First time in Blighttown.
Dart blower stahp!
They don't re-spawn which is a good thing.
Edit: I need to do some soul farming, and suggestions I am currently at
Blittown about to fight the chaos witch
First time in Blighttown.
Dart blower stahp!
How is the DLC? 15 bucks seems really steep, especially when the game was purchased for 10. Does the matchmaking addition work well?
I'm thinking about returning to this game. I got it on 360 earlier this year, and I think I got as far as thebefore I quit due to frustration. I had intended on going back after a day's rest, but as these things go I started another game and forgot all about this gem. Well, reading through some of the OT here has rekindled my interest and I'm about to pick up where I left off.Gaping Dragon
It's almost like Christmas all over again.![]()
It's a shortcutHow do I get to lost Izalith? I've tried the Tomb of giants and the darkness crippled me. I have the skull lantern but that leaves me defenseless. I could really use that sunlight maggot.
Edit: nevermind
I just don't know what the stipulations/requirements are for getting it.
Edit 2: I entered the painted world and after defeating the, there was another beast sleeping at the end of the bridge. I attacked several times and nothing. Didn't dish damage nor did I disturb it. I decided to two-hand and R2 attack it and it stood up... but didn't aggro. Several slashes later I gave up and dropped down to the lower bridge. Was that a glitch or is that thing just a glorified doorway that needs a few wacks to "open" and let you through?undead dragon
I take it I get down there via the first fog gate? My souls are currently in the boss arena... anything I need to fear if I go through the upper fog gate and make my way to the boss the long way? I've got 50k+ in there. I feel like I need to go that way so I can have an exit back out to explore without having to completely leave. Unless I can enter the painting again.It's a shortcutto the boss
Ok, the painted world was fantastic. The way the map came together, the hidden areas and items to reach other areas, the enemies ranging from fodder to decent threats and all that jazz felt like the epitome of the entire game. I also got the sense that that particular level was the most similar to Demon's Souls based on the few hours I've played of it. Is that a proper assumption?
It's going to be nice having that game to go through once I finish this. I got it a week before Xmas '11 and started it but the wife got me Dark for Xmas that year. I abandoned it to play the newer game. I was also put off by the hub world and level selection compared to this game's continuous world but since the painted world breaks that mold and I enjoyed the piss out of it, I am now excited to dive in.Yeah I think that is a pretty fair call.
So is there a preferred first timer build? And any other tips? Rented this once on PS3 and got as far as that first little town in the single night I played it, I've been that far on my PC too (without dying sofar though...).
So is there a preferred first timer build? And any other tips? Rented this once on PS3 and got as far as that first little town in the single night I played it, I've been that far on my PC too (without dying sofar though...).
They don't re-spawn which is a good thing.
Edit: I need to do some soul farming, and suggestions I am currently atBlittown about to fight the chaos witch
Just had to post that I finally got 1000/1000. I'd been close for awhile but finally decided to knock it out, got the final achievements last night. What a ride, 10 characters and 284 total hours played. Can't believe how much I've played this over the past year. Those are MMO type hours for me on one game. For me the top game of this generation and one of the best I've ever played in my lifetime.
Now time to try out some Walking Dead and Far Cry 3 and the rest of 2012 that I mostly missed.
i´m totally stuck at sif - his attacks are so fucking random. sometimes they hit sometimes they don't sometimes they are undodgeable ... WTF
additionally absolute no summon signs are around this area (pc)
any hints for the sif fight?
i´m totally stuck at sif - his attacks are so fucking random. sometimes they hit sometimes they don't sometimes they are undodgeable ... WTF
additionally absolute no summon signs are around this area (pc)
any hints for the sif fight?
i´m totally stuck at sif - his attacks are so fucking random. sometimes they hit sometimes they don't sometimes they are undodgeable ... WTF
additionally absolute no summon signs are around this area (pc)
any hints for the sif fight?
Man, I hate getting invaded. I'm not well versed in pvp etiquette, haven't researched tactics nor have I built my character around that gameplay. Some will suggest playing offline but that takes away some of the magic of the game.
I guess that's the one thing I hope is "easier" about DS2. No more pvp punishment for going human.
They can add a story element for going human. Like certain fog doors impassable unless human, determine your relationship/interactions with npcs, increased npc invasions while human, even higher of an item drop rate etc. I'm 70 plus hours in and I'm still just enjoying the world and soaking it all in. Now it's fun when I'm invaded, my heart rate increases and I try to hide, but I'm always outmatched because these effers are built for it, I'm not.Wouldn't that make going human, you know, absolutely pointless? It's a risk/reward system
They can add a story element for going human. Like certain fog doors impassable unless human, determine your relationship/interactions with npcs, increased npc invasions while human, even higher of an item drop rate etc. I'm 70 plus hours in and I'm still just enjoying the world and soaking it all in. Now it's fun when I'm invaded, my heart rate increases and I try to hide, but I'm always outmatched because these effers are built for it, I'm not.
They can add a story element for going human. Like certain fog doors impassable unless human, determine your relationship/interactions with npcs, increased npc invasions while human, even higher of an item drop rate etc. I'm 70 plus hours in and I'm still just enjoying the world and soaking it all in. Now it's fun when I'm invaded, my heart rate increases and I try to hide, but I'm always outmatched because these effers are built for it, I'm not.
When you're human you can summon players. To balance that, you can get invaded as well.
I think the system is brilliant and well thought except for some wacky covenant such as Gravelord servants...
Hollow -> jolly cooperation -> earn humanity -> become human -> get invaded/summon help -> win and get more humanity/lose and lose your humanity -> and so on
Well, I did indeed go back to Dark Souls the other day. I was able to take care ofon my second try. No summons. I've been trying to go through the whole game without using summons or humanity. We'll see if I cave at some point.Gaping Dragon
Gonna backtrack to kill a certain PITA black knight that I avoided earlier, and then on to Blighttown!
Well, I did indeed go back to Dark Souls the other day. I was able to take care ofon my second try. No summons. I've been trying to go through the whole game without using summons or humanity. We'll see if I cave at some point.Gaping Dragon
Gonna backtrack to kill a certain PITA black knight that I avoided earlier, and then on to Blighttown!
The game's been pretty do-able for me without summoning so far. Seems like having somebody else with me would feel a bit like cheating. I'm still somewhat early in the game, though. We'll see if I'm quite as confident about things later on!
That's how I played during my first game: No summons, no magic and no guides. (Except if I ever get stuck, and I did)
To be honest, I didn't like it that much. The no "guides allowed" meant that I was going to be under equipped for the most part of the game and the no magic translated into a low dps for pretty much everything. Naturally, this resulted in a series of incredible frustrating boss fights. (I think it took me like 20 attempts to take down Ornstein and Smough, and I took Smough first)
However, if this is not your first run, I think it is a fantastic challenge.
It is my first play through, but I'm not being quite as strict as you were. I do occasionally look things up if I feel like I'm really stuck somewhere. However, I have kept myself spoiler free for the most part in regards to location of the best weapons/item, boss strategies, recommended order of areas to finish, etc. I've only gotten really frustrated twice that I can remember, but both times all it took was some time off to think over my strategy. I love how you really feel rewarded when overcoming those obstacles.
I have to admit that it IS exhilarating when getting invaded... up until swords start swinging.
So I need tips and tactics from you experienced folk.
For some reason, I never got into Dark Soul's pvp. Even considering it has everything to be better than Demon's Soul, it just wasn't, at least for me.
With that said, I guess this general tips may come in handy:
- Don't suing your weapon like an idiot, you'll get countered.
- Watch out for backstabs, most fights will end with one. (Reason why I'm not a big fan of DaS's pvp)
- If it is laggy (something common), avoid trying to counter/backstab, unless you are feeling lucky. (With lag, it's all about luck)
- Avoid slow rolls. (Equipment weight at 50% or more of your capacity)
- Learn the advantages/disadvantages of your weapons. For example: some weapons work better on corridors and others on open spaces, etc.
- Honor is nice, but not common or even encouraged. In other words, don't expect it. However, do return a salute, it's the least you can do.
- Keep the pressure up!, Don't let them heal. (Unless you need to heal yourself too)
- When invading, the map and its enemies are your allies, use them!
- When invaded, avoid places where the map will complicate things more than necessary and watch out for potential traps.
any tips for four kings?
i tried to stack up def and stay close - but i seem to deal so little dmg96 with one attack (lightning spear from sens fortress).
should i get a new weapon for this fight?
i decided to start again and do a few things i never ended up trying:
- no shield
- walking back up tomb of the giants/catcacombs
- walking back up the great hollow
i can't seem to stop playing this game.
The rolling off the lift one? Don't try it with any amount of souls/humanity you want to keep/use, it's devilish!- shortcut to seath
You should definately be on a better weapon by now. If you're not using magic, summoning others that do - works wonders for this fight (as the clue is given with Beatrice). I think fire also works well (?) Two hand your weapon and mash, roll to evade when needed.any tips for four kings?
i tried to stack up def and stay close - but i seem to deal so little dmg96 with one attack (lightning spear from sens fortress).
should i get a new weapon for this fight?
I thought LautrecJust got back from ringing the second bell, haven't rung the first, nor did the Gaping Dragon but have been to the Depths. I got back to Firelink and everything is hunky dory with Lautrec.killed the Firekeeper once you went to Blighttown?
I think he.kills her after you get your second fire keeper soul, which is in blighttown
You know, I just gotI think he.kills her after you get your second fire keeper soul, which is in blighttown
Stefan;46006545 said:Invaders in the Royal Woods are so cheap. They wait for you behind those giants near the elevator that leads to the area boss. So that means you'll have to deal with the giants and the invaders at the same time.
With that said, I need Dark Souls 2 now.
I think he.kills her after you get your second fire keeper soul, which is in blighttown
Beat (5 bosses)today.Manus, Khalameet, Nito, Sif, and 4 Kings
Just a few things to mop up before I go for the last boss. Any tips for things to do before I go to new game +?
I upgraded all the weapons & armor I care about pretty high, and I'm thinking I'm gonna go through and kill all the NPCs before I tackle the last guy, but maybe I'm not thinking of something important or devious?
You can kill a firekeeper for the soul and bring your flask to +6 before NG+ (max is +7 but you can't do that in one playthrough)