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Dark Souls |OT4| Victory achieved for Scamco, text defeated

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He's never landed for me. And throwing arrows at him just means he'll land on top of me or breathe fire and kill me or block my way, find me, and kill me.

And I didn't have 20K souls to use for that Forest Hunter Convent because I was busy upgrading my Pyromancy and buying spells/other useful stuff to where I'm locked out of an area. It's really stupid. :|

Run up the stairs, across the bridge, stand next to the wall that is closest to the dragon and just stand still and point your camera to the dragon. It will come down sooner or later.


OMG WTF. This game needs to be patched -_- I hope From is aware of these glitches and will patch them when the DLC come out.
I'm still playing it but when I see these things I feel I'm playing a beta...
It's been a while I didn't play PvP though (I beat the game SL1 and SL2 lately) but it may be unplayable nowadays with all these glitches (BB, dupe, pyro buff, lag stab).

I've been doing more PVE too but I still go human a lot and I haven't seen any of these new glitches in person yet. So I wouldn't call it unplayable but a patch would be lovely.

He's never landed for me. And throwing arrows at him just means he'll land on top of me or breathe fire and kill me or block my way, find me, and kill me.

And I didn't have 20K souls to use for that Forest Hunter Convent because I was busy upgrading my Pyromancy and buying spells/other useful stuff to where I'm locked out of an area. It's really stupid. :|

That 20K is to open a door that's a shortcut to the area where the covenant is. You can still get to that area and the boss if you go by route of darkroot basin - you're not locked out of anything.
He's never landed for me. And throwing arrows at him just means he'll land on top of me or breathe fire and kill me or block my way, find me, and kill me.

And I didn't have 20K souls to use for that Forest Hunter Convent because I was busy upgrading my Pyromancy and buying spells/other useful stuff to where I'm locked out of an area. It's really stupid. :|
If you go under the bridge, kill the rats then come back out on the ledge and look up, you can see the dragon's head - shoot arrows at the head from there, one arrow will make him jump down on to the bridge where you can get about 3/4 arrows in on him there before he flies back up - rinse and repeat.

Don't worry about souls, 20k is nothing, you'll soon be getting more souls than you know what to do with and won't blink at losing a few tens of thousands if it means going out of your way to go get them back - more important is active humanity, that's what I'm most concerned about when going to get my bloodstain.


Never seen any gamebreaking glitches online except for the rare hacker. Twinks are everywhere and have always been, BB glitch or not. Either way, I hope they spend more time on the PvP if they make a new souls game. It takes hours and hours to learn basic tricks that seem like cheating when you first encounter them. And Dark Souls PvP is stale as shit compared to Demons Souls, too bad I have to spend an hour to find a match.


Don't worry about souls, 20k is nothing, you'll soon be getting more souls than you know what to do with and won't blink at losing a few tens of thousands if it means going out of your way to go get them back - more important is active humanity, that's what I'm most concerned about when going to get my bloodstain.

Yeah it's funny how easy it is to get hung up on souls on your first playthrough, while on my third character that I'm not (at the moment at least) planning on taking past SL15, I still haven't rung the second bell but I'm constantly around at least 100k souls at any given time, and I'm constantly upgrading gear and buying stuff. The humanity though, as has been mentioned, is the real thing to worry about :p


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, I already cleared the humanity gap. I just need to open that short cut and/or just kill the bitch already and cure the egg with a drop I got from the forest and then do the other convents.

I still gotta kill the boss at Sen's Fortress but at least with the humanity farming convent out of the way that should be easier to deal with with the other convents.
I upvote nearly every soapsign I see now I know about the 'select to quick vote' method. My signs have not a single vote on them despite being useful messages :(

Also, I'm finding it easy to be summoned for boss co-op'ing. I'm soul level 28 and placing my summon signs in front of the undead parish stairs (the cathedral housing the balder knights) and the depths bonfire. Summoned within 5 minutes practically every time.

Never knew about this till now!

Haha I learnt about it in this very thread too! If the general population knew about it I think we'd be seeing a lot more voting obviously.

This also learnt how to change the order of weapons and items in this thread. Tis a treasure trove.
I'm helping people left and right in Parish. Some don't need it, some are obvious noobs. I dropped a +10 BSS for one who was carrying Drake Sword, hopefully he'll see the light. I also did an invasion and came across someone who was trying to get onto the bridge with the dragon still there. I smacked her around a bit (hard not to do instant kills) and then gave her a Washing Pole.

Also been giving away some shards, but I don't want to give TOO good stuff and eventually I stopped just killing off the bosses for them. Better to just keep the second gargoyle busy and let the player actually do something.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Never knew about this till now!

Really? It's one of the things that was in Demon's Souls control wise. Emotes were X/holding X and the written soul notes were select. So I pressed it thinking it would upvote and it did.


There are a lot of glitches, but not all of them directly hurt pvp, most actually help. At least when you consider that Dup'ing/Muling via other players is always going to be a thing.

BB glitch/Dupe basically evens the field for people who don't want to beg for mules/dupes from another player. It changed low level invasions, but its balanced out. There are so many max-gear phantoms now, and its really a different kind of meta. - The downside is Divine Blessing spam. That item was balanced around being super rare, and has no real drawbacks when you can have 99.

Stuff like bow-backstabs, pyrobuffing, and perma-spells/daggers from the Dragonhead need to be fixed. They all impact actual combat. Bleh.

Lagstab isn't so much as a cheat as it is a result of having global f2p. I don't think there's an actual lagswitch thing going on in like early MGO or anything. Just less than stellar connections across the globe in a real time environment. Some people certainly know how to make the most of it.
On a off note, I'd take Stockpile Thomas's inventory method over the shit Bottomless Box method any day. Who the hell at From decided this was a improvement over Demon's inventory management?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
On a off note, I'd take Stockpile Thomas's inventory method over the shit Bottomless Box method any day. Who the hell at From decided this was a improvement over Demon's inventory management?

It is an improvement. Get killed? You can dump your new found loot, easily, at the bonfire/respawn point. It's just cumbersome and slow. But Stockpile Thomas was just as cumbersome.
It is an improvement. Get killed? You can dump your new found loot, easily, at the bonfire/respawn point. It's just cumbersome and slow. But Stockpile Thomas was just as cumbersome.

Maybe the access to the box is a bit better, but the fumbling through a never ending list gets really really old. For the weapons they should have just carried over the categories from Demon's, made it less of a chore.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Maybe the access to the box is a bit better, but the fumbling through a never ending list gets really really old. For the weapons they should have just carried over the categories from Demon's, made it less of a chore.

That's the cumbersome part. Demon's was just as bad with the 99 of multiple grasses and having to go through them bit.


It's a huge pain in the ass having to scroll through hundreds of items to find the few I'm carrying that I want to deposit. Not having separate lists for what you're carrying and what's in the box is terrible UI design.
It's a huge pain in the ass having to scroll through hundreds of items to find the few I'm carrying that I want to deposit. Not having separate lists for what you're carrying and what's in the box is terrible UI design.

Honestly, if the PC version ever gets modded in any way, this is one of the major improvements I'd like to see happen.


Run up the stairs, across the bridge, stand next to the wall that is closest to the dragon and just stand still and point your camera to the dragon. It will come down sooner or later.
especially if you shoot it with an arrow..insta face to face if you shoot it from there.

Really? It's one of the things that was in Demon's Souls control wise. Emotes were X/holding X and the written soul notes were select. So I pressed it thinking it would upvote and it did.

AS a "from launch" demon's and dark player, FROM dropped the ball on the orange soap stone...it didn't work right early on..... most likely owing to the shift in server set up....hence no one uses it ......I don't even equip it anymore where in Demon's it was a fun aspectof the game....I enjoyed my health regen reward for good messages....for whatever reaosn the message system didn't work right when I started dark at launch...this killed it early on.

So I realize that I'm goin to sound cocky, but it isn't that I'm really that good a player. actaully I suck and make so many rookie mistakes all the time....but I just can't bring myself to do a SL1 run with upgrading equipment. To me there isn't really any difference between a fully upgraded X weapon and the crappier move sets, albeit just as powerful axe and club.........So I started a SL one run with these rules:

1.) NO upgrades. I realize I may go back on my word as I am not a great player...but I really can't see SL 1 being much of an EXTREME challenge with maxed gear...of course it is a challenge...i',m just hungry for more and may break down later and not do it....but I am going to try my best for a few weeeks. So no upgrades. NO pyro upgrade, no weapon upgrade, no armour. I fyou find it laying around you can use it if it comes that way, but I know the stat requirements keep this limited anyway.

2.) I will allow mysefl to summon help but only if another player form this board or a friend agrees to to these standards, NPC summons will be allowed as well, but not more than one helper...i.e if I use Mildred, no other summon...if I summon a person agreeing to these standards on this board, no Mildred.

otherwise its just sl1 and no upgrades.

So far its been tough...I never bothered with movesets much inte past and jst learned how to overower the enemy with pyro or just summoning good players.....but the time has come for this game to scare me again and it has...It has been tough so far and I have only gootten through Gargoyles and Taurus. Only tried capra once, but should be bale to get that one dones so that I can get my humanity up a bit so that I can summon Mildred for queelag. Used red tearstone ring and a light crossbow with heavy bolts (with no upgradeds you get lots of extra souls to our into consumables) but I am finding it hard ot do this boss with no power ranged weapon...I tried 4 times but the best I did with Queelag was a bot 55% health before making a mistake..even minor ones kill you at SL which is the challenge of course for all SL1 runs. I will prolly have ot learn the movesets and figure out what the tells for the AOE are, but this was a long time coming, and it has renewed the fear I once faced as a new player again....can't wait to ring both bells!!!!

Other failures so far that I take for granted noramlly:

Can't jut go to the depths to farm humanity for Quellag with Mildred unless you have the key from Capra....No one to summon for Capra. :(

Tried to get the power within pyro (not even sure I can use it but IIRC pyro has no stat requirements, unlike Magic and miracles) BUt had a hard time trying to kll the friggin octopuss thingy and took so much time that some random zombie I must not have killed form far away walks behind and one shots me...it took me 3 tries and a long drawn out battel with each enemy faced to that point.

Will be learning more about poison and toxic clouds as these are allowed under these rules...oh yeah but i hve to kill Quellag first!!!!!

I think I'll go see if anyone needs help at level 16 with taurus demon. Getting a bit bored by doing gargoles over and over. If I don't find any action, is there anywhere else I could get summoned at this level?


especially if you shoot it with an arrow..insta face to face if you shoot it from there.

AS a "from launch" demon's and dark player, FROM dropped the ball on the orange soap stone...it didn't work right early on..... most likely owing to the shift in server set up....hence no one uses it ......I don't even equip it anymore where in Demon's it was a fun aspectof the game....I enjoyed my health regen reward for good messages....for whatever reaosn the message system didn't work right when I started dark at launch...this killed it early on.

So I realize that I'm goin to sound cocky, but it isn't that I'm really that good a player. actaully I suck and make so many rookie mistakes all the time....but I just can't bring myself to do a SL1 run with upgrading equipment. To me there isn't really any difference between a fully upgraded X weapon and the crappier move sets, albeit just as powerful axe and club.........So I started a SL one run with these rules:

1.) NO upgrades. I realize I may go back on my word as I am not a great player...but I really can't see SL 1 being much of an EXTREME challenge with maxed gear...of course it is a challenge...i',m just hungry for more and may break down later and not do it....but I am going to try my best for a few weeeks. So no upgrades. NO pyro upgrade, no weapon upgrade, no armour. I fyou find it laying around you can use it if it comes that way, but I know the stat requirements keep this limited anyway.

2.) I will allow mysefl to summon help but only if another player form this board or a friend agrees to to these standards, NPC summons will be allowed as well, but not more than one helper...i.e if I use Mildred, no other summon...if I summon a person agreeing to these standards on this board, no Mildred.

otherwise its just sl1 and no upgrades.

So far its been tough...I never bothered with movesets much inte past and jst learned how to overower the enemy with pyro or just summoning good players.....but the time has come for this game to scare me again and it has...It has been tough so far and I have only gootten through Gargoyles and Taurus. Only tried capra once, but should be bale to get that one dones so that I can get my humanity up a bit so that I can summon Mildred for queelag. Used red tearstone ring and a light crossbow with heavy bolts (with no upgradeds you get lots of extra souls to our into consumables) but I am finding it hard ot do this boss with no power ranged weapon...I tried 4 times but the best I did with Queelag was a bot 55% health before making a mistake..even minor ones kill you at SL which is the challenge of course for all SL1 runs. I will prolly have ot learn the movesets and figure out what the tells for the AOE are, but this was a long time coming, and it has renewed the fear I once faced as a new player again....can't wait to ring both bells!!!!

Other failures so far that I take for granted noramlly:

Can't jut go to the depths to farm humanity for Quellag with Mildred unless you have the key from Capra....No one to summon for Capra. :(

Tried to get the power within pyro (not even sure I can use it but IIRC pyro has no stat requirements, unlike Magic and miracles) BUt had a hard time trying to kll the friggin octopuss thingy and took so much time that some random zombie I must not have killed form far away walks behind and one shots me...it took me 3 tries and a long drawn out battel with each enemy faced to that point.

Will be learning more about poison and toxic clouds as these are allowed under these rules...oh yeah but i hve to kill Quellag first!!!!!


So you started as pyro but you're only going to use weapons you can pick up and use without leveling? This leaves you with the same weapon choices as an SL1 run (hand axe, battle axe, reinforced club, morning star, etc).. but without any upgrade options. Seems like certain fights (4 Kings) will be impossible. This is way harder than an SL1 run. Boss fights are going to take forever, you'll have to stay alive so long without making a mistake. Good luck!

I've tried a few times to just start as deprived or cleric and run right to Queelagg and stomp her with an unupgraded starting weapon. It's definitely doable, but even an early boss like this barely takes any damage from a regular club / mace / whatever. When you have a long fight against Quelaag you notice all of the different nuances in her attacks -ie sometimes she will spit lava quickly in front of her and then jump backwards, and this has a quicker wind up animation than when she is getting ready to spew lava for several seconds in front of her. Mildred will help enormously.

I'd like to do a no upgrade deprived run ala Oracrest's Demon's Souls barbarian playthrough.. but I keep thinking four kings would be impossible with a starting club.

I think I'll go see if anyone needs help at level 16 with taurus demon. Getting a bit bored by doing gargoles over and over. If I don't find any action, is there anywhere else I could get summoned at this level?

Capra, gaping dragon, Quelaag. I got summoned for Quelagg a few times on my SL1 character. Also try later bosses, seems like more people are doing low level runs
Helped a few people through the Burg, only one was over-geared on NG+. I went with weaker weapons to not simply destroy everything, but I helped kill the black knight and Havel. I'll try the other bosses later on, but I guess there will be more waiting.

I don't have any plans to finish with this character, but I feel I need to go to Duke's Archives and get the hood from the Maiden set. That will be interesting at level 16...
Wow! Got help from a melee fighter, we took down the first two but then he got killed early on the third. I managed to kill that one, then Beatrice tanked one while I finished the last one which didn't have much life.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
especially if you shoot it with an arrow..insta face to face if you shoot it from there.

Yeah, which kills me or has them breathe fire to kill me. That's my point: It's impossible to cross to where I've had to go to the later convents since they don't require hoop jumping to get.


Ok, I just picked this game up. Holy shit it's hard. I just got dropped off by the bird after the Undead Asylum and I keep getting ganged up on by some undead skeletons in a graveyard.

I think I'm doing it wrong :lol
Ok, I just picked this game up. Holy shit it's hard. I just got dropped off by the bird after the Undead Asylum and I keep getting ganged up on by some undead skeletons in a graveyard.

I think I'm doing it wrong :lol

Avoid that area early on in the game. I'd guide you to slightly gentler battles; the well you see from the bonfire? Go to the right of that and you'll see a set of stairs and a green hill ahead with some undead atop it. That's the way you want to tread as a beginner though some here will rightfully tell you to go wherever you please as there is no set path. Just be prepared to die a lot if you do that :)
I'm having huge problems with the Anor Londo archers on my SL1 run. I tried using the wolf ring and eagle shield, but still get booted off the ledge from one arrow. I've got too used to taking them out, at least the one on the right, with poison arrows - I tried that even with a bow I can't properly use, but I guess when you don't have the stats to use a bow the poisoned arrows don't work, since I've used it on other enemies and it hits them for damage, but no poison effect. I think I'm screwed! I am quite pleased I at least made it to Anor Londo.


I'm having huge problems with the Anor Londo archers on my SL1 run. I tried using the wolf ring and eagle shield, but still get booted off the ledge from one arrow. I've got too used to taking them out, at least the one on the right, with poison arrows - I tried that even with a bow I can't properly use, but I guess when you don't have the stats to use a bow the poisoned arrows don't work, since I've used it on other enemies and it hits them for damage, but no poison effect. I think I'm screwed! I am quite pleased I at least made it to Anor Londo at least.

They're not any harder at SL1 if you roll through the arrow and knock the right knight off the ledge/parry riposte/great combustion
They're not any harder at SL1 if you roll through the arrow and knock the right knight off the ledge/parry riposte/great combustion
Rolling, of course thanks. I don't use the roll invincibility nearly enough, really only on boss swinging weapon attacks like on the Asylum Demon - will give it a try!

Edit: did it with arrows by going up the first buttress and using ring of fog!

Just tried Orn & Smough, took Smough out first, Solaire kept Ornstein busy, but was only left with the tiny slice of health for Super Ornstein, I solo'd it right the way through, he was literally 2 or 3 hits off dying but he hit me before I could heal - definately the most intense battle I've had in DS so far!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Holy shit, some Loch Ness monster showed up in Firelink Shrine. Do I talk to him? IIRC I shouldn't if I'm joining the Chaos Convent that wants you to give them the end game item? Is there consequences or whatever that I need to worry about?
If you talk to him you can't join Darkwraiths, but unless you're trying to collect all Miracles on this character I wouldn't bother with them.

As for the dragon, it's super easy. Climb the stairs from the bonfire below, run across to the other side and hide behind the wall. He can't hit you with fire there. Then wait until he jumps down. As he lands you have a few seconds to just run past him. Unless you're really unlucky, you can make it to the bonfire or outside to the right to reset him.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Guess I won't talk to him. I guess I should go back to Darkroot Basin and then climb a ladder after dealing with the Hydra to face off against Sif so I can get this builds recommended sword/Divine to spelunk the Catacombs.

I reached Anor Londo, BTW. But I returned, didn't want to go there with 40K souls and ascended my Pyromancer Flame to +2 or +3. Still level 31. Still in that Convent to open the shortcut. *sigh*
Ok, I just picked this game up. Holy shit it's hard. I just got dropped off by the bird after the Undead Asylum and I keep getting ganged up on by some undead skeletons in a graveyard.

I think I'm doing it wrong :lol
i went the same way my first time and i've heard more than a few people doing the same. i'm curious how many people actually go the "right" way on their first try. its like they're trying to mislead people on purpose to give the illusion that the game is harder than it actually is.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Damn. Sif hits hard and my spells don't do more than 50 damage. :/

3432 HP in normal game. No way I'm going to be able to damage this thing with spells alone. :/

Hopefully I can find a summon before someone invades me here. *sigh*


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And just my luck, a Japanese invades. It's always the Japanese that are invaders. Really just goes to show that From should've included a "no invasion, I'm here for the Jolly Co-op" option in the western release. *sigh* One consumable humanity wasted.


I think I'll go see if anyone needs help at level 16 with taurus demon. Getting a bit bored by doing gargoles over and over. If I don't find any action, is there anywhere else I could get summoned at this level?
Queelag gets a lot of low level people...both bell bosses are good bets....tired of one do the other.
Yeah, which kills me or has them breathe fire to kill me. That's my point: It's impossible to cross to where I've had to go to the later convents since they don't require hoop jumping to get.
I thought you wanted to kill dragon...if you don't, just run by...wear gold hemmed set with dragon crest shield or black knight shield...you will survive one blast that way. Comr back to kill it...I ve luckily killed it in two swings of washing pole with darkmoon blade by hittin it in the face....you can also use magic by the ledge where the rats are...use bow to aim, then swith t magic as you won't be able to lock on....again aim for FACE.

Rolling, of course thanks. I don't use the roll invincibility nearly enough, really only on boss swinging weapon attacks like on the Asylum Demon - will give it a try!

Edit: did it with arrows by going up the first buttress and using ring of fog!
So did the poison work then!?!?!?!?

Holy shit, some Loch Ness monster showed up in Firelink Shrine. Do I talk to him? IIRC I shouldn't if I'm joining the Chaos Convent that wants you to give them the end game item? Is there consequences or whatever that I need to worry about?
ignore him and go to kaathe....fun to do the DW cov. and also good story line.
Guess I won't talk to him. I guess I should go back to Darkroot Basin and then climb a ladder after dealing with the Hydra to face off against Sif so I can get this builds recommended sword/Divine to spelunk the Catacombs.

I reached Anor Londo, BTW. But I returned, didn't want to go there with 40K souls and ascended my Pyromancer Flame to +2 or +3. Still level 31. Still in that Convent to open the shortcut. *sigh*
just farm the humanity in the depths..wear covetous serpent ring from sens plus have 10 humanity in your ticker and you will get 30 humanity in less than1 hourmaybe a lto less than an hour if you get lucky,,,seversl times I got 4 in one 3 minute run......invade and help on gaping to break the cycle. Just make sure you have 410 in the item discoovery slot.
Damn. Sif hits hard and my spells don't do more than 50 damage. :/

3432 HP in normal game. No way I'm going to be able to damage this thing with spells alone. :/

Hopefully I can find a summon before someone invades me here. *sigh*

You can solo him if you stay under him..use your shield/roll to get there, buff fire and throw pyro,,,he is weak to fire.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Too bad none of the Pyro's with my flame is doing any damage since they're mid-range and he jumps like a bastard out of range before I can cast it, thereby wasting the spell as soon as it resolves. Trying to cast while he jumps in is suicide becasue as soon as it resolves I'll eat an attack and I can't afford to eat an attack.

Magic is weak. Pyro I'm lucky to get 400 out of a Firestorm with and can't hit him with fireballs or whips...

Which leaves my weapon that does... no damage against him.

Summoned to help someone that wanted to kill an invader and basically ate Firestorm. "WTF, you should've just went to the boss to kick him out." "I wanted the souls you get for killing invaders."

":| You can get souls just grinding enemies. WTF."


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Just roll through his swings. You can tank his hits with a decent shield as well. Hack at his belly.

Hacking his belly isn't giving me much damage either. :/ I've tried like 10 times so far.


Hacking his belly isn't giving me much damage either. :/ I've tried like 10 times so far.

You should be able to grind him down no matter what, though. All his attacks are predictable and you can see them coming from a mile away. Wait for him to come to you, dodge or block the swings, then get a few hits in. (It could be a sign that you need to upgrade your weapons again.)

As a pyro, do you have Combustion? It'll rip him up as well. Trying to cast anything that's not instant is suicide against Sif. Fireballs and such just take too long and don't travel far enough.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
As a pyro, do you have Combustion? It'll rip him up as well. Trying to cast anything that's not instant is suicide against Sif. Fireballs and such just take too long and don't travel far enough.

Yeah, I guess I should attempt it with that. I've been using Firestorm, Greater Combustion (or whatever the mid-range AoE Fireball is), Fire Whip.


Yeah, I guess I should attempt it with that. I've been using Firestorm, Greater Combustion (or whatever the mid-range AoE Fireball is), Fire Whip.

Sounds like Fire Orb.

Yeah, try Combustion. Fire Whip, Firestorm, and the others all just take too long. Storm and Whip in particular aren't going to work against a fast-moving target like him.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't think it's Fire Orbs since it was a bigger and brighter fireball that is bought by that woman in the swamp.


i went the same way my first time and i've heard more than a few people doing the same. i'm curious how many people actually go the "right" way on their first try. its like they're trying to mislead people on purpose to give the illusion that the game is harder than it actually is.

I think that's a definite possibility. I ended up going across some bridge and up towards a tower...toward the "Undead Berg" I think it was called, and then got fucked up by some big knight. Oh well. I'm enjoying this far more than Demon's Souls...I think my problem with Demon's Souls is that I approached it like I would a normal game, like I had to follow a set path, and that ruined my experience.

With this game, I'm just going wherever the fuck I please, if I die, then I die. But if I discover something new...then that's great. If not...oh well, I just keep on going.

But overall, after an hour or so...the game is very enjoyable.

Avoid that area early on in the game. I'd guide you to slightly gentler battles; the well you see from the bonfire? Go to the right of that and you'll see a set of stairs and a green hill ahead with some undead atop it. That's the way you want to tread as a beginner though some here will rightfully tell you to go wherever you please as there is no set path. Just be prepared to die a lot if you do that :)

Yea I'm dying a lot anyway, but the game is awesome.


I think that's a definite possibility. I ended up going across some bridge and up towards a tower...toward the "Undead Berg" I think it was called, and then got fucked up by some big knight. Oh well. I'm enjoying this far more than Demon's Souls...I think my problem with Demon's Souls is that I approached it like I would a normal game, like I had to follow a set path, and that ruined my experience.

With this game, I'm just going wherever the fuck I please, if I die, then I die. But if I discover something new...then that's great. If not...oh well, I just keep on going.

But overall, after an hour or so...the game is very enjoyable.

Yea I'm dying a lot anyway, but the game is awesome.

Bases on what you wrote so far I would say you are doing it right...there is no set path, or if there is one, it is set by the developers as a facade so that "the path less travelled" is allowed to have a rebellious reward for its travellers. Keep in mind that you do not have t finish ieach area completely adn that you can loot areas of their items before clearing the boss.

Just to let you know, on your travels there are a number of re-intersectiong paths that link things together as wella snumerous short-cuts that canbe opened. Finding these and using the master key will make your searching style pay off as you will have a wider range of equioment to select for certain bosses.....which makes all the difference.


So you started as pyro but you're only going to use weapons you can pick up and use without leveling? This leaves you with the same weapon choices as an SL1 run (hand axe, battle axe, reinforced club, morning star, etc).. but without any upgrade options. Seems like certain fights (4 Kings) will be impossible. This is way harder than an SL1 run. Boss fights are going to take forever, you'll have to stay alive so long without making a mistake. Good luck!

Yeah I am well aware that I may give in later but I reiterate that I MUST try as hard as I can to do it this way in order to bettter learn move sets and possibly test rare strategies......so far today I almost got through Queellag on my own after mildred died patheticially early...although I earlier opted for the crest shield to block the aoe, I have learned the tell and can get away MOST times. I have switched to dragon crest and can dodge most ofthe fury sword attacks or use the shield to sustain minimal damage...I can now pretty much do it all on my own I think adn got close the once...but ran out of humanity and pine resin:


-forgot for a while that pine resin can be farmed from the mushroom creatures in the garden...was suffereing without it for a while after spending the three form the burg on havel.

- darkwood grain ring is boss for this "no upgrade" SL1 run. Needed that stone armour with roll....I thnk I will go with it and whittel away queelag slow instead of crossbowing for bit with red tearstone...I think mildred will last longer if I get in close and engage.

- power within acquired (finally) had some trouble dying on those zombie bastards and also killing the red octupus...couldn't see the health bar coming from behind but she finally blew with one last two hand with the club.

- tried capra a feew times...fire resin helped me to get to one shotting the dogs but had to two hand in order to do it....died before isolating caprra too many times so gave up and the above.

So after two days of playing this masochist no upgrade SL1 run hereis the limited chronology:

3 Black knightss/Havel
Taurus - joined sunbro -
Gargoyles - used solaire and lautrec
Hydra - used grass shield; reinforced club; light crowssbow
Moonlight butterfly

equip - rings - red tearstone (used a lot actually),blue dragoncrest, havels, darkwood grain
- armour - tattered, dusk crown, stone, anitquated
- weapons - r. club, battle axe, light crossbow, pyro glove with starting orbs.
- 2 slots - 8 orbs - power within.
- shields - pretty much rotated through a lot in cluding wood for lightning protect while running by drakes, all the crests, and spider.

off ot get more pine resis form the garden then a couple humanity from summons at taurus, the back to queelag....must....beat.....queelag. Anyone wanting to join me on ps3 I would be happy to taje you instead of mildred...but you must agree to bring a SL1 character with no upgraded weapons or armour.


edit: oh yeah here is the strategy I used for farming resin form the daddy mushrooms..seeems to work efficiently:

Bring light crossbow, pyro glove, light/no armour, tearstone and dragon ring. get low either by using dung pie or by jumping form teh stairs of the shack wjere alvina is.

- use 4 of 8 orbs on each mushroom the rest with the crossbow....76 damage with tearstone effect using heavy bolts.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Any of you guys ever see this glitch in the wild? They somehow use the pyromancy glove to pretty instantly apply Crystal Magic Weapon to a dragon tooth:


I haven't actually encountered it myself, but seeing this explains a confusing message I got over PSN when I spent some time screwing around in PvP a week ago. I had a rather long fight with a guy in Anor Londo, and after it was over he sent me a message that said it was a good match and thanks for not using any glitches. I figured he was talking about the Bottomless Box glitch and had no idea how he could know that I hadn't used it. Now I think it's more likely that he was referring to this.

So the animation cancelling glitch wasn't quite fixed all the way, then. Guess it's for the best that this becomes common knowledge before the DLC hits.
I don't think it's Fire Orbs since it was a bigger and brighter fireball that is bought by that woman in the swamp.

While you certainly CAN go and fight Sif at this time, you should press on with Anor Londo. Once you have access to making +5 lightning weapons you'll have a much easier time dealing with Sif. What's your weapon now?
So did the poison work then!?!?!?!?
The poison didn't work, just the physical damage.

Also beat Ornstein the second time I fought him, I think this boss is way more fun at lower level, it tests your ability to dodge correctly for sure. I was two-handing a 5+ Fire hand axe btw.

Also getting invaded in (Dark) Anor Londo at level 1, was pretty surprised. I haven't seen any summon signs, but I did put mine down just in case other low level runners wanted some help, but didn't get any takers.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
While you certainly CAN go and fight Sif at this time, you should press on with Anor Londo. Once you have access to making +5 lightning weapons you'll have a much easier time dealing with Sif. What's your weapon now?

The Drake Sword. :3 I'm waiting to get Sif's soul to start to upgrade and ascend weapons to one that this build wants since it's Divine and that's good for the catacombs.
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