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Dark Souls |OT4| Victory achieved for Scamco, text defeated

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lol I just found out movement speed is based on % of the equipment load, now I have medium movement speed and the roll is so much better.

Just beat the capra demon, I think that was its name, one of his dogs got stuck behind some trees so I was able to kill him with ease, all according to plan.

I really need a new weapon or some sort, kind of takes forever to kill bosses with the axe I have. Decided to learn a healing spell, but that's all the skills I have outside of normal meleeing :(

Try the Drake Sword.
lol I just found out movement speed is based on % of the equipment load, now I have medium movement speed and the roll is so much better.

Just beat the capra demon, I think that was its name, one of his dogs got stuck behind some trees so I was able to kill him with ease, all according to plan.

I really need a new weapon or some sort, kind of takes forever to kill bosses with the axe I have. Decided to learn a healing spell, but that's all the skills I have outside of normal meleeing :(
For strength go back to the Parish blacksmith and try the bastard sword.


Spent quite a bit of time wandering around Anor Londo trying to figure out what to do. The buttress? Really? A rare misstep for From.


Hey gaf, I think I got through blight town, ended up at new londo ruins, does that sound about right? I really don't want to look anything up for walkthroughs, or whatever, but I thought maybe asking to make sure this is the right track is okay...


Hey gaf, I think I got through blight town, ended up at new londo ruins, does that sound about right? I really don't want to look anything up for walkthroughs, or whatever, but I thought maybe asking to make sure this is the right track is okay...

Hath thou received the Lord Vessel?


Hath thou received the Lord Vessel?
No...I guess that means I'm going back to blight town, dammit. One thing, though, about the new londo ruins; the ghosts that showed up, before violently murdering me, reminded me quite pointedly of the "librarian spirit" from the beginning of Ghostbusters. It startled me so much that I dropped my controller, that scene with the ghost just floating there, unsettled me quite a bit as a child back in the 1980's.


No...I guess that means I'm going back to blight town, dammit. One thing, though, about the new londo ruins; the ghosts that showed up, before violently murdering me, reminded me quite pointedly of the "librarian spirit" from the beginning of Ghostbusters. It startled me so much that I dropped my controller, that scene with the ghost just floating there, unsettled me quite a bit as a child back in the 1980's.

No, you must go to Anor Londo through Sen's Fortress. Sen's Fortress is a treacherous place with multiple traps. It is perhaps the shortest level that would be played multiple times due to the darn traps. Also, it's a good place to acquire multiple demon titanites. It's a tricky place because aside from traps you would also need to solve puzzle/s to proceed through it.

After you defeat the boss of Sen's Fortress, you shall get the chance to visit Anor Londo, a place where farming for souls and titanite chunk is recommended if you have decent stats. Only after defeating the final opponent/s of Anor Londo, will you receive the Lord Vessel.

Frankly, you can do the New Londo Ruins right now since there is no bonfires for resting. Be warned however, the enemies there are not only scary but one group in particular is truly troubling. Things just get exacerbated due to the lack of a bonfire. It's best to open all the shortcuts (just like every where else in DS universe).

Also note, Lord Vessel allows you to warp or in plainer terms teleport among certain bonfires making backtracking unnecessary.

EDIT: Note that the best way to deal with ghosts is to purchase "Transient Curse" from the female hollow merchant who can be found in the dark tunnel that leads to both Undead Burg and Depths.

Also, do tell if the fire keeper of Firelink Shrine is still alive?
No...I guess that means I'm going back to blight town, dammit. One thing, though, about the new londo ruins; the ghosts that showed up, before violently murdering me, reminded me quite pointedly of the "librarian spirit" from the beginning of Ghostbusters. It startled me so much that I dropped my controller, that scene with the ghost just floating there, unsettled me quite a bit as a child back in the 1980's.
Did you fight Queelag down in Blighttown? If you did you can now enter Sen's Fortress, it is closed until you ring both bells.

The good news is now you've unlocked the shortcut between New Londo and Valley Of Drakes you never need need go through the Depths entrance to Blighttown again unless you want to.


Did you fight Queelag down in Blighttown? If you did you can now enter Sen's Fortress, it is closed until you ring both bells.

The good news is now you've unlocked the shortcut between New Londo and Valley Of Drakes you never need need go through the Depths entrance to Blighttown again unless you want to.
I just defeated queelag, I am now in the demon ruins, I think it's called. Going very slowly, very cautiously, outside of Demon's souls, obviously, I've never played a more deeply unsettling action adventure game.
Edit: oh, hello, ceaseless discharge. What's that you say? I need to die again? Okay, buddy.
I just defeated queelag, I am now in the demon ruins, I think it's called. Going very slowly, very cautiously, outside of Demon's souls, obviously, I've never played a more deeply unsettling action adventure game.
Did you ring the bell? If so, you saw a cut scene of a giant opening the gate to Sen's Fortress, which is where you should go next.

Feel free to explore, though.


Oh, I see. I've been playing blindly, so up and out? Okay.

Well ....there are a lot of things you will miss if you don't at least gets hints from us on here...I don't mean grab the wiki and find everything without searching......but atthe start of demon's ruins there are at least 2 major items you can get by doind a suicide or homeward bone run that are WAAAY better to get now that youare there as opposed to later. Also...there is a hidden area that holds a covenant somewhere between queelag and discharge....I strongly recommend using your search skills intensely in this area and do not leave until you find all there is to findin that area...it will be better for your playthough to find this stuff.


Is the Greatsword of Artorias worth it? Some stupid stat spreads...

no...its better to get higher stat bonus in a single domain and to boost your VIT, END or a specialty domain like STR or DEX, and/or FAITH or INT (like moonlight greatsword with 50 intelligence) and to not spread it all out like that...unless you are willing to get crazy leveled and do not want to be part of mulitplayer and are willign to go through multiple NG+'s to raise the statsin several domains .....this sword sucks.


no...its better to get higher stat bonus in a single domain and to boost your VIT, END or a specialty domain like STR or DEX, and/or FAITH or INT (like moonlight greatsword with 50 intelligence) and to not spread it all out like that...unless you are willing to get crazy leveled and do not want to be part of mulitplayer and are willign to go through multiple NG+'s to raise the statsin several domains .....this sword sucks.

Roger that. Thanks!


What's the best early game shield? Right now I'm using the spider shield at the
bell gargoyle
and I'm thinking something better would help.


Been playing it quite a bit and got up to the
Sen Fortress, Golem boss
before calling it a night. The bastards sorta hid the bonfire in this area. I went through the entire area and took care of everyone and found myself in front a big fog entrance, we all know what that means. Thought this can't be right and checked the wiki if there was a bonfire in the area, wouldn't have found it otherwise.

Drake sword is still serving me decently, not sure what to replace with even.

The long bow is a friggin life saver. long range can make so many situations a non issue in this game. Huge area of vision so if you see something in the distance then you can shoot it and it can't do anything about it (so many mini bosses and big baddies went down without a fight). Its very important to have one in this game imo.

Not sure what to think of the bonfire system. On the one hand it helps grinding and provides a check point in the area but on the other its the same system as Demon Souls but without the ability to instantly choose where you want to go (so a ton of backtracking).

I also don't like that your character looks butt ugly in the undead state, he looked just fine in soul form in Demon Souls. I'm not engaging in online play so I'm stuck in the land of the ugly all the time. At least the note leaving/reading is fun.

What's the best early game shield? Right now I'm using the spider shield at the
bell gargoyle
and I'm thinking something better would help.

I've been using nothing but the heater shield from beginning, it has 100% damage reduction when guarding.

Spider shield is mostly used for poison resistance iirc.
I hate when there is a message right on top of a bonfire/ladder/lever, this has led to many a PvP death where you're in a tight spot and can't get up a ladder because you're still viewing the message - what's worse is they always have tons of votes, like a message saying 'Bonfire' that is on top of bonfire needs 67 + ratings :/

What's the best early game shield? Right now I'm using the spider shield at the
bell gargoyle
and I'm thinking something better would help.
The grass crest shield can be found in Darkroot Basin, it has stamina regen and blocks 95% of physical. Not the best for every situation, but that regen is hard to resist!
What's the best early game shield? Right now I'm using the spider shield at the
bell gargoyle
and I'm thinking something better would help.

If you want to,
use the crow and go back to the Undead Asylum. Fight the knight that gave you the Estus Flasks (he's hollow now) and you can get the Crest Shield, which is pretty good and somewhat light as well. Just don't accidentally fight the Stray Demon instead 'cause you'll probably get whooped.


Saw the Dark souls embargo thread. Not sure what to think about the port, but gotta love the reactions. If it does end up getting review/sales bombed, hopefully it doesn't fuck with the future of the series.


Thanks for the help guys, i'll try to decide which one I want to go for.

the shields mentioned are all good, and you want to pick up the grass crest for the reason mentioned....but each has their spot...... your spider is great owing to its ability to block poison attacks, the crest is the highest magic block in the game, the dragon crest is the best early fire block unless the black knight drops his shield, and the wooden shield from firelink has the best lightning block for running by the drakes. Repeat, you want all these shields....but it is stability that is the most important stat and therefore the one that gives you the most stability once upgraded is the best. Mot times I just upgrade the grass crest and suffer with a little less stability as the regen is more important if you two hand a weapon....If you two hand a weapon grass crest is the ONLY choice. Interestingly, the knight shield actually has the highest stability without upgrades but your spider shield and the drop form the shield wielding undead grunts in the berg is a well balanced shield with high stability.

BUt if you are a shield enthusiast, and there are times in the game where you will need to be, the eagle shield is the best for keeping stats low and having high stability...it blocks like a greatshield but is light and has high lightning resist...only drawback is that you can not parry with it....still a must have item and early game ? Master key makes this item worth an early trip to blightown to acquire through the back door. Because its about halfway through the level you can go the depths route...but why wait?


Any recommendations for what armor to use/upgrade? I've haven't upgraded a single one yet but used various ones here and there (starter warrior set, black leather, tattered set, crimson set etc). I just found an Eastern set and have a whole bunch of others (Knight, Elite Knight etc.)

Sporting the Eastern right now since I just found it, looks pretty cool. Is it worth sticking to and upgrading? If I upgrade would it last me till the end of the game?

Also what stat should I boost aside from VIT and END? I've been mostly doing melee so far with a drake sword and long range when necessary with a long bow +4.

Oh and just to put things in perspective as to how far in I'm in
I've cleared the Undead Burg, Depths, Blighttown, Parish and Sen Fortress. Am pretty far into the Darkroots Garden right now.

The grass crest shield can be found in Darkroot Basin, it has stamina regen and blocks 95% of physical. Not the best for every situation, but that regen is hard to resist!

This shield is pretty sweet, thanks.
Sen Fortress Golem am down thanks to it


Any recommendations for what armor to use/upgrade? I've haven't upgraded a single one yet but used various ones here and there (starter warrior set, black leather, tattered set, crimson set etc). I just found an Eastern set and have a whole bunch of others (Knight, Elite Knight etc.)

Sporting the Eastern right now since I just found it, looks pretty cool. Is it worth sticking to and upgrading? If I upgrade would it last me till the end of the game?

Also what stat should I boost aside from VIT and END? I've been mostly doing melee so far with a drake sword and long range when necessary with a long bow +4.

Oh and just to put things in perspective as to how far in I'm in
I've cleared the Undead Burg, Depths, Blighttown, Parish and Sen Fortress. Am pretty far into the Darkroots Garden right now.

This shield is pretty sweet, thanks.
Sen Fortress Golem am down thanks to it

The armour becomes more of a choice about how it looks than what it does for you....Eastern will work for you but you may need Hvel's ring or the DWGR in order to keep light on your feet ....which is more importnat than how you look unfortunately. You can trade out peices of armour to get good magic, fire, poison, curese, or lightning defence...but upgrading the armour that you can still roll at less than 25% is most NB.....if you like heavier armour lke eastern...get the rings...otherwise stick with antiquted skirt +5 gold hemmed set, and upgrade either the tattered or the crimson depending on whether you want more curse or more poison resist.

IMO the best armour looks wise is the Kirk armour that can only be gotten by fulfilling a difficult NPC invasion trilogy....it has spikes that actually affect the enemy when you roll and even though it does little damage the stun effect is invaluable...I require the DWGRing in order to have a full suit and do what I want to do though. Which bring s meot the next idea...what to raise?

You can actually get by with less endurance and vitality when you get good, so I usually limit those now (1000 hours of souls now.) Normally its best to put lots into one of dex str int or faith...By limiting my vitality and endurance I get to do hybrids that either do STR or DEX AND either INT or FAITH.

What should you do? depends on your stats (maybe post them) and what you wnat to upgrade for a weapon...you MUST get rid of thatdrake sword and upgrade a real weapon and this will decide for you what to raise.......

dex - rapiers or katanas - my favourite the washing pole.
str - black knight weapons or dragon weapons along with zwei or axes. many others
INT - moonlight greatsword...nuff said
faith- several switched to occult are ok but I usually leave my weapons bare+15 and use the awesome faith buffs either sunlight or darkmoon.


Unconfirmed Member
Saw the Dark souls embargo thread. Not sure what to think about the port, but gotta love the reactions. If it does end up getting review/sales bombed, hopefully it doesn't fuck with the future of the series.
Hear, hear. I don't like the attitude of From simply chucking PC gamers a bone, but some of the reactions are rather hysterical.

People who bought/love/still play Dark Souls on consoles will be buying the DLC anyway (maybe instead of the PC version now), and that will hopefully show there is still a great deal of support for the series, even if From/NB have no desire to "help computer".


Hi everyone.

I've just started playing Dark Souls and really enjoying so far. I've wanted to play a Souls game ever since hearing about Demon's Souls. I don't own a PS3 so its fantastic a Souls game is out on Xbox and I'm really happy that I'm finally getting round to playing this.

I had a question you guys might be able to help me with: I was having trouble finding a bonfire in or near
Darkroot Garden
and after much searching I finally resorted to using a wiki: one is located near the
sealed white orb door
. Dark Souls seems pretty fair for the most part but I just can't see how one would find this bonfire without using a wiki or someone leaving a message (I was playing offline). Did I miss something? It's my first encounter with a
fake/breakable wall
There are other illusory walls - there aren't a load of them, but a few.

Fake walls usually have a telltale sign, like they actually look like a door arch that was bricked up and plastered over - so hit a few more of those on your travels and see what you find!


The armour becomes more of a choice about how it looks than what it does for you....Eastern will work for you but you may need Hvel's ring or the DWGR in order to keep light on your feet ....which is more importnat than how you look unfortunately. You can trade out peices of armour to get good magic, fire, poison, curese, or lightning defence...but upgrading the armour that you can still roll at less than 25% is most NB.....if you like heavier armour lke eastern...get the rings...otherwise stick with antiquted skirt +5 gold hemmed set, and upgrade either the tattered or the crimson depending on whether you want more curse or more poison resist.

IMO the best armour looks wise is the Kirk armour that can only be gotten by fulfilling a difficult NPC invasion trilogy....it has spikes that actually affect the enemy when you roll and even though it does little damage the stun effect is invaluable...I require the DWGRing in order to have a full suit and do what I want to do though. Which bring s meot the next idea...what to raise?

You can actually get by with less endurance and vitality when you get good, so I usually limit those now (1000 hours of souls now.) Normally its best to put lots into one of dex str int or faith...By limiting my vitality and endurance I get to do hybrids that either do STR or DEX AND either INT or FAITH.

What should you do? depends on your stats (maybe post them) and what you wnat to upgrade for a weapon...you MUST get rid of thatdrake sword and upgrade a real weapon and this will decide for you what to raise.......

dex - rapiers or katanas - my favourite the washing pole.
str - black knight weapons or dragon weapons along with zwei or axes. many others
INT - moonlight greatsword...nuff said
faith- several switched to occult are ok but I usually leave my weapons bare+15 and use the awesome faith buffs either sunlight or darkmoon.

Guess I'll go try getting that skirt, I've already beaten the Hydra (went in the wrong direction so took care of it way early in my play through). And also already have the gold hemmed set (it can't be upgraded though, doesn't that make it weak?). Guess I'll go with this and the Crimson set.

I heard the Knight set is one of the best in the game with very high poise. I've been using all light thus far but I don't mind trying a medium weight character if its any good.

Found a nice soul farming spot yesterday so did so did some grinding for about an hour, my current stats are:

VIT 27
ATT 12
END 30
STR 17
DEX 14
RES 11
INT 10
FAI 12

Yeah I heard the Drake Sword is a noob trap. Supposedly so good in the beginning but once ppl get to Sen Fortress they get destroyed if they use it. Didn't happen to me though, Sen was pretty easy.

But yeah, I should probably switch. Thinking of either going for a spear (have a Partizan and Winged Spear) or a Katana (don't have any unfortunately).

Oh and another thing, do rolls have any invincibility frames in this game? I could have sworn I rolled through various enemy attacks multiple times now, King of Fighters style.


Had a few questions:

1. Just to confirm: That individual stats and the overall level will be retained when going into NG+

2. Do we still keep the Master Key if it is bought (post patch 1.05) when starting NG+?

3. Are my current stats enough to go through the game without further levelling up? I am at Duke's Archive post
inevitable death

My stats are:

Vit: 46
ATT: 14
END: 40
STR: 28
DEX: 40
RES: 13
INT: 20
FAI: 20


Had a few questions:

1. Just to confirm: That individual stats and the overall level will be retained when going into NG+

2. Do we still keep the Master Key if it is bought (post patch 1.05) when starting NG+?

3. Are my current stats enough to go through the game without further levelling up? I am at Duke's Archive post
inevitable death

My stats are:

Vit: 46
ATT: 14
END: 40
STR: 28
DEX: 40
RES: 13
INT: 20
FAI: 20

hm yes to all 3. To 3 A maxed weapon and shield are way more important than levels. But with your stats you should be fine.


Guess I'll go try getting that skirt, I've already beaten the Hydra (went in the wrong direction so took care of it way early in my play through). And also already have the gold hemmed set (it can't be upgraded though, doesn't that make it weak?). Guess I'll go with this and the Crimson set.

I heard the Knight set is one of the best in the game with very high poise. I've been using all light thus far but I don't mind trying a medium weight character if its any good.

Found a nice soul farming spot yesterday so did so did some grinding for about an hour, my current stats are:

VIT 27
ATT 12
END 30
STR 17
DEX 14
RES 11
INT 10
FAI 12

Yeah I heard the Drake Sword is a noob trap. Supposedly so good in the beginning but once ppl get to Sen Fortress they get destroyed if they use it. Didn't happen to me though, Sen was pretty easy.

But yeah, I should probably switch. Thinking of either going for a spear (have a Partizan and Winged Spear) or a Katana (don't have any unfortunately).

Oh and another thing, do rolls have any invincibility frames in this game? I could have sworn I rolled through various enemy attacks multiple times now, King of Fighters style.

Did you get the lightning spear in sens? Just saying....if you like spears (and everyone should have at least one as a back-up for certain situations) this one comes at level 2 and once upgraded can be the main weapon of your game....most realize that any weapon will be able to be upgraded to lightning later in Anor Londo, but this one usually gets people turning heads as it usually doubles the drake sword in power.

Katanas are available in Blightown (Iato) and my favourite the Washing pole is acquired only through an NPC event started in the forest yet finished in blightown.
If you talk to the cat in the forest she will get you into her covenant and then you need to talk to Shiva just outside the door....he will open a shop in Blightotown a the bottom of the water wheel.....once you are done with that covenant and bought all there is to buy its worth killing both him and his henchman for extreme loot.

Most people's favourite straight sword is the balder side sword, it drops from the knights in upper parish...but I never seem to get it even after grinding for it.

You can get all kinds of great weapons...raise them to +15 and apply buffs to them instead of going fire chaos or lightning...but having one each of those is fun too.

Your stats are perfect for where you are....you have not overdone it any domain, and seeing as you likely started as a pyro (res 11 int 10 iirc) you will have had the chance to build good magic skills such that if you want to branch out into faith or intelligence you could do that now if you wish. If you do you may also want to add an attunement slot by going 14 (iirc.) You can decide if you need more vitality or endurance...If it were me I would stop and build either str or dex AND either int or faith and cap the overall soul level at 70-90...depending on how much PVP you want in certain areas.....you can get 120 and still find PVP in NG+ but it seems the frequency of gankers etc is high at that level as it allows them to get and fully wear the giant's and havel's sets, and still roll with the various masks from the catacombs. By staying at 70-90 you get more frequent PVP and also higher quality....probably the best players in the game stay there so don't think it will be easier...just more polite as you get demolished.


Did you get the lightning spear in sens? Just saying....if you like spears (and everyone should have at least one as a back-up for certain situations) this one comes at level 2 and once upgraded can be the main weapon of your game....most realize that any weapon will be able to be upgraded to lightning later in Anor Londo, but this one usually gets people turning heads as it usually doubles the drake sword in power.

Katanas are available in Blightown (Iato) and my favourite the Washing pole is acquired only through an NPC event started in the forest yet finished in blightown.
If you talk to the cat in the forest she will get you into her covenant and then you need to talk to Shiva just outside the door....he will open a shop in Blightotown a the bottom of the water wheel.....once you are done with that covenant and bought all there is to buy its worth killing both him and his henchman for extreme loot.

Most people's favourite straight sword is the balder side sword, it drops from the knights in upper parish...but I never seem to get it even after grinding for it.

You can get all kinds of great weapons...raise them to +15 and apply buffs to them instead of going fire chaos or lightning...but having one each of those is fun too.

Your stats are perfect for where you are....you have not overdone it any domain, and seeing as you likely started as a pyro (res 11 int 10 iirc) you will have had the chance to build good magic skills such that if you want to branch out into faith or intelligence you could do that now if you wish. If you do you may also want to add an attunement slot by going 14 (iirc.) You can decide if you need more vitality or endurance...If it were me I would stop and build either str or dex AND either int or faith and cap the overall soul level at 70-90...depending on how much PVP you want in certain areas.....you can get 120 and still find PVP in NG+ but it seems the frequency of gankers etc is high at that level as it allows them to get and fully wear the giant's and havel's sets, and still roll with the various masks from the catacombs. By staying at 70-90 you get more frequent PVP and also higher quality....probably the best players in the game stay there so don't think it will be easier...just more polite as you get demolished.

I didn't get the lightning spear yet but I know where it is (the guy kicked my ass once lol). I'll get it on my way through Sen to the new area beyond. Just want to try a weapon class I haven't really used before, its usually swords for me in games.

Lucky, my last save is right outside the place with the cat.
I'll enter the covenant and get me some Katanas when I'm by Blighttown again.

Hehe I have the Balder Straight Sword, didn't know it was a rare-ish drop. I'll enjoy it on your behalf :p

In that case I think I'll start concentrating on DEX (since it seems to benefit all the weapons I'm interested, spears, katanas, rapiers and bows) and INT (Great Heavy Soul Arrow sounds really good). Not interested in PVP at all to be honest so I'm not really keeping that aspect in mind for my build but I'll still keep your advice in mind just in case and stop somewhere between 70-90. I started as a warrior btw.

Really appreciate your help man, thank you :)


hm yes to all 3. To 3 A maxed weapon and shield are way more important than levels. But with your stats you should be fine.

Thanks mate

Did you get the lightning spear in sens? Just saying....if you like spears (and everyone should have at least one as a back-up for certain situations) this one comes at level 2 and once upgraded can be the main weapon of your game....most realize that any weapon will be able to be upgraded to lightning later in Anor Londo, but this one usually gets people turning heads as it usually doubles the drake sword in power.

Katanas are available in Blightown (Iato) and my favourite the Washing pole is acquired only through an NPC event started in the forest yet finished in blightown.
If you talk to the cat in the forest she will get you into her covenant and then you need to talk to Shiva just outside the door....he will open a shop in Blightotown a the bottom of the water wheel.....once you are done with that covenant and bought all there is to buy its worth killing both him and his henchman for extreme loot.

Most people's favourite straight sword is the balder side sword, it drops from the knights in upper parish...but I never seem to get it even after grinding for it.

You can get all kinds of great weapons...raise them to +15 and apply buffs to them instead of going fire chaos or lightning...but having one each of those is fun too.

Your stats are perfect for where you are....you have not overdone it any domain, and seeing as you likely started as a pyro (res 11 int 10 iirc) you will have had the chance to build good magic skills such that if you want to branch out into faith or intelligence you could do that now if you wish. If you do you may also want to add an attunement slot by going 14 (iirc.) You can decide if you need more vitality or endurance...If it were me I would stop and build either str or dex AND either int or faith and cap the overall soul level at 70-90...depending on how much PVP you want in certain areas.....you can get 120 and still find PVP in NG+ but it seems the frequency of gankers etc is high at that level as it allows them to get and fully wear the giant's and havel's sets, and still roll with the various masks from the catacombs. By staying at 70-90 you get more frequent PVP and also higher quality....probably the best players in the game stay there so don't think it will be easier...just more polite as you get demolished.

I am making a dex based character this time around. And like you, I have all the three types of Katanas (I use washing pole for Boss fights and it is at +15 normal reinforcement). I love Iaito's style and have it +14. I also managed to get Shiva's weapon and his body guards ring after he was no longer useful.

The reason I even upgraded magic and faith to where it is to use certain types of enhancement magic and homeward miracle which is great during farming sessions. And I also have the lighting spear upgraded to +14 atm. Thanks for your post.

Btw, two other things:

1. I really like using the special Scythe that can created with you-know-who's soul. However, is there a trick to using it and get the huge blow back in the form bleed damage? During the heat of battle it's so hard to keep track of how far the meter fills up.

2. Has glitch been fixed yet? New players, please note that DON'T do this if you want to be challenged or want to play the game fairly. That said, DS is such a game that skills remain the paramount force for defeating enemies.
In that case I think I'll start concentrating on DEX (since it seems to benefit all the weapons I'm interested, spears, katanas, rapiers and bows) and INT (Great Heavy Soul Arrow sounds really good). Not interested in PVP at all to be honest so I'm not really keeping that aspect in mind for my build but I'll still keep your advice in mind just in case and stop somewhere between 70-90. I started as a warrior btw.

Try not to do every awesome thing possible in one runthrough. For reference, I've beaten the game with two characters. The first I started as a thief but adapted pyromancy to help myself out for the bosses and I beat the game at lvl 68. Pretty much the only stats I boosted for that run were VIT and END because my main weapon was a lightning bandit's knife (no scaling) and the pyromancy glove (no scaling). The second runthrough I did pure sorcerer and beat the game at lvl 75, and for that run my INT was at 50 when I beat the game. And for that runthrough I ended up using the
Moonlight Greatsword, a weapon that scales with INT
as my main melee weapon.

If you're just now going to start boosting your INT for sorcery spells, it's probably not going to be worth it in the long run unless you're just going for enhancement. You won't be able to do proper damage until your INT is way up there. It'd probably be better to go pyromancy if you feel the need for some magic since pyromancy isn't linked to a stat and its power is purely based on leveling up the pyromancy glove.
Thanks mate

I am making a dex based character this time around. And like you, I have all the three types of Katanas (I use washing pole for Boss fights and it is at +15 normal reinforcement). I love Iaito's style and have it +14. I also managed to get Shiva's weapon and his body guards ring after he was no longer useful.

The reason I even upgraded magic and faith to where it is to use certain types of enhancement magic and homeward miracle which is great during farming sessions. And I also have the lighting spear upgraded to +14 atm. Thanks for your post.

Btw, two other things:

1. I really like using the special Scythe that can created with you-know-who's soul. However, is there a trick to using it and get the huge blow back in the form bleed damage? During the heat of battle it's so hard to keep track of how far the meter fills up.

2. Has glitch been fixed yet? New players, please note that DON'T do this if you want to be challenged or want to play the game fairly. That said, DS is such a game that skills remain the paramount force for defeating enemies.

That version of the glitch has been fixed, however, there is a new way to do that glitch.


There are other illusory walls - there aren't a load of them, but a few.

Fake walls usually have a telltale sign, like they actually look like a door arch that was bricked up and plastered over - so hit a few more of those on your travels and see what you find!

Yeah I sort of noticed that after the fact. A pretty damn subtle hint though - I still can't imagine many people new to the Souls games finding this... I suspose I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't able to find it by myself :(


Hear, hear. I don't like the attitude of From simply chucking PC gamers a bone, but some of the reactions are rather hysterical.

People who bought/love/still play Dark Souls on consoles will be buying the DLC anyway (maybe instead of the PC version now), and that will hopefully show there is still a great deal of support for the series, even if From/NB have no desire to "help computer".

It is probably wrong or mean to say most of the people clamoring for it were going to wait for a Steam sale anyway and this is just an easy justification after the big hubbub with the petition and subsequent Master Race gloating , but the thought is there. I was never planning on buying the PC edition at release, since I've always thought the online would be terrible, but I liked the idea of it being there to replay in a few years. Right now I just want a DLC release date.

Meanwhile, I'm doing a no-level up run through Demon's Souls. Knight. Standard equipment and armor only. Things feel a lot different without fast roll. I've never used a shield much in either game after I found the M. Hammer in Demon's years back. Now I'm clinging to one. -- If I manage to finish it under these conditions, I'm going to try to do the same in Dark Souls. No levels. Default Gear. etc.


Thanks mate

I am making a dex based character this time around. And like you, I have all the three types of Katanas (I use washing pole for Boss fights and it is at +15 normal reinforcement). I love Iaito's style and have it +14. I also managed to get Shiva's weapon and his body guards ring after he was no longer useful.

The reason I even upgraded magic and faith to where it is to use certain types of enhancement magic and homeward miracle which is great during farming sessions. And I also have the lighting spear upgraded to +14 atm. Thanks for your post.

Btw, two other things:

1. I really like using the special Scythe that can created with you-know-who's soul. However, is there a trick to using it and get the huge blow back in the form bleed damage? During the heat of battle it's so hard to keep track of how far the meter fills up.

2. Has glitch been fixed yet? New players, please note that DON'T do this if you want to be challenged or want to play the game fairly. That said, DS is such a game that skills remain the paramount force for defeating enemies.

as mentioned there are always ways to glitch....but I have not bothered with the new way to get souls....souls are not important for me because I love PVP and am interested to experience each level of multiplayer as I go along and I don't upgrade as much either anymore. Last character I did was a no-upgrade no level SL1 pyro. Was able to get stone Armour working early with DWGR and Havels and found the occult club and downgraded to Divine so it would work in catacombs. Stuck at O &S and will likely summon but only someone that is also doing a similar SL1 or 2 run.....got a new rig so diverted my attention there obviously but will come back to it.

yeah your scythe is a well acclaimed weapon...but I have not used the bleed affect of any weapon much....similar to what happens to you though, the bar has to build past a certain point and will decrease quickly if you don't throw another swing...hence a flurry of combo shots...I would guess three or four are needed to trigger the bleed.

yeah no worries about your leveling....each to their own....but I have found a lot of fun in starting over and re-experiencing the lower levels again rather than do NG+'s although really there is not much difference anymore especially if you bottom box glitch (this glitch I still use on occasion as it is more valuable to have certain gear as it is to have it leveled high.)

Really appreciate your help man, thank you :)

no prob.....make sure to pm me here and then message me on PSN network if you wish to summon me for help on later bosses.
PSNid: adepterik2


1. I really like using the special Scythe that can created with you-know-who's soul. However, is there a trick to using it and get the huge blow back in the form bleed damage? During the heat of battle it's so hard to keep track of how far the meter fills up.

Bloodshield which you should have if you did you-know-who's area, Bloodbite ring (from Oswald), red moss, some armour with high bleed resist (dingy, gold hemmed, big hat, shadow are all good - prob want something with some poise as well though) will all help your bar from filling up so quick.


I'm at the point where I stopped using the Grass shield. Easier to eat grass before a fight, and free up that weight for something else. Being able to equip a lightning shotel in the offhand with base endurance has been worth it.


First illusory wall I found was the entrance to the Hollows.

I take it the Hollows come later in the game? Anyway, don't answer that :)

Good to know that I'm not the only one missing these. Now I feel the urge to hunt thru the Undead Parish etc to see if I've missed other such walls... On the other hand the desire to beat up some more baddies is also strong :)


I put the game down forever due to fucking bed of chaos. Now I'm back at it and still can't seem to make the damn final jump.

Edit: YES! I finally did it! Now where?


Try not to do every awesome thing possible in one runthrough. For reference, I've beaten the game with two characters. The first I started as a thief but adapted pyromancy to help myself out for the bosses and I beat the game at lvl 68. Pretty much the only stats I boosted for that run were VIT and END because my main weapon was a lightning bandit's knife (no scaling) and the pyromancy glove (no scaling). The second runthrough I did pure sorcerer and beat the game at lvl 75, and for that run my INT was at 50 when I beat the game. And for that runthrough I ended up using the
Moonlight Greatsword, a weapon that scales with INT
as my main melee weapon.

If you're just now going to start boosting your INT for sorcery spells, it's probably not going to be worth it in the long run unless you're just going for enhancement. You won't be able to do proper damage until your INT is way up there. It'd probably be better to go pyromancy if you feel the need for some magic since pyromancy isn't linked to a stat and its power is purely based on leveling up the pyromancy glove.

That's a great idea actually, I'll stick to upping 3 stats then (like I did in Demon Souls) and use magic via pyromancy. In terms of weapons I'll go for swords and spears and save Katanas and rapiers for another playthrough (along with magic like Soul arrow etc).

Thanks bro.

no prob.....make sure to pm me here and then message me on PSN network if you wish to summon me for help on later bosses.
PSNid: adepterik2

Will do *jots ID down*

And you weren't kidding about the lightning spear, the damage is so sweet even at just +2. Drake sword abandoned. Really diggin the extra range on a spear.
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