especially if you shoot it with an arrow..insta face to face if you shoot it from there.
AS a "from launch" demon's and dark player, FROM dropped the ball on the orange soap didn't work right early on..... most likely owing to the shift in server set up....hence no one uses it ......I don't even equip it anymore where in Demon's it was a fun aspectof the game....I enjoyed my health regen reward for good messages....for whatever reaosn the message system didn't work right when I started dark at launch...this killed it early on.
So I realize that I'm goin to sound cocky, but it isn't that I'm really that good a player. actaully I suck and make so many rookie mistakes all the time....but I just can't bring myself to do a SL1 run with upgrading equipment. To me there isn't really any difference between a fully upgraded X weapon and the crappier move sets, albeit just as powerful axe and club.........So I started a SL one run with these rules:
1.) NO upgrades. I realize I may go back on my word as I am not a great player...but I really can't see SL 1 being much of an EXTREME challenge with maxed gear...of course it is a challenge...i',m just hungry for more and may break down later and not do it....but I am going to try my best for a few weeeks. So no upgrades. NO pyro upgrade, no weapon upgrade, no armour. I fyou find it laying around you can use it if it comes that way, but I know the stat requirements keep this limited anyway.
2.) I will allow mysefl to summon help but only if another player form this board or a friend agrees to to these standards, NPC summons will be allowed as well, but not more than one helper...i.e if I use Mildred, no other summon...if I summon a person agreeing to these standards on this board, no Mildred.
otherwise its just sl1 and no upgrades.
So far its been tough...I never bothered with movesets much inte past and jst learned how to overower the enemy with pyro or just summoning good players.....but the time has come for this game to scare me again and it has...It has been tough so far and I have only gootten through Gargoyles and Taurus. Only tried capra once, but should be bale to get that one dones so that I can get my humanity up a bit so that I can summon Mildred for queelag. Used red tearstone ring and a light crossbow with heavy bolts (with no upgradeds you get lots of extra souls to our into consumables) but I am finding it hard ot do this boss with no power ranged weapon...I tried 4 times but the best I did with Queelag was a bot 55% health before making a mistake..even minor ones kill you at SL which is the challenge of course for all SL1 runs. I will prolly have ot learn the movesets and figure out what the tells for the AOE are, but this was a long time coming, and it has renewed the fear I once faced as a new player again....can't wait to ring both bells!!!!
Other failures so far that I take for granted noramlly:
Can't jut go to the depths to farm humanity for Quellag with Mildred unless you have the key from Capra....No one to summon for Capra.
Tried to get the power within pyro (not even sure I can use it but IIRC pyro has no stat requirements, unlike Magic and miracles) BUt had a hard time trying to kll the friggin octopuss thingy and took so much time that some random zombie I must not have killed form far away walks behind and one shots took me 3 tries and a long drawn out battel with each enemy faced to that point.
Will be learning more about poison and toxic clouds as these are allowed under these rules...oh yeah but i hve to kill Quellag first!!!!!