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Dark Souls |OT4| Victory achieved for Scamco, text defeated

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Waiiiiit, Knight Kirk won't invade if I don't place the Lordvessle and if I do, I can't join this convent?

Damned if I do, damned if I don't...

Edit: Wait, wait, wait... go to the Abyss and then talk to the Convent leader there and I'm good to kill this boss in the ruins later after having Kirk invade. I think I'm going to go to New Londo Ruins then.


Waiiiiit, Knight Kirk won't invade if I don't place the Lordvessle and if I do, I can't join this convent?

Damned if I do, damned if I don't...

What covenant? Darkwraith? If so, you place it with Kaathe and that's how you join. Doesn't matter about Kirk at all.


I'm thinking about making a magical archer for my next build. Basically a very long-range based character that using almost exclusively magic and bows.

What's the best bow if I'm not going to put much into DEX? Composite and Darkmoon I guess.

I admit the stats bonuses kind of confuse me - looking at the wiki and the stats bonuses give a letter grade, but how does that translate into actually power - since magical weapons kind of suck in this game, is it worth making a magic weapon if it gives a A or S buff from magic, or is it still better to go with say, +14, lightning or chaos because these often give the highest base damage before stat bonuses? How many lvl points do you have to plow into INT before you start seeing the benefits from a A or S grade stat boost. My head hurts!

An enchanted bow with the magic arrows (moonlight?) is really good actually. You will get somewhere around 300 pure magic damage per arrow which is almost as effective as a good dex bow. You will get less damage in most cases but more damage will transfer through shields etc. Use composite if you don't want to invest a lot into DEX, it's still pretty great.

The worst downside is that you have to get that blue slab out of the crystal caves.


fucking bullshit i finally found humanity and was about to summon the NPC and i was invaded and killed.

fuck this shit. now I have to go find humanity again.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
fucking bullshit i finally found humanity and was about to summon the NPC and i was invaded and killed.

fuck this shit. now I have to go find humanity again.

I think you can get humanity just farming souls off the bridge right now, I think you can do that since you haven't defeated the boss. That'll give you a "soft humanity" and again: RUSH AS QUICK AS YOU CAN TO THE FOG GATE. Dont' worry about the enemies if you've killed the summoner since they can be one shotted.

Four kings time. OH LAWD.


fucking bullshit i finally found humanity and was about to summon the NPC and i was invaded and killed.

fuck this shit. now I have to go find humanity again.
Under the bridge with the dragon on it there's 3 rats. Rats drop humanity at a pretty decent rate and they're not too far from the bonfire, so they're easy to farm. Just so you know, the higher your humanity, the higher your drop rates become. I think it caps at 10 though, but I'm not 100% certain.

Later when you're in the depths there will be a merchant that sells humanity if you ever run out and are having bad luck with farming.


What is your PSN ID? I don't remember seeing it in this thread.

As for the sanctus, you get the HP regen even if you don't have the requirement to use it.

Question: do you use power within? It's a must with this kind of challenge or else 4 Kings will be impossible to beat with an non-upgraded weapon.
YEs I have used power within a lot, but nort as much as tearstone....buthtat is AWESOME news that I can get the health from sanctus..... as even though the power within drain is samll I think sanctus will be enougfh to slow it even furhter such that I can concoctthis normally ridiculous combo:

POwer within (health drain slowed to baby crawl with sanctus), Fire orbs, duskcrown ring for extra orb casts, dusk crown for damage boost, bellowing dragon rign for extra orb damage, heavy cross-bow two handed, lightning/heavy bolts depending on enemy. It may only be useful for farming the mushrooms or something, but if i can get 60 seconds of error free dodging mixed in it could possibly be a wildcard for a co-op situation like O&S. 2BH I am thinking four kings may not be the toughest boss at all as I have seen SL1 videos of NG++++++++ or something crazy where they just don't ever get hit and dodfge every attack....granted they have maxed gear, and still prevent a secondary king form appearing, and THAT will be the difficulty for this no upgrade version, but I still think that with all the boosting, 4 kings may be doable solo, definitely it can be done with two SL1 no upgrade guys that know what theyare doing...unlike witch beatrice...what a wildcard she is!!!! Teh last time I did 4 kings with a summon that knew what he was doing we sata round for like 15 seconds waiting for the next king to come each was done so fast...so if there is way to boost the power (PW, DC, BDR) and melt the kings with pyro such taht it offsets the low damage...then two players using simlar gear will crush them in similar fashion to those that use a lightning weapon wioth no buffs. No?

PSN ID: adepterik2

edit: i gotta stop thinking I can bring the sanctus to the O &S fight..I can't and must place the vessle before fighting Leroy..keep forgetting!!!

I'm thinking about making a magical archer for my next build. Basically a very long-range based character that using almost exclusively magic and bows.

What's the best bow if I'm not going to put much into DEX? Composite and Darkmoon I guess.

I admit the stats bonuses kind of confuse me - looking at the wiki and the stats bonuses give a letter grade, but how does that translate into actually power - since magical weapons kind of suck in this game, is it worth making a magic weapon if it gives a A or S buff from magic, or is it still better to go with say, +14, lightning or chaos because these often give the highest base damage before stat bonuses? How many lvl points do you have to plow into INT before you start seeing the benefits from a A or S grade stat boost. My head hurts!
Yeah its pretty tough to figure out all the differences..its not like you can upgrade both ways and just test the damage easily.....my experience with this kind of character is that you won't use darkmoon, as it is too weighted toward faith, you proly won't use black bow of pharis as it requres 40 faith to beat out the longbow (although I think it may be better than a longbow for distance if you go elemental..maybe not.) I have had firebows of all sorts and never actaully made a lightning bow as I reserve the lightning avelyn fo rthat niche....never used the composite bow for whatever reason.....akways hated the drop in range.....might have been a mistake....and I never did the magic or enchantged bow, but this is intriguing as you can stack the moonluight arrows and as the previous poster mentioned, get the most magic damage all in one shot with only the one resistance carrying most of your blow...worth trying I think. Don't forget the dragonslayer great bow...it requires 20/20 but I think it can be two hadned at 15-16 STR?????
No. You have to go to a bonfire and use that humanity point to reverse hollow. You can tell you're human if you don't look like a zombie ;)


I've relatively new to the game as well. Is there any way to farm humanity? I'm always dying and losing my points lol

fucking bullshit i finally found humanity and was about to summon the NPC and i was invaded and killed.

fuck this shit. now I have to go find humanity again.

Yeah always farm a tonne of humanity beofre going into a situation where you may lose it...I also make sure ot have some stored in my inventory unused just for the situation you mentioned..it happens....but can be minimized by summoning help right away after getting human or going straight to the boss door without dawdling.

HOw to farm? Just help on bosses is the best/most fun if not fastest. ANy rats will drop but you should already have a couipl in your meter for the rats on teh bridge...the three of them drop one or two max only ever 3-5 runs. THe best spot for me is The depths as it is also a summon spot for gaping....invaders know this also and farm farmers so expect a few invasions if you do it human...but no need to...there are also a lot of invader farmers that hang out there as well...kinda one big farmers market I guess?? I ahve gotten 20 humaity in about 30 minutes most times doing my little route that gets them ALL with serpent ring and 8-10 humanity in the bar (usually 2-4 per run). One or two times I got blanked, and one or two times I got 4, but average is 2-3. 410 is the max item discovery rating, so if you are lower thatn that the mimic head thing supposedfly helps (but doesn't show in the stats) but the ring is 200 on its own....even having 1 humanity in teh metre by utself seems to increase the discovery by 100% though from having nothing.

Other options are the weird octopus monsters in DUkes - 1-2 per run, and the babies in TOTG, but the babies stink...thier humnity flashes up but if you dont get it fast enough it disappears...I find it to stationary, annoying and tedious. Depths is my favourite although you will get more souls in Dukes albeit less humanity.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What's the idea behind the Four Kings? It seems I can't buff when I'm in the Abyss flooring to where Power Within/Iron Flesh can't work.

I've been using Soul Arrows, which can do damage but is too slow and they continue to spawn while I'm taking one of them out. :/


What's the idea behind the Four Kings? It seems I can't buff when I'm in the Abyss flooring to where Power Within/Iron Flesh can't work.

I've been using Soul Arrows, which can do damage but is too slow and they continue to spawn while I'm taking one of them out. :/

First time?


Don't bother. They're not too hard on NG you just have to know what to do. Most of their attacks can be blocked or dodged but you may take some damage regardless. I suggest using a green blossom before dropping into the Abyss so that your stamina will regenerate a lot faster. Then just get as close as you can and start swinging like a mad man. Watch out though because they do an attack where they grab you and it does quite a bit of damage.

The general strategy is to just kill them as fast as possible because when you're facing multiple kings it can become quite hard to manage. Pro tip: when one starts disappearing (white light) keep swinging at them because it will take health away from the next one. By the last king you'll only need to hit a few times to take him down.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, that's the problem. I attempted the Power Within/Iron Flesh buff rush strategy but couldn't buff when on the floor and the buffs don't last long on the drop down. And then my melee never hits (or it does but doesn't seem to damage the boss?)

Magic does. But it's too slow and they overwhelm me.


Two-handing your weapon while poisetanking everything with heavy armor with 20 flasks ready to go is the easiest way to cheese the Kings.
Probably will go with a Longbow and enchant it since I have the ember just now. Usually I would upgrade to lightning first chance I get, but I like the idea of making everything magical, so will go enchanted even if the damage is lower.

I don't like the drop in range on a Composite, I find having to aim to the left of something if I want to hit a nuisance - makes head shots more difficult. I never used the Pharis bow that much any way, so longbow it is.

At the moment I'm using a dagger for melee because I don't want this build just to blend back in to my old style of using an Uchigatana, so I'm purposefully handicapping myself with melee to rely more on bows and magic. Also using very light armour so I keep the fast roll as I am not using the DWGR at all this playthrough, I use that thing way too much and ignore all the other useful rings because you feel reliant on having that fast run/flip.

Oh shit! Ok thanks for the answer, no big deal anyway as I'm focusing on pyromancy and sorcery this run anyway. The completionist in me winced a bit though.
There's always NG+ !


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Two-handing your weapon while poisetanking everything with heavy armor with 20 flasks ready to go is the easiest way to cheese the Kings.

Guess I could do that. I mean even naked I can take a hit or two from them. It's just a matter of out damaging them before they summon more of themselves...

I mean I was all COME AT ME BRO *naked* roll roll, arrow arrow, roll roll, arrow, roll roll, arrow arrow down to 50% and then there's like 3-4 of the bastards and they kill me even with the Bellowing Dragon Ring. :(
If you already got the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring (which is found inside a mimic box in Sen's Fortress; increase the item drop rate)

The Lightning Spear is in the mimic box in Sen's; the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring is behind a wall that you open by letting the huge boulders fill up in a hole beneath it. Sound advice otherwise though.


What's the idea behind the Four Kings? It seems I can't buff when I'm in the Abyss flooring to where Power Within/Iron Flesh can't work.

I've been using Soul Arrows, which can do damage but is too slow and they continue to spawn while I'm taking one of them out. :/

It's because you still have the effect from the Transient Curse. It blocks any additional status effects until it runs out.


Don't divide up your damage/stats.

You likely can't buff because you have the Transient Curse active. You can only have one active 'buff' on you. Grass/Power/Iron/MD/TC/etc. Its a pain waiting for the curse to wear off before dropping, so eventually you learn just to ignore the ghost and run to the fog gate.


Anyone here willing to trade me either a Tin Darkmoon Catalyst or a Soul of Gwyndolin? I'll give humanity, souls you name it I'll probably have it, it's the only weapon I need for the "Knight's Honor" achievement. My character is level 125 for anyone interested.
Wear Havel's, sling a grass crest shield on your back, two hand some ridiculous weapon, eat some grass and just start swinging like a crazy man.

NG+ four kings is a different story.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You likely can't buff because you have the Transient Curse active. You can only have one active 'buff' on you. Grass/Power/Iron/MD/TC/etc. Its a pain waiting for the curse to wear off before dropping, so eventually you learn just to ignore the ghost and run to the fog gate.

So, wait, you can't do Power Within/Iron Skin at the same time? WTF. :/

Guess I'll pop a humanity and hopefully someone is around to help tank these bastards... *sigh*


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Got them! Had to summmon help and have them tank while I healed them but fuck it, it's done. Thank god for the non-ganking Japanese at times.

Okay, question: I give the Lord Vessel to this dude, and I can decline joining the convent right now and come back after I open the shortcut that Chaos Convent does and join up right?
Got them! Had to summmon help and have them tank while I healed them but fuck it, it's done. Thank god for the non-ganking Japanese at times.

Okay, question: I give the Lord Vessel to this dude, and I can decline joining the convent right now and come back after I open the shortcut that Chaos Convent does and join up right?



fucking bullshit i finally found humanity and was about to summon the NPC and i was invaded and killed.

fuck this shit. now I have to go find humanity again.

I suggest not going human/summoning this early in the game for a few reasons:

1) there's no good place to farm humanity yet, unless you've opened the depths
2) plenty of people invade with strong weapons in the early areas to prey on noobs - the PVP in this game is not very friendly to newcomers
3) plenty of people are also willing to co-op. However many of these will be way too overpowered, and having someone else kill a boss for you in 3 seconds is kind of missing the point.

So I wouldn't worry about the NPC summon either. Take your weapon to +5, try two handing it also. you can dodge and even roll 'through' most of the attacks. It's all about knowing what to expect and the timing of the attacks. Don't rely on lock on too much either.


Alright all, in the contenting chronicle of my Dark Souls experience...I just rang the first bell above the Undead Church, and now I'm back at the Firelick Shrine (or w/e it's called) How do I get down to the depths to ring the second bell? Just point in the right direction. I wandered around for a while and ended up out in these woods after killing this demon that shot lightning at me...was I in the right area? Or should I be going somewhere else...


Alright all, in the contenting chronicle of my Dark Souls experience...I just rang the first bell above the Undead Church, and now I'm back at the Firelick Shrine (or w/e it's called) How do I get down to the depths to ring the second bell? Just point in the right direction. I wandered around for a while and ended up out in these woods after killing this demon that shot lightning at me...was I in the right area? Or should I be going somewhere else...

Go back to where you met Solaire. Right before the bridge with the Drake overlooking it, there's a locked door to the right that you can open up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Opened up the shortcut. I can now kill the bitch and move to another Convent, right?

Also I killed these Octopus things in Lost Izalith (and Solaritar isn't there, dunno where the hell he's fucked off too since I haven't seen him after I got defeated on summoning him at the worst boss fight in the game. :|) but one up above the pit, I assume I'm fucked on Catarina's quest?
3) plenty of people are also willing to co-op. However many of these will be way too overpowered, and having someone else kill a boss for you in 3 seconds is kind of missing the point.
This is so true, the host doesn't learn how to defeat the boss at all. Sometimes I've been the one of two sunbros and watched the other one rush ahead, open doors, kill mimics, enemies and then sit at the boss fog gate like he saved the world. I find that annoying, I always let the host do everything in the environment, it's their world not mine - I gesture towards mimics etc, and if they get eaten - well they learned a valuable lesson!

Also I killed these Octopus things in Lost Izalith but one up above the pit, I assume I'm fucked on Catarina's quest?
I forget what order you have to do everything, but I'm pretty sure the Lost Izalith encounter is the penultimate one - you can visit there and as long as you don't talk to him it won't trigger. I guess if you hadn't done the ones before, he wouldn't be there. There's a condition I think that relates to his health, so it's best to take out the octopus things except one, then talk to him so that he won't take too much damage from the fight.

That only relates to the ones in the pit, the ones hanging around outside near the boss door respawn (and they drop red chunks which would be handy if it wasn't such a trek from the


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, guess I'm fucked on that quest then and will kill him after getting his shield in Blighttown. Two of them dropped into a pit chasing me. Stupid AI. :/


Does anyone have a blue slab they're willing to trade? I can trade a red slab and I may have a white one. 360 SL 104.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Whoops, punched Griggs attempting to soul suck him. He got pissed at one punch (WTF) and started to attack me. Soul sucked him head on (which is hilarious in animations) for three humanity and killed him. I already got everything I needed off him and IIRC he isn't an important NPC like Logan/quest line so whatever. Sorry dude, but you had to go. Thanks for feeding me 3 humanity to offer to the Dark Wraiths.

Edit: Also the PvP in the Souls series is really stupid. But I've already stated my dislike of invasions and PvP in the past.


Started a no-pyromancy-allowed SL2 (cleric) run. It is not that difficult so far but I am expecting O&S and 4 Kings to give me a run for my money. I'm also going to (try to) not use elemental weapons. Or DWGR. Ok so far - using a Reinforced Club +5 with no buffs and i'm already through Sen's Fortress (Taurus, Gargoyles, Quelaag, Capra, Gaping [keeping the channeler alive, makes the fight more fun], Stray Demon, Iron Golem). Then I started upgrading it and tested it on Sif at +8 and got destroyed, that fight is actually challenging for once. Quelaag was fun as usual, I love that boss at low levels. I used alluring skulls on Capra for the first time - it worked really well and allowed me to kill the dogs and get in the corner of the room for plunging attacks. Both Taurus and Iron Golem fell to their deaths. I encountered a weird bug when fighting stray demon. The sound effects cut out and the music kept playing.. Stray Demon was silent. It gave the fight a weird mood. And then as I'm about to deliver the final blow and he just stops taking damage. My attacks just stopped doing anything. I eventually died and then killed him. This fight would have taken forever if he wasn't susceptible to bleed. Also realized for the first time that the Channeler can (I'm pretty sure!) buff the gaping dragon. I left the channeler alive and partway into the fight when I was near the front of the room the gaping dragon had the aura around him. I didn't get hit by him so I don't know what type of damage increase it does. Did this all in a couple of hours, but I'm sure the second half of the game is going to take significantly longer.. dreading four kings.


I just got the "Dark Soul" achievement in this game, I really have to say that's the accomplishment I'm most proud of in gaming to date. Never have I been more satisfied with a videogame.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I forget. I just beat the Gaping Dragon. I think I'm mid 30s. All zombied out from playing several hours straight tonight. lol

Leveling the Pyromancy Glove and Ascending it is worth it, really. If you have the time, get summoned and level it up from the 10000, 20000, 50000, 60000 souls you get from defeating a boss. You can then be resummoned later to level up.
Even if you don't use the Pyro glove and you a flush with souls, it's worth taking it to Ascending )but not any further) as you can trade it for a red slab with the crow.

Well, guess I'm fucked on that quest then and will kill him after getting his shield in Blighttown. Two of them dropped into a pit chasing me. Stupid AI. :/
Was he in Lost Izalith? If you haven't talked to him in Blighttown yet, he won't be in Lost Izalith and you can do that encounter later on, it doesn't matter that the pit roof already collapsed. The Lost Izalith encounter is after an event in Dukes Archive any way, going to an area 'early' won't trigger the next event AFAIK.

Now you can warp, you could just warp to Chaos Daughter bonfire, get the shield from him, then homebone back to your last bonfire and carry on.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Was he in Lost Izalith? If you haven't talked to him in Blighttown yet, he won't be in Lost Izalith and you can do that encounter later on, it doesn't matter that the pit roof already collapsed. The Lost Izalith encounter is after an event in Dukes Archive any way, going to an area 'early' won't trigger the next event AFAIK.

Now you can warp, you could just warp to Chaos Daughter bonfire, get the shield from him, then homebone back to your last bonfire and carry on.

What's wrong with +ing the ascended flame? Doesn't scale? Because I'm a already Ascended +4

I guess I'll see on that quest, but it isn't sounding good. He wasn't in the area, neither was Solitare, but because I didn't kill the bugs I'm sure Solitare is fucked...
You can ascend it all the way to 5+, and should do if you use Pyro, but if you're not using Pyro you can trade the non-upgraded ascended glove for a red slab. The crow won't accept it if it's +1 or beyond once ascended.

There is a Solaire encounter at the bonfire at the beginning of Lost Izalith after the Centipede Demon, doing that might trigger him appearing at the shortcut I'm not sure - I hate that boss. If you used the shortcut to Izalith, maybe you haven't done the Centipede Demon yet? - That's the only way into Lost Izalith if you don't open up the covenant shortcut.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I haven't done either of the bosses in the Demon's Ruins yet. I'm going to farm humanity for the Dark Wraiths. Then I gotta figure out the other convents (outside of Chaos) that need online play stuff and do those if I can't farm them by myself quickly and then do the other convents and clean up the magic/faith/pyro spells I'm missing.

Then I gotta worry about unique weapons, and then beat the game.
What's wrong with +ing the ascended flame? Doesn't scale? Because I'm a already Ascended +4

I guess I'll see on that quest, but it isn't sounding good. He wasn't in the area, neither was Solitare, but because I didn't kill the bugs I'm sure Solitare is fucked...

Only reason not to upgrade the pyro glove is if you like using power within. The power boost you get doesn't increase with upgrading, but the damage you take does.
Wear Havel's, sling a grass crest shield on your back, two hand some ridiculous weapon, eat some grass and just start swinging like a crazy man.

NG+ four kings is a different story.

Poise buffing, with Power Within (Iron Flesh once it wears off) and any strong +10 Fire weapon works relatively fine on NG+, stamina is always the main issue. On NG++, and more recently my NG+++ IT IS a different story! Green blossom's never tasted so good and you really need to master all their tells/attacks while doing it fast, dodging and using Havel's Shield when needed. And even then I ended up fighting the first two kings at once at a point. Maybe a Chaos weapon w/ 10 Humanity would work better for more damage? Not sure, I was wearing Ornstein's set with the child mask on. Barely made it.

Edit: Weapons I was using were a Fire Halberd +10 (which I abandoned due to so many misses) and a Fire Iaito +10 which got the job done.
I can't stop making characters in this game. I just restarted my mage/archer, not sure why. Once I beat O&S I kind of lose interest, even though I like some of the later areas.

The first half of the game is definately better IMO, a lot of the later areas don't feel as fully realised. The journey from Undead Asylum to Anor Londo is really strong, after that it's patchy. I'm still playing though after all this time, I wanted to move on to Dragon's Dogma, but DS will NOT let go!
Poise buffing, with Power Within (Iron Flesh once it wears off) and any strong +10 Fire weapon works relatively fine on NG+, stamina is always the main issue. On NG++, and more recently my NG+++ IT IS a different story! Green blossom's never tasted so good and you really need to master all their tells/attacks while doing it fast, dodging and using Havel's Shield when needed. And even then I ended up fighting the first two kings at once at a point. Maybe a Chaos weapon w/ 10 Humanity would work better for more damage? Not sure, I was wearing Ornstein's set with the child mask on. Barely made it.

Edit: Weapons I was using were a Fire Halberd +10 (which I abandoned due to so many misses) and a Fire Iaito +10 which got the job done.
the thing that threw me off with ng+ 4 kings the first time around is that after killing the 4th king, i thought i was done, but there were still more i had to kill and i unexpectedly got bumrushed. i can't even imagine ng+++... how many kings would you have to kill?
I can't stop making characters in this game. I just restarted my mage/archer, not sure why. Once I beat O&S I kind of lose interest, even though I like some of the later areas.

The first half of the game is definately better IMO, a lot of the later areas don't feel as fully realised. The journey from Undead Asylum to Anor Londo is really strong, after that it's patchy. I'm still playing though after all this time, I wanted to move on to Dragon's Dogma, but DS will NOT let go!

The best post Anor Londo area is Duke's Archives by far. I think the Catacombs/Tomb of the Giants area is my least favorite area in the game, and the thought of eventually having to do it again is what's keeping me from continuing my New Game+ playthrough. I do have the same character creation sickness though. I have a NG+ thief/pyromancer character, a sorcerer character, a wanderer character, and I want to create a paladin so I cover everything.

Yo Gotti

The best post Anor Londo area is Duke's Archives by far. I think the Catacombs/Tomb of the Giants area is my least favorite area in the game, and the thought of eventually having to do it again is what's keeping me from continuing my New Game+ playthrough. I do have the same character creation sickness though. I have a NG+ thief/pyromancer character, a sorcerer character, a wanderer character, and I want to create a paladin so I cover everything.

TOTG legitimately terrifies me. Even though it's not a huge area, I dread going through it every time. I can't say I hate it, but so far I've put 2 characters on hold (NG+ and a LVL 60) just because I reached that area, plus the though of Lost Izalith afterwards isn't too encouraging.


TOTG is a decent area once you explore everything.

Skeleton dogs used to terrify me but then I realized you can run past every single one.
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