Further adventures in no-melee land:
- Ceasless Discharge - Huge pain in the ass. I died, had to homebone out once I got my bloodstain. Tried a few more times but found it difficult to lead him back to the fog gate. I need to look this up as I always do it the first time I enter. Doing it when he is already active is more difficult. The first time he one shot me in the back, since then I bought Flash Sweat, but I still need to take him out. :/
- Seath was easy but took a while (I always assumed his magic resistence is pretty high)
- Gwyndolin - A fun fight. Never had a problem with him after the first time, his patterns are easy to dodge and it's just an endurance test really. Using mid-powered spells since the longer casts meant he could teleport away before they came out.
- Nito was a huge pain. I had no divine weapon to kill the skeletons so had to constantly dodge and use homing mass to keep them at bay whilst I tried to aim spells for Nito. I used two rings of sacrifice because I didn't want to lose my 70,000+ souls bloodstain.
- Santuary Guardian - A fun fight actually, not difficult he seemed to do his swooping attack more than usual - maybe because I was constantly at mid-range? - if only he did it that often when I had something to cut his tail off with!
- Artorias was quite easy for me without melee. Just a case of dodging, I always keep light, so I was mainly using crystal homing mass and not too much to worry about.
The area in Oolacile just before the big horned guardian dude gave me loads of trouble. For a start I was online, so couldn't see the casters dark magic. I used the slumbering dragon ring to give me a little more time to pull each enemy away from the crowd. I got a bloated head catalyst for my troubles though - first time I've had the drop.
Edit - whoah, Dusk Crown+Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring+Tin Crystallization Catalyst = Insane damage! (And with Dusk ring, you don't half number of casts either) <3