solo now, he had 1% health left. I move forward and try to get the final hit, and what happends? My character decides to do a kick instead, and i get killed. Been trying like 50 times. Same shit happends a few times on KOTS during the fire breathing attack. I just ajust my movement a big and hit, and my character starts to kick. Really wish it was possible to turn off that mechanic. Never had any use for that mechanic. /rant over.
On a positive note, trying many times have made it much easier to learn the moves of the boss.
In NG+ will the vendor lady reset so I cant buy upgrade mats from her anymore? I want to move on because farming souls would be easier, but I also want to buy the mats to max out equipment that I intend on using for the new playthough.
In NG+ will the vendor lady reset so I cant buy upgrade mats from her anymore? I want to move on because farming souls would be easier, but I also want to buy the mats to max out equipment that I intend on using for the new playthough.
In NG+ will the vendor lady reset so I cant buy upgrade mats from her anymore? I want to move on because farming souls would be easier, but I also want to buy the mats to max out equipment that I intend on using for the new playthough.
Well, 5 hours and 30 minutes in and I'm still on the High Wall level, with the dragon undefeated lol. Clearly I'm not gonna be one of the ones that finished this game in under 30 hours.
I'm such a big souls fans but I haven't had an urge to go back to this game just yet. I've only just defeated the witch boss and I think i'm going to put it on the backburner for a bit.
I think the art style is too reminiscent of Bloodborne (which I absolutely love) but as a result is making this game feel a bit too familiar atm. I have no doubt that the game is great but I think after playing BB and it's DLC pretty hardcore for a year I think I need a break from the series.
Well, 5 hours and 30 minutes in and I'm still on the High Wall level, with the dragon undefeated lol. Clearly I'm not gonna be one of the ones that finished this game in under 30 hours.
Quoting myself for new page and a question. Approximately how long is this game, for most? I generally take my time, and in Souls games suck at first but then fly through them. I wanna know mostly to let the game last, and not just fly through it.
Are there a small amount of areas/levels with massive maps, or just a lot of small areas (i.e. like the first Ash Cemetery level)
Just started a pyro. Has the beginning been this rough for anyone else? I flew through the first few areas with ease on my Dex character but I'm actually dying quite a bit to the knights on the high wall.
I'm such a big souls fans but I haven't had an urge to go back to this game just yet. I've only just defeated the witch boss and I think i'm going to put it on the backburner for a bit.
I think the art style is too reminiscent of Bloodborne (which I absolutely love) but as a result is making this game feel a bit too familiar atm. I have no doubt that the game is great but I think after playing BB and it's DLC pretty hardcore for a year I think I need a break from the series.
There were only a couple of areas that really gave me a Bloodborne vibe - the Catacombs because it looked like a Chalice Dungeon, and Irythyll obviously. If it had gas lamps throughout it could've been a BB area. But then again, Cainhurst looked like a Souls area to me, so there's obviously going to be crossover influences when they're the same type of game from the same people.
Other than that, I thought DS3 had the same kind of level of detail as BB, but didn't feel like I was playing in the same world. I just think they've got better at making a world look lived in - They've always been great level designers, but BB and DS3 have that dilapidated look, where for example all the stairs are crooked and worn, not just old looking but very detailed, overgrowth, architecture, the crooked tombstones everywhere - they've been doing this since Demon's, but it was kicked up a notch in BB and DS3 follows suit, as it should.
Quoting myself for new page and a question. Approximately how long is this game, for most? I generally take my time, and in Souls games suck at first but then fly through them. I wanna know mostly to let the game last, and not just fly through it.
Are there a small amount of areas/levels with massive maps, or just a lot of small areas (i.e. like the first Ash Cemetery level)
Quoting myself for new page and a question. Approximately how long is this game, for most? I generally take my time, and in Souls games suck at first but then fly through them. I wanna know mostly to let the game last, and not just fly through it.
Are there a small amount of areas/levels with massive maps, or just a lot of small areas (i.e. like the first Ash Cemetery level)
I have seen the 30 hours time mark a lot. Personally 36 hours for me. But I am a Souls game newb and I kind of take my time looking around the scenery though.
Quoting myself for new page and a question. Approximately how long is this game, for most? I generally take my time, and in Souls games suck at first but then fly through them. I wanna know mostly to let the game last, and not just fly through it.
Are there a small amount of areas/levels with massive maps, or just a lot of small areas (i.e. like the first Ash Cemetery level)
Quoting myself for new page and a question. Approximately how long is this game, for most? I generally take my time, and in Souls games suck at first but then fly through them. I wanna know mostly to let the game last, and not just fly through it.
Are there a small amount of areas/levels with massive maps, or just a lot of small areas (i.e. like the first Ash Cemetery level)
I'm not 100% done with NG, but I beat the game in 70 hours. I generally took my time, explored everywhere, and I did a LOT of co-op/invasions. Actually, more invasions then co-op.
Well, 5 hours and 30 minutes in and I'm still on the High Wall level, with the dragon undefeated lol. Clearly I'm not gonna be one of the ones that finished this game in under 30 hours.