Looking for some info on something a bit odd that happened earlier this afternoon. I was in the Forest using the Cat Covenant Ring, got dropped into someone's world. Every single one of my attacks barely damaged this guy (Divine Claymore +5, about 32 Faith). He was also able to somehow always get behind me. He would constantly backstab me without a weapon (assuming his fist?) but I was not receiving any damage.
Has anyone experienced this? It was a bit annoying since we danced around for about 10 minutes and I was backstabbed nearly the entire time. Seriously, this dude would roll to the left and would then just suddenly appear behind me in prime back stabbing position.
Has anyone experienced this? It was a bit annoying since we danced around for about 10 minutes and I was backstabbed nearly the entire time. Seriously, this dude would roll to the left and would then just suddenly appear behind me in prime back stabbing position.