I hope they make whips viable in DS2. Someone posted a Simon Belmont roleplay build in the new comers thread and thought it might be fun to adapt it a little since I've never done a whip-only run.
Usually I do a homeward bone trip down to Blighttown for the items at the start any way, so I extended a little to get the whip too, then upgraded it +5. The hollow soldiers outside the Parish took two hits to kill @ +5! That is pathetic damage, and with it's slow attack, no ability to riposte/backstab OR do a plunging attack, the whip at least puts a bit of challenge back into things. I like the Estoc and Mail Breaker a lot too which are kind of wimpy at a low level, but at least they can do critical attacks.
Thinking of making it a fire whip for the increase in damage until I get the notched whip to take to a full +15 then pair it up with miracles or magic, since the whip is a dex weapon, that would be a int/dex build which isn't that unusual in PvP I hear *wink, wink*