Artorias should be a great fight, his model looks great but really want to see more of his animations and combat style. Hopefully it's a really different type of reflex-based fight, like O&S or Sif, and not gimmicky or cheese prone.
Artorias should be a great fight, his model looks great but really want to see more of his animations and combat style. Hopefully it's a really different type of reflex-based fight, like O&S or Sif, and not gimmicky or cheese prone.
Something unexpected just happened. I invaded a world of a guilty when I'm in the Sunlight Warrior Covenant. Is that even possible?
Figured it make more sense to post this here. Probably get a speedier reply.
Yeah, it happens sometimes. The bad thing is that when you die, you lose your souls and have to retrieve them but usually the items aren't in where you died.
When you get back topside try farming the Balder Knights in the Church for the Balder Swag Sword. Upgraded Winged Spear with shield isn't too bad as long as you remember to 2-hand when you get an opening.I'm currently in Blighttown and my Drake Sword is starting to get a bit long in the tooth.
Any weapon I should use instead? I haven't picked up Iaito yet (about to, whenever I'll stop fucking up that leap) and I have a winged spear.
Are these worth upgrading or should I keep collecting vanilla weapons for now and upgrade stronger weapons later in the game ?
When you get back topside try farming the Balder Knights in the Church for the Balder Swag Sword. Upgraded Winged Spear with shield isn't too bad as long as you remember to 2-hand when you get an opening.
If you go back to blighttown, one those ogres are gone...just look out teh right hand side of the wooden walkway at the top you will see a hill with giants guarding it ready to throw boulders...the boss tunnel is in a small opening on that mound.hmm I think I'm lost, i'm at the valley heading from blight town, need to find the boss!
If you go back to blighttown, one those ogres are gone...just look out teh right hand side of the wooden walkway at the top you will see a hill with giants guarding it ready to throw boulders...the boss tunnel is in a small opening on that mound.
If you found the bonfire, its exactly NW of the door to the cave if NOrth is facing out of the cave door....It is across the swamp so bring purple moss, the rusted ring, and several summons!trade off your rusted ring for a better ring e.g. flame resist or wolf ring when you get to the fog gate.
I'm currently in Blighttown and my Drake Sword is starting to get a bit long in the tooth.
Any weapon I should use instead? I haven't picked up Iaito yet (about to, whenever I'll stop fucking up that leap) and I have a winged spear.
Are these worth upgrading or should I keep collecting vanilla weapons for now and upgrade stronger weapons later in the game ?
I bought the game back in June, put five hours into it, and gave up. Once I beat Rayman Origins, should I dive back into it? (A DS thread on here made me want to play it again and I took some tips from them on what starting class to choose and all that)
Of course! However it depends on how far you got with those five hours and why you gave up. Five hours on a new game, I'd say it'd put you roughly in the Undead Parish/Lower Undead Burg, maaaaaybe in the Depths by now? Did you give up because of difficulty or boredom?
Difficulty, but my starting class build was a Wanderer and I heard that using a Pyro is a little easier, since it's OP
omg, when is the console DLC out? I don't know if I can hold out for months not to watch something like this :/
Walkthrough of the new DLC. Spoilers on bosses and areas.
Difficulty, but my starting class build was a Wanderer and I heard that using a Pyro is a little easier, since it's OP
Wanderer's an okay class. If you're thinking about going Pyro, you may want to see if you can make it to the Depths first because you find the guy who sells pyromancies down there, and instead of starting over you can just buff your character with pyromancies as well. I started out as a Thief and ended up using Pyromancy spells to help out in boss battles so that's entirely an option.
Also as a note if you do decide to start over, the easiest class by far is Sorcerer. Pyromancer is less powerful because there are quite a few bosses that are immune to fire which means you've got to use other tactics.
Alright thanks man, I'm considering that Sorcerer class now. One more question (sorry that I don't know too much about Dark Souls), but what stats are important to level up and which ones aren't?
Thank you so much man! I'm probably just going to start playing again tomorrow or Friday (depending on Rayman Origins), but I will be sure to update you guys if I get any further this time (which I'm sure I will)INT is important for a sorcerer because it determines how much damage you do with your spells. Attunement is also important, but not until later in the game when you have a multitude of spells. I ended the game with 6 magic slots but could have easily gotten by with 5.
VIT and END are probably the next most important stats, as VIT determines your health and END determines how heavy your armor/equipment can be. The higher your END, the heavier armor you can use, but if you're going straight sorcerer you'll probably use lighter armor. Still, it doesn't hurt to have END, especially for the stamina gain. (My sorcerer was a glass cannon, I barely pumped anything into VIT but your first time through you should probably spend some points there as you get comfortable.)
STR and DEX basically determine what kind of melee weapon you want to use. Fast weapons and bows use DEX, and the bigger weapons like greatswords and hammers and the like use STR. As a sorcerer, though, you're probably better off using a Lightning or Fire weapon that doesn't scale with a stat so you can focus on pumping INT. So you'll only need enough STR or DEX to make sure you can use the base weapon you enjoy. Also, spoiler for late game equipment,there's a sword you can get late in the game that scales with INT that is perfect for sorcerers.
Resistance is a useless stat, don't bother with it.
I ignored most everything else and went straight for 50 INT. But it'll probably be a nightmare to play through the game for the first time with no health/vit. Especially with low equip load forcing the lightest armors. But the spells will rip apart enemies.
Thank you so much man! I'm probably just going to start playing again tomorrow or Friday (depending on Rayman Origins), but I will be sure to update you guys if I get any further this time (which I'm sure I will)
Dammit, trying to do NG+ on my sorcery character and I'm getting pretty much nothing but invasions when I'm trying to run through a stage. I don't think there's been a co-op summon at ALL.
And it's always at the worst time too, like right after I get charged by the boar lol...16 vit pretty much means I'm a one-hit wonder too.
On another note though, sorcery is pretty crazy. It's like I learned to parry and counter and dodge on my other character for nothing. Who needs to parry when your homing/crystal soulmass ends up counterattacking enemies when they get close?
Same here, I always seem to get invaded at the most inopportune times when I'm not prepared. Then I try to have a real duel with somebody and all they want to do is backstab or parry the way to victory, very few really care about distancing, timing and tactical area stuff. Which is a shame. I've found many more satisfying fights like this in Demon's...
I can deal with parrying if it's done really well, there are times that I'll admit a loss because I was hit with an amazing parry. Backstabbing is the worst though. You can tell exactly when it's going to happen. Your opponent takes out his big, slow, high damage weapon, starts running towards you, then teleports behind you when he's closed half the distance and backstabs. It's way too laggy for any kind of decent pvp, sadly.
Strangely I think blight town is my favorite area so far, was kind of fun watching the enemies fall to their death when they try to jump me.
I can deal with parrying if it's done really well, there are times that I'll admit a loss because I was hit with an amazing parry. Backstabbing is the worst though. You can tell exactly when it's going to happen. Your opponent takes out his big, slow, high damage weapon, starts running towards you, then teleports behind you when he's closed half the distance and backstabs. It's way too laggy for any kind of decent pvp, sadly.
When I played as a thief, my only option was backstab in PvP. Of course I didn't invade people, but when people invaded me with their gigantic claymores I just rolled around them and backstabbed with my puny little Lightning Knife and sent them back from whence they came.
pretty much have to trudge back up unless you did not use the bonfire on the way down and can use a homeward bone...most people use the bonfire and make the journey back...its not really that far if you run by enemies and have all the shortcuts open up top..I just rang the 2nd bell down in Blighttown, killed Ceaseless Discharge but obviously Demon's Ruins are too much right now. I know I should go to the gate that opened, up by the blacksmith.. but are you telling me I need to backtrack through all of Blighttown to get back there?
Has to be an easier way.. but the only other possible way I see is blocked by planks..
I am on holidays so just PM me here as Icheck here frequently while foolining around on my new RIG. Playing Iorveth path TW2 and BMAC....and then friend just gives me a copy of deus X....I may not even install it right P2D and actually pre-ordered guild wrs 2 knowing absolutely nothing about it....good grief I am set up until Xmas for sure!I just started my SL1 run no upgrade.
This is actually very interesting, not having a decent weapon makes every step a challenge and every boss fight extremely rewarding.
I just beat Capra and now I'm starting to feel the difficulty increase (since enemies get stronger but not I).
What I also found very interesting is that I found myself using items I don't usually use. Now these things really shine and become very important (fire bombs, poison, resin...).
I'm right now planning every move in my head. It's amazing how the game changes and gains interest despite my hundreds (thousand?) hours I already spent in the game.
I think everything is doable except for 1 boss: 4 Kings. This will be a nightmare without a good weapon since you'll find yourself fighting many Kings at the same time. We shall see...
Thanks 2AdEPT for this brilliant idea. I will tell you when I reach Anor Londo to fight the boss together there.
I won't have much time to play before next week though...
This is a decent option and would be the best were it not for the 3 points of extra resistance...I believe you get 11 with pyro and only 8 with sorcerer...I like getting the extra 6 points of INT off the bat and just wailing away on soul arrow.I'm going sorcery on my new run but still started as a pyro: you get the glove and Fireball, and then getting a catalyst & the two soul arrow spells is trivial (grinding up 6000 souls to buy from the smith outside New Londo doesn't take long at all). So you can have pyro & sorcery before you've even gotten to the parish.
That's kinda interesting, I never played a thief before. My main weapons were spear/polearm in demon's, and curved swords/katanas in dark.
I really gotta find a way around these laggy backstabs though, they're pretty damn brutal when everyone's using lightning weapons.
I found that on PS3 I only rarely get lag issues such that I can't tell what's going happens more to me while playing with other continents like Japan....try to find the peak times for NA like 4-5pm eastern, 2am fri-sat night....late at night you get some early bird Japanese though.....still not all of these are laggy for me.....t is rare but curse worthy when it happens for sure.
That's kinda interesting, I never played a thief before. My main weapons were spear/polearm in demon's, and curved swords/katanas in dark.
I really gotta find a way around these laggy backstabs though, they're pretty damn brutal when everyone's using lightning weapons.
Your level isn't bad for that area. I would focus on getting a powerful weapon or upgrading one you already use. The snakemen are all about dodge or parry, their hits are too strong to tank.So I just killed Queelag and walked into Sen's Fortress for the first time and immediately got my ass handed to me by the first 2 lizard dudes in there. I'm SL 37 I think right now. Is there a good place to farm souls to level myself up a bit? Anywhere else I should go before tackling Sen's? I already did Darkroot Garden and killed the butterfly.
So I just killed Queelag and walked into Sen's Fortress for the first time and immediately got my ass handed to me by the first 2 lizard dudes in there. I'm SL 37 I think right now. Is there a good place to farm souls to level myself up a bit? Anywhere else I should go before tackling Sen's? I already did Darkroot Garden and killed the butterfly.
Yeah this style is absolutely no upgrades....start as SL1 pyro and no leveling either.....but you CAN use whatever weapons or Armour you find and have the stats to use...which isn't much....inevitably the best weapon found is the occult club downgraded to divine for the catacombs. The beauty of this style is you have to really strategize about how to approach things..its like getting a new game. Not to sound cocky, but doing a SL1 run with full upgrades barely changes the game at all, where not allowing upgrades changes it quite a bit. Cheese tools and miracles/pyro etc. become hot commodities...if you have the stats! Red Tearstone ring, power within, dusk crown, dusk ring, light crossbow, all become staples. I suggest that you CAN hire help as long as they are NPC or if a real player that they should be observing the same rules....hiring two helpers is stretching it, but i am willing to accept one NPC plus one real player observing the rules. I intend to do O&S with help but did queelag solo with the NPC.I'm currently on the xbox version, although I'm set to co-op with my euro friend this weekend on PS3. I'll check how it goes on PS3.
I'm a little curious about the SL1/no upgrades run though. Are you guys just picking any class and not levelling it, or actually picking pyromancer who starts at SL1 and keeping him there? And for the whole no upgrades part, are you just using the starter weapon? If it sounds interesting enough, I might try it just to see what it's like. I've already punished myself by trying a castlevania build lol
sen's is about taking it slow and being patient.....the lizards telegraph what they do such that you should be able to backstab them easily and not even take a hit. But yes...take them on one at time and definitely try to use the darts on one.So I just killed Queelag and walked into Sen's Fortress for the first time and immediately got my ass handed to me by the first 2 lizard dudes in there. I'm SL 37 I think right now. Is there a good place to farm souls to level myself up a bit? Anywhere else I should go before tackling Sen's? I already did Darkroot Garden and killed the butterfly.