I never thought to hop down the elevator shaft - This is DS, you see a dark drop, you expect to die!
Also in the same video - it was a
vegeta311 video, I liked his quick method of dropping down through the Catacombs to Pinwheel without even turning either bridge. I usually turn the first one and drop down to Vamos, but this is even quicker and cuts out most of the skeleton wheels, great for an early run down there.
... So I've been messing about with 3 new builds the past couple of days - a pure DEX build, pure STR build and a DEX build that may have a little magic, but only using rapiers.
The pure STR build is not really for me, the big weapons/armour don't gel with my playstyle, I was having a lot success in PvP two handing a Man Serpent Sword, but then I thought I'd get out of my comfort zone altogether and put on the heaviest armour I had and forget about keeping a decent equipment load and speed - well that was the end of my PvP success! Speed is definately my best asset in PvP. Took this character up to lvl65 and Crystal Caves, but moved on to the next build.
Rapier build I wanted to use because I've never used the weapons but always thought they looked cool. I'm using the Estoc until I get Ricard's Rapier, and liking it a lot. Don't know how it will go in PvP. Bosses have been more challenging than usual.
Is Ricard's the best rapier to use if I'm really only concentrating on DEX, Velka's seems like it's built for a DEX/INT build which is interesting, I may take it that direction if I go all the way up to lvl120.