I think saying one-hitting is cheap gets thrown out the window once you're on NG++. It's your third time through the game, you should be expecting the difficulty to be ramped up. Yeah, if it was the first playthrough and he could one-shot your guy with 50 Vit, that would be cheap...but NG++? Eh, I don't think that's a problem with From scaling. As you said, it's probably just you aren't used to the slower dodge.
Four Kings. Every other boss I've gotten their timing and when to dodge down, but for some reason the Four Kings just frustrate me and I end up having to just tank their attacks instead of dodging.
It's not the one shotting that bothers me. At all. It's the fact that it's BOTH unblockable and a 1HK. But of course, the real "problem" is that I can't dodge properly without the DWGR yet, but still, having a 1HK unblockable attack in the game isn't challenging, it's just cheap. =/
Yeah, I suck at 4 Kings too, lol... It took me like 20 tries to get them in NG++.
@Oxigen_Waste: did you try to block with a decent shield? I tried in NG+6 with Artorias's Shield and I managed to block the attack.
Also yes, that attack can kill you in one hit if you don't get out of the way but he is not the only boss like that. Seath's tail swipe is OHKO, Gaping Dragon flying attck can kill you in one hit as well.
I beat Artorias twice: once with a str build by blocking and the other with an int build by rolling to dodge the attack (I'm not under 25%) and that makes already 2 different ways to beat him. The fight made you angry because I didn't work like you expected, but with a little work it becomes easy. The learning curve is always huge in this game.
I was using Silver Knight Shield+5... it was the heaviest I could afford to use without becoming >25%.
The fight didn't make me angry, I beat him the 3rd try. The cheapness of that attack just left me in a state of disappointment. That's a first, with FROM.
Also, for fuck's sake, I had forgotten how annoying this game is when there are alot of people playing. I want to try the damn duel arena and I just can't. As soon as I connect I get invaded. Literally! I even went offline, positioned myself in front of that specific sword, quit, and come back online and as soon as I connect I'm being invaded. I can't try the damn arena.