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Dark Souls |OT3| This thread moves faster than the Blighttown framerate

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provides useful feedback
Actually I just remembered - last night I broke my 360 game controller in anger while trying to complete Psychonauts. Maybe playing these games isn't in my best interest right now.

Thanks for the feedback though! I'll definitely give Dark Souls a go when I've calmed down a bit.


SovanJedi said:
Actually I just remembered - last night I broke my 360 game controller in anger while trying to complete Psychonauts. Maybe playing these games isn't in my best interest right now.

Thanks for the feedback though! I'll definitely give Dark Souls a go when I've calmed down a bit.

This game isn't as hard as Psychonauts IMO.


SovanJedi said:
Actually I just remembered - last night I broke my 360 game controller in anger while trying to complete Psychonauts. Maybe playing these games isn't in my best interest right now.

Thanks for the feedback though! I'll definitely give Dark Souls a go when I've calmed down a bit.
Haha, the Meat Circus?

The difficulty of these games are overstated, IMO. Games like Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe kick my ass, but I'm perfectly at home in the Souls games.


worldrevolution said:
Eh...this isn't a "friendly knight's honor duel game". Invading is meant to be an extra challenge in the online play of this game. That some people take it a bit more seriously and do the whole chivalry thing is great, continue on, but why must everyone subscribe to playing the way you play. No where in my game manual does it say only invade with courtesy and don't forget to bow, or people will ignore list you! Also how exactly would you gank people who are on your "no respect list"..it's not like you can choose who to invade and when. It seems to me using a glitch to grief people is more deplorable than me simply getting on with the pvp in the game without any rituals.

Also why wouldn't you use the ring of fog..I always have it on when I'm pvping.. again if you want to impose rules on yourself like do this or only wear that, by all means, but that's not for everyone.

I guess my point is..how am I an asshole by not bowing but I'm not if I invade your world, with the intent of killing you and making you lose souls/humanity, and hunt you down. I think you might be taking this a bit too seriously, Nora..
Gotta say I agree here. I only bow when I invade in the forrest since people are typically there to fight. Otherwise, if you invade me then Im killing you by any means necessary. Im trying to progress in the game and youre getting in the way of that.

Foliorum Viridum said:
I just had a real HOLYYY SHITTT moment, haha.

I've beaten
and just spent the last 20 mins killing that giant rat, going through the sewers, taking it real careful etc. I thankfully managed to find the fire to save and then I went looking for the boss door. I find it, go through, and the
giant fucking dragon comes out of the water and my face was literally ":|" because I had no idea how I'd even take him on. I run around him and begin slashing at his arse, chasing his tail so he's never in front of me. I get him down to about 50% health.

That's when I smugly think "Oh, he's not too bad"

Pretty much as soon as I said that he jumps into the air and lands on me. I think I can get back to a safe point and heal, but nope, he picks me up and chews me up. Dead.

I know I can beat him, but I thought that was quite funny.
Not sure if Im reading this correctly but you dont have to light bonfires to save. All you have to do is quit the game. Wasnt sure if you were clear on that. A friend of mine wasnt and he kept moving forward in the level, then going back to his previous bonfire to "save" his game. Needless to say, all he did was reset the area.
Been toying around with a lightning bonewheel shield +4, fun stuff. Not sure if it would be any good pvp but it works really well against most enemies in the game and does a surprising amount of damage.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Need tips for beating people in the forest. I've never PvP'd on purpose before, and I'm trying to get the fog ring before I betray the covenant by getting the dark wood grain ring.

My first invasion went well. I think it was just some poor guy trying to farm souls. I killed him fairly easily and he indicted me. Then during all my subsequent invasions I ended up fighting the same couple of guys repeatedly who were clearly well-versed in PvP and probably at a higher level than me.

I'm a mostly melee build, SL61, lightning claymore +4, black iron armor, and pyromancy flame at +10. What cheap tricks should I use to win 2 more fights?

Or if I keep trying, will I eventually be matched up with someone easier to beat?
I ran into a guy like that before. I invaded him and he was in the middle of doing the corner trick. I guess he expected me to attack him but I just sat back and waited for him to finish up (didnt wanna be a douche). He bowed and dropped a black knight axe (which I cant wield but whatever. It was a nice gesture). So I bowed, ran up the stairs and jumped off the cliff.

Gave him 700k souls, lol.


benevolent sexism
.GqueB. said:
I ran into a guy like that before. I invaded him and he was in the middle of doing the corner trick. I guess he expected me to attack him but I just sat back and waited for him to finish up (didnt wanna be a douche). He bowed and dropped a black knight axe (which I cant wield but whatever. It was a nice gesture). So I bowed, ran up the stairs and jumped off the cliff.

Gave him 700k souls, lol.

Yeah, there's part of me that would feel a little bad for killing someone weaker while they're just going about their business, but there's a much bigger part of me that wants to get my three forest hunter kills and be done with it. They can recover their souls pretty easily in that area anyway.

So when you invade and lose, does the person you invaded get however many souls you're carrying even though you don't lose them?

Maybe if I manage to kill one of these experienced PvP guys I'll suddenly have more souls than I know what to do with?


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Yeah, there's part of me that would feel a little bad for killing someone weaker while they're just going about their business, but there's a much bigger part of me that wants to get my three forest hunter kills and be done with it. They can recover their souls pretty easily in that area anyway.

So when you invade and lose, does the person you invaded get however many souls you're carrying even though you don't lose them?

Maybe if I manage to kill one of these experienced PvP guys I'll suddenly have more souls than I know what to do with?
I believe so. I actually never killed a forrest invader but when invaded another played and killed them, I got their souls (hence the 700k).

If they didnt get any souls thatd be pretty shitty. Would also make it odd that people would sit there waiting to be invaded since there is no reward.


zerokoolpsx said:
Forgot how cheap the encounter with the stray demon is. Into the encounter I have half health on a NG from the fall. His attack can finish you off. Fight isn't fair, not even remotely close. If I heal, I'm dead. Gotta run behind him to heal. I've beaten him before on another character. I just don't remember it being this hard. Taking a break from that fight because I'm am so pissed off right now.
i agree, I usualy hire phantoms before I go throught the amount of frustration I experienced with stray demon, but of course you can't hire for him. I resorted to any chesse advantage I could find and even with iron flesh and maxed ring shield I barely got him at SL45 on my first character. FInally I watched you tube and noticed that a guy did him with only one heal and "made a mistake" to require a heal. GOod avice from this site was not to lock on, and to two hand your weapon.... when you fall down sometimes you have a chance ot heal sometimes you don't. SOmetimes you can run straight at him and roll under his body cleanly and othertimes he gets you.....once you do get behind him though, as long as you time your SMALL attacks of one or two swings only, he can be nickel and dimed to death....without losing any further health. quickly circling around the perimeter to stay behind him can be tedious and it seems he won't stop turning to face you, but you really do have to avoid ANY damage as he is pretty powerful. DOn't lock on! I didn't know why at first , but the reality is that if you lock on you run sideways, you have to be able to sprint full out to get behind him......taking off excess armour is alos important for this reason...one hit kill anyway at low level so don't go over the equip burden for fasted possible speed.
If you hit roll the instant you land you can avoid the stagger animation and buy yourself a bit of extra time to heal. A few of the bosses start with a damaging fall, almost seems like they did it to make fall control a bit more useful.


benevolent sexism
.GqueB. said:
I believe so. I actually never killed a forrest invader but when invaded another played and killed them, I got their souls (hence the 700k).

If they didnt get any souls thatd be pretty shitty. Would also make it odd that people would sit there waiting to be invaded since there is no reward.

I figured they must get something (after all, you get souls from killing NPC invaders), I was just wondering whether that amount is calculated somehow or is just the exact number they were carrying.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Insaniac said:
well might as well hit the 40 endurance mark first, then, 45 dex to max out the decreased spell casting time. from there its debatable. Honestly sorcery vs faith is your preference. Sorcery if you want to go purely offensive, and faith if you want some utility spell. Whats your attunement? If you plan on going sorc/ faith you'll need a decent amount of attunement to make it worth investing into more spells. (I will say that I think sorcery is a better path to go because it will give you ranged offensive spells, and you're mainly melee / pyromancy which is close ranged)
Currently I have 3 attunement slots, which are usually all pyro spells, though sometimes I throw in heal/repair/cast light depending on the area I'm tackling (repair is very good if I plan on making a long dungeon run that involves a lot of CRS use). Spell-wise I'm mostly interested in ways to complement my melee, such as weapon buffs. I assume that means faith and miracles as opposed to sorcery? I hear Darkmoon Blade is the best weapon buff, but I'm not sure if that is a sorcery or miracle.


Does anyone have any advice for Four Kings on NG+? It seems like an absolute impossibility for me to do enough damage to keep up with the spawn rate of them. I'm using a BK Greataxe +5 with 50 STR.


catashtrophe said:
I've finally cleared the Demons Ruins and now got to the 1st bonfire in Lost Izalith and oh my god

This area might be the worst area i have ever seen in any game since the NES era. Boring lava area and attacking dragon legs?

WTF and i thought the Demons Ruins was crap but this is a low like i've never seen

Just run, find the....., and run some more. Not too bad. I'm now actually farming from the respawning Titanite Demon in that area. Demon's Ruins I liked a lot actually.


zerokoolpsx said:
Forgot how cheap the encounter with the stray demon is. Into the encounter I have half health on a NG from the fall. His attack can finish you off. Fight isn't fair, not even remotely close. If I heal, I'm dead. Gotta run behind him to heal. I've beaten him before on another character. I just don't remember it being this hard. Taking a break from that fight because I'm am so pissed off right now.
This may or may not help but I did happen upon something when I finally ending up beating him. When I usually fell down, I usually did so facing at him or away from him so I could roll away. One time in particular, I fell in by mistake but this time facing directly left toward the pillars and such. I rolled as I usually did and when I turned around I noticed that he was stuck in an animation of walking straight forward (to where I wouldve been). When he finished walking forward, he THEN turned around to face me. Gave me plenty of time to heal and even beat off if I wanted to.

But at the same time, this couldve been a one time glitch. I beat him that try so I was never able to go back and test it.
BigAT said:
Does anyone have any advice for Four Kings on NG+? It seems like an absolute impossibility for me to do enough damage to keep up with the spawn rate of them. I'm using a BK Greataxe +5 with 50 STR.

Get in close, use iron flesh, 2 hand your axe with grass crest shield equipped and keep hacking away. It's not foolproof, a lot can still go wrong but if you can keep iron flesh up and time your heals well you stand a good chance.


scosher said:
I had a similar experience last night. On NG++, going for another guaranteed slab (and in NG+, when you're skipping everything, going out of your way to still do Siegmeyer's quest is such a pain in the ass), but then when I get to Lost Izalith, I decide I want to clear all but 1 so as to make sure Siegmeyer doesn't fall below 50% or some other dumb random shit like what happened to you.

Bad mistake. On the way up, the last Chaos Eater falls into the pit trap and Siegmeyer gives me the ring instead and thanks me for clearing it all before he jumps in.
This exact thing happened to me, I almost always fuck up that part of the quest.


BigAT said:
Does anyone have any advice for Four Kings on NG+? It seems like an absolute impossibility for me to do enough damage to keep up with the spawn rate of them. I'm using a BK Greataxe +5 with 50 STR.

I did it solo with 0 poise and no Iron Flesh/Strong Magic Shield.

Get your strongest dealing weapon, two-hand it, and get up close to them. Ignore blocking as their horizontal attacks don't deal too much damage. You can also roll to dodge them. The real key though is Green Blossoms. Eat one of these and you should have no problem with stamina to just pummel damage into them. The fight's more of a DPS check honestly. Once you down one, quaff an estus then go to next.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Booshka said:
This exact thing happened to me, I almost always fuck up that part of the quest.

Could the fog ring potentially stop it from chasing you and falling in a hole? I might try that next time through.


Zzoram said:
Damn I'm terrible at parrying Silver Knights.
For the swordsman, learn to identify the 3-hit combo, then parry on the 2nd strike. They also love to do the shield bash into thrust, which leaves them wide open for a backstab. For the spearman, parry on the move that comes after the shield bash. It looks exactly like the 2nd strike from the swordsman's 3-hit combo.


140.85 said:
Could the fog ring potentially stop it from chasing you and falling in a hole? I might try that next time through.
maybe if you put on fog ring and slumbering dragon crest ring it would lose you and de-aggro.


On a similar note regarding Siegmeyer's story:

Did he end up killing himself accidentally by falling asleep in a poisoned swamp? LOL. Cause we save his ass, and the next we see him is as a corpse, and his daughter stated he went hollow and had to be killed
What level should I be in the Dukes Archives? I'm 55, most of my armor is around +3 (eastern top, antique skirt, starting pyro at +6 for the rest).

Suddenly shit got real hard again after Anor Londo, which wasn't that difficult.


Nora Kisaragi said:
Ugh, I hate disrespectful ring of fag users and people that are like SL500 that do nothing but camp the forest and kill people trying to level up their forest covenant, makes the forest covenant nearly unplayable unless you resort to cheap tricks.


Uhh... wow.


electricpirate said:
What level should I be in the Dukes Archives? I'm 55, most of my armor is around +3 (eastern top, antique skirt, starting pyro at +6 for the rest).

Suddenly shit got real hard again after Anor Londo, which wasn't that difficult.
Im actually level 75. Am I too high? Where should I even be at my level? I tried getting summoned last night and got nothin.


electricpirate said:
What level should I be in the Dukes Archives? I'm 55, most of my armor is around +3 (eastern top, antique skirt, starting pyro at +6 for the rest).

Suddenly shit got real hard again after Anor Londo, which wasn't that difficult.
I wouldn't say 55 is underleveled for the Dukes Archives. It's just that the enemies can deal pretty big damage, and they're placed so you're often in the line of fire of an archer or channeler.
electricpirate said:
What level should I be in the Dukes Archives? I'm 55, most of my armor is around +3 (eastern top, antique skirt, starting pyro at +6 for the rest).

Suddenly shit got real hard again after Anor Londo, which wasn't that difficult.

Duke's is not particularly difficult, it just requires a bit more patience; ie you have to go a lot slower than you probably want to in order to keep encounters to 1-on-1s.

Otherwise, you can also just run past everything (like most levels) should you feel the need. Clearing the level proper, though, is a pain in the ass, yes, even at much higher levels than yours.


.GqueB. said:
Im actually level 75. Am I too high? Where should I even be at my level? I tried getting summoned last night and got nothin.

Are you too high for what?

There's no place you SHOULD really be at any level... you can finish the game now if you want though.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Argh..summoned 3x in a row at Bed of Chaos but no one will drop their sign for me to summon. I know..it's 6AM on a Thursday..but come on people I gotta kill this thing!
Ok, who should I kill first Ornstein or Smough?

I remember reading that you get different items depending on who you kill first?

Also what do you get to upgrade with each of their souls?


TommyT said:
Are you too high for what?

There's no place you SHOULD really be at any level... you can finish the game now if you want though.
Too high to get summoned in certain areas. To be honest Im waiting for a friend because we've been playing the game together for the most past but hes lagging behind. So I tried to get summoned at the dukes so I could see what it was all about. No dice. Tried at the tomb of the giants as well.

LowEndTorque said:
Ok, who should I kill first Ornstein or Smough?

I remember reading that you get different items depending on who you kill first?

Also what do you get to upgrade with each of their souls?
Whoever you kill last will have their armor available at firelink for purchase.


worldrevolution said:
Argh..summoned 3x in a row at Bed of Chaos but no one will drop their sign for me to summon. I know..it's 6AM on a Thursday..but come on people I gotta kill this thing!

I wouldn't think a co-op partner with this boss would help much at all. Not sure if you know this but you have to
destroy the two glowing "orb" things on either side, and then drop down on the branch in the middle which will let you walk to the "heart" of the boss which you can destroy in one hit
. Any progress you make will still be intact when if you die and try again.


LowEndTorque said:
Ok, who should I kill first Ornstein or Smough?

I remember reading that you get different items depending on who you kill first?

Also what do you get to upgrade with each of their souls?

You get the soul and can purchase the armor (from Domhnall of Zena) of whoever you kill second.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Sullichin said:
I wouldn't think a co-op partner with this boss would help much at all. Not sure if you know this but you have to
destroy the two glowing "orb" things on either side, and then drop down on the branch in the middle which will let you walk to the "heart" of the boss which you can destroy in one hit
. Any progress you make will still be intact when if you die and try again.

I've been summoned 3x..I know heh. I just can't stand the giant fire attack. I want to use the phantoms as..ahem..bait.


worldrevolution said:
Argh..summoned 3x in a row at Bed of Chaos but no one will drop their sign for me to summon. I know..it's 6AM on a Thursday..but come on people I gotta kill this thing!

If we were patched I would try to help :(
The best or the worst glitch ever just happened to me

I was summoned through the cat covenant ring to someone's forest....on the BONFIRE side. Only problem? They weren't on the bonfire side. We had to fight eachother through the fogwall. Hilarity ensued


Nora Kisaragi said:
The best or the worst glitch ever just happened to me

I was summoned through the cat covenant ring to someone's forest....on the BONFIRE side. Only problem? They weren't on the bonfire side. We had to fight eachother through the fogwall. Hilarity ensued

How does that even happen? I thought you only get summoned into the forest.
Up to Capra Demon. Sux. I've managed to kill the dogs 3 times but most fights end in 2 seconds. Managed to drop down on Capra once but still died. That's how to beat him obviously as he took a ton of damage.


.GqueB. said:
Too high to get summoned in certain areas. To be honest Im waiting for a friend because we've been playing the game together for the most past but hes lagging behind. So I tried to get summoned at the dukes so I could see what it was all about. No dice. Tried at the tomb of the giants as well.

Just all depends if people are in your range, at that same area, and in the same 'lobby'. I'd imagine there are people in those areas at that level, just depends really. IIRC, it's better to be lower to get summoned to higher levels.

So are you too high of a level? Probably not. You're just having a bit of bad luck.

ErasureAcer said:
Up to Capra Demon. Sux. I've managed to kill the dogs 3 times but most fights end in 2 seconds. Managed to drop down on Capra once but still died. That's how to beat him obviously as he took a ton of damage.

Go in sub 25% weight. Go in with shield up, wait for Capra and a dog to rush you, roll right, then roll left to go up the stairs. The second dog might catch you there, but the other two will be behind you so you should make it to the top just fine. Kill the dogs at the top, but beware as Capra can walk up the stairs and jump from behind the dogs.

Once the dogs are dead, you can either do the drop-down method or just fight him in the open as all but 1 of his attacks are easily handled with the shield/strafing and you can just whack away when he's open.
^ thanks for the help.

I thought I wanted the dragonslayer spear but it looks like a POS. Hammer doesn't look like it's worth it either :/ Might just consume the souls.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yeah I was afraid of the whole outleveling thing too but after AL I just leveled normally and now at 78 I still get summoned at Bed no problem..I just can't summon! Rar! There's always people in your range, just luck if they're in the same area.


ErasureAcer said:
Up to Capra Demon. Sux. I've managed to kill the dogs 3 times but most fights end in 2 seconds. Managed to drop down on Capra once but still died. That's how to beat him obviously as he took a ton of damage.

Yep once you kill the dogs, get him in a loop following you up the stairs then dropping down. When you drop down, move out of the way so he doesn't crush you. When he drops down, he's temporarily stunned giving you a chance to do a drop attack on him if you get up the stairs quickly.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Zzoram said:
Yep once you kill the dogs, get him in a loop following you up the stairs then dropping down. When you drop down, move out of the way so he doesn't crush you. When he drops down, he's temporarily stunned giving you a chance to do a drop attack on him if you get up the stairs quickly.

Or..summon two people and win instantly.
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